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The SF6 Thread: Akuma Incoming!

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5 hours ago, delete_me said:


I think Manon is the quintessential secondary character you pick depending on matchups and if you need a break, but there's just not enough there to sink your teeth into as a singular main character. Lily is the same, so maybe that's a grappler syndrome. Gief seems a bit more nuanced, ironically, but there's really no reason to play him over the other two.

Yeah grapplers are definitely feel the least viable archetype in the game so far. I think Manon is the best but like you said that’s a race to the bottom. Like I’ve said before I’m gonna give AKI and Akuma a hard look a probably move Manon to sub status. Even if I don’t like them I really like Chun-Li, she has pretty much everything.


Aesthetically speaking however Manon is my favorite character in 6 by far, up there with Vega, Nash, and Ibuki. Unless there is a patch that claps her to Z tier for no reason I can’t see dropping her permanently.


In fact if I could find a good Manon avatar I’d switch to that

Edited by Vhozite
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On 7/24/2023 at 8:43 AM, Darc_Requiem said:

I grinded that new tournaments they added to World Tour Mode. I had forgotten what it was like to have a challenge for my avatar. The blew through the majority of it, but the last  few tournaments were actually challenging. There are 12  total and you get a key (4 bronze, 4 silver, and 4 gold) after completing each the unlocks a room with rewards. A few of the rooms have fake versions of Boxer, Claw, and Sagat in them as optional fights. Buff Alo was the Boxer one IIRC. Claw was named Claudio. Sagat was named Lane Sagat.

Were any of the rewards Drive Tickets?



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I find interesting how SFV and SF6 manage to be games I enjoy to play, but generate an apathy to watch matches online outside specific matches between specific characters.

Menwhile, SF3 a game I really dislike playing, and SF4, a game that went from loving to play during Vanilla and Super, and became also a game that I hated to play from AE onward manage to entertain me when watching matches.

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5 hours ago, Hecatom said:

I find interesting how SFV and SF6 manage to be games I enjoy to play, but generate an apathy to watch matches online outside specific matches between specific characters.

Menwhile, SF3 a game I really dislike playing, and SF4, a game that went from loving to play during Vanilla and Super, and became also a game that I hated to play from AE onward manage to entertain me when watching matches.

I somewhat agree. 

SF4: fun to watch, bad to play

SFV: bad to watch and play

SF6: fun to play, not great to watch


For me 6 is much better to watch than 5, but not on par with 4. 

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8 hours ago, Hecatom said:

I find interesting how SFV and SF6 manage to be games I enjoy to play, but generate an apathy to watch matches online outside specific matches between specific characters.

Menwhile, SF3 a game I really dislike playing, and SF4, a game that went from loving to play during Vanilla and Super, and became also a game that I hated to play from AE onward manage to entertain me when watching matches.

SF4 just bores me to watch. I'm not into long heavily scaled combos that do virtually no damage at the end. Evil Ryu combos were impressive the first couple of times but got old fast. Doesn't help that the game is just ugly which has only gotten more noticeable over time. That's one of the best things about 2D sprites. They age better than 3D models.

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SF4 comp was really fun to watch. I used to watch allot of Yogaflame videos of SF4 Rose because I really liked how the game played in some aspects. I mostly watched allot of SFV because that was my main game. But looking back I still enjoy watching matches of V especially with the characters I liked. I actually don't care much about SF3 outside of the shill legacy status the game commands. I think every 3D game is more fun to watch than 3. 6 is fun to watch but I think for me it commands less of my attention than V did as a spectator. I used to play V while having a few Twitch streams of other people playing in the background. I don't do that for 6. 

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Man, with SF6 out I honestly kinda forgot about Project L. Well, not forgot. But it wasn't constantly in my thoughts every minute of every day. 


It's crazy that's it's in finally in a spot where it can be shown off in events. This game was announced in 2019, that's even before SF6 was in development lol. 


