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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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8 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Yea obviously, I figured I didn't need to put "imo" at the end of a very clearly opinionated position. And yall shouldn't care about that shit, it effecting your desire to be with someone is really sad and you close yourself off from a lot of really great people over something doesn't fucking matter. 


In My Opinion. 

Which literally has nothing to do with what I'm saying. I never said that I care about body count. I said the conversation on the topic is disingenuous because it is. People talk about how they feel about the topic. It doesn't matter what I, you, or anyone else thinks about it. Body count matters. That's not about person opinion, it's about living in reality. For something not to matter it has to have no positive or negative effect on an outcome. @Reticentlyhad the right of it. People are just talking past each other.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

That's not about person opinion

Its actually entirely personal opinion. Its peoples personal opinions that body counts matter. The entire topic is personal opinion. If it was a fact then there wouldnt be a debate in the first place (Between level headed individuals.) I haven't made 1 factual statement but I'm being responded to as if i have.


I really don't get why you ever responded to me in the first place to be perfectly honest with you. I haven't been disingenuous one single second of this conversation yet I'm being treated like I made some factually concrete immutable statement when it was so obviously an opinion.


What are you arguing here Darc because I don't see what point your trying to make at all, beyond the fact body counts some people. Yea cool, it also doesn't matter at all to some people, so clearly neither position is a factual one, hence the debate. The only fact is some people care and some people don't. The opinion is whether they should or not. So I dunno but I'm really confused what point you are trying to make my dude.

Edited by RSG3
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35 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

It's jokes but there's truth to it

I disagree actually, a nightly trip to the bar will show you plenty of ugly, degenerate, disgusting men getting laid with little effort. 


Hell the joke kinda cancels itself out. If being a slut is easy that means getting laid can't be that hard, there are sluts everywhere. So being a "stud" isn't all that demanding either. 

Edited by RSG3
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19 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I disagree actually, a nightly trip to the bar will show you plenty of ugly, degenerate, disgusting men getting laid with little effort. 


Hell the joke kinda cancels itself out. If being a slut is easy that means getting laid can't be that hard, there are sluts everywhere. So being a "stud" isn't all that demanding either. 

Alcohol is the great equalizer. 

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

I disagree actually, a nightly trip to the bar will show you plenty of ugly, degenerate, disgusting men getting laid with little effort. 


Hell the joke kinda cancels itself out. If being a slut is easy that means getting laid can't be that hard, there are sluts everywhere. So being a "stud" isn't all that demanding either. 

How does "it's easy for women to get laid, so therefore it's easy for everyone" even make sense? If that were true, incels wouldn't exist.


1 hour ago, Reticently said:

Yeah, I wouldn't call them studs though.  Man whores or something.  Stud carries the implication that there's something appealing about them as people.


Speaking of which, it's pretty easy for even relatively low tier guys to be sluts if they can bare minimum hold down some steady income and their standards are low enough.  

I'd argue that a guy with a higher body count has SOMETHING good going on, otherwise he wouldn't have the body count he does; that there's something appealing about him if that many women are willing to sleep with him, and I think that's why a high body count is more acceptable for a guy to have than a woman (within reason of course.) It's the same principle as if a guy is seen with a lot of beautiful women, other women figure there's something about him that attracts all these allegedly high class women and it makes them wonder.


You can call them what you want, but women hold the purse strings on sex, so of course it's going to be easier for them to get then it than it is for guys. And if all it took was a steady paying job, incels wouldn't exist and the dating world wouldn't be as hard as it apparently is these days.

Edited by DoctaMario
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6 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

How does "it's easy for women to get laid, so therefore it's easy for everyone" even make sense? If that were true, incels wouldn't exist.

Untrue, there are women who can't get laid either, by your logic they shouldn't exist cuz any woman get laid apparantly, which is very clearly not true.


I don't buy this for even a second. Sorry. 

6 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I'd argue that a guy with a higher body count has SOMETHING good going on, otherwise he wouldn't have the body count he does.

I think we are just assuming good things about him because we are raised as a society to to think highly of men who get laid a lot. We have a bias towards thinking highly of men who can pull a lot of women, but it's really not that hard honestly and plenty of dudes who pull lots of woman are absolutly trash individuals. 

Edited by RSG3
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Paramount found the "I Like Turtles" zombie kid 16 years later to promote Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem.

