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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Spiderman 2 fans seem to be having a bit of discourse about Balder's Gate 3 winning GoTY...kinda interesting that they're the ones the most nettled about it but I supposed when you get nominated for 9 and take home 0 that it puts a lil on edge.



Suicide Squad will get an offline mode after launch


Mark Wahlberg says he knows someone has written a script for Uncharted 2 (movie), Uncharted 2 has not been officially announced yet though






Videogamedunkey - The Day Before

^ the studio for this game actually just announced that they were shutting down today


Edited by Sonichuman
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I wonder if that thing about Suicide Squad getting an offline mode "later" will turn out to be an apparent lie, like what happened with Redfall.  I don't expect anything else to happen with Redfall at this point....though I'm not sure what happens there regarding that extra special edition content that was promised... I assume they'd have to reimburse those who bought that in some way or else that *might* be actionable if those people cared enough to pursue it. (*...which is unlikely, since most gamers are definitely weak saps that will just roll over for any screw job by any of these gaming companies...doesn't matter how shitty it is, most seem to just accept that shit with a sad chump-ass "eh, whatever" attitude.  Yes that mindset of the average consumer disgusts me the more I think about it.  That is precisely why most companies can almost always get away with whatever they want....just like how a bully or abusive spouse will just continue being that way forever primarily because no one stands up to that piece of shit.)

Edited by MillionX
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51 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Spiderman 2 fans seem to be having a bit of discourse about Balder's Gate 3 winning GoTY...kinda interesting that they're the ones the most nettled about it but I supposed when you get nominated for 9 and take home 0 that it puts a lil on edge.

Even if BG3 wasn’t on the docket there was still no way Spidey was going to take the W. It would have been Alan Wake 2 or TotK

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Spiderman 2 fans seem to be having a bit of discourse about Balder's Gate 3 winning GoTY...kinda interesting that they're the ones the most nettled about it but I supposed when you get nominated for 9 and take home 0 that it puts a lil on edge.

Spiderman 2 is the Horizon of 2023. Horizon games always release in loaded years where they, despite their overall quality, are not good enough to be the game of the year. 2023 was one of the most loaded years of high quality games in sometime. Someone was going to get left out. That said, Hogwarts Legacy getting 0 nominations was straight up BS that had nothing to do with the quality of the game itself. Especially with GOTY 2008 nominee (not a typo) Starfield getting a nomination.

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Do these awards ever MEAN anything for the winners in terms of prestige or future funding?


I'm happy when a good game gets an award either way, but I only care about trailers/announcements.


But yeah, big OOF to Horizon 2. Dropping the same year as God of War: Ragnarok AND ELDEN RING? That shit ain't even fair.

Edited by axeman61
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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

Do these awards ever MEAN anything for the winners in terms of prestige or future funding?


I'm happy when a good game gets an award either way, but I only care about trailers/announcements.


But yeah, big OOF to Horizon 2. Dropping the same year as God of War: Ragnarok AND ELDEN RING? That shit ain't even fair.

Yeah for developers they do. They can use them to help get their projects approved. Nakayama, the SF6 producer, basically put his neck on the line for SF6. The "three games in one" Traditional FG/Battle Hub/World Tour format was his idea. The fact that the SF6 on FG of the year, over Mortal Kombat, at an event that typically favors Western developed games for awards is a big deal.


As much as I dislike the TGAs, they are basically the Oscars for Video Games. The Big 3 (Nintendo, Sony, MS) are on it's advisory board. They get major announcements. The Series X/S was announced there. All the big developers show up their in person. Eiji Aonuma, lead developer for Zelda, was there. Hell ,the head of Capcom was there. They wouldn't fly all the way from Japan for something they consider worthless. 


Since we ware stuck with them, I just hope they do better. The situation with people having 30 seconds for their acceptance speech was a joke. Hell it was disgusting in the case of Baldur's Gate 3. The head of the studio is talking about their cinematic animation lead, Jim Southworth, that died and they start flashing the wrap it up sign and playing the music to tell him to GTFO. Aonuma is speaking through a translator and only had 30 seconds. Meanwhile Anthony Mackie and Simon Liu are drawling on endlessly. Then their were multiple awards, like Fighting Game of the Year, that Geoff just reeled of in rapid succession with the winner having no chance to give a speech at all. Nayakama was at the event, didn't even get the damned 30 seconds. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Well, somehow this one skated under my radar until just now browsing the store on Xbox

I found a review from this guy who explains some things...

The concept here is immediately appealing... I just wish the graphical presentation was a bit better.

Another minor nitpick I have with games in general is that when they make something where you are "the bad guy", developers often make it lighthearted and goofy for some dumbass reason... that doesn't quite seem to be the case here with Ruinarch, at least not the same ridiculous extent I've seen in other games where you're the villain but it may as well be a Saturday morning cartoon in terms of the they get bonus points for that.  