I only saw the blog so far but the presentation is super slick. Can't wait to see more. But until they announce Mordekaiser or Shyvana it's all Marisa for me 



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SFIV's watchability (don't kill me) highly depended on the characters on screen for me. Fei-Long, Elena etc. were boring as hell but if you had an oddball on screen like Hakan or Seth, no matter how infuriating they might have been to play against, it was really fun to watch. Classic shoto mirrors were also really cool at high level, even though we got fewer and fewer of those as the game matured.

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My take:


SF3 more fun to watch than play.  Probably my favourite older game to watch.  

SF4 more fun to watch than play.  SF4 was the goat for memorable matches.  As much as I loved playing it, the game was even better to spectate.  

SFV more fun to play than watch.  SFV tried to be esports but kind of failed.  Was more fun to play especially after season 3.  

SF6 undetermined...I'm enjoying both right now because it's still new.  

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I can’t watch SF3 because I have little interest in playing it. Moment 37 is hype but even after seeing that I had 0 desire to watch the game because I don’t like playing it. 

My problem with watching SF6 is that there is way too much drive rushing. Watching someone get pressure or a big combo with drive rush is like watching someone in SFV pop VT to get a comeback.

I like watching Dhalsim, JP, and maybe a bit of Gief, the rest are boring asl. 

Edited by Vhozite
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Alpha3 I love playing but cannot watch it at all. One move infinites are no bueno.


3s I love playing and watching but I'd like watching a whole lot more if it had more than 3 characters.


IV I like watching as long as it isn't lame Elena or vortex loops. Not real crazy about playing either.


V I neither watch nor play.


6 will do well on both I think, but man I still like Strive.


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4 minutes ago, Phantom_Miria said:

I just enjoy watching anything Street Fighter.


Ya'll are just picky.

I mean if we are going there outside of very specific circumstances I don’t enjoy watching other people play video

games lol. Rather just play myself.

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I really don't care about Ed either but I'm at least a little interested in what they're going to do with him in this game. Not only because I think he's one of the most forgettable additions in SFV and want to see their reasoning for bringing him back, but also because he was the Modern Controls template back then. How is he going to play with Classic Controls?


Rashid seems roughly the same with a few updates here and there, a natural evolution of his SFV self. But they can't really do that with Ed IMO, there's a lot of stuff that has to be reworked for him to make sense in this game.

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4 hours ago, HeavensCloud said:

A.K.I. is the only DLC character I'm interested in this season.  Ed is meh.  Akuma will be a cool addition, even if I won't be playing him.  Want to see what others like Tokido can do with him.  

I'm curious what A.K.I.'s take on the poison mechanic will be. I'm actually interested to see what they do with Ed. With Modern Controls being a thing, I have a feeling he's going to get completely overhauled in SF6.

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I'm weirdly looking forward to Ed because SF6 has a way of making even the most vanilla vet seem cool and I really wanna see what they do for his moveset. 

As delete_me said I'm actually hella curious at his control scheme. The guy had a piano input and KK/PP input moves but I feel like overall his "classic" controls are closer to modern than classic. But I don't see them giving  him qcb/qcb/do motions either. His weird controls were the only thing that made him unique imo. 


Without that he's just Slim Shady 

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2 hours ago, Sonero said:

Not gonna lie, this is how I feel about modern controls. With some characters, it just feels like people get to do weird cheater style stuff in a game not meant for it.  Modern controls as a means for my daughter to have fun? Fine and that's great. Dudes taking that to ranked or tournament is beyond silly.

I hadn't lost a set to a modern player until the other night when I came across a modern Juri who was reacting to everything with DP or level 1 super.  Felt like I was fighting a level 8 CPU or something.  

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55 minutes ago, HeavensCloud said:

I hadn't lost a set to a modern player until the other night when I came across a modern Juri who was reacting to everything with DP or level 1 super.  Felt like I was fighting a level 8 CPU or something.  


Its hilariously dumb. Think Brian_F mentioned that Luke can basically sit on level 1 super and just react to random shit.


If that's the type of game some people like its fine but its also garbage.  You'd have to redesign everything with one button presses in mind. Read some anecdote about similar stuff happening in GBVS where some characters could just sit on things and react with super.


I'm not saying one button specials in an FG can't be done properly but the ability to do too much with one button is way more powerful than devs are willing to give it credit.

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