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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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13 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

What's funny is ppl complaining about the X Men being woke. At that point just gone come out as a bigot, dawg cuz there is no way to explain that level of stupidity 😂

Man I can't wait for whenever we get to them coming into the MCU and the hot takes and stupid shit comes out of the woodwork.  It really shouldn't be like that but we still have several groups of people every few years or so realizing just what machine people were raging at.

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25 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

What's funny is ppl complaining about the X Men being woke. At that point just gone come out as a bigot, dawg cuz there is no way to explain that level of stupidity 😂

It's an epidemic of people not knowing WTF they are talking about it. It's similar to my Star Trek complaint of above. We have two sides of the idiot spectrum that doesn't have a grasp of the subject matter. So they take positions that don't make a lick of sense to anyone that's done even a 5 second Google search.

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The ending to the Will/Jada debacle..


Will and Jada are are struggling to control a pistol when suddenly two shots ring out.


Both collapse on the floor in a pool of blood.


A lone figure with a smoking pistol in the shadows walks up and says, ...




Written by Dangerous J

Directed by Antoine Fuqua

Edited by DangerousJ
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I've never given much thought about this being a thing, actually....since it's such a traditional thing at least in our society... but nah, I would *not*... it surprises me that some of the dudes calling in would say "yeah" to this....

perhaps it should not be a surprise though, considering anything even slightly "traditional" and old is looked down on as bad or "toxic". (particularly anything that may be seen as being in favor of men, of course.  That's always "bad" and should be shouted down as something evil and outdated.)


Things are so generally fucked up (*and no, there is no hope of improvement) between men and women these days this actually seems like a small issue to talk about in comparison though.


Oh shit this is live right now on the UAP thing----ah, I think this is just the older congressional hearings being re-uploaded as a "live" broadcast...?


Edited by MillionX
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the ONLY country on the entire planet to vote no for peace.

the only one.

as usual, american foreign policy, on the wrong side of history.

america's "good" done. finished.

the whole planet now sees america for what it is.

a military industrial complex. nothing more.

a country that supports apartheid.

the only country that supports apartheid.

well done. proud of you u.s.  govt

btw, rumor has it, biden sits on the ceo board of Raytheon. the military contractor. 

not shocked about the wars in ukraine and isreal. he is making dat paper like never before.

raytheon and lockheed are hungry. gotta feed the beast.



Edited by VirginDefiler
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I'm generally on the side of peace, but you're delusional if you think a UN cease fire resolution would actually bring peace to the Middle East. If it were that simple then all the other cease fire peace attempts over the years would have worked by now.


If they wanted peace that badly, they'd work it out for themselves, but they don't, so the responsibility for peace will once again get punted to a future generation.

Edited by DoctaMario
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14 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I'm generally on the side of peace, but you're delusional if you think a UN cease fire resolution would actually bring peace to the Middle East. If it were that simple then all the other cease fire peace attempts over the years would have worked by now.


If they wanted peace that badly, they'd work it out for themselves, but they don't, so the responsibility for peace will once again get punted to a future generation.

There won't be peace because Israel doesn't want it. I'm tired of people pretending otherwise. It takes two to tango and its not just Hamas, Zionists do not want peace. That's who is running the Israeli government. The best chance for peace was Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin. He signed the Oslo Accords* with Yaser Arafat the head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Rabin was assassinated by a Zionist in 1995. Netanyahu is a Zionist. "From the river to the sea" is a part of their political charter. They don't want peace, they want to wipe out the Palestinians. And all you have to do is look at the comments they make in local Israeli media. They are in violation of multiple UN laws. They don't honor the Geneva Convention. Collective punishment is illegal. They've been doing so for years. They have control over the water, power, and fuel of Gaza. The don't allow any independent media into Gaza. Any media you see in Gaza has to be approved by the IDF and the IDF has to approve of the footage and what they broadcast before it be released. They have a "mowing the grass" policy where they periodically go into to Gaza and mow the grass. The grass being Palestinians. The IDF arms the illegal settlers in the West Bank. And the biggest one of all is them propping up Hamas** so they can have extremist foil that will allow them to commit a sorts of atrocities have people look the other way.  So they can prevent a two state solution from ever coming to fruition. They've already killed more civilians than Russia has in Ukraine. IDF estimates say 1/3 of Palestinians killed were Hamas***. There have been over 17,000 people killed so far which puts over 11,000 people as collateral damage by the IDF numbers. The IDF isn't exactly reliable but even taking them at their word makes the death toll for innocent civilians reprehensible.


