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The Street Fighter V Thread

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1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:

What you think of his MvC2 team?


Think Tron Bonne assist is banned in Low Tier but Ken, Sakura, Tron Bonne could do work TBH. The fact that he mentioned Dark Sakura shows he might know what's up with her 0 frame start up fully invinsible teleport that's also unpunishable.


Sun Tanned sakura is cheap AF in low tier.


One of my local guys, and cool ass dude, playing Cammy/Sakura/Psylocke:




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Not sure if this was posted, but Capcom is currently looking for a Fighting Game Battle Planner:


Capcom is hiring for fighting game development.

As a condition for applying for a battle planner, one of the items that one of the required experiences is " experience of participating in a fighting game tournament and having achieved excellent results ".
In the past, top players sometimes got a job at a game maker and became developers, but nowadays there are many players who aim to become professionals, so is there a shortage of developers from proven players? It would be a rare attempt for a major company like Capcom to place a job with the top players in the game as the application conditions.

Although it is a condition that the educational background is university graduation or higher, it may be a great opportunity to work as a full-time employee listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange for those who have won the tournament or won the top prize.


Next-gen Capcom fighting game, baybee!


Wonder what fighting game it's for?

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1 hour ago, Shakunetsu said:

Which 5 sprite based already character  seen in past sprite based Capcom games would you like to appear in a MVC2 expansion?


- Ibuki

- Blanka

- Urien

- Zero (megaman)

- Sigma (megaman)


of course, it would have to be balanced out with 5 new marvel characters as well, which may need to be new sprites, so...

- carnage

- dead pool

- nightcrawler

- phoenix

- apocolypse

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5 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

Anyone who hasn't picked up GG +R on steam yet, but was thinking of it. Get it soon. Sale ends in like 18 hrs. 80% off.


i’m going to get it. Not sure if i’m going to play it much, as i’m already a bit overloaded with FGs i want to play, but whatever.




Just drop SFV, it's a waste of time and diskspace anyway.

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9 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

You need help fam. 


I do not need help, I give help.


I help people break free from the poison that is SFV, that what intoxicates them and corrupts them without them realizing!


Or in short, I actually want people to play the games, that were not made by 5 people bashing with clubs on a keyboard, while having Pornhub running on their second monitor.

I can confirm you, this is how SFV was made.

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1 hour ago, Mattatsu said:

Anyone who hasn't picked up GG +R on steam yet, but was thinking of it. Get it soon. Sale ends in like 18 hrs. 80% off.


i’m going to get it. Not sure if i’m going to play it much, as i’m already a bit overloaded with FGs i want to play, but whatever.



I already suckered myself into buying two FGs I’m never gonna play. Idk if I want to cop a third 🤣

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We had a crazy wind storm here today and our powered flickered on and off a bunch. I wasn’t feeling well and was in bed all day and it never occurred to me to unplug anything... haven’t tried my PS4 yet but my work laptop is acting all kinds of fucked up. After about an hour of trying, I finally got into Windows and am backing up all of my work onto a USB stick, because I have some files that would take me a week or so to recreate and I have dozens of them. It seems like that’s going okay, but I opened up outlook in the meantime, and it seems my inbox is corrupted or some shit. Because that’s hosted on a server somewhere (my phone has access to it too) all should be well, but man, I never took the time to backup this shit (because I don’t have the time to tbh) but this will crush me if I lose any of this shit. The few hours it would have taken to back this stuff up every month or so, is definitely worthwhile, even if I have to do it on my weekends


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12 hours ago, Mattatsu said:

That’s actually my current team lol. They seem to have pretty good synergy, Rogue is one of my favourite characters ever, and I love having an all woman X-men squad (I always tried to make teams that made sense lore-wise, without sacrificing much)


Oh shit?! I'll actually give that team a try then, once I get it redownloaded. 


Speaking of Marvel, I really hope Megaman X gets a second chance. I've been wanting X to be in a fighting game for years but he happens to show up in MVC:I... 

I was going to play that game just for him but I just couldn't. 


I mean, X is one of the reasons I got into video games in the first place! 

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7 minutes ago, GreatDarkHero said:

Oh shit?! I'll actually give that team a try then, once I get it redownloaded. 


Speaking of Marvel, I really hope Megaman X gets a second chance. I've been wanting X to be in a fighting game for years but he happens to show up in MVC:I... 

I was going to play that game just for him but I just couldn't. 


I mean, X is one of the reasons I got into video games in the first place! 

I loved the first X game on SNES. One of my favourite games ever.


for that team, I’d recommend to pick Rogue’s throw assist, Storm’s projectile, and Psylocke’s anti-air... of course I’m trash lol, but that seems to cover everything and fills everyone’s gaps.