16 years ago, a ‘zombie kid’ sparked one of the most popular memes the internet would ever know by uttering the simple phrase “I like turtles” live on the news. Now, he’s back, reprising his ‘role’ as one of the undead to promote the imminent launch of animated movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem.

Paramount has released a recreation of the classic ‘I like turtles’ meme with the very same person who spawned it in 2007. 16 years later Jonathan still likes turtles, it seems, and zombie face pain. Watch the clip in the video below:



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8 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

How does "it's easy for women to get laid, so therefore it's easy for everyone" even make sense? If that were true, incels wouldn't exist.


I'd argue that a guy with a higher body count has SOMETHING good going on, otherwise he wouldn't have the body count he does; that there's something appealing about him if that many women are willing to sleep with him, and I think that's why a high body count is more acceptable for a guy to have than a woman (within reason of course.) It's the same principle as if a guy is seen with a lot of beautiful women, other women figure there's something about him that attracts all these allegedly high class women and it makes them wonder.


You can call them what you want, but women hold the purse strings on sex, so of course it's going to be easier for them to get then it than it is for guys. And if all it took was a steady paying job, incels wouldn't exist and the dating world wouldn't be as hard as it apparently is these days.

I was trying to be tactful about it, but by the time you slide into the late 20s there's a population of busted up women who will throw it hard at anyone who looks like they can help improve their situation, hoping something sticks.


And there's hardly an incel worth the name who isn't their own greatest barrier to getting someone.


I've known plenty of average dudes who get body counts just by not being afraid to ask and being okay with handling rejection.  And some really shitty dudes who get body counts targeting women with fucked up self esteem issues.  Also a few drug dealers who barter.

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47 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Untrue, there are women who can't get laid either, by your logic they shouldn't exist cuz any woman get laid apparantly, which is very clearly not true.


I don't buy this for even a second. Sorry. 

I think we are just assuming good things about him because we are raised as a society to to think highly of men who get laid a lot. We have a bias towards thinking highly of men who can pull a lot of women, but it's really not that hard honestly and plenty of dudes who pull lots of woman are absolutly trash individuals. 

Unless they're severely disfigured, if those women aren't getting laid, it's because they don't want to. The biological imperative works differently for them than it does for us. All they'd have to do is call up their best male friend and tell him to come over and 9.9/10 they'd be getting laid. A guy would have to resort to going the hooker route if he can't get women the traditional way, and that's illegal in most places.


You're also conflating being a good person with having the ability to attract women, which are two completely different things.



32 minutes ago, Reticently said:

I was trying to be tactful about it, but by the time you slide into the late 20s there's a population of busted up women who will throw it hard at anyone who looks like they can help improve their situation, hoping something sticks.


And there's hardly an incel worth the name who isn't their own greatest barrier to getting someone.


I've known plenty of average dudes who get body counts just by not being afraid to ask and being okay with handling rejection.  And some really shitty dudes who get body counts targeting women with fucked up self esteem issues.  Also a few drug dealers who barter.

Sure, but in order for those women to want to do that, the guy has to have SOMETHING going on or the woman has to be that desperate, and I don't think most women are.


I agree with you RE incels, but even a socially retarded woman can probably still find a willing guy, whereas a guy with bad social skills is going to have a really hard time.


It definitely is a bit of a numbers game for dudes, but that doesn't really disprove my point that they still have to have social skills, or some perceived status that women are interested in to get the job done. I think those other situations you mentioned are extenuating circumstances in this discussion but even the guy targeting women with esteem issues has to pass the shit test. 

Edited by DoctaMario
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52 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Unless they're severely disfigured, if those women aren't getting laid, it's because they don't want to

Bro really? Like fucking really really? You really think women out there who can't get laid just aren't trying hard enough? Come on. Just gotta call their best friend because every woman on the planet has friends, much less male friends? 


And I'm not conflating getting women with being a good person, I'm literally saying they have nothing to do with eachother and don't matter. Your body count doesn't make you a good or bad person at all. 


You're the one saying dudes who pull high body counts have something going for them. I'm saying no they don't, it's not that hard and your counter argument is the existence of incel men, like there are incel women. They exist. Just because the majority can get laid doesn't meant there aren't people who can't get laid for whatever reasons, for both groups. 

