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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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5 minutes ago, Shakunetsu said:

Not surprised. This type of thing seemed common in the 80s to 90s. Once the internet became a thing, it went by the way side for obvious reasons. It was really bad with music. I mean the Contra NES box art has Dutch (Predator) John Rambo (Rambo) and a Xenomorph (Alien) on the same cover. Or the Metal Gear cover....they really didn't try to hide it. 



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39 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Not surprised. This type of thing seemed common in the 80s to 90s. Once the internet became a thing, it went by the way side for obvious reasons. It was really bad with music. I mean the Contra NES box art has Dutch (Predator) John Rambo (Rambo) and a Xenomorph (Alien) on the same cover. Or the Metal Gear cover....they really didn't try to hide it. 



Yeah, It makes me also remember another interesting story lol



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Spider-man's Greatest Moments:


ASM 96-98  - "The Drug Issues"   (1971)






Rather than try to explain it myself, here's an an article from MadGoblin's ward (a now defunct site consisting of  Spidey articles written in the 2000's)



These are the infamous drug issues often referred to by Stan Lee and others. The Department of Health, Education and Welfare (now the Department of Health and Human Services) had asked Stan to write a tale about the evils of drug use – so he did. What’s interesting is that he did not use a very minor character, say, Randy Robertson, son of Joe Robertson, and the resident African-American student in the storylines, as the drug addict. No, it was Peter’s best friend, rich white boy Harry Osborn, who was the druggie. Of course, Harry’s addiction in this story was pills, not the more realistically likely coke or heroin (we never saw Harry do a line, in other words – but in the Death and Destiny limited series mentioned above, it is strongly implied that Harry was doing the harder stuff). Still, this was a bold move for the times, illustrating just why Spider-Man, of all superheroes, has always had a grip on the comic-reading public. In what is clearly an example of utter silliness, the Comics Code Authority refused to approve the story – even though it had been written at the behest of an agency of the US Government! So, Stan published it anyway, the first step in rendering the Authority utterly irrelevant, which it is today.


This story is significant to spider-fans, not only because it is a fairly good Green Goblin tale, in addition to it being the “drug” story, but we also see the beginning of Harry Osborn’s disintegration and his long struggle with drugs and depression (the latter was never specified – but it’s pretty obvious) which ultimately leads to his death. Harry is never really the same after this storyline. Yes, at times, it does seem like an old white dude’s take on the drug culture of the late 1960s (catch Norman Osborn’s use of the phrase “I know where it’s at, son.” Norman, maybe next to JJJ, would be the last person I would consider hip. I’d even consider Aunt May hipper than Norman), so it wouldn’t be entirely fair or proper to compare it to the more mature fare of today. Joe Quesada, Marvel Editor in Chief, calls it “quaint” in the Spider-Man movie DVD. I don’t think that’s fair, although the story is clearly dated, if only for the wardrobe! But, you’re missing the point if you take these stories out of the context of the times in which they were written.




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Darrell Brooks has a strange talent for finding little ways to stretch an argument forever... constantly it's "I do not understand ____." then the judge proceeds taking that as a "No" to the question then he gets up in arms about "hey I didn't say that exactly; I said I don't understand", then if you try to explain then he finds a way to argue about that....then occasionally he'll say he didn't give consent to be called by that name "Brooks", I guess, even though he responds to that on other occasions since y'know...that is his name.  The whole thing is like an old Vaudeville skit or Abbot & Costello routine at this point.  I'm not sure why more people/channels aren't covering this gold we have going on here.  

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Well, you have to have shit to cancel. What's Sarandon got going on?


Edit: in this case, I guess the real point is that Gina got cancelled for it, while likely nothing will happen to Sarandon. I'd agree that that's hypocritical. I WOULD anyway, if not for the fact that Sarandon pulled that out in response to literal antisemitism being given a mega-phone thanks to Kanye. Carano was just high on "persecute me". It is a little different.

Edited by axeman61
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On 10/23/2022 at 11:28 PM, Jion_Wansu said:

We need a money match between these 2 at an EVO or something in about 2 or 3 different fighting games.



LTG would definitely win in a fighting game money match gauntlet thing. LTG plays way more fighting games nowadays and at an above-average skill level. Dsp was decent at super turbo but that's pretty much it.


