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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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1 hour ago, Jocelot said:


You call and I answer!


Going by Zangief's and Manon's Arcade modes Marisa is here to hook up with strong grapplers and I love her for it. What an absolute gigachad

Marisa has a Red Sonja mentality. You can't have her, unless you can at least duel her to a draw in a fight.

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1 hour ago, misterBee said:

MTA has enough delays as it is.  You make it worse and we're gonna have a problem. 🗡️

I see you casually pulling out the shank misterBee. Now you should do what my bro suggested when were planning to go to a party in sketchy spot back in the day. To quote him "Ima let my shank sit in a pan over night so it rusts, If the wound won't get them, the tetanus will" 👀

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1 hour ago, mykka said:

Goodbye to SFV and to the following characters which are unlikely to ever return:










I talk shit on it but honestly shout out to SFV for all the new characters. Some of them were more popular than others but I appreciate them taking the chance on fresh faces a bunch of times and even for an entire season. 

Also from that list wouldn’t be surprised to see Kolin back. Maybe hanging out here skews my perspective but but she seemed pretty popular. 

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Did some JP trials now as well and I agree, he's completely nuts. Might end up being super top tier unless people find ways to consistently punish his stuff with Parry -> Drive Rush or something. I'm gong to stay away from him for the moment though, he's a tad too complex to learn while simultaneously getting comfortable with the overall game feel and mechanics. Plus I don't really like the double-down motion for his Seismo. Will get back to him in a month or two though as I think he fits my gameplay preferences the most, at the risk of never playing him at his full potential.


Tried out Lil as well but she didn't really click with me. Not the biggest surprise as I never liked T. Hawk either. I will say though that she has one of the most satisfying SPD animations I've ever seen.


Think I'll do a run through some Gief stuff before bed just because he looks kinda fun here. Marisa & some of the other interesting ones have to wait for tomorrow.


Manon is the go-to for the moment though. She's a bit one-dimensional but really easy to pick up and it's funny seeing the opponent panic the higher your medals level goes (I did manage to play around 40 online matches already and bizarrely won all of them. Lots of newbies around).

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1 hour ago, mykka said:

Goodbye to SFV and to the following characters which are unlikely to ever return:











I can see Kolin, Zeku coming back.

Lucia and Falke would depend, but have better chances than the rest.


Akira is a special case for me, since I see her most as "crossover" character tbh.

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7 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

I thought I was the only one who absolutely hated that “motion”. It’s rare for me to say something like this but that shit should stay in Mortal Kombat. Hated it there and I hate it here. 

It's a motion really common in weeb fighters and as an analog user I think it's pretty cancer. 

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9 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

If you have or make a Japanese or Korean psn account you can buy and play now. I also heard you can spoof your location with a vpn to unlock on steam.

Yeah I just turned on my VPN and the game is launching on Steam now.


19 minutes ago, TWINBLADES said:

It's a motion really common in weeb fighters and as an analog user I think it's pretty cancer. 

Git gud. 😎


2 minutes ago, Sonero said:

I should probably buy it....then wake up at 4 in the morning to get some training mode in.



Good.  This is my chance to abuse you some more before I get busy again and you have time to practice.

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10 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

MFW when I wouldn't be playing SF6 for quite a while since my money is going elsewhere, mostly helping my mother with the expenses sorting the pending issues an aunt left after she died of cancer and help with another uncle (also a sibling of her) who is also dealing with a lot of post surgery expenses due cancer.



You sure about that fam? Check your DMs.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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I played against a Marisa earlier (had to call it quits when he started teabagging – it's Day -1, go fuck yourself) and I think she's the best pick if you want to get some easy wins on lower ranks. It's really hard to deal with her stuff if you're still in the learning period, a bit like how Sentinel was in the first week of MvC3. Unlike him I think she might stay viable as the game moves on but right she's definitely the easy-mode-for-online-wins top tier pick.


Only seen one Ryu so far, oddly enough, and zero Lukes and Kimberleys. Cammy and Ken seem the early favourites. 

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21 minutes ago, elliephil said:

My friend told me that there is a way to get the game early on steam if you have a VPN.


1. Activate the key in Americas/EU/etc

2. preload the game

3. close steam

4. switch to Japan on VPN

5. restart steam


Worked for a bunch of people already after reading earlier posts lul

As someone who doesn’t know much about VPN’s, is there any risk of the Capcom’s kicking in my door if I do this?

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2 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

As someone who doesn’t know much about VPN’s, is there any risk of the Capcom’s kicking in my door if I do this?

I fucked around doing this with VPNs just an hour or two ago, and they all screwed up after a 15 min period then download/decrypting time going to shit. Check Discord for @misterBeeinsights, he knows far more than me about this

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2 hours ago, Vhozite said:

I thought I was the only one who absolutely hated that “motion”. It’s rare for me to say something like this but that shit should stay in Mortal Kombat. Hated it there and I hate it here. 

The double down motion is awful for some reason.  It's the motion for Jamie's drink and I mess it up way more often than I should.  I'd rather do a double shoryuken. 


If you ever see me full screen punching the air for no reason, that's what's happening 😅

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19 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

As someone who doesn’t know much about VPN’s, is there any risk of the Capcom’s kicking in my door if I do this?

Unlikely. The only time I can think of someone getting in trouble on steam for doing this is for games that use Valve Anti-Cheat system since it automatically will detect if something is wrong. This game doesn't use VAC. You would be fine.

Edited by elliephil
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