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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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2 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

normally id disagree with zatalcon3 but this time i do haveta agree that in some places its cool to be gay/trans cuz in southeast asia there are ALOT of "ladyboys" due to it being considered cool and fashionable nowadays.

nothing like losing your teen nuts to a fad.

i don't know about that, but here in the states it is mainly to move up on the leftist tier list. The more "oppression" cards you can use = greater the leftist power

Here is what I think the Leftist tier list is:

S+ : Black female transgender muslim feminist
S- : Black Female Transgender, Black Female Transgender Muslim

A+ :  other race female transgender, other race female transgender muslim, other race female transgender muslim feminist
A- :  white female transgender, white female transgender muslim, white female transgender muslim feminist
BBlack people (i need to rethink this, possible A tier also)

C:Asian/Latino LGBT
D White LGBT, Asian/Latino feminists, Muslim

E: Straight white female feminist (arguable here, because white feminists are more likely going to bitch about unlimited abortion rights)
E/F borderline : straight male Asians and latinos
F/Dan tier: Straight white male

Edited by zatalcon3
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3 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

normally id disagree with zatalcon3 but this time i do haveta agree that in some places its cool to be gay/trans cuz in southeast asia there are ALOT of "ladyboys" due to it being considered cool and fashionable nowadays.

nothing like losing your teen nuts to a fad.

Well there is a distinction that needs to be made.

Traditionally, the LGBT formed as it was because heterosexual society made no distinction between trans men/women and LGB, we were pooled together and treated equally shit. So our fight for freedom was one. This was all fine and dandy until about 6-8 years ago the movement was pretty much hijacked IMO by the QIA+ becoming the LGBTQIA+ all of sudden and flooded media with the Trans and Gender ideology (the stuff with 100 genders and pronouns).

Growing up if you were a feminine guy you were just that, and being a tomboy just meant that for girls. These are personality/character traits. So the way all of this was suddenly repackaged and sold to gen Z was nothing short of shocking.

This is when the bandwagon "trans kids" started showing up, they are predominantly middle-upper class white girls who self-identify as Trans (without a clinical diagnosis mind you). When once upon a time being Trans quite literally implied transitioning between the binary, now it has become a type of Pokémon to be collected by a bored and idle generation. 


This entire thing seems to be beginning to wind down a bit due to backlashes from all sides but it has been a great disservice to LGBT people from previous generations who wanted nothing more than to stand side by side with heterosexuals with pride instead of shame.


What's worse is that this thing has also turned the suffering of actual Transsexuals (people who have the chronic mental condition known as gender dysmorphia) into a joke on display.

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What i don't get is how LGBT classification works. I understand the LGB part the T is where things can get confusing.

For example, a white female transitioning to a white male makes no sense because that person willingly dropped themselves to the bottom of the tiers that any other leftist catagory going higher can shut the down with throwing the race and gender cards. Also, who is this white female trans going to date? If a white female trans dates a lesbian then neither of them can be considered part of the LGBT group anymore because the leftist schtick is that the female trans has to be accepted as a male so that lesbian is dating a "man". She aint gay anymore, she looses her leftist card and is just a white girl.

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5 hours ago, Daemos said:

Well there is a distinction that needs to be made.

Traditionally, the LGBT formed as it was because heterosexual society made no distinction between trans men/women and LGB, we were pooled together and treated equally shit. So our fight for freedom was one. This was all fine and dandy until about 6-8 years ago the movement was pretty much hijacked IMO by the QIA+ becoming the LGBTQIA+ all of sudden and flooded media with the Trans and Gender ideology (the stuff with 100 genders and pronouns).

Growing up if you were a feminine guy you were just that, and being a tomboy just meant that for girls. These are personality/character traits. So the way all of this was suddenly repackaged and sold to gen Z was nothing short of shocking.

This is when the bandwagon "trans kids" started showing up, they are predominantly middle-upper class white girls who self-identify as Trans (without a clinical diagnosis mind you). When once upon a time being Trans quite literally implied transitioning between the binary, now it has become a type of Pokémon to be collected by a bored and idle generation. 


