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The Street Fighter V Thread

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1 hour ago, Vhozite said:

Hey I respect it. Like I was saying I’d take any of them except the broad with the laptop. 

We gotta have 5 playable shotos and every world warrior in every game but the only doll in SFV is Cammy...even when the other dolls have a couple unique moves and models already in the files 🙄


You'd even take the chick with the megaphone 🤣


Even though I'd personally be okay with a doll as last character I don't think the community would take well to it.  I remember Decapre had 0 hype when she was announced near the end of SF4.  


A character that would bring the hype in my opinion would be something like an EX character, a classic character from SF2/3rd strike or a brand new character.

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6 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:

They see the Last of Us 2 as good example for LGBTQ.

Damn, this company is even worse than I ever imagend, and going more PC with double standards.


This is going to end in a shitstorm, I should prepare some Popcorn for this.

I guess with SF6 they'll double down on the censorship. Mika's butt slap was just the beginning. 

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6 minutes ago, HeavensCloud said:


You'd even take the chick with the megaphone 🤣


Even though I'd personally be okay with a doll as last character I don't think the community would take well to it.  I remember Decapre had 0 hype when she was announced near the end of SF4.  


A character that would bring the hype in my opinion would be something like an EX character, a classic character from SF2/3rd strike or a brand new character.

You're right, it would not create hype. I think they should release a doll, but for free as a bonus character only. I actually think Noembelu with her tomahawks or Xiayu with her nunchakus could be pretty cool. 

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6 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:

I like the part.

Shirtless Ryu is ok, Mika slapping her butt is not.

If feel offended by Shirtless Ryu, this man needs to put clothes on and get a bear belly to be PC in my view.

@ Capcom fix this right now! I demand it!

I swear all of these offended people hang out in tight communities on twitter or ResetEra. I dont know anyone who is actually offended by sexy outfits besides blue haired feminists 

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Just now, BornWinner said:

I still can’t see what is so racist about Dee Jay. 


He is a Jamaican stereotype.

Also everything is racist in this age and day.

12 minutes ago, mykka said:

I swear all of these offended people hang out in tight communities on twitter or ResetEra. I dont know anyone who is actually offended by sexy outfits besides blue haired feminists 

I like to call them landwhales, cause thats what most of them are.

I know a couple of L and G people and none of them behaves even slightly as...... hostile as these twitter communities.

In fact they're all normal people, they just don't want to jump into the bed with the other side.

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17 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:

I know a couple of L and G people and none of them behaves even slightly as...... hostile as these twitter communities.

Well I'm one of those cases too, and I like to play with sexy females. I know. Shocker. Yes Hot Ryu is hot, but R Mika's butt slap was fine. 

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I like when companies do stuff organically. Capcom had Eagle and Poison done back when there was no woke mob online demanding such characters, I think that's how you do them right. It's bad enough these days whenever they do such characters, they just reinforce stereotypes to make sure people understand that such a character is gay or lesbian, that it just shows there was no thought behind it, its just a quick way to make some headlines and some cash. 

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2 hours ago, mykka said:

The staff see TLOU2 as a "good" representation of LGBTQ... 


Wall of text incoming:


That's... not a very good sign (because TLOU2 has a wildly inconsistant narrative as it were but that is topic for another day because I could easily write an entire novel about this subject, though I prefer not to). Aside from that, idea behind these woke political narratives and faux-activism nonsense is really getting old. For evidence of this, you can look into TLOU2, or other decidedly failed products  in form entertainment industry , i.e. Shera, Ghost Busters 2016, Battletoads, Terminator: Dark Fate, Charlies Angels, Birds of Prey, Mortal Kombat 11 (to a very specific degree), GOT (once again, to a very specific degree and in a odd case), and most comic books out of Marvel and DC with specific woke-authors (usually charity cases). Most of those products I listed didn't even make as big of a profit as the company in charge projected.

