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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Dawn of the Monsters---it starts off with you having to play a particular monster but only that first mission; after that you can select whichever one you want so that's good.  I didn't know there's also some augment items that boost attributes of the characters (you can equip 3 at a time), so that makes things a bit more interesting than what one might expect of a typical beatemup game.


Godstrike hits you hard right from the start... the tutorial boss has multiple phases to it, folks.  



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I forgot how much of a POS the emperor is in FINAL FANTASY II. Wyverns, Dragoons, towns, tons of people are just straight merced for this MF's selfish ambitions. I also forgot that Behmoth's make their debut in FFII. But for this play through of FFII, I know that the Toad spell is OP. I used it on the Behemoth, turned that sucker into a frog and he bounced so fast.


I know FFII is often viewed as the black sheep of the FF series, but I really hope more people give it a chance through the Pixel Remaster release. So much of the BS from the Famicom version has been tossed out the window. The game is WAY less grindy as a result and you can truly shape your characters however you want to. Definitely the best version of FFII. 

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Maaaan....I'm kinda mad at REmake4 right now.  I'm having a hard enough time aiming at the weak spot on the jittery ass Regeneradors when they're fucking rushing at you.  So they fucking put you in an enclosed area with 3 of these mother fuckers (1...then 2 at a time) .  I can't tell if it's my fault or not quite yet because feels like it's implying that you might be able to sneak through without disturbing them but hoooly hell.   Once one drops out, all hell breaks loose.  Fucking Benny Hill playing in the back ground again and trying to dodge and GTFO.  I do not have enough ammo to be dropping on these assholes lol.

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13 hours ago, Shakunetsu said:


I hope someone tagged MasakoX. I'd do it, but I'm at work. 

12 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Mod community is doing good stuff with DBFZ in terms of making characters.  Also shoutouts to the UMVC3 mod community too.  They going ham over there with the characters.



100 mill more go, movie is supposed to be dropping in Japan this weekend.  There's no way it doesn't make it to a 1 Bill at this point


It dropped in Korea yesterday and Japan on the 28th. It'll be at a billion by Saturday. The hold rates on this movie are nuts. It's had a 37% drop the first week and a 35% drop for the second. That type of thing is very rare these days.

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I'm watching through DF's video on Burning Shores and wow...Guerrilla did a crazy job on the clouds in this game.  I'm seriously impressed!  It kind of sucks that they don't move but hey the fact that they actually occupy the sky as they do and you are able to interact with them is great stuff.  I'm sure when Horizon 3 happens and they're not tethered to last gen with more time that they'll be able to make it even better.

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

I'm watching through DF's video on Burning Shores and wow...Guerrilla did a crazy job on the clouds in this game.  I'm seriously impressed!  It kind of sucks that they don't move but hey the fact that they actually occupy the sky as they do and you are able to interact with them is great stuff.  I'm sure when Horizon 3 happens and they're not tethered to last gen with more time that they'll be able to make it even better.

Yea, frankly with how much the Raptor looks to be integrated to the exploration and movement of Burning Shores I would rather have the static but thick and interactive clouds then the moving ones from the core game experience. 

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2 minutes ago, Wellman said:

Are they blacisted because be of that article about pirating Metroid Dread around the release or did they do something else to get on bad side of Nintendo?

Unsure...but considering what they put in that Metroid Dread article before they edited it...I wouldn't be surprised if that was at least 1 factor lol.  I hadn't actually read the article before it got edited and then I looked over it again because it's archived and was like "....yeah...that's about right"

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1 hour ago, Wellman said:

Are they blacisted because be of that article about pirating Metroid Dread around the release or did they do something else to get on bad side of Nintendo?

It’s been a lot of things. They’ve been in Nintendo Jail quite a few times over the years for some stuff they’ve “reported” on and given reviews for. But telling readers where and how to pirate Nintendo hardware and software is what got them the life sentence. 

Edited by iStu X
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3 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Kotaku is supposedly salty as shit that they've been embargoed from advance previews of TotK

People going in on them in the comments of course.





So far they are blacklisted by Bethesda, Ubisoft, Nintendo, SquareEnix/The FFXIV XVI team, from the top of my head.

And I know they are also blacklisted by a lot of smaller japanese devs

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damn...that Dark Eden definitely looked like something I would've loved (I just started watching that "Death of a Game" vid on it)....IF only it weren't a goddamn MMO.  Someone should bring it back one a real game (like just a "regular" arpg)


Edited by MillionX
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22 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Maaaan....I'm kinda mad at REmake4 right now.  I'm having a hard enough time aiming at the weak spot on the jittery ass Regeneradors when they're fucking rushing at you.  So they fucking put you in an enclosed area with 3 of these mother fuckers (1...then 2 at a time) .  I can't tell if it's my fault or not quite yet because feels like it's implying that you might be able to sneak through without disturbing them but hoooly hell.   Once one drops out, all hell breaks loose.  Fucking Benny Hill playing in the back ground again and trying to dodge and GTFO.  I do not have enough ammo to be dropping on these assholes lol.

Kill them one at a time without explosives (at least until the last one) before you put the card in. Better yet, look up how to knife them to death, it's not too bad. Knife one, save, knife the next, repeat until they're all dead.

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51 minutes ago, Camacho said:

Kill them one at a time without explosives (at least until the last one) before you put the card in. Better yet, look up how to knife them to death, it's not too bad. Knife one, save, knife the next, repeat until they're all dead.

Not that section, it's a section later in the game where there's 3 of them in a bag and if you touch the bags they come out.   I managed to just sneak past them last night and make it out of the room without disturbing them.    The first time I encountered this area I bumped into the first bag and lamed out the A.I. by standing in the doorway of the area and taking shots at him until dead...but then it turned into a super Regenerador which was even more fun to dump ammo into.  Then I made the mistake of getting to close to one of the bags deeper in the area in my attempt to get ammo and had INSTANT REGRET.

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3 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Not that section, it's a section later in the game where there's 3 of them in a bag and if you touch the bags they come out.   I managed to just sneak past them last night and make it out of the room without disturbing them.    The first time I encountered this area I bumped into the first bag and lamed out the A.I. by standing in the doorway of the area and taking shots at him until dead...but then it turned into a super Regenerador which was even more fun to dump ammo into.  Then I made the mistake of getting to close to one of the bags deeper in the area in my attempt to get ammo and had INSTANT REGRET.

If you don't know, the thermal scope will let you know which bags contain a Regenerador. That's if you have/use it.

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38 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

Has anyone purchased Jedi Survivor? There are two things I am seeing about the game:


  1. It has a few technical issues (e.g., framerate). 
  2. Supposedly the physical version doesn't have the complete game. There is 60GB out of 200 that are needed to play it. You have to download the other 140. 

I was seeing more discourse over 2 than 1 cause there is near no reason to purchase the disc since it doesn't even have complete working game on it.  May as well stuck a voucher in there.  Anybody who doesn't have internet or shit internet will probably pass on it.

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9 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I was seeing more discourse over 2 than 1 cause there is near no reason to purchase the disc since it doesn't even have complete working game on it.  May as well stuck a voucher in there.  Anybody who doesn't have internet or shit internet will probably pass on it.

It's a move that I honestly despise. I prefer physical releases when appropriate. I have the preorder sitting at Best Buy right now and I'm tempted to cancel it and just go for the digital.  

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