This entire thing seems to be beginning to wind down a bit due to backlashes from all sides but it has been a great disservice to LGBT people from previous generations who wanted nothing more than to stand side by side with heterosexuals with pride instead of shame.


What's worse is that this thing has also turned the suffering of actual Transsexuals (people who have the chronic mental condition known as gender dysmorphia) into a joke on display.

This is one thing I was wondering about in the case of D. Wade's son who is now his "daughter".... if this situation occurred inn the 90s or 80s...or even really in the early 2000s.... it would just be a case of his son being an effeminate boy, likely growing up as a gay male, and that would be the extent of the situation... not the conclusion of "oh he must be a transgirl then."  I wonder how many people these days are jumping to the wrong conclusions about their own child.... that's a shame, imo.  I'd bet that most of the time, a tomboy is just that or a future lesbo.....or an effeminate boy is just that....and countless generations have also seen how it can just be a temporary phase anyway---and that "tomboy" occasionally grows up to be a very feminine woman that is very much straight.

Edited by MillionX
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I was very effeminate presenting from about 16 to 26. not necessarily doing drag but pretty androgynous (more in line with rock stars like Bowie and Prince than Rupaul), never once did I consider that I was a woman or even wanted to be one. Many gay men and women are like this. Hell many straight men and women enjoyed and presented with androgynous aesthetics and mindsets.

What's going on now sadly could be seen from one lens as an extreme form of conversion therapy, where young impressionable and confused gay, bi, and lesbian kids (who probably don't feel comfortable in their skin because EVERYONE DID NOT FEEL SECURE IN THEIR SKIN AT THAT AGE!!!) are being subjected to the wrong conclusions and therefore going along with the wrong decisions.

I think in a few years there will be a huge backlash and thousands of detrans cases emerging.

An important question to ask is who and why is this being pushed so loudly? Who is funding this ideology because more than 90% of the gays and lesbians in my life do not agree with this. We didn't even go to Pride last year because of how stupid it has become with all these bandwagoners and KIDS.

Edited by Daemos
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9 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Lol...yeah I'm sure people buy that that's what its used for.  Imagine going over someone's house and that device is just jutting from the wall....evev worse if its actually in the kitchen lol.

Yeah, I would tell them I have an emergency and then leave. Before going out the door, I would politely say to them...


Ew Reaction GIF by CBC

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3 hours ago, Daemos said:

An important question to ask is who and why is this being pushed so loudly? Who is funding this ideology because more than 90% of the gays and lesbians in my life do not agree with this. We didn't even go to Pride last year because of how stupid it has become with all these bandwagoners and KIDS.

I think a lot of the funding is coming from organizations tied to the pharmaceutical industry who see HRT, gender reassignment surgeries and other trans adjacent surgeries and medical tech as the next big profit frontier.


This article has some information about who is funding a some of these initiatives. JB Pritzker, who is the governor of Illinois and who has a trans sibling, his family owns a lot of stake in companies doing trans-related medical research and technology. From the article:



This article will use the Pritzker family as a case study, both to reduce the length and because they are emblematic of how this works. Those funding trans organizations and normalizing transgenderism are channeling funds in the same ways and invested in the same medical infrastructure. This can hardly be a coincidence when the very thing absolutely essential to those transitioning are pharmaceuticals and technology. It is also important to note that though the trans lobby has sewn itself to the LGB umbrella, LGB people as such are not lifelong medical patients.


The Pritzkers are an American family of philanthropic billionaires worth approximately $29 billion, whose fortune was gestated by Hyatt Hotels and nursing homes. They now have massive investments in the medical-industrial complex.


Edited by DoctaMario
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Uber CEO went undercover and got tip baited lmao

Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi completed 100 rides and deliveries as an undercover boss to try to make Uber slightly better for drivers.







Thousands of people complain to Uber about tip-baiting.

Uber: 🤷🏻‍♂️Nothing we can do!

Uber CEO gets tip baited.

Uber: 🤔Hmm we gotta fix this!

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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:

Uber CEO went undercover and got tip baited lmao

Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi completed 100 rides and deliveries as an undercover boss to try to make Uber slightly better for drivers.