Edited by Mattatsu
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3 minutes ago, JustBrowsing said:

Tried logging on the browser version, if that's an option?

Ahh, that’s a great idea. Thank you, i’ll look into that. I think my work may have stopped allowing that (or they changed the link and i missed the email). I’ll try tomorrow morning if it doesn't get sorted out. My computer is at like full capacity right now doing checks, repairs, and backups. I don’t want to try anything else at the moment.

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My email repair is apparently done without any errors, but I'm waiting for this backup to finish before trying it. I don’t want it freeze and mess up this backup just in case. The backup is my biggest worry after all. If i lose these files, I’m really fucked. Like, may even want to quit or get fired fucked

Edited by Mattatsu
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Spent a bit of time with Guile in the lab...some thoughts



The good:

* This character feels really good. Not the best character in this he game or anything, but in way where i look at his kit and it feels like he has everything he needs to run his game (and a bit extra). 

* Specifically, his walkspeed makes him feel so fluid. He can really dance back and forth to make people whiff things or he can quickly follow his projectile in without committing to a dash. 

* His normal combos are obviously quite basic, but in the corner he has a few tricks he can pull out. It’s nice to have something more situational to hit in a match to you aren’t doing the same thing every time. 

The bad:

* Guile is the perfect example of why I hate charge characters. His amazing walkspeed is stifled by the need to move back or crouch down to access his superb special moves and it really breaks up the flow of how I like to play. 

* His (practical) damage feels super low. Obviously he’s not designed to be Zangief, but I really hate how it feels like without a jump in you have to smack somebody 100 times to kill them. Unless you recklessly approach him while he is sitting on down back he is basically never going to whiff punish the other guy for big damage.  Other than low damage hits being frustrating and not exciting, I also feel like his nickel-and-dime nature makes him more susceptible to VT pop offs. 

Can go either way....

* This characters optimized combos are hard as shit. They’re satisfying to land, but consistently trying to do things like flash kick from makes me want to slit my wrists. 


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There's a lot there that I love about SFV Guile. I've been playing Guile forever, but SFV's late normal-cancels for corner combos fucked me up for a long time, and I weirdly liked learning to flash kick, not that I can pop it out at any point (Also, can't do to boom, at all)

It's just so satisfying to walk people to the corner, then have so many ways to pressure, at least for me. I honestly believe he's a fun char to play - he's a walking wall

Edited by JustBrowsing
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3 hours ago, Mr.Cipher said:


I do not need help, I give help.


I help people break free from the poison that is SFV, that what intoxicates them and corrupts them without them realizing!


Or in short, I actually want people to play the games, that were not made by 5 people bashing with clubs on a keyboard, while having Pornhub running on their second monitor.

I can confirm you, this is how SFV was made.

No you need help. You are the fighting game version of Zatacon. He's far too concerned about what other people do what their dicks. You're far too concerned about what other people do with their arcade sticks.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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41 minutes ago, JustBrowsing said:

It's just so satisfying to walk people to the corner, then have so many ways to pressure, at least for me. I honestly believe he's a fun char to play - he's a walking wall

Yeah this was my favorite thing about playing Guile when I mained him in SF4. I always liked being real aggressive with booms and in 4 and 5 it’s so satisfying to just shut someone down with was feels like endless pressure from light booms. That is definitely one thing I’ve missed from Guile...he can be a lot more liberal with his projectiles than Nash, where tossing a boom is still good but also feels more like a calculated risk. 

Another interesting difference between these characters is positioning. Guile is much faster walk wise so obviously he is better at getting where he wants. However, I think Nash has the advantage of moving the other guy where he wants them. Off of basically any hit Nash can decide if he wants to keep you in front of him or send you full screen. This philosophy even applies to his throws, where forward keeps them nearby in front of you or back throw sends them to the other side of the screen. He even has options that compliment the close or far choice. If you want to throw them far but still pressure them you have Moonsault to close the gap (when it works) or EX.Tragedy Assault for its half screen corner carry and excellent oki. If you want them close but you are worried about their options you can combo into meterless tragedy assault to deny backrise and take some EX. 

Obviously that stuff isn’t flawless, but it does make him really fun to play when it does come together. It’s also one of the numerous reasons I really don’t like when other Nash players ask for his walkspeed to be buffed. It’s the most boring way to fix him but it also would make him too similar to Guile.

Edited by Vhozite
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The first time I got involved with my local scene (went to get SFxT from an indie game shop, got talking to the guy behind the counter about Qanba sticks)  I played Guile, and they literally said "Guile's walking forward, I have no idea what to do!". Then they battered me, but I honestly think they had no idea what to do. I mean, I can't add much to your analysis other than my shit story!

Edited by JustBrowsing
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