Edited by RSG3
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Ohooooo here we go with the Carlee update----I'm sure various youtubers will get a little more mileage out of this again


The 26-year-old is being charged with falsely reporting to law enforcement officers and falsely reporting an incident, both misdemeanors. the countdown to see what kind of laughable baby-mode "punishment" she faces for this, of course...

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

Bro really? Like fucking really really? You really think women out there who can't get laid just aren't trying hard enough? Come on. Just gotta call their best friend because every woman on the planet has friends, much less male friends? 


And I'm not conflating getting women with being a good person, I'm literally saying they have nothing to do with eachother and don't matter. Your body count doesn't make you a good or bad person at all. 


You're the one saying dudes who pull high body counts have something going for them. I'm saying no they don't, it's not that hard and your counter argument is the existence of incel men, like there are incel women. They exist. Just because the majority can get laid doesn't meant there aren't people who can't get laid for whatever reasons, for both groups. 

Yup, really. Those incel women are "incels" because they choose to be, sometimes because of their own self esteem issue, sometimes because they think they're better than everyone, etc. You can ignore reality if it suits you but the fact of the matter is, it's always been harder for men to get laid than women. I don't know how you've gotten to the age you are and still don't understand this. Maybe it's easier now than it used to be for men, but judging by what I hear from especially younger males online and in my own life, it's still not like any dude who wants to gets laid. I actually think it's a good thing that it works this way, but that's a whole other conversation.

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6 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Yup, really. Those incel women are "incels" because they choose to be, sometimes because of their own self esteem issue, sometimes because they think they're better than everyone, etc. 

Congratulations you just described the majority of people who can't get laid on either side 👏 

Edited by RSG3
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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

Man I'm not denying women have an easier time but for you to say every women can get laid if they want to is fucking wild. 

I firmly believe that every woman has at least one male acquaintance they could break the glass on and get it if they wanted to. If not, they could definitely go to a club and pull someone.


Getting back to the body count discussion, I don't know if any of you remember this Chris Rock bit. I think it's pretty apropos:



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Chris is right. You don't want to know. If the number matters to you, you don't want to know.  She's a human being with human needs which means she's probably fucked a decent number of people before you, unless you guys met in HS, you're probably delusional if you think the number is going to be low. 


Don't ask questions that don't matter and whose answers only serve to upset you. Asking a girl her body count is like when she asks you if that dress makes her look fat. Set a whole ass trap for yourself. 


Dante lookin mofos lol. 


Edited by RSG3
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3 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Untrue, there are women who can't get laid either, by your logic they shouldn't exist cuz any woman get laid apparantly, which is very clearly not true.


I don't buy this for even a second. Sorry. 

I think we are just assuming good things about him because we are raised as a society to to think highly of men who get laid a lot. We have a bias towards thinking highly of men who can pull a lot of women, but it's really not that hard honestly and plenty of dudes who pull lots of woman are absolutly trash individuals. 

High body count doesn't indicate a good man. It indicates he got something going for himself. So much so it allows him to attract numerous women. This is why fuk bois are successful with women

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42 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Congratulations you just described the majority of people who can't get laid on either side 👏 

No. There's a difference between not getting laid because you choose not to and not getting laid because people won't have sex with you for whatever reason.


23 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Chris is right. You don't want to know. If the number matters to you, you don't want to know.  She's a human being with human needs which means she's probably fucked a decent number of people before you, unless you guys met in HS, you're probably delusional if you think the number is going to be low. 


Don't ask questions that don't matter and whose answers only serve to upset you. Asking a girl her body count is like when she asks you if that dress makes her look fat. Set a whole ass trap for yourself. 


Dante lookin mofos lol. 


Love that movie lol


I think everyone has a different concept of what "too many" is. It's never been something I've asked anyone I've dated, because I honestly don't want to know, but saying "it doesn't matter" when there are valid reasons why it's concerning for someone, man or woman, to have a real high body count is kind of naive imo. But I do agree that asking about it is setting yourself a bit of a trap.

Edited by DoctaMario
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5 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Its actually entirely personal opinion. Its peoples personal opinions that body counts matter. The entire topic is personal opinion. If it was a fact then there wouldnt be a debate in the first place (Between level headed individuals.) I haven't made 1 factual statement but I'm being responded to as if i have.


