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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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7 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:


the youtube ad blocker notice is triggered when u first enter the youtube website with adblocker active.

before you enter youtube. turn off the ad blocker.

after youre in...turn it back on and it wont trigger the youtube adblock detector.

in other words it only detects adblock being on when u enter youtube. not at any other time.

its what ive been doing for days. its annoying but its the solution for now until adblock plus and ublock origin updates its way around this annoyance.

I will give you the most insidious blowjob for giving me this info. Thanks.

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10 hours ago, iStu X said:



Me right now with this video



Side note

What is funny is that I almost was going to work for CCP.

What truncated the possibility is 5CA closing their doors on my country, which sucks, cuz CCP event prevented 5CA to put me on another project cuz they really wanted me to be part of their team.


They liked my experience on none game related development and my experience working with Epic, plus that I am a gamer.

By the time that they contacted me to work with them, I already signed with Walmart latam 😕

Edited by Hecatom
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Sam Bankman-Fried found guilty on all counts.



After 15 days of testimony and about four and a half hours of deliberations, jurors returned a verdict that found him guilty on seven counts of fraud and conspiracy.

Bankman-Fried looked sunken as the verdict was read out. After the jury was released, he stood, head bowed and shaking as his lawyer spoke in his ear. A few feet behind him, his parents stood watching. As Bankman-Fried was escorted out of the room, he turned back and smiled at his parents. His father, Joe Bankman, put his arm around his mother’s shoulders. As their son left the room, Barbara Fried broke down in tears.

Bankman-Fried was found guilty of stealing billions of dollars from accounts belonging to customers of his once-high-flying crypto exchange FTX. He was also found guilty of defrauding lenders to FTX’s sister company, the hedge fund Alameda Research, which held FTX customer funds in a bank account.


Bankman-Fried hung himself by testifying.



No one found his occasional efforts at humor funny. Whenever he tried to expand upon an answer, Judge Kaplan cut him down.

And this was during the easy part of his testimony, when his lawyer was tossing him one softball question after another. SBF seemed incapable of saying anything that might engender empathy from a juror.


Under the circumstances, SBF’s wisest course would have been to just say yes—or yep—to her questions. And sometimes he did that. But just as often, he chose to dance around the question, to quibble about the phrasing, or say that he couldn’t remember the details. And every time he did that—every single time—Sassoon projected an email or video or a spreadsheet onto the screen, showing that he had done exactly what she was accusing him of doing. Which then gave the jurors another look at the evidence while reminding them that SBF was being something less than forthright. You’d think this MIT graduate would wise up, but he never did.

(He even equivocated on whether he had taken a private plane to the Super Bowl—to which Sassoon responded by presenting a photograph of SBF fast asleep in the embrace of a comfy chair on a private jet. In the overflow room, we burst into laughter.)

Edited by Jurassic
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It is worth a try that they supposedly try to reverse-engineer any recovered alien tech... but it seems like such a longshot to be successful considering just how far beyond us a space-traveling species would be.  I always imagine it would be like if someone from today went back in time to when humans were simple hunter/gatherers, and gave them an iPhone or Samsung tablet.... the old-era humans would have no idea what strange "magical" artifacts these things are or how they work....and they would be unlikely to figure it out anytime soon unless we explained it to them.

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5 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Literally everything I see from these anti-woke losers these days makes me more and more ashamed that I almost fell down that pipeline as a grown-ass man a few years ago.


I mean, they use latinx spanish on the spaniard and latam dub despite hispanic latin americans and spaniards finding it massively offensive, so...


I wouldn't call it woke propaganda, but they certainly added stuff that is questionable at best

Edited by Hecatom
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Just now, axeman61 said:

Still doesn't justify these retards screaming woke at EVERYTHING even a bit inclusive. I mean, there has to be a floor on how pathetic one can be, but these people keep Akuma punching their way through the floors under them.

To be fair.

This is what happens when you dial up to much with the pandering.

People get tired about it and get polarized.


Even stuff done in good faith gets seen in a negative way.

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The other side of the coin is "alt right this/that" when no one can tell me the difference between conservative/right wing/alt right. Woke was evolved from SJW which in many ways was just an abbreviated way to say "progressive/leftist/marxist/anti traditional" you get the idea. Both phrases are just short hand that most normies can't explain it properly but have a general idea or "feeling" about what it is. 

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On Thursday, Hurst shot down claims that his campaign paid cash for votes during early in-person voting just days away from election night next Tuesday. In affidavits obtained by Western Mass News from the city solicitor, Springfield election officials told a different story. Springfield Elections Commissioner Gladys Oyola-Lopez said, in part:



“As of Friday, October 27, we noticed a marked increase in the number of walk-in voters at city hall... Periodically, the voters that came in would discuss among themselves about receiving payment. They stated they must take the ‘I Voted’ sticker as proof they voted.”

Springfield Elections Commissioner Gladys Oyola-Lopez

Edited by AriesWarlock
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5 hours ago, Hecatom said:

To be fair.