The IDF claimed that Al-Shifa hospital was a Hamas command center. It's illegal to attack a hospital even during war. It has to be proven that it's military operation before you launch an attack. Which was not done. They strolled through the hospital filming "uncut" video as evidence. They pointed to a "terror schedule" on  the wall that ended up being a calendar in Arabic. They showed a hiding place for guns that was behind an MRI machine. Literally the worst place to hide metal arms and munitions in an active hospital. Then finally the showed a Hamas Laptop that viewers quickly realized was an IDF laptop. Suddenly that "uncut" video got pulled down, edited, and re-uploaded. That's not even getting into the fact that the "tunnels" under the Hospital were dug by Israel in their previous occupation of the hospital. Yet, they could not provide anything showing this headquarters. Despite all the coverage of Al-Shifa its one of several hospitals hit by the IDF.


They killed numerous UN aid workers, 102**** the last I heard. You can read about it the papers of course the articles read that they "died" in Gaza. No they were killed by Israel. Along with numerous reporters. In the initial days of the conflict, you'd get satellite photos showing before and after images. Of course Israel shut that down. It's kind of hard to say you are "trying to avoid" civilian casualties while leveling entire apartment complexes. I've dime ranted on this long enough.  :tldr:


TLDR: The ZIonist government of Israel doesn't want peace and are no better than Hamas. They indiscriminately kill civilians, propped up Hamas** in the first place. And are in violation of numerous international laws.






Edited by Darc_Requiem
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5 hours ago, MillionX said:

"...because women are nice🤣  Yeah ok sure, Billie.  


Ohhh and I forgot about this tidbit people are going on about in the comment section


I love Billie Eilish interviews. Every time she opens her mouth she shows she's a vapid shallow artist with nothing of real value to say. I don't listen to her music, I've only heard Badguy or whatever and I thought it was shit so I imagine the rest of her discography is as shallow and vapid as she is. 

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

I love Billie Eilish interviews. Every time she opens her mouth she shows she's a vapid shallow artist with nothing of real value to say. I don't listen to her music, I've only heard Badguy or whatever and I thought it was shit so I imagine the rest of her discography is as shallow and vapid as she is. 

I actually like some of her music, but she's one of those people you have to wonder if she actually has any friends with the some of the opinions she voices.

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X-men's Greatest Moments:


"A Show of Power"  (New Mutants #87)  (1990)

"Finale"    (X-factor #68)   (1991)


"The name's CABLE.  Remember it, Apocalypse!"





Previously on X-men...


  Way back in Uncanny X-men 200, the son of Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor was born. 

After being kidnapped during the buildup to Inferno, Madelyne went insane after Sinister revealed that she was a clone of Jean with her job/memories all fabricated to get close to Scott. Sinister wanted an uber mutant to ultimately defeat Apocalypse. 

After Maddy dies (for a while) in Inferno, Scott is raising him along with Jean.


However, Apocalypse kidnaps Nathan and infects him with a techno-organic virus. A mysterious woman from the future named Askani offers to take baby Nate to the future to cure him. Wracked with guilt, Scott lets her take Nate to the future.





Part 2....


Before this story, in real world publication, a mysterious old man with cybernetics is seen chasing after the terrorist organization known as the Mutant Liberation Front!

While this character is new to readers, it is actually the infant son of Scott Summers all grown up. His oppostie numer and doppelganger STRYFE is actually his clone. (lol). He eventually teams wih the New Mutants to get them and later molds them into the paramilitary squad known as  X-FORCE!





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There's been some footage released and a time line of events dealing with Johnathan Majors and Grace Jabbari.  Getting most of the info from this twitter thread

So far at this point it seems to point that Majors may not have even been  there when some of her injuries occurred, he was at a hotel.  Again everything is supposed/alleged right now.  She claimed that Majors injured her during the altercation in the car but they got video footage of her after and she isn't hurt.  She even went to the club with her friends.

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