I really don't get why you ever responded to me in the first place to be perfectly honest with you. I haven't been disingenuous one single second of this conversation yet I'm being treated like I made some factually concrete immutable statement when it was so obviously an opinion.


What are you arguing here Darc because I don't see what point your trying to make at all, beyond the fact body counts some people. Yea cool, it also doesn't matter at all to some people, so clearly neither position is a factual one, hence the debate. The only fact is some people care and some people don't. The opinion is whether they should or not. So I dunno but I'm really confused what point you are trying to make my dude.

Honestly this whole thing is pointless, I regret even posting on the matter and I'm tired of going around in circles. 

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30 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

High body count doesn't indicate a good man. It indicates he got something going for himself. So much so it allows him to attract numerous women. This is why fuk bois are successful with women

I didn't say it indicated a good man. I've very adamantly said it doesn't indicate anything other then being personable with women. This is the last time I'm going to say it, I will not respond to the next person who doesn't understand what I'm saying. I'm real tired of repeating myself. High body count indicates nothing but a personable personality. That's it. 


28 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

No. There's a difference between not getting laid because you choose not to and not getting laid because people won't have sex with you for whatever reason.

Eight but I don't agree with you that every woman can just go out and get laid because I've met them. I've met the women who can't go out and get fucked by anyone no matter how hard they try. Its absoltly wild to me to think that every woman can get dick any time they want. Thats fucking crazy. We don't agree at all. 


29 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I think everyone has a different concept of what "too many" is. It's never been something I've asked anyone I've dated, because I honestly don't want to know, but saying "it doesn't matter" when there are valid reasons why it's concerning for someone, man or woman, to have a real high body count is kind of naive imo. But I do agree that asking about it is setting yourself a bit of a trap.

I have yet to see a good reason to care that doesn't lead to something that is a far deeper rooted issue. If her sex is a problem it's generally she's suffering a much bigger problem and if he's upset by the number chances are he's pretty insecure. I've yet to talk to a dude worried about it who didn't have security issues. 


@Darc_RequiemThats cool man. 

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5 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I disagree actually, a nightly trip to the bar will show you plenty of ugly, degenerate, disgusting men getting laid with little effort. 


Hell the joke kinda cancels itself out. If being a slut is easy that means getting laid can't be that hard, there are sluts everywhere. So being a "stud" isn't all that demanding either. 

Well a Stud is a dude that has pulled numerous ATTRACTIVE women. It makes other women look at him like "What he got going on that has a woman like that all on him? I wanna find out" And other dudes give him props for it.


A dude that has to scrape the barrel. And takes whatever he can get? Ain't a stud. Actual studs would clown him. 

Edited by BB_Hoody
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Just now, BB_Hoody said:

Well a Stud is a dude that has pulled numerous ATTRACTIVE women. It makes other women look at him like "What he got going on that has a woman like that all on him? I wanna find out"


A dude that has to scrape the barrel. And takes whatever he can get? Ain't a stud.

They both look the same to me. 

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haha 100k on an engagement ring; yeah good luck with that one, ladies.  Maybe they'd find a rich dude that's silly enough to do that but it seems unlikely.  I'm not sure who in their right mind would say that's a reasonable price for such a thing.  It's a goddamn "trinket".


The very idea of super-expensive engagement rings is amazingly stupid, imo.  It's a ring; it doesn't actually do anything like the other expensive products we buy in life.... and of course there is the frail, laughable thing called "marriage" that it's meant for.  Even if I was rich, I imagine my mind would keep thinking about all the other actual cool stuff I could've spent 100k on instead of a ring. 

A nice car, extra things for my house etc. etc.....those things also aren't going to let me down or betray me, or hit me up for lifetime alimony depending on which state I made the mistake of getting married in.....or throw out random bullshit accusations (in a world where people like to pretend that women are incapable of lying... or just being generally vindictive evil pieces of shit, tbh.) to try and ruin me purely out of spite and pettiness, or try to actually murder me, etc. etc.  

Edited by MillionX
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Even though I've gotten another Correctional Officer Temp service contractor offer by another company, I don't think I can handle that line of work up to a year. The primary concern is essential hypertension in conflict to the inmates. I've had that condition since childhood. I would stroke out off the earth, I would imagine dealing with the wrong one from those facilities. I was offered a Police Officer position too. I'll stick to something much less stressful.


At least I'm off today and over the weekend.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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