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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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1 hour ago, Lantis said:

Glad the judge made that decision, despite  everything, MS getting Acta/Blizz doesn't make for them to be a true monopoly. Besides the way things have been going for both companies they need this. 


Although I don't think it is over because of the UK ruling. They have to get that sorted or they have to rework their dealings in the UK. Which would suck for all the UK employees under the companies related this whole mess. 

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Welp...Sony has 10 years to get an FPS or 2 established as a pillar for their platform.  They better not squander it with sulking and pouting.  They have the time now to do it.  Xbox at this point is a majority share on IP shooters so its imperative that Sony realizes this gap in their portfolio and attempts to fix it.



Xbox had an ID showcase today hosted by IGN.  I'm in Los Angeles at the moment so I'm not gonna be able to post everything.  But I will at least put the whole presentation here.




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45 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Welp...Sony has 10 years to get an FPS or 2 established as a pillar for their platform.  They better not squander it with sulking and pouting.  They have the time now to do it.  Xbox at this point is a majority share on IP shooters so its imperative that Sony realizes this gap in their portfolio and attempts to fix it.

If they have even half a fucking brain they will support Bungie and Marathon properly. That's your multi-player FPS killer app right there. 

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3 hours ago, Hecatom said:


One of the worst decisions that the judge has made in his career.

Not really. The FTC didn't much of case and the case they had was contingent upon pretending Nintendo doesn't exist. They literally were attempting to say to having CoD was the key to being successful in industry when the Switch is the 3rd best selling platform of all time without it. Moreover the Wii U had COD and is second worst selling Nintendo platform ever, only surpassed in failure by the Virtual Boy. I'm not a lawyer and I could have crushed the FTC. Okay, lets take Nintendo out of it as they wanted. It just makes their opposition to deal even weaker. Without Nintendo, Sony's market share is overwhelming. Without Nintendo, that makes them the market leader for every generation since the PS1 launched. Not to mention all the anti competitive stuff Sony's pulled. Their opposition to the deal looks hypocritical based on their own deals. Especially when they first entered the market and they had the largest pocket book. MS's strategy of flexing their check book is exactly what Sony did starting with PS1.  Sony opposing the sale has backfired on two fronts the first is they lost, and the second they've exposed a lot of their anticompetitive dealings publicly. 


The judge, clearly a laymen, was blowing holes in their case with basic questions. Which the FTC had no answers for. It was pathetic and the FTC should be ashamed of themselves. They didn't focus on the huge number of IPs MS would gain. They didn't key in on the mobile angle, which from what I can tell was biggest driver behind MS wanting Activision outside of Gamepass. The FTC looked like a public defender the read a cliff notes version of the situation 15 minutes before having to present their case.


TLDR: The FTC was woefully incompetent and presented a terrible case full of more holes than Swiss Cheese.

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So....what happened to Killzone then?  That seemed to be the big in-house shooter in Sonyland...  I suppose it just hit a point where it wasn't selling enough?  It's like they gave up on pushing that franchise.  I never played those games but they looked pretty cool to me.



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19 minutes ago, MillionX said:

So....what happened to Killzone then?  That seemed to be the big in-house shooter in Sonyland...  I suppose it just hit a point where it wasn't selling enough?  It's like they gave up on pushing that franchise.  I never played those games but they looked pretty cool to me.



Sony had multiple FPS games. They had Resistance too. If they really wanted to have their own Call of Duty. They could just bring back SOCOM as an FPS. 

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2 hours ago, MillionX said:

So....what happened to Killzone then?  That seemed to be the big in-house shooter in Sonyland...  I suppose it just hit a point where it wasn't selling enough?  It's like they gave up on pushing that franchise.  I never played those games but they looked pretty cool to me.



Gorilla games move on to Horizon. 

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5 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Welp...Sony has 10 years to get an FPS or 2 established as a pillar for their platform.  They better not squander it with sulking and pouting.  They have the time now to do it.  Xbox at this point is a majority share on IP shooters so its imperative that Sony realizes this gap in their portfolio and attempts to fix it.



Xbox had an ID showcase today hosted by IGN.  I'm in Los Angeles at the moment so I'm not gonna be able to post everything.  But I will at least put the whole presentation here.

