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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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On 6/13/2023 at 3:19 PM, mykka said:



DeeJay surprised me


Also wow at Blanka and Dhalsim...

Ken being above Ryu is funny to me because Ken was super unique compared to Ryu in 5 but Ryu still had the major lead. I wonder what happened....


Cammy was a given.


Marissa is fucking easy as shit to use plus I think the angle of her being a big woman that hits hard really sold her. Which is kinda fascinating considering Japans penchant for avoiding that archetype. She'll probably be a shoe in for SF7.


Manon actually surprises me because Laura was never widely used despite Idom making her look god like. I get the feeling that Japan is probably pushing her popularity.


I think Juri is only there because she's Juri and no other reason. I expect this version of her to always be in the top 10 just because she's horny bait. No one cares if she's easy or hard to use because Juri stans are fucking loyal.


Geifs placement makes sense.


Luke being lower is interesting but he still top 10 so it could just be that his use online in 5 was solely because he was busted and now that 6 is out the novelty wore off.


Surprised Jamie isn't lower lol


DJ is fucking braindead and his redesign is really strong. Probably one of the best character returns I've ever seen in a fighting game. Him rounding out the top 10 makes sense but I can see him falling once the nerfs hit and more characters are added.


JP, Chun, Sim all make sense. Even in SFV Chun had one of the lowest usage rates. It'll probably always be this way.


Kim being so slow is actually odd and I can only assume it's racism because she's so fucking braindead and plays the closest to a SFV character... or maybe that's the reason LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!


Guile being that low is crazy. He was super popular in SFV and is basically even more powerful. I don't really understand how Ken can stay on top but Guile is so low unless people are just bored of Guiles play style. 


E-Honda being low is funny... I guess the propaganda didn't work @EvilCanadian🙂


Lily is low because she fucking sucks. I'm having fun with her and that's really all that matters but she's so fucking trash man.

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56 minutes ago, Jocelot said:


How does this work? Is there a group to enter or a password or anything? 

Usually what happens is we pick a lobby to invade then gather around a couple machines. Idk if there is a better way 🤷🏽‍♂️ 

1 hour ago, TWINBLADES said:


Guile being that low is crazy. He was super popular in SFV and is basically even more powerful. I don't really understand how Ken can stay on top but Guile is so low unless people are just bored of Guiles play style. 

Rant incoming:



As someone who has played A LOT of Guile in the past (he was my sub in SF4 sand I won my shares of matches with him in 5) I think his SF6 design is one of the worst.

If you already don’t like Guile his SF6 moveset isn’t gonna move the needle. He’s still a relatively basic character that hocks booms and anti-airs 90% of the match.

If you are someone like me who has historically played Guile because he was one of the simplest characters in the game, 6 isn’t gonna resonate with you either. You don’t want to deal with trying to hit perfect booms, and you probably have 0 interest in learning whatever degen loops or combos he has like in 5. It’s extra layers of shit slapped onto a character you specifically play not to deal with stuff like that lol.

Guile is now in this weird middle area where he isn’t as basic as what I want and he’s still too basic for your average player to enjoy.


Also I’m sure it also doesn’t help that DeeJay, a character that has historically been “bad Guile”, is now one of the most hype characters on the roster. 

Lastly, Guile doesn’t benefit as much from Modern controls as other characters since you still have to charge boom. 


All of this is my opinion of course, but SF6 Guile seems like the perfect storm of why would any use this character. I think the only thing saving him from being bottom of the barrel is that beating bad players with him is still pretty easy and he’s definitely not bad tier wise even against good players.,

Edited by Vhozite
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1 hour ago, Sonero said:

Take over a server. Being out in the public lets people know this place exists.


Plus it makes it feel like everybody is going somewhere together. That shit is hype.



Also Blacktwins using negro/nigqa as his pronouns is funny, and it biting Hungrybox of all people is even funnier.


Hbox will be fine tho. If he can survive a flying crab he can survive this. 😂

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7 hours ago, TWINBLADES said:

Ken being above Ryu is funny to me because Ken was super unique compared to Ryu in 5 but Ryu still had the major lead. I wonder what happened....

Unlike Ryu it's an absolute necessity to use training mode to learn how to deal with some of Ken's stuff, meaning that on lower ranks where people don't do that he has tons of abusable stuff. For example, just constantly doing his Jinrai Kick and alternating between the low and overhead follow-ups pretty much gets you into Gold without using a single brain cell. And I think below Gold is the largest playerbase at the moment.

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Anyone ever converted to a hitbox style leverless controller from a joystick?


I'm borrowing my buddies right now and trying to learn it.  I'm only like 3-4 days into it so still early, and I'm starting to get the feel for it, but it still doesn't really "feel" normal at all.  I feel for most things I'm still consciously thinking about doing stuff, and I still mess up quite a bit.  I'll find myself holding jump sometimes when I am just trying to walk right.  Then after like 2 jumps I realize what I'm doing and fix it.  


