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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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14 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

My mom is retired Federal Employee. If they shut down the government, despite not being paid, some of them have to work, without pay to keep things from grinding to a halt. The other Federal Employees get furloughed aka they don't work and don't get paid for the time they missed. The dipshits in Congress, who still get paid, can twiddletheir thumbs for as long as they like without repercussions. They need to not be paid for during a shutdown, moreover they need to be penalized for being too immature to keep this shit from happening over and over and over again.


Side note: Technically the government doesn't have to pay the Federal employees for the unpaid work done during a shutdown, they always have before but.....

If we get furloughed we'll likely get back pay, even though we didn't work. That's how it's worked the last couple times there's been a shutdown. We get told to stand down without pay, but our next paycheck includes all the time we missed. As long as you're non-essential. Essential employees get the shaft because they have to work, but still get back pay.

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1 minute ago, Chadouken said:

If we get furloughed we'll likely get back pay, even though we didn't work. That's how it's worked the last couple times there's been a shutdown. We get told to stand down without pay, but our next paycheck includes all the time we missed. As long as you're non-essential. Essential employees get the shaft because they have to work, but still get back pay.

Everyone gets back pay? Didn't realize that. My mom always had to work. Makes sense though, you fuck with their money and the nicest person will go from zero to I'll fuck you up in under 5 seconds.

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Ok now I'm wondering what happened with this?!  I noticed earlier that the Jody's Corner channel had a rant video about the new Expendables... and now it appears this movie even managed to piss off John Campea as well? (*note---John is notoriously a bit "too nice" on most things at least in my opinion...he normally prefers to keep things positive)


Now I'm curious to see exactly how they could manage to fuck this up, because it's not like you're trying to produce Oscar-worthy film when it comes to just making a good action film.... haha I'll have to check and see what Jody and the other reviewers are talking about on this as well now...

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Everyone gets back pay? Didn't realize that. My mom always had to work. Makes sense though, you fuck with their money and the nicest person will go from zero to I'll fuck you up in under 5 seconds.

We have in the past, but like you said, it's not mandatory. We'll have to wait and see what the guidance is this time, if it happens.

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Remember when NFTs sold for millions of dollars? 95% of the digital collectibles may now be worthless.

A comprehensive study has unveiled that the vast majority of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), once the darlings of the digital asset world, have plummeted to zero value, leaving nearly 23 million people holding onto worthless digital collectibles. According to market data, 95 percent of all NFT collections now have a total market value of zero.


Business Insider reports that the cryptocurrency community and the internet in general was once abuzz with the revolutionary concept of NFTs, unique digital assets representing ownership or proof of authenticity of a specific digital item or piece of content, typically tied to a blockchain.


These digital collectibles experienced a meteoric rise in 2021 and 2022, with the market witnessing a colossal bull run, leading to a staggering $2.8 billion in monthly trading volumes. High-profile collections like Bored Apes and CryptoPunks were the darling of investors, fetching millions of dollars and drawing celebrities like Stephen Curry and Snoop Dogg into the fray.


However, the once-thriving NFT market is now a shadow of its former self, with a study by dappGambl revealing a sobering reality. The study of over 73,000 NFT collections uncovered that a whopping 95 percent of them now possess a market cap of zero ether, the cryptocurrency typically used to buy and sell NFTs.

This alarming scenario implies that a vast majority of NFTs have crashed to a value of zero, rendering them essentially worthless and impacting almost 23 million holders of these digital assets.


The researchers noted, “This daunting reality should serve as a sobering check on the euphoria that has often surrounded the NFT space.” The study underscores the pitfalls and potential losses overshadowed by stories of overnight success and digital art pieces selling for millions. The current state of the market is characterized by speculative and hopeful pricing strategies, far removed from the actual trading history of these assets.


The study further divulges that 79 percent of all NFT collections currently remain unsold, creating a surplus of supply over demand and a buyer’s market that has done little to rekindle enthusiasm. Even after filtering out lower-value, less significant projects, the majority of collections hold minimal value today.


