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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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So "interesting" convo at the barbershop: lady says her husband cheated on her, she never told him she found out. Then she decides to step out with another man (very understandable). They start hanging, goin all out of town, renting suites and going to expensive resorts, no sex involved allegedly (her husband eventually found them together in HER car and shot at boffum)


So after tellin her story, she asks all the men would they take a woman out of town, no sex involved. I say "No. Not unless I'm already hittin or we got a great rapport". Dates around the city? Sure, but not out of town for someone im still gettin to know


Most ppl agreed, even the women In the shop. Then she says she glad she dont talk to men like me. Mind you I never tried to holla in the first place due to the drama she just described with her husband. Lmao


Anywho, she says she still texts her husband daily, still sends him money and performs wife duties. Says she divorcing him but he's a "cool" dude. Now, keep in mind earlier she just said she won't talk to me cuz of my opinion on the out of town conversation but the guy that shot her car up with her new man in it is a "cool" dude


And that my friends describes what's wrong with some women today. This is a real conversation that happened today and im not exaggerating 😂

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Just now, Reticently said:

Gets shot at over "stepping out" and didn't even get laid, jfc 🤣


Nah, that doesn't even make sense.  They had to have fucked.  Like, they get a room once and maybe somebody got cold feet about cheating... but multiple times?  They're fucking.

She sounds like one of those women that will pass off another man's child as her husbands and then say "How could you do this to me! To our family!" when a DNA test exposes her. 

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Whats crazy is she bought 95% of that on herself. She should have immediately confronted her cheating husband bout them dick pics he sent to other women. But she kept quiet and decided to cheat back like two wrongs made a right.


All she had to do was divorce him as soon as she found out about his affairs. Now an innocent man almost got whacked because of her very sloppy work. And why tf would you be stupid enough to ride another dude around in your car? Atleast get a rental or ride in his car. Lmao

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4 minutes ago, Reticently said:

My guess is that she wanted to get caught.


But also, what moron cheats but still thinks it's worth killing someone over getting cheated on himself?  🙃

Don't ask me. I don't understand it. If you don't want to be with someone, move on. Cheating exists because people want to have their cake, not eat it, but not want anyone else to eat it either. It just straight up selfishness. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Thank god this other apartment lease is ending soon so I wont be tied to my sister's bs anymore. Never again signing or co signing anyone.


I've lost like 5k bailing her out and have taken numerous hits to my credit score due to her late payments. And clearly she still hasnt learned nor does she seem to realize how serious a bind she put me in cuz she late AGAIN. Like, they report late payments to the buearus


I was so happy when I told them ppl I was NOT resigning a new lease. Cuz fuck them and her. I'm finally free in March Lmao

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I noticed AlmightyTevin's recent re-stream popped up in my recommended section apparently our ol buddy Phil had the Mrs. on his stream again recently; I think it was the first time in years

I can only imagine the absolute goldmine of material going on in his live-chat section as this was happening....moderators probably had to put in serious work that day. "No this is not a pregnancy announcement, guys." bruh... 😆

ah, so Jasper the Cat is still there as well, I see.

Edited by MillionX
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13 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

er..why does NASA need a fighter jet again?

1st, it isn't an armed fighter.  2nd NASA isn't just spacecraft- it's the "Aeronautic and Space" agency.


From the article linked directly in the tweet:



How NASA’s X-59 May Change the Future of High-Speed Flight

NASA’s X-59 quiet supersonic research aircraft is the culmination of decades of aeronautics and supersonic flight research. The X-59 is designed to be able to fly supersonic, or faster than the speed of sound, without producing a loud sonic boom. Instead, the X-59 is designed to reduce that boom to a quieter sonic “thump.” The X-59 is the centerpiece of NASA’s Quesst mission, which seeks to survey the public’s response to quieter supersonic flight and provide data to regulators to consider removing the current ban on commercial supersonic flight over land, opening the future to reduced flight times around the country and the world.


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3 hours ago, MillionX said:

I can only imagine the absolute goldmine of material going on in his live-chat section as this was happening....moderators probably had to put in serious work that day. "No this is not a pregnancy announcement, guys." bruh... 😆

ah, so Jasper the Cat is still there as well, I see.

DSP is participating in a documentary by Mike Clum, the same guy that did a documentary on boogie2988 a couple of months ago. Mike made it clear that he will be kicking over a lot of rocks to make it interesting.


