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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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The funny part is that they already made Aloy less attractive than her face model in the 1st game.

But then come and say they made her even less attractive than the 1st one because the director felt that the feminine look of the professional model used as the base didn't portray the "strength" they wanted to demonstrate for the heroine because according to him the original model portraying Aloy looked like she would "cry if she broke a nail."


That is some backwards bullshit if you ask me 🤣

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its prob just that video game effect of most women being absolute 10's. most ugly video game women are designed to be unattractive to match what is usually an ugly personality.


i haven't paid attention to the new game but before aloy just came off as  looking average. hell in the real world she would still rate pretty high at least from my perspective living in the rural south.

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5 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Even bringing her back wouldn't be worth it imo. She wasn't much fun to play as as I recall

That's why it would be an opportunity to "fix" her and make her fun. Even still yea I don't think that's really worth the time. I dont care to see her again. 


2 hours ago, Camacho said:

We're all better off pretending DMC2 doesn't exist

Yea this man knows what's up lol. 


On the Aloy thing she's a little bit fatter in the face now. That's it. Doesn't bother me at all and she isn't ugly so yea. 


She's never been ugly. 

Edited by RSG3
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4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I thought this was funny. Hopefully KOFXV got both right. Anyone get it on console? Can tell us they got both right? Please.


i feel like the towers in strive do what they are supposed to do but being able to see who people are playing is cursed. i'll admit im a weak man i play pot and every time i see an axel i will walk right past those niggas im never gonna learn that matchup.

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4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I thought this was funny. Hopefully KOFXV got both right. Anyone get it on console? Can tell us they got both right? Please.




I still don't understand WHY they decided to ditch their lobby system for all their games that is actually really great (it shoudl be the standard imo) for that joke they have for Strive 🤣


They could have the Tower system work the same with the old lobby system.

Edited by Hecatom
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Just now, RSG3 said:

I like Strive. 


I hate it's lobby system. Might just be the worst I've ever experience. 


I don't know a single soul that likes Strive and likes the lobby system.

Is the one thing that everyone seems to agree that is trash about the game 🤣


I still remember when everyone thought it was either a joke or a temp thing (like the GUI, which the final one is not much better but i digress)

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6 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


I don't know a single soul that likes Strive and likes the lobby system.

Is the one thing that everyone seems to agree that is trash about the game 🤣


I still remember when everyone thought it was either a joke or a temp thing (like the GUI, which the final one is not much better but i digress)

Well what kills me is they used this lobby during the beta and asked for feedback and EVERYONE said "This lobby fucking sucks" and Arc went..."No it doesnt." 


Bitch don't ask me for feedback if you didn't wanna here it. Ole "Does this dress make me look fat" lookin mother fuckers. 

Edited by RSG3
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7 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I thought Xrd had pretty shitty lobbies too. I get that Arc is trying to do something different, but do something different and GOOD.

I thought they where fine enough. They where easy enough to use. 


I didn't play Xrd online enough to grow into a long term opinion tho. 


Edit: Speaking of Guilty Gear.


Ahhhhh that Dust combo was fuckin swag. 

Edited by RSG3
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That trailer for the new Star Wars game looked awesome...I would hope for some freedom though... it's a bit disappointing to me that Fallen Order is more linear and it appears you're supposed to be on the "good guys" side there.  I almost always prefer when games allow the player the option to be a villain, or just a character that's a mixture of good and bad qualities.  The Star Wars universe is already perfect for that focus on the morality leanings of the player character.


On another note---Vampyr was on sale for just 10 bucks on xbox Live last I checked... I always like to give that game an extra little bit of hype when I can.

Edited by MillionX
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So something interesting that River City Girls Zero did is have the option of two translations. One of them is a more accurate translation of the original Japanese game Shin Nekketsu Kōha: Kunio-tachi no Banka (labeled “Literal”) while the other is a localization trying to tie this game to RCG and probably adding more jokes like how it was in RCG. (labeled “New”).



Of course people are mad at it despite them both being an option. 

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40 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I thought Xrd had pretty shitty lobbies too. I get that Arc is trying to do something different, but do something different and GOOD.


I actually like the Xrd lobby system, since imo is very easy to use and brings a lot of benefits that traditional lobbies don't have.

Besides, you can always have private rooms that are functionally the same as the regular lobbies.

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15 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

So something interesting that River City Girls Zero did is have the option of two translations. One of them is a more accurate translation of the original Japanese game Shin Nekketsu Kōha: Kunio-tachi no Banka (labeled “Literal”) while the other is a localization trying to tie this game to RCG and probably adding more jokes like how it was in RCG. (labeled “New”).



Of course people are mad at it despite them both being an option. 



The people that are mad are the usual shitheads that call anyone a nazi those days just because they call them out on how they try to "improve" the source material with censorship and politics or simply stupidity 🤣







Edited by Hecatom
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36 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Never forget

I absolutely love MKDM. It’s one of my favorite animes all time.

i tried to watch it dubbed and couldn’t even get through the first episode. I forced myself to sit through the episode where Lucoa debuts as much as I could but they changed the dialogue so much that it wasn’t even the same episode and arguably the same series 

It sucks when one company  essentially has a monopoly on anime dubs 

Edited by iStu X
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Sonic 3 movie confirmed and a Knuckles live action series with Idris Elba coming to Paramount +

I like the confidence...but bruh can we not announce sequels for stuff before the previous movie gets released? 


Edit:  someone pointed this out on twitter and I completely missed this but Paramount essentially announced Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

Edited by Sonichuman
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At least it's not like when Universal was swinging their dick around about the Dark Universe before their reboot of The Mummy came out and bombed. This team already had a hit, and are banking on the future. It is an overstep though.