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Sony has had Solid FPS in the past but allowed them to die off in favor of BF and later CoD. Now is a great time to bring back Killzone. Having said that, getting an Xbox for myself over the years has been mainly my shooter console. 

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14 hours ago, Sonichuman said:



Wish they used the sprites from the 1987 Taito/Technos Double Dragon arcade game.



11 hours ago, Chadouken said:

I think Sony should make a brand new FPS war shooter and name it Cry of Responsibility.


Sony should get the IP for The Grid and have NRS make it (if not NRS then Sony themselves). The original The Grid game had MK characters in it too.

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24 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

As someone who didn't follow that whole thing, what are the possible ramifications of Microsoft buying Activision/Blizzard? What does that do for XBox?

It boosts their library for Xbox and Gamepass. A possible ramification of this for consumers is less choice. It's another case of Corporate Consolidation.



Edited by RSG3
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Oof, they needed all the help they can get then. I've heard here and there about MS buying studios, but nothing meaningful has come of it. No good games, no boosted profits, nothing.


If they needed to buy Activision, they must have low prospects for all the other studios they bought.

Edited by axeman61
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41 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Oof, they needed all the help they can get then. I've heard here and there about MS buying studios, but nothing meaningful has come of it. No good games, no boosted profits, nothing.


If they needed to buy Activision, they must have low prospects for all the other studios they bought.

They've been buying up studios and publishers because they completed failed at cultivating in-house studios and franchises outside of their trinity. They are taking the easy way out by buying up what they can and use their IPs.

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sheeeittt, MS needs to stop bullshittin' and show me what's up with GEARS 6.  Get on the ball and get it done already.  I'm still interested in where the story goes from what went on in part 5, and which decision of the big choice near the end becomes the established lore.

I'd hope the Horde mode is more like it was back in Gears of War 3 though... mix that with the defined roles from parts 4 and 5 and just like that you have something special there.


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6 hours ago, axeman61 said:

As someone who didn't follow that whole thing, what are the possible ramifications of Microsoft buying Activision/Blizzard? What does that do for XBox?


One of the worst consequences that not many people talk about is the massive security/privacy issues that MS owning Kings implies.

They are gaining access to a lot of info from the mobilie division, and that is a problem

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2 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Is the upcoming Metaphor Refantazio game related to Persona in anway? Same developer, similar art and UI, was curious if its also set in the same universe

It's being made by the guy who reworked Persona into what it is now. He directed Person 3 4 and 5. Or produced...I don't remember, I just woke up, but yea it looks like Persona because it's made by the Persona Guy. 

Edited by RSG3
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I've been on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe the last few weeks preparing for the next wave. I decided to give the scooters and cycles a go. Maaaaaan, drifting with the cycles takes some WORK. At present, I have an easier time with the scooters and off road karts. I'm not giving up on the cycles but it is gonna take some time before I get used to them.


With the exception of Koopa Cape (even in Mario Kart Wii, I don't think I was fond of that course), I'm really enjoying Wave 5. Wiggler may be my new mains along with Kamek. 

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16 hours ago, RSG3 said:

All games are Metroidvanias dude. Someday I'm gonna see someone call Tetris a Metroidvania, I swear to God. 

But bro, Tetris Effect has multiple areas that feed into each other and you have to make a certain amount of lines to progress to the next section of each level! There's even a map screen that shows how the areas fit together! So obviously.....


Edited by DoctaMario
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Racist Destiny 2 Player Fucks Around, Finds Out

Jesse James Comer harassed and doxxed a Bungie community manager, now he owes the studio nearly $500 in Damages and Fees


According to the official Washington State court order, shared on Twitter by paralegal Kathryn Tewson, Jesse James Comer (who Tewson calls a “racist shitstain of a human being,” and girl, preach) went on a doxxing and harassment campaign of a Bungie community manager not long after that CM (who we will not name here) highlighted the work of a Black Destiny 2 creator.




Edited by AriesWarlock
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16 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

Racist Destiny 2 Player Fucks Around, Finds Out

Jesse James Comer harassed and doxxed a Bungie community manager, now he owes the studio nearly $500 in Damages and Fees


I'm happy that the PoS was held somewhat accountable but $500 is probably not enough to make people like that think twice.  The fact that he was put on notice and the warning shot was fired is still good though.

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