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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Oh yeah it's finally Double Dragon time... of course if it is indeed out with a physical version I'd rather get it that way, at least on my Switch.  I'm probably double-dipping on this one as well... Switch for sure then likely the Xbox version as well.


The side-scrolling beatemup genre is one I will never get tired of.  I was just playing the recent TMNT on Switch as I waited for a store to open up early this morning.

Edited by MillionX
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I played a bit of the new Double Dragon last night before I hit the sack.  Kinda strange only having one primary attack on each guy.  One guy has kick and the other punch.  But its tag like combat so I guess it kinda works out.  Its pretty fun though.


Dave the Diver is the game I'm having the most fun with these past several days or so.


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I remember when the first wave of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC tracks were announced, some videos popped on YouTube about people complaining about the visuals. I get that they could be better but I think people are enjoying the DLC waves so much to really care, myself included. I saw another video in my recommended section on YouTube about someone beefing about the visuals. I gotta keep in mind that these vids are necessarily a representation of the entire community. 

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27 minutes ago, RegH81 said:

I remember when the first wave of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC tracks were announced, some videos popped on YouTube about people complaining about the visuals. I get that they could be better but I think people are enjoying the DLC waves so much to really care, myself included. I saw another video in my recommended section on YouTube about someone beefing about the visuals. I gotta keep in mind that these vids are necessarily a representation of the entire community. 

Minority are trying to yell but to be's such a small thing that most do not care.  I'm not going to say that their criticism is in valid because some of the dlc does in fact not look as good as what came on the disc from purely texture perspective. But I'm not looking at grass textures while I'm getting Mario Karted though.  The effort that they've put in for the price they're asking for is crazy good deal and if it wasn't then the game would probably be seeing less sales than it is currently. 




Crime Boss: Rockay City - Tactical Weapon Pack DLC ^

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8 hours ago, MillionX said:

Oh yeah it's finally Double Dragon time... of course if it is indeed out with a physical version I'd rather get it that way, at least on my Switch.  I'm probably double-dipping on this one as well... Switch for sure then likely the Xbox version as well.


The side-scrolling beatemup genre is one I will never get tired of.  I was just playing the recent TMNT on Switch as I waited for a store to open up early this morning.

The game looks fun but I wish they'd gone for less cartoony graphics and something more like the og arcade game if they were going to go retro with it. I'm kind of tired of the retro cartoon look

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

The game looks fun but I wish they'd gone for less cartoony graphics and something more like the og arcade game if they were going to go retro with it. I'm kind of tired of the retro cartoon look

Those don't seem to sell as well unless you already named like Streets of Rage, and even then the Double Dragon line has been tied to goofy Kunio so long it might be hard to go back.


I wouldn't mind a slight more mature looking brawler tho myself.


Id really like to see someone try the Guardian Heroes formula again honestly.

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7 minutes ago, RegH81 said:


Yeaaaaah, I disagree with a lot of the stuff in this vid. And this is coming from someone that got a ton of enjoyment of out the Wii U.

I think this video came up in my feed and I watched to to hear the thoughts.  I've heard "Struggle Nintendo is best Nintendo" before but I da know...They're doing really good work with the Switch at the moment.  The only thing I really miss from the Wii U days that I wish the Switch had is the personality that the Wii U (menu aesthetic and music) had and Miiverse.  The chance of Miiverse ever making a comeback is slim to none but I want the next console to bring back more personality from before.   

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11 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Those don't seem to sell as well unless you already named like Streets of Rage, and even then the Double Dragon line has been tied to goofy Kunio so long it might be hard to go back.


I wouldn't mind a slight more mature looking brawler tho myself.


Id really like to see someone try the Guardian Heroes formula again honestly.

I think it's just that brawlers themselves are kind of a dated genre so they always have to go super retro in order to sell.


I agree with what Million said though:

4 hours ago, MillionX said:

Yeah I much prefer the look similar to what Streets of Rage 4 has going on now; that art style is incredible.

Imo that art style strikes a great balance between cartoonish and retro but also new. I wasn't a massive fan of SoR until I got deeper into 4 but that game is easily one of the best brawlers I've ever played.

