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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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I don't know if I'll ever beat Stellar Blade at this point. The completionist in me won't let go to the point of no return. I've been all over the available areas and done all the available side quests. I don't get how I'm missing so many Naytibas. I have a higher percentage of the documents/memory sticks and are much easier to miss.  I've gotten all the nano suits and exopines I can get, so I may just move on. The game is more expansive than I thought. Not complaining, I just figured it would be 15 to 20 hour* game tops. 


*Including side quests. Just blazing through game, I'm sure you can get from beginning to end in 15 hours.

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28 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Why does this read like a man with his head on a executioner's block?

I mean you know my thoughts on Gamepass. Hellblade 2 is in worse position than Hi Fi Rush. I can't imagine Hi Fi Rush costing more to make than Hellblade 2. IIRC isn't HB2 the shorter game to complete as well? 

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Posted (edited)

Nintendo acquired Shiver Entertainment from Embracer Group. Shiver is mainly known for porting WB Games and Netherrealm studio games to various systems. In recent years they’ve focused almost completely on the Switch. 

Glad another studio is being saved from Embracer Group.

imo Nintendo acquiring a studio that specifically specialized in porting to their system makes me think they plan on porting a lot of big titles to the switch’s successor 


Edited by iStu X
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I'm not surprised at all that there really isn't a way to transfer digital stuff on a digital platform via a will or anything....ALLL DIGITAL FUTURE BAAAAYYYBEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!


As someone said in the comments, better makre sure you got passwords and stuff down somewhere where a family member/loved one can get access to it if they want.



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3 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I'm not surprised at all that there really isn't a way to transfer digital stuff on a digital platform via a will or anything....ALLL DIGITAL FUTURE BAAAAYYYBEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!


As someone said in the comments, better makre sure you got passwords and stuff down somewhere where a family member/loved one can get access to it if they want.



I see this as a non-issue. There not many actual gamers in my family.
Plus if it's that important to you, set up a family share or better yet, give them your password and user name.
Me, I don't care. I rather they don't see what I been doing.

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3 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Stuff like this makes me sad for Mortal Kombat. Even if MK put a jukebox in, notable music stops at, like, UMK3. I can't think of any track that gets me hype past that. Maybe I'm forgetting a few.

I thought the music for the back alley market stage in MK11 was pretty hype, but by and large, I agree. And I'd say even past the very first MK there isn't a whole lot of memorable or iconic music, which is a shame because I think MK excels in the sound department.

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Posted (edited)

Yeah, I wouldn't say late-stage MK music is bad, but it's not memorable. I can't think of one track I like in the most recent MKs that stands up against most of the tracks from just MK1 or MK2. And I'm even trying to control for nostalgia here (best I can). Just on a "which song do I like better" vibe, MK2's Dead Pool clears almost everything from the 3d or 2.5d MKs.


I really liked the fatalilty themes in MK9 and MK11 though. I'll give them that.

Edited by axeman61
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Barring some dramatic face plant in the last 10 to 15% of the game, I'd give Stellar Blade between an 8 to 8.5 at this point. The gameplay is excellent with the only hitch being platforming. When I fail in combat, it's 100% my fault. The 3D Platforming, I don't get the same feeling. it's fine most of the time but platforms and really long jumps are inconsistent.


The technical polish is top notch. I feel like I'm playing a quality game from 20 years ago. When I say that, I'm referencing the game not feeling like it was shoved out the door impcomplete and reliant on patches to fix it. It's a rare thing out side of a handful of developers. So for a mobile developer to nail this on their fist big console release is surprising.


Sound track is 10 out of 10. Sometimes, I'll be done playing and I'll just sit Eve at the Tetrapod and let the music play. The story is better than I thought initially but hardly ground breaking. That said, the storytelling method reminds me of the Metroid Prime series. You'll get a lot of info from the memory sticks and documents you find on th fallen humans strewn about the environment. This will definitely turn some people off. I don't think it's FFXIII datalog bad though.

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3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Somebody on Twitter said something along the lines of  "They made a shitty ost for SF6 so they could sell us old music later on. Evil? Yes. Genius? Absolutely yes." 😂

Oh, it is sold?
I thought it was a free update, damn, lol.

BTW, this is a 30 to 40yo something cold take, but outside the SF2 OST, I think most of the SF songs have been ass.

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3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I thought the music for the back alley market stage in MK11 was pretty hype, but by and large, I agree. And I'd say even past the very first MK there isn't a whole lot of memorable or iconic music, which is a shame because I think MK excels in the sound department.

Does it?
Dunno mate, I feel that all modern NRS games sound design has been ass.
Not only talking about the music, but the sound in general.
The music always being so low that you barely hear it, and since the tracks tend to be forgettable, it makes it more egregious.

The Fxs are either too low or too loud, so it kind of clash.
This is specially more prevalent on their story modes.

Link to comment not like the fact that IGN bought up those other guys unless they were gonna go belly up without them.   Especially is what it is though.



Not NBA Jam game coming to Arcades via Raw Thrills!!! And of course Tim Kitzrow is the announcer.

Pretty sure this thing is designed to eat money like nobodies business. 

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19 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

Go on...

At launch, my characters felt like trash to play. No real damage, and things were plodding and slow. Since the latest patch, everyone feels a LOT more powerful from the jump and gearing is way better. I'm actually having fun here

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Sonichuman said: not like the fact that IGN bought up those other guys unless they were gonna go belly up without them.   Especially is what it is though.

I'm not a fan of all this consolidation. My only real concern is Digital Foundry. John Linneman's work in particular is great. Honestly I don't really care for Eurogamer itself. I used to. Like the BBC for regular news, I used to go there because there doing a better job than the U.S. options but in the past few years, I feel that they both have become just as bad as their US counterparts.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Posted (edited)

I would second that. To me, RE 6 is inherently not a "bad" game. It's certainly not unplayable or janky or has any gameplay issues. It just doesn't feel like RE, per say. A friend of mine once told me that RE 6 was "RE if directed by Michael Bay" and I certainly cannot deny that comparison LOL

Edited by Lantis
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32 minutes ago, Lantis said:

I would second that. To me, RE 6 is inherently not a "bad" game. It's certainly not unplayable or janky or has any gameplay issues. It just doesn't feel like RE, per say. A friend of mine once told me that RE 6 was "RE if directed by Michael Bay" and I certainly cannot deny that comparison LOL

Man playing it coop is a blast, is easily one of the best action games out there.
The descriptor used by the producer as horror entertainment fits to a T.
The game has a lot to offer in both gameplay, comedy gold (intentional or not) the amount of content, both story and multiplayer, etc.

The mechanics are actually very deep.
I would love to see them expanded on a new game, not necessarily a RE, or at least not a main one.

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