I'm also finding that for QCF motions that I am doing stuff too quick some of the times, usually when I am not consciously thinking about doing the move prior, like in a planned attack, is when this is happening.  Like if my plan is to walk up and do a move, I usually get it out no problem, but then I will try to counter a quick move or something and F it up, usually because I'm pressing it too quick.


My one buddy who let me borrow it said the thing that made it "click" for him was thinking of up as jump.  I'm trying that but again still not clicking just yet.


The one I am borrowing has the 24mm buttons for everything except jump.  I think the 24mm punch/kick buttons is really throwing me off too.  If i were ever to build my own, I'd do it with 24mm for the LDR and then 30mm for everything else.


I'm just curious if anyone has any pointers for learning a hitbox after being on a stick for 30+ years.

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14 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Usually what happens is we pick a lobby to invade then gather around a couple machines. Idk if there is a better way 🤷🏽‍♂️ 

Rant incoming:


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As someone who has played A LOT of Guile in the past (he was my sub in SF4 sand I won my shares of matches with him in 5) I think his SF6 design is one of the worst.

If you already don’t like Guile his SF6 moveset isn’t gonna move the needle. He’s still a relatively basic character that hocks booms and anti-airs 90% of the match.

If you are someone like me who has historically played Guile because he was one of the simplest characters in the game, 6 isn’t gonna resonate with you either. You don’t want to deal with trying to hit perfect booms, and you probably have 0 interest in learning whatever degen loops or combos he has like in 5. It’s extra layers of shit slapped onto a character you specifically play not to deal with stuff like that lol.

Guile is now in this weird middle area where he isn’t as basic as what I want and he’s still too basic for your average player to enjoy.


Also I’m sure it also doesn’t help that DeeJay, a character that has historically been “bad Guile”, is now one of the most hype characters on the roster. 

Lastly, Guile doesn’t benefit as much from Modern controls as other characters since you still have to charge boom. 


All of this is my opinion of course, but SF6 Guile seems like the perfect storm of why would any use this character. I think the only thing saving him from being bottom of the barrel is that beating bad players with him is still pretty easy and he’s definitely not bad tier wise even against good players.,

Guile doesn't have his loops anymore. The final game patched out loops that were in the crack.

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1 hour ago, Phantom_Miria said:


"JP is the main villain of Street Fighter VI."

"Hold my Crêpe."



I mean she’s a world famous judoka/model in a world where people cheer you on as you shoryuken a cop. I’m sure her word has more meaning than usual. 

Still a dick move though.

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2 hours ago, TWINBLADES said:

easy mode with Manon


I don't really think she's easy mode. She's a robbery character for sure but you still have to find an opening and an opportunity and capitalise on it, she doesn't really have any "hold that" tools outside of the basic system mechanics everyone has access to.


But then again from Platinum onwards the easy mode doesn't really exist anymore anyway. Even Honda has to start working a little at that rank.

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1 hour ago, Pair of Rooks said:



Yeah everywhere I look has Lily bottom one. I was watching jiyuna yesterday wondering if Lily has combos longer than two moves. 


Someone's getting carried hard to Plat but it ain't you. 


Here is a photo of Twinblades and his girl carrying Lily to Platinum. Look how excited Lily is as she points at the leaderboards 😉


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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I say cut his drink levels to 3 and have his current level 1 drink be his base. His dive kick is locked behind a drink. Cammy and Juri's aren't. That would also bump his base damage from 90% to 95%.

That would be a nice buff. Plus it would unlock his lp, lk, mp target combo from the get go - which is pretty essential for his BnB's to do any damage. Two jabs into rekka does nothing especially at 0 drink levels. It'd also mean he'd have to drink less and get to attack more.

Edited by HeavensCloud
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8 minutes ago, Sonero said:

I have yet to play Ranked with this game. I kinda don't want to. Gonna keep messing around with characters until something makes me feel like taking it more seriously.

You're a good player so your placement would probably auto slot you into Plat 1 anyway. I honestly thought about staying away from ranked but I'm a degen and the numbers going up makes me feel funny in the pants. What's your CFN?


1 hour ago, Phantom_Miria said:

By the way, I made it to Diamond.

Everyone already at Diamond :(


What's your CFN?



EVERYONE DROP YOUR CNF NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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19 minutes ago, Sonero said:

I have yet to play Ranked with this game. I kinda don't want to. Gonna keep messing around with characters until something makes me feel like taking it more seriously.

That's my feeling now, still have to decide on a main and find that secret sauce that makes things click. Same with @VhoziteI believe (difference being I'm crap)


2 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

hopefully that changes after my surgery in a couple weeks. 

Sorry if I've been inattentive, but first I've heard of that, and I hope that it goes well!

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7 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Everyone is Diamond? My ass is still Gold. Also let me when you guys set up a Megashock lobby. I can't play a whole lot right now but hopefully that changes after my surgery in a couple weeks. 

I’m still in gold. I’ve played like 15 ranked matches counting placements.


Im with Sonero right now I’m waiting on that spark to make me go ham. I’m chillin rn


Edit: In fact if you go to my CFN I’m pretty sure it says I’ve spent like 90% of my playtime in training mode

Edited by Vhozite
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