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6 hours ago, Reticently said:

2nd NASA isn't just spacecraft- it's the "Aeronautic and Space" agency

I think the most common argument I have with one of my brothers that I find most frustrating is the NASA argument. "Cut NASAs funding, we don't need to go to space!" Bro you cook everything in a microwave, you'd be dead without NASA, NASA funding is like pennies compared to the military, shut the fuck up lol. 

Edited by RSG3
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Notorious arcade gamer Billy Mitchell settles suit over Donkey Kong world record



The settlement was announced in LA County Superior Court on Thursday morning — three months before the lawsuit was set to go to trial — during a hearing to determine whether Mitchell and an attorney for Twin Galaxies would face sanctions for misconduct during discovery.

Mitchell appeared in court wearing his trademark black suit with an American flag tie and handkerchief. When asked to comment on the settlement, he said only: "I'm sorry, I don’t know you."

David Tashroudian, Twin Galaxies' lawyer, declined to comment as well, except to say that "everyone’s excited after four years" to see a resolution in the case.


The court was scheduled to hear arguments on both motions for sanctions on Thursday morning. Instead, a settlement was announced.

Both Tashroudian and Mitchell appeared relived, shaking hands in the hallway. But no one appeared more pleased with the end of the case than Judge Chang, who told the parties during the short hearing: "Oh my word. Can I tell you how happy I am?"


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18 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

er..why does NASA need a fighter jet again?




Because those experimental planes are meant to test new aerospace technology.

All the X planes have always been developed by 1st the predecessor of Nasa and now Nasa.

While it looks like a fighter plane, is not really one, since is just a prototype, like all previous ones.

I used to have a special issue popular mechanic about those planes.
My favs were X-15 and X-29


IIRC, they were also on a flight simulator game I had, iirc it was ATF.







Also, IIRc, at the time, the last X-plane was X-33.
Or at least the last one known to the public.




X-36 looks nice




Edited by Hecatom
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On 1/11/2024 at 2:18 AM, Jion_Wansu said:


Did you guys/gals read any of the comments that people posted and can relate to them when you all were growing up?


Also, regarding the retirement age social security thing. If the government didn't poach the social security funds then there wouldn't need to be "raising the age". Why didn't the government treat social security like a 401K and invest all of the funds in the markets????????????????



13 hours ago, MillionX said:

I noticed AlmightyTevin's recent re-stream popped up in my recommended section apparently our ol buddy Phil had the Mrs. on his stream again recently; I think it was the first time in years

I can only imagine the absolute goldmine of material going on in his live-chat section as this was happening....moderators probably had to put in serious work that day. "No this is not a pregnancy announcement, guys." bruh... 😆

ah, so Jasper the Cat is still there as well, I see.


Surprised Zatalcon didn't reply...

Edited by Jion_Wansu
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1 hour ago, iStu X said:


This is such an "Emperor has no clothes" moment. Multiple government officials included Netanyahu said as much before South Africa brought the case to the UN. The only thing more blatant is that people pretend isn't true about Israel is that it's an apartheid state. Something multiple Israeli officials, included former Prime Ministers, have stated themselves. When they address their citizens in Hebrew versus what they say in English to world is like night and day. Its like they don't know the internet exists and they think the things they say at home won't get out to the world.


I feel like such a damned idiot because up until recently, I had no idea how truly fucked up Israel is and how our so called civilized Western nations pretend that isn't the case. Watching Blinken say "the case has no merit" followed by in his next breath by "90% of Gazans are reaching starvation levels" just made me SMH. Watching Israel say "we are trying to avoid Civilian casualties when they've killed 23,000+ civilians, 70% of whom are women and children, is rage inducing. Especially when they just did a surgical strike in another nation, Lebanon, that killed a Hamas leader with minimal casualties. Don't get me started on the coded language used to describe the deaths of Palestinians in comparison to Israelis. When the IDF kills a three year old girl sitting in a van with her parents "a bullet found it's way into the van and killed a young lady". Yes that's actually how they reported that incident. That's like me stealing someone's wallet and saying "My hand found it's way into their back pocket". What in the actual fuck. :tldr:

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A shame I'll probably be too sleepy to enjoy this juicy drama for the flash-cast stream tonight; basically, YellowFlash got called out (by Ethan Van Sciver, who is still live streaming right now) for allegedly not paying the artist that's working on his book...and this comes up now as YF's usual weekend show is about to go live very of course the live-chat is a complete shit-show right now, fully derailed by this topic instead of what the normal topics would be....and the mods are out in full force deleting lots of comments.  Currently, the response has been that YF offered to pay the artist some money up front/now and the dude turned it down (he's in a bad spot and actually needs money at the moment)... but supposedly their deal has this artist owning 40% of the book though.  Oh yeah this should be good.  It's a safe bet that EVS will never be a regular guest on Flash's show ever again.