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13 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

The game looks fun but I wish they'd gone for less cartoony graphics and something more like the og arcade game if they were going to go retro with it. I'm kind of tired of the retro cartoon look

I never liked the look of the Double Dragon arcade sprites. I think only the larger characters like Abobo looked good in it. NES and Super double dragon sprites look better imo

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23 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I think it's just that brawlers themselves are kind of a dated genre so they always have to go super retro in order to sell.


I agree with what Million said though:

Yea them being a niche genre is a huge part of it. Like dude I'm into Shmups, it's been basically 20 years of UWU Kawaii girls in maids dresses piloting spaceships for me lol. When yoy are thay niche pandering becomes a bit of a survival skill lol. 


I disagree kinda on Street of Rage 4m some of it looks really great and some of its really ugly imo. That games visuals are kinda hit and miss for me, personally. 


I'm also gonna co-sign Hawking Bird in that while I like them I always thought OG Double Dragon was kinda ugly, even the NES games. Final Fight and the like where always more visually appealing to me.


Tho nothing does beat that garage door opening in with the sweet sports car, the music kicking in and fists start flying...great series. 

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Well, this is a new level of rpg nerdiness for me; at this point I actually have notes written out regarding build info and "things to do" build-wise for my Diablo characters.... contrary to what some might say it's actually not that shallow of a game, imo... there's quite a bit of stuff going on that a player has to remember and keep track of, if they're at all serious about running a *good* character build.


On another note---I finally watched that Armored Core gameplay trailer/preview... oh yeah in just a couple of minutes of seeing that greatness I am instantly sold on that.

sheeeeeeittttttt that is so BOUGHT.

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Where do you guys typically try to sell your FGC specific stuff you no longer want?


I'm looking to sell my KI TE2 and not really sure the best place to try and do it.  Just places like Facebok marketplace?  Or are there more specific places/groups to do that kind of stuff?

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5 minutes ago, purbeast said:

Where do you guys typically try to sell your FGC specific stuff you no longer want?

Um....i dont...


Guess the closest would be the local Bookmans trading store. Their cash trade is trash but the in store credit is fantastic and in generally just trying to turn non used game shit into used game shit anyway so it works for me. 

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21 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Um....i dont...


Guess the closest would be the local Bookmans trading store. Their cash trade is trash but the in store credit is fantastic and in generally just trying to turn non used game shit into used game shit anyway so it works for me. 

Apparently the KI TE2 is like the holy grail of fight sticks because it has the LED board in it.  The recent ones on ebay in box have been going for $450 and I still have my box and everything.  It's also modded to play on PS4.


I don't think any trade-in at a store would care about any of that though so they won't give real market value for it.  I no longer need it since I don't even play on Xbox anymore and my other stick works on everything too since it has as Brooks UFB+UP5 in it, and the new leverless one I'm about to build will have the Brooks UFB Fusion in it, so I could play on Xbox even if I wanted to.


Trying to sell it to help fund the new one I'm going to build because I'm going all in on it and it's going to be like $350 total or so.

Edited by purbeast
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5 minutes ago, purbeast said:

I don't think any trade-in at a store would care about any of that though so they won't give real market value for it

You might be surprised, a big part of the trade in community these days is tech, from record players to videogame shit. 


I'm not guaranteeing I'm just saying don't exactly count them out. Maybe call at least. 


Otherwise an online selling venue like eBay/Craigslist type of deal might be the only way to find someone actually interested. Are there any game specific specialty stores in your town?


I bought a Jpn Saturn off Craig's List 3 years ago so you never know someone might be looking for exactly your item. 

Edited by RSG3
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20 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

You might be surprised, a big part of the trade in community these days is tech, from record players to videogame shit. 


I'm not guaranteeing I'm just saying don't exactly count them out. Maybe call at least. 


Otherwise an online selling venue like eBay/Craigslist type of deal might be the only way to find someone actually interested. Are there any game specific specialty stores in your town?


I bought a Jpn Saturn off Craig's List 3 years ago so you never know someone might be looking for exactly your item. 

