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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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What type of chicken wings do you like the most


Dry spices/powder or wet sauces?


Favorite flavors?


Do you like any of the national chains or independent restaurants?


For me..



I tend to like Asian inspired ones like Thai peanut/General Tso/Spicy Korean


While I usually get wings from 1/2 local bars here, I sometimes get Wingstop bc they have the Spicy Korean flavor 

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It's a rarity for me now since I cut way back on certain foods in recent years... but when I do---it's garlic parm and lemon-pepper that are the easy top ranks for me... I *think* I remember Wingstop or other places having a "cajun" style seasoning as well?  ...but garlic parm and lemon-pepper are the 2 champion-level picks.  They're so close it's basically a coin-flip between the 2.

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 🤘Metal Monday🤘

for Nirvana fans



Kurt Cobain was never shy about naming his musical influences publicly (in the liner notes to Nirvana's 1992 compilation, "Incesticide", he stated, "I'll be the first to admit that we're the 90's version of Cheap Trick or The Knack but the last to admit that it hasn't been rewarding"). However, the artists he listed were usually of the punk, new wave, or indie rock variety. In other words, not much metal, and certainly, no extreme metal.


But it turns out there was at least one exception to the rule – Swiss black metal trailblazers Celtic Frost. A famous story that has circulated for years is that on one of Nirvana's pre-"Nevermind" tours (when drummer Chad Channing was in the band), a cassette tape that proved to be oft-listened to in their tour van included Celtic Frost's "Morbid Tales" on one side, and The Smithereens' power pop classic "Especially for You" on the other. As a result, a hypothetical musical formula was hatched: "Morbid Tales" + "Especially for You" = "Nevermind."


In a recent article for Songfacts, both Channing and Celtic Frost singer Tom G. Warrior shared their thoughts on the subject. "I first heard Celtic Frost from my friend Jason [Everman, Nirvana's second guitarist circa 'Bleach'], who picked up 'Morbid Tales' back in '84," recalled Channing. "Of course, we had the US LP version. My thoughts? Incredible! I loved that record from start to finish the first time I heard it."


And it turns out that it was Channing who introduced the other Nirvana members to Celtic Frost. "Krist [Novoselic] and Kurt turned me on to the Smithereens, so I recorded the album to a cassette that had a blank side B to it, which just happened to be Celtic Frost."



Edited by AriesWarlock
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16 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

There is a lot I like in this interaction

No.1 being instant karma.  Nobody pulled out a knife, no guns were brandished, and nobody is trying to delete someone relatively small shit.  Dude was being a complete ass and he had a chance to wallow and regret life choices.  They even try to help him despite him arguably not deserving it.

The only thing about this that sucks is giving him water. Unless you got gallons, that ain't gonna work. Give the eyes a milk bath and you'll be right as rain. I (unfortunately) had to do this the a couple weeks ago. I was cutting jalapenos and rubbed my eyes. The sting wasnt immediate, but you could feel it build. Tried water and it was laughable relief. Soaked a paper towel with milk and laid it across my eyes for a few seconds and problem solved. 


Another Kitchen story - Today, I earned my stripes as the Mandolin finally tasted blood. Doing a quick slice with cucumber and went into autopilot. Took a nice piece of the skin off. While it wasn't super deep, we've hit the max out of pocket for the year so, leveraged the $0 co pay. The wife and I went to urgent care and they got it taken care of. The only good thing was my BP. I've been running at least one mile every day since my bday in Oct. The reading was 109/70. Hasn't been that low since grade school. 

Edited by OPTIMUS124
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8 hours ago, OPTIMUS124 said:


Another Kitchen story - Today, I earned my stripes as the Mandolin finally tasted blood. Doing a quick slice with cucumber and went into autopilot. Took a nice piece of the skin off. While it wasn't super deep, we've hit the max out of pocket for the year so, leveraged the $0 co pay. The wife and I went to urgent care and they got it taken care of. The only good thing was my BP. I've been running at least one mile every day since my bday in Oct. The reading was 109/70. Hasn't been that low since grade school. 

Yeah that's one of the reasons I have a mandolin, but rarely use it. It's never tasted my blood, but as clumsy as I am in the kitchen, I know it's just a matter of time. So I use a kitchen knife unless I just HAVE to have something uniform.

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Y'know, I bet the average kid of today probably takes one look at Hulk and just thinks "man...what a lame ass character...what does he even do?  He looks strong but never does anything in those movies."  It's a damn shame, man....  they never let him recover since Thanos punked him in Infinity War.  It made sense at the time for him to get beat since Thanos already had the Power gem at that point if I recall, but come on... they've had him be just a big goofy chump ever since.  Did he even do anything slightly cool in that She-Hulk show?  I'm already doubting it, of course.  Parents that are old comic fans would have to dig up old material to show their kids that this was once a character that was an unstoppable monster, and one of the most dangerous beings in Marvel....not the weak ass goofball from the present-day joke that is mcu.  It will probably be several years before they allow him to be cool again... and that length of time is probably a generous estimation.


...sheeeit, I remember in the "original Xbox" days, Hulk Ultimate Destruction was one of the greatest comic book games ever could destroy everything in the city....and do awesome shit like use cars as boxing gloves.  

Edited by MillionX
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5 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Grandpa smacking her grand daughter

Some kids need to have that quick course correction otherwise they'll continue down the path to being shit pieces.  Personally unless a kid is being tossed and kicked down a hallway like a sack of potatoes like that one woman I saw doing off a door cam, people mostly need to mind their own business when it comes to seeing other people discipline their kids.  One of my wife's friends adopted some kids and they're completely against any type of physical course correction at all with these kids which is admirable but it's pretty clear in the way those kids act that they don't have a fear of an actual consequence for being shit heels.  They try their best to keep them in line and just keep them busy with other activities so they're not doing something out of pocket but I really fear about what they are gonna do when the turn into teenagers, bigger, and when they inevitably start to not have them around.


1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

Well, he does have experience playing a villain





I was wondering how far this movie was going to go but it looks like it's only going to be dealing with how he built his empire in NYC and then stop there.  I'm fully expecting probably 80% of what happens in the movie will be relatively true with the rest of it being an embellishment because they likely won't have to do much since the story will likely write itself.  Shortly after the movie comes out or even before the movie comes out people will be saying stuff like "That didn't happen" only to find out yes that part of the story is actually true and it'll be like that for months.


3 hours ago, axeman61 said:

One CAN'T be this stupid, right? RIGHT? What's the play here? I'm asking for real. What gambit is happening here I don't know about? How do you drive a company you paid 44 BILLION DOLLARS for into the ground so hard?


Dude stopped caring...that and he's trying his hardest to stand by his stance of "I'm going to speak and say whatever I want because I don't want to hinder free speech".  I mean its his money...he's allowed to flush it.  I'm just kind of sad that I gotta watch ship going down because the captain doesn't care about hitting icebergs.  Yeah the ship has some grungy shitty parts in it but if you stay away out of those areas relatively it's not bad but everything has to go with the shit regardless so eh....gotta cope.

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12 minutes ago, Reticently said:




Yeah I saw that trending last night.  I'm generally not ok with people dancing on the graves of others unless they've been particularly heinous (read: your choices and decisions in life impacted countless people for the far worse) I'm also of the mind that if didn't give people respect while alive, don't expect it when you are dead. 


Dude lived to be 100 though...I'd def say he crossed the finish line unfortunately.

Edited by Sonichuman
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