Thousands of people complain to Uber about tip-baiting.

Uber: 🤷🏻‍♂️Nothing we can do!

Uber CEO gets tip baited.

Uber: 🤔Hmm we gotta fix this!

Tale as old as time.  Big wig CEO who is completely out of touch with the what the people under them go through doesn't realize there's an actual issue until they finally experience it themselves despite being told MULTIPLE times that it's a problem.  I know they're busy running a company and all but it would be nice if the people at the top every so often brought themselves down to the peon level to get a perspective of their company from the bottom looking up instead of always looking at it from the top.

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So, one of the Best Buy stores here has the arcade 1up Mortal Kombat was setup and on too so I played for a few least used Scorpion's fatality on the first opponent.... .it was good to finally hear that particular bass "downward shift"(?) sound that hits *after* the word "Fatality."... which is missing from all the home versions:

It annoyed me for many years that you just don't hear that cool sound^ in the SNES or Genesis versions....I don't recall it being anywhere else either; just the arcade. (which doesn't make sense--- surely that isn't something that's beyond the audio capability of a SNES...or other systems?!"  Genesis' audio is inferior other systems?!)


Anyway, this arcade machine has always been a tough call for me... though I enjoyed those games, that series is truly just fun against other people, since the Mortal Kombat AI is notoriously a cheating piece of shit, designed that way as part of the usual arcade scam shenanigans (*just design the ai of a game to basically cheat the player in various ways so you can try to force as much money out of them as possible) back in the day.  Funny thing is that even in the home versions it was still loaded with cheap bullshit, so it was always a game that's only fun against other people...never solo vs. the cpu-controlled characters.


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1 hour ago, Shakunetsu said:


They're just removing the "half" terminology from the games ruleset and writings. You can still be a half human half orc or whatever the fuck, you'll just choose one race as the one your represented by. Like people are really blowing this out proportion. This doesn't prove WOTC is racist in the slightest. 


WOTC are a lot of things...primarily stupid, but racist isn't really one of them. 

Edited by RSG3
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10 hours ago, MillionX said:

So, one of the Best Buy stores here has the arcade 1up Mortal Kombat was setup and on too so I played for a few least used Scorpion's fatality on the first opponent.... .it was good to finally hear that particular bass "downward shift"(?) sound that hits *after* the word "Fatality."... which is missing from all the home versions:

It annoyed me for many years that you just don't hear that cool sound^ in the SNES or Genesis versions....I don't recall it being anywhere else either; just the arcade. (which doesn't make sense--- surely that isn't something that's beyond the audio capability of a SNES...or other systems?!"  Genesis' audio is inferior other systems?!)


Anyway, this arcade machine has always been a tough call for me... though I enjoyed those games, that series is truly just fun against other people, since the Mortal Kombat AI is notoriously a cheating piece of shit, designed that way as part of the usual arcade scam shenanigans (*just design the ai of a game to basically cheat the player in various ways so you can try to force as much money out of them as possible) back in the day.  Funny thing is that even in the home versions it was still loaded with cheap bullshit, so it was always a game that's only fun against other people...never solo vs. the cpu-controlled characters.



Some of the OST in MK1 are in synch with the fighting stance dance of the fighters like Raiden/Sub-Zero in the Warrior Shrine and Scorpion in the Courtyard.







Warrior Shrine and Goro's Lair have the same music if you're not fighting Shang Tsung, Goro, or Endurance 3:



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More of a favorite topic of mine... supposedly a bonnet was part of what killed her relationship with MBJ?!

If true then good for him, having some standards.  Women get away with wearing that ridiculous nonsense partly because most dudes will put up with anything.  


Really, words cannot describe just how much I despise that shit.  I'd gladly go back in time and beat the shit out of whoever invented it....or at least whoever recently helped it come back into style.  I still see it on a regular basis, btw...whenever I'm in some public place where you'll see lots of black women.  It's goddamn disgusting.  A lot of them just don't care about how they look in public anymore.  There's no way you can go out looking like that and claim you care about your image even slightly.  

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