Out of the top 8,850 collections by market cap, 18 percent are worthless, and 41 percent are priced between $5-$100. Fewer than one percent have a price tag above $6,000, a stark contrast to the regular million-dollar deals witnessed two years ago.

Edited by AriesWarlock
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Episode 39 of Passions--- Tabitha actually uses her magic in this one... made a ghostly, fire-breathing projection of her face appear thru the internet to stop Faith from sending a pic of a 300-year old painting of her to her sister Grace! 😆

Man, no other soap was serving up the crazy quite like this one.

They should have had Tabitha and later Kay use the magic powers more often.

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On 9/22/2023 at 5:38 PM, Dayaan said:



On 9/22/2023 at 7:51 PM, Reticently said:

Man, who could have possibly seen that coming?


Beenie Babies anyone and the countless failed collectible card games.


Fine wine:



Just went to Barnes & Noble earlier. Saw these books:






Read a few sentences from the Elon book. Supposedly he had some arcade cabs set up during a meeting with investors between 1999 and 2000. One guy mentioned everyone was playing Street Fighter games on those!!!

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It just randomly hit me... that I'm glad my friend's wife hasn't really tried much to play matchmaker (like female acquaintances/friends are inclined to do)... at least not often.... because they are in Memphis, so it would just be another Memphis woman if she did, and that would be an unfortunate thing to say the least.  

...I was reminded of this while finally checking out a video from "Sexy Redd" out of curiosity to see just how bad that song Pound Town really is.  Every time you think the bar couldn't be set any lower, people go on to surprise you....but yeah, it reminded me once again about that shit-pile "city" and the "people" there.

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34 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Haha yea it's deffinitly cheaper and not at all authoritarian as shit for a corporation to open a Police Station inside the store.


A police station in the store honestly makes me feel less safe. 

I agree it sucks that they're opening police stations in the stores, but if they have a problem with stealing to the degree that that's the move, what are they supposed to do?

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On 9/22/2023 at 2:56 PM, Chadouken said:

Essential employees get the shaft because they have to work, but still get back pay.

can confirm this was the case during the time I was a govt contractor.

During this last break from the site, we had a couple of things happen. Most important is that our plan to buy a house fell through (luckily we had only put up $500 for a application fee instead of our down payment). We are exploring other options for that, including renting at the same complex our daughter-in-law is at ... and staying here. We've not had any further issues with our Shepherd since the order was lifted, and the HOA fees are half of what we would potentially pay for rent, even with the $50 fee increase that started this past month. Since this happened, we will be here through the end of the year most likely (we are on a month-to-month basis with the HOA, and do not have a contracted commitment to stay currently).

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

I agree it sucks that they're opening police stations in the stores, but if they have a problem with stealing to the degree that that's the move, what are they supposed to do?

Staff the store properly, provide good customer service, pay their employees properly.


You know, shit we used to do, but don't anymore in order to prop up cancerous corporate CEO profits while subsidizing their employee pay. Now we are using tax payer money to install tax payer services inside corporations too defend corporate profits first and foremost. 

Edited by RSG3
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29 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Staff the store properly, provide good customer service, pay their employees properly.


You know, shit we used to do, but don't anymore in order to prop up cancerous corporate CEO profits while subsidizing their employee pay. Now we are using tax payer money to install tax payer services inside corporations too defend corporate profits first and foremost. 

I agree with that but I don't think that's going to cut it at Walmart. Walmart is catering to a different type and class of people who probably aren't going to Lowe's in the first place. And even so, it shouldn't be an employee's job to get between a potentially dangerous person and the exit in the case of a shoplifter. I used to work at Walmart and I sure as shit wouldn't, especially if I lived in a state that had decided not to prosecute shoplifting. There's a lot of social degradation responsible for this phenomenon and while I don't like the idea of police stations in corporate stores, the only other option is to close the stores, which would leave food deserts for a lot of people and probably make it more difficult for others to get prescriptions filled.