This is what happens when you dial up to much with the pandering.

People get tired about it and get polarized.


Even stuff done in good faith gets seen in a negative way.

You say "people" as if they're normal and just can't take it anymore. That isn't what this is. This is a case of babies in adult skin using "woke" because they're at least not dumb enough to say what they mean. When I was more anti-woke, there were at least cases where wokeness was sinking the product or tanking someone undeservedly. It never boiled down to "I'm mad because this minority or disabled person is on my screen". That's the level it's at now. Maybe it's the level it's always been; I left that scene because they were whiners.

Edited by axeman61
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3 hours ago, Hecatom said:

To be fair.

This is what happens when you dial up to much with the pandering.

People get tired about it and get polarized.

Actually this is what happens when you blow everything up and out of preportion so often that when you talk about actual topics people actually kinda care about (LatinX) no one gives a shit because you've basically cried wolf for 2 years over petty shit. 



Even stuff done in good faith gets seen in a negative way.

Yea, thays whay happens when you make long ass diatribe videos about every single little fucking thing that twists your panties in a bunch people stop taking you seriously. No one wants to parse through the petty shit to find the 2 or 3 nuggets of actual.worthwhile content out of all the trashy content you make whining because this characters skin color isn't exactly right, and they used a word you don't like. 


These guys would be taken more seriously if they knew how to just say "This didn't interest me" and move the fuck on but they don't. 


Like I don't take anyone on the internet seriously about Star Wars because I'm sick and tired of every little fucking thing being some galactic size issue from people who have been petty as fuck about the franchise for at least 20 years so I don't interact with thay community online about anything anymore. I can't take them remotely seriously. The amount of times I've seen these people say "I'm done!!!" With a franchise only to upload a video about the shit a day or 2 later. These aren't people to take even remotely seriously. They are the Fresh & Fits of nerd culture. 


Those "Anti-Woke" YouTube channels are falling down that hole fast as fuck. People getting fed up with their tabloid level quality reporting. 

Edited by RSG3
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On 11/3/2023 at 12:24 AM, Jurassic said:

Sam Bankman-Fried found guilty on all counts.


Bankman-Fried hung himself by testifying.

Damn only 4 HOURS of deliberation?? 😂  Guess this is what happens when you steal from the rich.



3 hours ago, Reticently said:



That is one of the most egregious examples of "artistic license" I have seen in a long time 😂

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13 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Literally everything I see from these anti-woke losers these days makes me more and more ashamed that I almost fell down that pipeline as a grown-ass man a few years ago.

Imagine wondering why people who are being subjected to a double standard push back against it.



Let's be honest though, all this culture war stuff is fake and just a way to keep us fighting with each other so no one notices that rich and connected fucks are plundering everything out from under us. Let's stop buying into it and giving them cover to continue fucking us.

Edited by DoctaMario
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That Bankman guy always looks like he smells bad... like no matter how often he showers, or what kind of soap he uses....he just looks like there is a persistent aura of stench that radiates from him.  This reminds me there was a dude like that in high was just funny to me that he always smelled like a pile of shit someone placed a magical curse on him to smell like that forever.  It's like he was the real life Stinkor from He-Man....but yeah Sam Bankman looks like one of those people cursed with a permanent stank aura.

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13 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Literally everything I see from these anti-woke losers these days makes me more and more ashamed that I almost fell down that pipeline as a grown-ass man a few years ago.

People think SM2 is woke because Black Cat is bisexual. First of all, I've been seeing them mischaracterize it as her being gay. She's bisexual. She has been for a long, long, long time. In fact, one of her best stories has revolved around her girlfriend, and her relationship with that girl over the years is a huge element of her rebranding as an excellent character that isn't just Spider-Man's rebound girl. Black Cat is probably one of the only Marvel characters whose comics I enjoy reading.


Beyond that, people are upset about the diversity in the game. Have they never been to NY? Have they never even seen pictures? All things considered, it's a great representation of the city. If you don't want to see that stuff, don't play a game set in modern NY. Most of these people haven't played the - admittedly - slightly above average game. It's not perfect. I've been playing Spider-Man games since the GameBoy Advance SP, if not earlier. I watch all his movies, cartoons and I read his comics. Most of it is hot garbage that I happen to like. This is a good game, and it is not the best Spider-Man game. It is not S tier for the character for different reasons than the fact that there is a variety of people in the game.

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18 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

People think SM2 is woke because Black Cat is bisexual. First of all, I've been seeing them mischaracterize it as her being gay. She's bisexual. She has been for a long, long, long time. In fact, one of her best stories has revolved around her girlfriend, and her relationship with that girl over the years is a huge element of her rebranding as an excellent character that isn't just Spider-Man's rebound girl. Black Cat is probably one of the only Marvel characters whose comics I enjoy reading.

Which comics are you referring to? Are you talking about the Black Cat series that started in 2020?

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