However, both are stuck online forever due to their life choices. They lost in the game of life, stuck trying to make money isolated from the real world.

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The Jewish community sticks together, I have to applaud how they collectively did not go for that shit Kanye said, they hit his pockets. That's how you make a statement 


And in a way I'm lowkey jealous, if us black folks could stick together like that for our communities without it somehow being destabilized, we'd probably be further along as a whole.


Cuz honestly, Kanye has said hella anti-black shit prior to this and went mostly unscathed, we should've checked him right there and stuck to our guns

Edited by HD-Man
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14 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

The Jewish community sticks together, I have to applaud how they collectively did not go for that shit Kanye said, they hit his pockets. That's how you make a statement 


And in a way I'm lowkey jealous, if us black folks could stick together like that for our communities without it somehow being destabilized, we'd probably be further along as a whole.


Cuz honestly, Kanye has said hella anti-black shit prior to this and went mostly unscathed, we should've checked him right there and stuck to our guns

I don't know if it's that or if it's the specificity of the problem.


Kanye's being a dick; hit his sponsors and tap his pockets. Simple. Police are corrupt and get off scot free for murdering people? What can you do about that that's as simple as hitting a sponsor?

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My favorite show is back live today

They give jury instruction today; it already looks like he's about to get booted to the other room again.

Yep, of course 🤣  Live-chat is hilarious as expected... I just noticed someone mention he's about to build "Fort Brooks" again with the box emojis.  

*She brought him back, then he acted up again as the jury was about to come in so he just got booted and they're at recess AGAIN.


Oh yeah, apparently his girlfriend/babymama---he got with her when she was 15, I'm hearing?  I'm not sure how old the kid is then.  ...but yeah, no surprise that this is yet another example of what kind of "quality man" a LOT of women just can't wait to hook up with.....all while we're supposed to pretend that's not the case, of course. 

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, elliephil said:

LTG would definitely win in a fighting game money match gauntlet thing. LTG plays way more fighting games nowadays and at an above-average skill level. Dsp was decent at super turbo but that's pretty much it.


However, both are stuck online forever due to their life choices. They lost in the game of life, stuck trying to make money isolated from the real world.

DSP is an E-Begging POS, but I've never dug deep into LTG. What did he do?

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i always thought of kanye as just another bjork if u remember her. interesting good artist but crazy as a loon. like her. im glad i never got into any of his music. ecept for that golddigger song he did with jamie foxx. 

and assholes need to stop swearing to themselves theyre multi-talented cuz his clothes/fashion sense is terrrrrible.

hes no rihanna. cuz her fashion designs are actually good. his is bummy af. stop giving that douche money, i swear.


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6 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

DSP is an E-Begging POS, but I've never dug deep into LTG. What did he do?

He basically made a career on being perpetually angry in SF IV and V, advocating ragequitting, and then tried to become relevant by calling out FGC celebrities to matches.


He fucked around and then found out



And this is basically his legacy. Arguably the most viral moment in the FGC in the last 10 (?) years

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2 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Well, you have to have shit to cancel. What's Sarandon got going on?


Edit: in this case, I guess the real point is that Gina got cancelled for it, while likely nothing will happen to Sarandon. I'd agree that that's hypocritical. I WOULD anyway, if not for the fact that Sarandon pulled that out in response to literal antisemitism being given a mega-phone thanks to Kanye. Carano was just high on "persecute me". It is a little different.

That statement isn't Anti Semitic. People said she made an Anti Semitic statement and 90% of Twitter didn't bother to look at what she actually said. They didn't like her politics and they got out their pitchforks. I actually looked for what she said and saw it was bullshit. Even your response is blaming her. She got cancelled for shit that she didn't say. She's salty. You would be, I would be, anyone here would be. I don't care for Ben Shapiro but I know enough about man to know he isn't hiring an Anti Semite. This situation is worse than the Hellena Taylor situation. With this one, you could immediately check the receipts and most people didn't.

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LTG pees into empty milk gallon carts instead of going to the bathroom.


That's more then i ever needed to know.


Edit: Also Caranno didnt get "canceled" for posting a picture. She got canceled for repeated comments she was asked to stop making.