They should probably be hiring private security, and I don't like the idea of taxpayer money going towards this, but the article wasn't clear on who would be paying these cops.  

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I dont think he understands the rate of theft and just general petty crime that goes on in walmart and their parking lots.  Or he does and he doesnt care much and would rather just bitch about the police station being in there.  I'd honestly feel much safer in the walmart here if there was a police station in it.  I dont plan to steal or do crime while im in there so they wont bother me.

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2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Walmart is catering to a different type and class of people who probably aren't going to Lowe's in the first place.

That's a mighty strong assumption lol. 


And he's not saying it's their job to get between a theif and the exit he's saying that just the presence of staff and good customer service deters the majority of theft, which it does and always has and we have mountains of data backing it up. 


But it's cheaper for Walmart to put 1  person at the front of the store and 1 person to cover 4 or 5 departments and pay them dog shit to do it then to actually staff the store properly and then are Pikachu Face when their theft goes up dramatically because their staff is spread super thin and are paid so little they don't care to actually be in their departments in the first place. 


Shit rolls down hill Mario, this all starts at the top with the executives. We know how to deter majority of theft, it's not even that hard. 

Edited by RSG3
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Yeah, PS5; I've been intending to get a regular 4k player for another room but I've been putting it off for months at this point.  I should go on and do that while 4k blu-ray players are actually still somewhat easy to find.  It's a strange thing that you can't even get those in Walmart anymore, at least from what I've seen... that's crazy... Walmart *once* being the ultimate megastore where you could find anything and everything.  Most of them still have a tv/movie media section... but I don't even recall the last time I saw actual blu-ray/4k/dvd players in a Walmart.  That's all gone in favor of the laptop, tablet and phone tech section....even though they still (surprisingly) sell tv shows and movies on physical media.

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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

That's a mighty strong assumption lol. 


And he's not saying it's their job to get between a theif and the exit he's saying that just the presence of staff and good customer service deters the majority of theft, which it does and always has and we have mountains of data backing it up. 


But it's cheaper for Walmart to put 1  person at the front of the store and 1 person to cover 4 or 5 departments and pay them dog shit to do it then to actually staff the store properly and then are Pikachu Face when their theft goes up dramatically because their staff is spread super thin and are paid so little they don't care to actually be in their departments in the first place. 


Shit rolls down hill Mario, this all starts at the top with the executives. We know how to deter majority of theft, it's not even that hard. 

There's a reason why Target is considered "higher class." Don't be obtuse.


And even with Lowe's doing what they do, they still have a theft problem but they also don't carry as much stuff the general shopper wants so of course the levels of theft there aren't going to be on the level of a general retailer like Walmart anyway. It's really an apples to oranges comparison.


Blaming theft issues on "well executives suck so people steal" is naive, as if them being better people would cut back on theft in a society that has elements of it normalizing stealing from these places. So you see how the "it's not stealing if it's from a corporation" level of thinking produces bad results because now this is another area of society police are expected to pick up the slack for and where people are going to complain about being accosted by cops.

Edited by DoctaMario
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...a bit of a surprise that this vid was on Asmongold's radar; I normally see him "reacting" to game-related stuff, but I was also watching this recently... more confirmation on society's continued downward spiral... I couldn't have been the only one noticing the degradation going on in real time while I was still in school myself...

One of the dumbest things I heard about many years ago was when at some point they started just allowing kids to pass to the next grade anyway no matter what.  I knew someone that I suspect probably just made it through because of that nonsense, actually.

...even more depressing is when you realize that the future generations are only going to be even worse.  They will make today's kids look like geniuses in comparison.  

It also reminds me again to get around to watching that movie Idiocracy, since I've heard many people saying that is basically what happened to the USA population for real.