You can even see this still with a few strange decisions made with SFV in some designs (the infamous butt slap fiasco that people made a big deal about and Juri's... costume inconsistency. Then there was a far more hypocritical notions involving Chun-Li's costumes and "Hot Ryu"). That's not even including some of the much weirder aspects such as gender and race bending that more than a few people have grown fascinated with. 

If developers want gender / racial representation just take reference from older titles. That sort of thing is meant to be incidental, not forced down people's throat. And, pandering isn't necessarily the best approach either. When you design a character, you have to make sure that there is a far stronger context to the character. You can't sell a character just on being... a certain skin color. Or, a gender. Or, a gender orientation (this is black man saying this). 


I know there are a few people that may disagree with me on these notions and I can provide some information on the specific cases if that what they desire. 



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2 hours ago, Illwill88 said:

I know japanese devs and Japan in general have not been the best about stereotypes and portrayal of other races. But I really don't see a problem with deejay. 


And I hope they leave stuff like Mika's butt slap alone. She's a wrestler have they ever watched wrestling? Lol


I’m not offended by Deejay, but I for damn sure don’t like him. I only like thots and edgy characters 😤

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And, wait a fucking minute. 


Why is Capcom taking inspiration from TLOU2 of all things anyway for the likes of Resident Evil? 

Naw. Characters like Jill Valentine and Ada Wong for example existed over a decade before anything in that was even a concept. 


It needs to be the other way around. 

Edited by GreatDarkHero
I keep getting distracted by Luna's breasts when I type this shit.
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27 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

Juri should be your main then🤔

Oh aesthetically I love Juri. It’s her functions that I’m not a huge fan of. If she could store without constantly losing momentum like Jam I’d definitely use her. But right now the opportunity cost is too high. 

Playing her is like playing a pseudo-charge character without the amazing buttons.


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5 hours ago, mykka said:



They gonna really Cash-In with RE since it's the one that prints money. RE had multiple reboots and remakes then spinoff.



1 hour ago, Vhozite said:

No SF6, no marvel, no darkstalkers, no fg shit at all

Not surprised with the case DS or Mahvel


I was surprised that no SF6, It just confirmed the rumors about Ono in SF6 is fake


What does it confirms is SF6 is still in brainstorming and designing phase.

Edited by Shakunetsu
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1 hour ago, GreatDarkHero said:

And, wait a fucking minute. 


Why is Capcom taking inspiration from TLOU2 of all things anyway for the likes of Resident Evil? 

Naw. Characters like Jill Valentine and Ada Wong for example existed over a decade before anything in that was even a concept. 


It needs to be the other way around. 

That section is about regional marketing. 

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After the MK11 update you're required to play a couple of matches against the AI that "simulate the online experience" to get to grips with the game if you're new.


Sure enough, the AI picks Scorpion - saw that coming. I let him beat me, fully expecting to be teabagged in order to get acquainted with the online experience. Didn't happen. This tutorial sucks balls.

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4 hours ago, GreatDarkHero said:

The staff see TLOU2 as a "good" representation of LGBTQ... 


Wall of text incoming:

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That's... not a very good sign (because TLOU2 has a wildly inconsistant narrative as it were but that is topic for another day because I could easily write an entire novel about this subject, though I prefer not to). Aside from that, idea behind these woke political narratives and faux-activism nonsense is really getting old. For evidence of this, you can look into TLOU2, or other decidedly failed products  in form entertainment industry , i.e. Shera, Ghost Busters 2016, Battletoads, Terminator: Dark Fate, Charlies Angels, Birds of Prey, Mortal Kombat 11 (to a very specific degree), GOT (once again, to a very specific degree and in a odd case), and most comic books out of Marvel and DC with specific woke-authors (usually charity cases). Most of those products I listed didn't even make as big of a profit as the company in charge projected.