(*X-Morph just came to mind as another solid example--- that game places you in the role of a hostile alien race that has invaded Earth, and from what I have played and remember, it's generally serious in the overall tone and presentation.)

Edited by MillionX
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“We know the entire industry, players and creators alike, have a lot of passion for E3,” said Entertainment Software Association president Stanley Pierre-Louis told The Washington Post. “We share that passion. We know it’s difficult to say goodbye to such a beloved event, but it’s the right thing to do given the new opportunities our industry has to reach fans and partners.”


The Electronic Entertainment Expo’s decline began in 2018, when Sony Interactive Entertainment decided to pull out of the event, which started a domino effect of other exhibitors no longer attending. In 2020, longtime collaborator and journalist Geoff Keighley announced that he would no longer be working with the show, and has since created his own separate event with Summer Game Fest.


The final in-person Electronic Entertainment Expo was held in 2019, which allowed attendance by the general public. While there were plans for a 2020 event, it was canceled due to COVID-19 concerns. A digital-only event was held in 2021. And while a digital-only event was planned for 2022, that too was canceled. A revamped event was planned for 2023, but that was canceled.

Edited by AriesWarlock
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PhD student tries to get Doom running on cells


"to run Doom on cells, it would take about six hundred years"


In a nutshell: what they’ve been able to do is tweak or modify the cells to – for want of a better term – turn them into monitor pixels. This has then allowed them to display the game in a very rudimentary way.

I hope you have half a millennium to spare

While this means the E. coli cells are technically displaying the game rather than actually running it, it’s still impressive to see Doom being ported in this way.

Ren also notes that the game is only able to run at one frame every 8.33 hours. Using this figure, they estimate it would take around 600 years to complete it in its entirety. Even the likes of Skyrim can’t compete with that kind of longevity.


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2 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:




Man so many memorable moments for better and certainly worse but god was expo entertaining.  When my son gets older I'm gonna tell him about some of the ridiculous stuff that he missed out on before he was born if ends up really caring about games as much as I do.  I still can't get over how fucking bizarre Konami's 2010 show was.  I'm probably gonna be periodically going back and watching conferences and reliving some moments.

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Earlier this year, Atari reported that they were teaming with Playmaji to create Atari modules for the Polymega console, but a recent half-year financial report shows that their investment in the company goes beyond that. According to the document, Atari owns a non-controlling stake of 53% of the company.


To be more specific, according to the document, “Atari holds a non-controlling stake of 53% on a non-diluted basis and 49% on a fully diluted basis.”




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My son found out about my copy of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 and he has been enamored with the game.  He's been asking me who characters are and he's now infactuated with Venom and Groot.  Game is actually pretty decent game to play with a 4 year old.  I forgot how fun this game is to play and realized all the dlc content I haven't unlocked yet.  My son is about to have me getting re hooked into this game trying to unlock stuff.  May have to knock down the difficulty though cause combination of him not being able to combo on cue on top of not fully following where to go to get the best camera angle leads to disastrous results.

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14 hours ago, Jurassic said:

Retroid Pocket 4 preview, with a speculative capability to handle Gamecube and PS2 games.


I'm of two minds on these devices.


On one hand, one of the best uses of a PSP was for its emulation capabilities and it was great being able to carry all that around in one device, so I can absolutely understand the appeal there.


On another, most recent (last 5 years or so?) model phones can run these games better than these devices will and have better hardware under the hood. I don't know why you wouldn't just get a beefy phone for a daily driver and then one of those Razer Kishi grip controllers. I don't know about other phones, but Samsungs have a PC mode so you can play things on a monitor through speakers.


Edited by DoctaMario
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Here is an overview of the game, via its official website:




Dash into a stylish and thrilling action adventure platformer game set in a mythological Persian world where the boundaries of time and space are yours to manipulate.

Key Features

  • Unleash Your Inner Warrior – Use your Time Powers, combat and platforming skills to perform deadly combos and defeat time-corrupted enemies and mythological creatures. Acquire and equip new Amulets at shopkeepers to play as you see fit.
  • Lose Yourself in the Prodigious Mount Qaf – Discover a cursed Persian-inspired world filled with bigger-than-life landmarks. Explore a variety of highly detailed biomes, each with its own identity, wonders and dangers. Use your wits to solve puzzles, find hidden treasures and complete quests to learn more about this corrupted place.
  • Live an Epic Adventure – Immerse yourself into a Persian mythological fantasy through an intriguing and original story. Cross paths with colorful characters to better unravel the mysteries of Mount Qaf.
  • Embark on a Carefully Crafted Experience – Enjoy high quality graphics, immersive cinematics and fresh Artistic Direction, along with a unique gameplay fluidity thanks to 60 frames per second rate on all platforms.


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