Edited by MillionX
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So the next Death Battle after "Alex Mercer" vs. Cole from Infamous (*that premiered today for those with channel membership so the regular premiere is probably tomorrow) will be Megatron vs. Freeza.  Of course I'm a fan of Transformers as well as DBZ but I'm not sure what kind of feat and scaling they're thinking up to explain how Megatron supposedly can compete with a major DBZ character like that.... they are know for being some of the most game-breaking characters ever in pop culture....even *before* he got a "Gold" form and lately another powered-up form that goes beyond that.


*on a sidenote; I was surprised they acknowledged a certain major story-revelation about "Alex Mercer" in the video...I was thinking they might forget or overlook that that brings back memories; that was such a cool moment there when Alex realizes this information.  The Spoiler Info for Prototype/Alex Mercer:


"Alex" realizes that he is actually not really Alex Mercer.  The being you're controlling as the main character this whole time is the virus itself.  The real Alex Mercer died on that night when he released the virus.... and became the first person the virus itself copied.  Perhaps because he was the first one copied...the virus went on acting and thinking like it truly believes it is Alex Mercer, with all his knowledge and memories.  It also reminds me that's a point of difference between "Alex" and Sgt. James Heller in the sequel, as Heller is still at least partly human.

...a shame that it has such a seemingly small fanbase.  Most people probably don't care or even forgot about this franchise.


*Random note---the greatness that is Prototype 1 and 2... they are fully portable now thanks to these new Switch-like PC systems like Steam Deck or ROG Ally, the new Lenovo one, etc.  I have part 2 on my Steam Deck; I'll probably get part 1 on there as well.

Edited by MillionX
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3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

There's a reason why Target is considered "higher class." Don't be obtuse.

Yea, "considered" higher class, as in goofy people think they are different. They are not. They are both big boxs stores that make profit by screwing over its employees through under pay, under staffing, and other "money savIng" tricks. Only real difference between the two is Target pays slightly better, but still pathetically low and they both treat their employees like total dog shit. 


3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

And even with Lowe's doing what they do, they still have a theft problem but they also don't carry as much stuff the general shopper wants so of course the levels of theft there aren't going to be on the level of a general retailer like Walmart anyway. It's really an apples to oranges comparison.

Bro first it was "Walmart and Lowe's don't share consumer bases"  now it's "Well Lowe's doesn't have stuff to steal" but you just said they have shrink so yes they do. Doesn't make sense anyway Lowe's carries tons of things that are small and expensive one could easily steal like tools, materials and supplies. 


3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Blaming theft issues on "well executives suck so people steal" is naive, as if them being better people would cut back on theft in a society that has elements of it normalizing stealing from these places. So you see how the "it's not stealing if it's from a corporation" level of thinking produces bad results because now this is another area of society police are expected to pick up the slack for and where people are going to complain about being accosted by cops.

I already told you exactly what executives could do to curtail and deter theft easily and you hand waved it off. We have decades of data showing just having warm bodies walking around the store deters the majority of theft. Yes them being better people would help deal with their theft problem because if they where better people they would staff their stores properly, wouldn't be trying to make 1 person monitor 6 self check out registers at one time, would pay wages that attract good people to work for Walmart.


But they aren't good people so they under staff, they don't train properly, they pay dog shit wages. They don't attract "good" people to work for Walmart, they attract people like me who will let everyone rob your store because I care as much about the store as my employer cares about me, which is to say I dont give a shit, you pay me a fucking poverty wage as it is. I'm not gonna watch departments, keep eyes on isleways, I'm not gonna offer customer service to people and thus make thieves naturally not be interested in trying to rob me. Does it cure all theft? No and not one single solitary person ever said it did. They said it deters the majority of theft, because it does. We have decades of data supporting this notion. 