There might be some but I'm not sure I don't really go out of my way looking for em or anything.  If I get a game it's 99% of the time at launch from Best Buy or another big box store.


I wasn't sure if there are any FGC specific groups on Facebook or something.  I am in a bunch for arcade/pinball stuff for selling so thought maybe there were known ones for fighting games.

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The story of how Iwata came to make Brawl straight from him.  I think Iwata told him that they were barely going to make any improvements to the new Smash to kind of nudge Sakurai more into saying yes lol.  From the sounds of things there really is a timeline out there where Sakurai turned down doing Brawl cause he had other projects already in place and he actually ended up denying/cancelling them all to make room for this game.

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4 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

I never liked the look of the Double Dragon arcade sprites. I think only the larger characters like Abobo looked good in it. NES and Super double dragon sprites look better imo

I like the look of the first game's arcade iteration better than the NES counterpart, although the sprites in the Vs mode of the NES game are excellent and I wish they'd use those or the Double Dragon 2 NES sprites rather than the cartoon look.


3 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Yea them being a niche genre is a huge part of it. Like dude I'm into Shmups, it's been basically 20 years of UWU Kawaii girls in maids dresses piloting spaceships for me lol. When yoy are thay niche pandering becomes a bit of a survival skill lol. 


I disagree kinda on Street of Rage 4m some of it looks really great and some of its really ugly imo. That games visuals are kinda hit and miss for me, personally. 


I'm also gonna co-sign Hawking Bird in that while I like them I always thought OG Double Dragon was kinda ugly, even the NES games. Final Fight and the like where always more visually appealing to me.


Tho nothing does beat that garage door opening in with the sweet sports car, the music kicking in and fists start flying...great series. 

LOL you're telling me. I deliberately didn't make a big thing to my wife when I got the physical version of Deathsmiles 🤣


I think Double Dragon 2 on the NES was a high water mark in most ways, but I do agree that Final Fight probably looks better than just about any other beat em up I've played to this day. That game is a real masterpiece that even the sequels couldn't touch imo.


But yeah, that DD1 intro is pretty great. Seeing them do MArian like that and then the garage door rolls up always got me like, "These fuckers are going DOWN!"

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4 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Fight probably looks better than just about any other beat em up I've played to this day. That game is a real masterpiece that even the sequels couldn't touch imo.

It's the sprite size man, it has to be, all of FF1s sprites are HUGE. Like Art of Fighting huge. It almost gets in the way of the gameplay honestly, but man they do look good. 

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2 hours ago, purbeast said:

Where do you guys typically try to sell your FGC specific stuff you no longer want?


I'm looking to sell my KI TE2 and not really sure the best place to try and do it.  Just places like Facebok marketplace?  Or are there more specific places/groups to do that kind of stuff?

I usually give my stuff away. Only reason I sold the computer I built was because I had unexpected medical expenses, and even then I only sold it enough to break even. I'm honestly leaning against selling my old laptop. I was thinking about it and I may just give it away. Plus, if it died for any reason I'd feel terrible, I wouldn't have cost the person I'm giving it to any money. Funnily enough, I'm in VA right now for my granny's birthday, and I brought my old Hori 360 Arcade Stick for one of my friends. He wants to get SF6 but he wants an arcade stick first. So I'm giving it to him. 

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3 hours ago, purbeast said:

Where do you guys typically try to sell your FGC specific stuff you no longer want?


I'm looking to sell my KI TE2 and not really sure the best place to try and do it.  Just places like Facebok marketplace?  Or are there more specific places/groups to do that kind of stuff?

Could see if you local FGC folks is looking for a arcade stick as well.

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3 hours ago, purbeast said:

There might be some but I'm not sure I don't really go out of my way looking for em or anything.  If I get a game it's 99% of the time at launch from Best Buy or another big box store.


I wasn't sure if there are any FGC specific groups on Facebook or something.  I am in a bunch for arcade/pinball stuff for selling so thought maybe there were known ones for fighting games.

Try Whatnot? It's like Twitch and ebay had a baby 

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