Pop Corn GIF by WWE

*oddly enough I just noticed that oddball "Lofti" character is a guest tonight; hell must have frozen over because I thought that bridge was burned forever as well (Lofti kept using the "f-word" slur on YF's show one night so he was understandably pissed since that could quickly get your show and channel taken down or banned probably)

no shame in my game here, folks... I can't get enough of the spicy youtube drama.  It's delicious.


Upcoming ice/snow weather mix---- reminds me that the unfortunate downside of the post pandemic "work from home" era is now this doesn't mean a free day off....they'll just tell us to work from home when the roads are iced over.

Edited by MillionX
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De Santis minion vs Trump minion?

Christina Pushaw vs Laura Loomer

Who will win?

Find out in Clayfighter 666!


I can't wait for the Batman comic creators to incorporate them as new villains.


Suddenly, Rachel Maddow doesn't look that bad.





Edited by DangerousJ
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16 hours ago, MillionX said:

A shame I'll probably be too sleepy to enjoy this juicy drama for the flash-cast stream tonight; basically, YellowFlash got called out (by Ethan Van Sciver, who is still live streaming right now) for allegedly not paying the artist that's working on his book...and this comes up now as YF's usual weekend show is about to go live very of course the live-chat is a complete shit-show right now, fully derailed by this topic instead of what the normal topics would be....and the mods are out in full force deleting lots of comments.  Currently, the response has been that YF offered to pay the artist some money up front/now and the dude turned it down (he's in a bad spot and actually needs money at the moment)... but supposedly their deal has this artist owning 40% of the book though.  Oh yeah this should be good.  It's a safe bet that EVS will never be a regular guest on Flash's show ever again.

Pop Corn GIF by WWE

*oddly enough I just noticed that oddball "Lofti" character is a guest tonight; hell must have frozen over because I thought that bridge was burned forever as well (Lofti kept using the "f-word" slur on YF's show one night so he was understandably pissed since that could quickly get your show and channel taken down or banned probably)

no shame in my game here, folks... I can't get enough of the spicy youtube drama.  It's delicious.


Upcoming ice/snow weather mix---- reminds me that the unfortunate downside of the post pandemic "work from home" era is now this doesn't mean a free day off....they'll just tell us to work from home when the roads are iced over.

From the outside looking in EVS seems to be snake and a drama queen. I keep seeing him go after people that he was supposedly cool with. Maybe it's coincidence and he's completely in the right but, that isn't the feeling I get. I don't really follow the guy, so maybe perception is from whenever see his name come up. It seems like its always in the context of someone he knows having success and suddenly he has problem with. Seems like he gets envious and starts shit. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Yeah, the more I thought about that situation... it's coming across as an opportunistic thing----he noticed this situation with YFlash and the artist on his book and decided to go "live" about it....instead of addressing it with that dude privately.  There also seems to be an element of "payback" to it though, since he mentioned Yellow Flash made certain payment/page details public earlier and that didn't sit right with him at that was likely part of the motive for airing this out publicly on a live-stream which of course *just happened* to be Saturday night about an hour or so before YF's usual Saturday night stream.


Of course YF mentioned things at the start of his show and stated he will have nothing to do with Ethan ever to say that bridge is burned forever.


*another thing I'm surprised never got focused on, speaking of possible online drama--- the split between Anna That Star Wars Girl and Jessi Milestone... they haven't done a show together in forever, and neither one brings anything up that happened to cause that apparent split... it just *seems* like something happened at some point to cause them to not be cool with each other anymore.  There was a situation a couple of years ago where Jessi (and her boyfriend Jeff, the dude from World Class Bullshitters channel) were told to leave an event hosted by "Nerdrotic" Gary and his crew.


Oh yes---the "lore" around so many of these online personalities can be as wonderfully messy as a daytime soap opera, and I love it.

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