Now she doesn't have to stop making them, but people also don't have to give her the fucking time of day. Shes not entitled to work, to anyones attention, nothing. That's what happened. She was told by her SWs fans, she was told by Disney who hired her. She doubled down so all those people cut ties. Now she gets her hair sniffed by Mob Boss King Pin Joe Biden in low budget movies.


Freedom of speech only protects you from being charged by the government for your speech. It doesn't protect you from the response of the public at large or your employer.  Only the government. Speech has consequences whether you like it or not.

Edited by RSG3
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6 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Lindsay Lohan Reaction GIF by MOODMAN


What is this in reference to, I NEED to know 😂😂😂


My Son Hunter. This is supposed to be Anti-Biden propaganda but they made look so fucking badass 🤣 


Edit: I can't find the trailer that has more of Biden in it but at one point he leans from the back seat of the limo and grabs Caranos hair and sniffs it. 


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38 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

That statement isn't Anti Semitic. People said she made an Anti Semitic statement and 90% of Twitter didn't bother to look at what she actually said. They didn't like her politics and they got out their pitchforks. I actually looked for what she said and saw it was bullshit. Even your response is blaming her. She got cancelled for shit that she didn't say. She's salty. You would be, I would be, anyone here would be. I don't care for Ben Shapiro but I know enough about man to know he isn't hiring an Anti Semite. This situation is worse than the Hellena Taylor situation. With this one, you could immediately check the receipts and most people didn't.

I didn't say that what Gina said was anti Semitic. I stated the difference between what she did and what Sarandon did, even though they seem alike.


Gina posted a meme comparing hating someone for their political opinion to the lead up to nazism. For what reason? I don't know. Maybe controversy over the election. That's what was going on at the time I think.


Sarandon posted a meme doing essentially the same thing, but it was in response to one of the biggest stars in the world parroting nazi talking points. I don't know if anti semitism is actually going up due to Kanye, but if you're going to compare stuff to the nazis, it might as well be someone spouting nazi shit.

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23 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Yeah, I know. But even if you took that out of the equation, the contexts are different.

The only context Twitter cares about is  (D) or (R). Or in a global sense liberal or conservative. It should be about right or wrong. They gotta check for your political allegiance first. People were stanning for  Hellena Taylor even after she was caught lying then they found out about her politics and changed up. They didn't care that she was full of shit until they found out about her opposing political views. It's sad but not surprising.


@ReticentlyI'm not from SC, I just live here 😂

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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33 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Someone should put these two videos together with Curb Your Enthusiasm music. It's just too perfect.



Aaaaaaahahahahaha Fuck Kanye. 


Play stupid games. 


Edit: Candace Owens is on Twitter now saying they are gonna go after Adidas for dropping Kanye and making sure he gets paid.


She panicing cuz he dropped the bag and probably cant buy Parlor anymore HAAAAAAH

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:


My Son Hunter. This is supposed to be Anti-Biden propaganda but they made look so fucking badass 🤣 


Edit: I can't find the trailer that has more of Biden in it but at one point he leans from the back seat of the limo and grabs Caranos hair and sniffs it. 


Hunter Biden was rumored to have banged Obama's daughter right after she became legal, which is a legendary level of disrespect.

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One of those Presidential daughters grew up to look quite alright indeed.  I kept tabs, of course.


On another note---the Flat-Earthers should be in the news/social media again for something.  I'm a bit disappointed they don't seem to be as relevant anymore for our amusement.  Conspiracy theories are almost always fun, funny or at least interesting to me.  My current "genuine" favorites are anything involving the Shadow People and of course anything involving various species of aliens already living here in secret.


Ooh, time for another sermon from Minister Jap today, he just went live and this should be a good one

...speaking of the Bonnet Brigade... I saw some more just yesterday, actually.  One of them had a hot pink one on, to draw extra attention since I guess she thinks that ugly shit looks "cute".  They've disqualified themselves forever with that nonsense.  Words can't fully express how off-putting and disgusting that shit is to me.  It could only be worse if they were using actual shit juice as lotion, and wearing the flies as fashion accessories. 


*then again---all fashion trends have their time then go away... so hopefully the bonnet eventually becomes a thing of the past in a few years. 😞 



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