But even beyond all that the idea that its the tax payers job to pay to pay for Walmarts personal police station and detail while Walmart also pays so little 60% of its fulltime work force is on Gov Assistsnce, which Walmart gets a tax break for employing, and those people can only afford to shop at Walmart so they get all their money back anyway. And no stealing from corps is not bad thinking, and the cops are not being expected to pick up slack, they are being paid to police a Walmart. Not be cops, but fucking security against the tax payers who pay them. This isn't the outcome of robbing Walmart this is the outcome of continuing to let corporations reach into our government systems and use them as a cudgel against the populace and you're only response is "Well what else can they do?" I've listed a bunch of things they can do, and even posted the very words of a CEO who is handling the problem just fine and still you side with Walmart and their community destroying behiavor. Walmarts robbed and destroyed sooooo many communities without a single care and yet you're still here like "Yea but the people stealing 0.1% of their profits tho." 


If they want security they should pay a security firm, not use the police as their security, that's not what they are supposed to be for. There are a bunch of cheaper and easier things they could do that would be more effective tho, like properly staffing the store. 

Edited by RSG3
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found footage of the williams/bally/midway documentary:




Now Bally and Williams have been absorbed by Light & Wonder, formerly known as Scientific Games Corporation


Light & Wonder is the Hasbro of electronic/coinops, etc.



Remember, Monopoly and Sorry are owned by Hasbro too now. Used to be Parker Brothers.





Undertaker doing MOCAP



The 1st E3



Edited by Jion_Wansu
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4 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Yea, "considered" higher class, as in goofy people think they are different. They are not. They are both big boxs stores that make profit by screwing over its employees through under pay, under staffing, and other "money savIng" tricks. Only real difference between the two is Target pays slightly better, but still pathetically low and they both treat their employees like total dog shit. 


Bro first it was "Walmart and Lowe's don't share consumer bases"  now it's "Well Lowe's doesn't have stuff to steal" but you just said they have shrink so yes they do. Doesn't make sense anyway Lowe's carries tons of things that are small and expensive one could easily steal like tools, materials and supplies. 


I already told you exactly what executives could do to curtail and deter theft easily and you hand waved it off. We have decades of data showing just having warm bodies walking around the store deters the majority of theft. Yes them being better people would help deal with their theft problem because if they where better people they would staff their stores properly, wouldn't be trying to make 1 person monitor 6 self check out registers at one time, would pay wages that attract good people to work for Walmart.


But they aren't good people so they under staff, they don't train properly, they pay dog shit wages. They don't attract "good" people to work for Walmart, they attract people like me who will let everyone rob your store because I care as much about the store as my employer cares about me, which is to say I dont give a shit, you pay me a fucking poverty wage as it is. I'm not gonna watch departments, keep eyes on isleways, I'm not gonna offer customer service to people and thus make thieves naturally not be interested in trying to rob me. Does it cure all theft? No and not one single solitary person ever said it did. They said it deters the majority of theft, because it does. We have decades of data supporting this notion. 


But even beyond all that the idea that its the tax payers job to pay to pay for Walmarts personal police station and detail while Walmart also pays so little 60% of its fulltime work force is on Gov Assistsnce, which Walmart gets a tax break for employing, and those people can only afford to shop at Walmart so they get all their money back anyway. And no stealing from corps is not bad thinking, and the cops are not being expected to pick up slack, they are being paid to police a Walmart. Not be cops, but fucking security against the tax payers who pay them. This isn't the outcome of robbing Walmart this is the outcome of continuing to let corporations reach into our government systems and use them as a cudgel against the populace and you're only response is "Well what else can they do?" I've listed a bunch of things they can do, and even posted the very words of a CEO who is handling the problem just fine and still you side with Walmart and their community destroying behiavor. Walmarts robbed and destroyed sooooo many communities without a single care and yet you're still here like "Yea but the people stealing 0.1% of their profits tho." 


If they want security they should pay a security firm, not use the police as their security, that's not what they are supposed to be for. There are a bunch of cheaper and easier things they could do that would be more effective tho, like properly staffing the store. 

picard too long didnt read GIF

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