You can even see this still with a few strange decisions made with SFV in some designs (the infamous butt slap fiasco that people made a big deal about and Juri's... costume inconsistency. Then there was a far more hypocritical notions involving Chun-Li's costumes and "Hot Ryu"). That's not even including some of the much weirder aspects such as gender and race bending that more than a few people have grown fascinated with. 

If developers want gender / racial representation just take reference from older titles. That sort of thing is meant to be incidental, not forced down people's throat. And, pandering isn't necessarily the best approach either. When you design a character, you have to make sure that there is a far stronger context to the character. You can't sell a character just on being... a certain skin color. Or, a gender. Or, a gender orientation (this is black man saying this). 


I know there are a few people that may disagree with me on these notions and I can provide some information on the specific cases if that what they desire. 



It's actually interesting to see how and where this all originated, and how we got here, some interesting stuff online if you want to check out. Its a bit of a mindf*ck but wow does it make so much sense in 2020, with me being a minority (of a different kind) too. I'm posting this video in spoiler so not to derail the thread since its unrelated to SFV.





Edited by mykka
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2 hours ago, mykka said:

It's actually interesting to see how and where this all originated, and how we got here, some interesting stuff online if you want to check out. Its a bit of a mindf*ck but wow does it make so much sense in 2020, with me being a minority (of a different kind) too. I'm posting this video in spoiler so not to derail the thread since its unrelated to SFV.


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That will be a good watch while I'm cooking and waiting for some KOF98 matches. 


Meanwhile, I have sort of an explanation to where this whole... weird "woke" nonsense came to be. A lot of this nonsense seems to have came to be at around 2012, give or take. When the whole Tropes vs Women thing from Anita Sharkface, Tumblr shutting down, faux-activism pursuits that keep influencing much younger generations, and a vocal minority outright trying to control the entertainment industry things gradually spun out of control.

Evidence of each example can be found with Ya Boi Zack's Youtube channel in relationship to the Comic Book industry and how said individuals write their comic book (and how no one is buying them because of that very same faux-activism). You also see this sort of thing with many other recent fictional material (Like Shera, Legend of Korra, most recent Marvel Cinematic Universe films, TLOU2, Wolfenstein Youngblood, Overwatch to a degree, a lot of reboots/sequels from much older franchises and more). This faux-activism even snuck its way into SFV to a degree, especially early in the SFV with an egregious example (that we all know about). 


And, even if people aren't necessarily woke, there are still folks that act very hypocritical or just strange about the subject of suggestive themes in videogames. You even see this in the FGC. 


For example: 

Aris from the Tekken community. He despises DOA because he thinks people can't take the game seriously because tits and ass. 

But, then he was once caught in a scandal back in the days shortly before TTT2 was a thing. And, he also periodically plays Josie, a character who literally has a good portion of the DOA cast beat in the fanservice department by a small margin. Then there was one time where Rip actually said "Ew" like he was a 12 year old or something. This was on one of his earlier T7 streams. You also have players like Waygamble and others from each community of a franchise who start acting like little pansies and wimps every time a remotely attractive female character appears on the screen. 


There was also nonsense going on with twitter for SNK with Samsho when a representative made a tough-in-cheek remark about Iroha being playable. A rather innocuous joke that most people would have brushed off back in the day. But, no. One or two idiots had to lose their mind over that subject and that became a big deal. You had some folks from that very same community telling folks to simply go look porn if they really needed a character like Iroha. 

Obviously the argument wouldn't work out. Because, it be the same as telling someone go watch a boring ass MMA match over playing a cool ass fighting game. 

And, you also had people on Eventscrubs actually taking Anita Sharkface seriously on the Tropes vs Women video. But, again - that was a long while back.


Notation: That is actually one the very few reasons why I keep using suggestive AV's like the one I have here now. It's because a lot of people in the FGC tend to act oddly specific or strange about this subject as of recent. 


I need to watch this video though before I go any deeper than that, though. Just to make sure that the facts are straight. 

Edited by GreatDarkHero
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