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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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I've been thinking about this since i went to Israel 3-4 years ago. But i still think about how i saw no interactions between Ethiopians and the rest of Israel. Like I've seen interracial relationships with African Americans and what people view ina traditional look for africans. But they are always foreigners but their are Ethiopians that live in Israel and no interaction. That still bothers me for some reason

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23 hours ago, zatalcon3 said:


Damn. Not lung related but this also gave me a thought about how some of you can benefit off the fat ugly girls in a healthy way. The real thing is good for your *heart. Imagine that, a walking balloon of pure cholesterol has the potential to provide benefits to your physical and mental health? All the reasons why many have to stop watching porn and stop jacking off, and just date the girls in their tier list.

Fucking amazing post. Promotes self discipline, cardio, good diet, and gives me another reason not to pay attention to any of the main points this guy makes.

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Ah, Myron has a little more on the Frank James situation... 


^ha, look at those man-boobs... the guy looks like a slightly less obese real life Jabba the Hut.

Actually, he also reminds me of that dinosaur dad on that sitcom about the dinosaur family...


....and then the Depp vs. Amber Turd case continues this morning with Rekieta's live stream starting at about 8:30 or 9 this morning....

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7 minutes ago, Lantis said:

I'm just expecting someone to come out and say "It's not that hard LOL git gud bro" so I can truly feel old and worthless 😫

Don't let other people tell you you're old and worthless! Come to that conclusion yourself like a real intellectual! Alternatively, request a psychological examination from Zatalcon.

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of course I couldn't ignore this one that popped up


Oddly enough I kinda miss the college days when we might argue/debate in certain classes about this and other "men/women" topics. Back then I had much more passion (and some admitted bitterness) and would gladly engage in all kinds of discussions and arguments on these issues.


A thing that irks me now though is when people say and appear to genuinely believe "friend zone doesn't exist" (disregarding the fact that it has happened to them and probably 99% everyone else).  Unfortunately I've heard people in my own family say that (people that I would otherwise describe as intelligent)...and there's no nice way of putting this but to me it automatically makes the person sound incredibly stupid.  Just because you don't like the concept or you don't like the terminology used to describe that concept... that doesn't mean you can just *decide* the whole thing doesn't exist, as if you have the Infinity Gauntlet and are erasing it from the universe.  It sounds just as foolish as someone who dislikes the concept of death just saying "death doesn't exist, dude.", unaware that he now sounds like a delusional buffoon to everyone else.  They always go on to contradict their own dumbass statement right after saying it anyway. (*which leads me to believe that these people actually just hate the term itself for some reason.)

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heh, at first I thought we were about to get an upskirt shot as well in that clip... looked like a skort though, unfortunately.


On another note... some more songs I wish were permanently retired...

  • that "I've been everywhere, man...I've been everywhereeeeeee" song, often used in commercials in recent years.  I can't stand it at this point. (it also usually reminds me of a slightly annoying claim situation we deal with at work... when a person has worked in tons of states, basically.)
  • "Anything you can do, I can do better! I can do anything better than you!" song.  That shit is terrible.
  • an Unpopular Opinion here---the legendary "I Got You" by James Brown.  This isn't because of it being bad...just so overplayed.... I've heard it a million times at this point...and there's other songs by JB that are way better, imo.  This song has been in countless movies, tv and radio commercials, probably's been played over and over by marching bands can't get away from it.  He has given us much better music than that 1 song.
  • Kung Fu Fighting --overplayed and just not that great, imo.
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4 hours ago, MillionX said:

heh, at first I thought we were about to get an upskirt shot as well in that clip... looked like a skort though, unfortunately.


On another note... some more songs I wish were permanently retired...

  • that "I've been everywhere, man...I've been everywhereeeeeee" song, often used in commercials in recent years.  I can't stand it at this point. (it also usually reminds me of a slightly annoying claim situation we deal with at work... when a person has worked in tons of states, basically.)
  • "Anything you can do, I can do better! I can do anything better than you!" song.  That shit is terrible.
  • an Unpopular Opinion here---the legendary "I Got You" by James Brown.  This isn't because of it being bad...just so overplayed.... I've heard it a million times at this point...and there's other songs by JB that are way better, imo.  This song has been in countless movies, tv and radio commercials, probably's been played over and over by marching bands can't get away from it.  He has given us much better music than that 1 song.
  • Kung Fu Fighting --overplayed and just not that great, imo.

Let's add Do do brown by Too live crew to that list. Unpopular opinion. But I can't stand that damn song. It was at every house party and family event growing up. Everyone is buck wildn on the dance floor. But I'm just hearing the chorus like...."Let me see that do do brown" And everyone is just shouting it.


Like ya do realize what this man is saying right??? Sounds like he wants to not only see her bent over with her asshole exposed. But he wants it to be dirty back there. Like wtf!?

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that's why that song was always hilarious to me... and to think it actually got a lot of airtime on the radio!  Couldn't believe when I first heard it on the radio... and it still gets a cheap laugh out of me... dude yelling/singing about "DOO DOO BROWN! DOO DOO BROWN! AYE AYE AYE".  haha I remember at school sometimes hearing some people yell the obvious addition to the song:

Doo doo brown!

people: PEE-PEE YELLOW!  hahah it was great.


Also---Whoomp There it Is <---specifically this version by lame-ass Tag Team.  I am not sure why they apparently won the right to go on and be remembered, but that shit sucks.  The 95 South version was far superior as a song and as a music video.


...and the infamous Whitney Houston song "I Will Always Love You".  This has been played a trillion times; it was everywhere all day every day at the time... it didn't take long at all for me to get tired of hearing it....and eventually, it got to the point where when I hear the first 1 or 2 notes I'd instantly change the radio station or tv channel like "NO."



EDIT---ohhhh Jodie Sweetin just appeared on The Talk as today's guest....yessss yes I'd still pounce that without question.  Way back then my cousin couldn't see the potential but I could... oh yeah I knew she would grow up to be a FINE piece.

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