Random, but DAMN. I don't have GG Strive, but I watched videos of it to see this lobby system everyone was shitting on. That looks awful just to me sitting there watching. Must be a pain to navigate live. I mean, if you're gong to innovate, then innovate. But why break shit that isn't broken? I never got that. That energy and dev time could have went to other things.

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Halo already renewed for season 2


Edit: SMH  This is even worse than the Sonic movie since they haven't even begun the live action franchise at all yet and they're announcing sequels.   Don't even have an inkling of where the wind is blowing and they're just all in lol.

Edited by Sonichuman
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9 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

At least it's not like when Universal was swinging their dick around about the Dark Universe before their reboot of The Mummy came out and bombed. This team already had a hit, and are banking on the future. It is an overstep though.


Random, but DAMN. I don't have GG Strive, but I watched videos of it to see this lobby system everyone was shitting on. That looks awful just to me sitting there watching. Must be a pain to navigate live. I mean, if you're gong to innovate, then innovate. But why break shit that isn't broken? I never got that. That energy and dev time could have went to other things.

Like, legit the dark universe could have been a huge hit if Del Toro had of signed on like Universal was initially wanting and if Tom Cruise wasn’t so Tom Cruise about The Mummy reboot. 

Edited by iStu X
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1 hour ago, iStu X said:

I absolutely love MKDM. It’s one of my favorite animes all time.

i tried to watch it dubbed and couldn’t even get through the first episode. I forced myself to sit through the episode where Lucoa debuts as much as I could but they changed the dialogue so much that it wasn’t even the same episode and arguably the same series 

It sucks when one company  essentially has a monopoly on anime dubs 


What sucks about it is that is permeating into latin american dubs, since they sometimes hold the rights of the region and force the dubs to be made based on their shit instead of the japanese version like most dubs.

Is specially true when is something for a stream service, where they even add "inclussive/neutral"  terms that everyone on latam hates.


There was a dub and sub of an anime some weeks ago, where they added that kind of shit and were forced to remove it due the universal backlash.

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13 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Like, legit the dark universe could have been a huge hit if Del Toro had of signed on like Universal was initially wanting and if Tom Cruise wasn’t so Tom Cruise about The Mummy reboot. 


While Tom Cruise certainly had a hand, even if he didnt do anything, the Dark Universe would have been doomed, since it was Alex Kurtzman the one spearing the whole project.

That man is incapable of doing anything good, just refer to current Star Trek 🤢

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27 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Random, but DAMN. I don't have GG Strive, but I watched videos of it to see this lobby system everyone was shitting on. That looks awful just to me sitting there watching. Must be a pain to navigate live. I mean, if you're gong to innovate, then innovate. But why break shit that isn't broken? I never got that. That energy and dev time could have went to other things.


You don't have idea.

Dunno how is it now, but during the beta it was fucking awful, since you need to draw your weapon, get near another player with their weapon out and hope it connected.

Everything went to shit if someone else got near you 2 with its weapon out.


If the general dislike from even those who like Strive is any sign, i would assume that the current state is not much better?

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21 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

If the general dislike from even those who like Strive is any sign, i would assume that the current state is not much better?

While it’s way better than it was in the first beta, it’s still pretty annoying to get a match. They added platforms to where both players have to stand to get a match up, like the arcade machines in Xrd.


While it can easily set up a match, there are still other problems that get in the way. Like sometimes it won’t connect you to the other guy, sometimes you are frozen after a match ends while the other guy has already left, and sometimes an empty spot is already taken before you match up. I love Strive but playing ranked can get frustrating from just the lobby.


In my experience, the private lobbies are way faster and more stable to get some matches.

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

SMH  This is even worse than the Sonic movie since they haven't even begun the live action franchise at all yet and they're announcing sequels. 

This isn’t an uncommon practice. It’s usually a good indicator on how test audiences and selected Neilson ratings selected house holds see the show. Movie franchise are no different with test screenings. it’s been this way for decades but now it’s just more known to the public for publicity and marketing purposes 


Edited by iStu X
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3 minutes ago, iStu X said:

This isn’t an uncommon practice. It’s usually a good indicator on how test audiences and selected Neilson ratings selected house holds see the show. Movie franchise are no different. it’s been this way for decades but now it’s just more known to the public for publicity and marketing purposes 


I know it's not uncommon but its still annoying.  Again I see the confidence but at the same time you're still jumping all in on something that could easily blow up in their faces.  At least its still not as bad as James Cameron announcing like 5 sequels to Avatar after the first movie.

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If I had to guess, Paramount doesnt have many big theatrical franchises compared to Disney /WB and is hoping to maximize profit on Sonic.


GIJOE- basically dead esp after the snake Eyes flop

TMNT - unpredictable. TMNT 2014 did well, but 2016 didnt.

Transformers - Rode Bay films to success until the 5th one lost money. Bubmblebee was profitable but not as much as the early Bay films.


Indy- they have the video rights of the first 4 Indy films, but now disney has the right to distribute new films. Its basicallys Disney franchise except for streaming.



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14 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I know it's not uncommon but its still annoying.  Again I see the confidence but at the same time you're still jumping all in on something that could easily blow up in their faces.  At least its still not as bad as James Cameron announcing like 5 sequels to Avatar after the first movie.

Keep in mind that this is also a move to show confidence on the streaming service.

Is not only about giving a promise to the potential users about having content in the service and more to come down the pipeline, but to signal investors that their stock is desirable.

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Just now, BornWinner said:

Update to the River City Girls Zero discourse.



Sucks that this got people upset at all, but glad they are not getting rid of either translation.

....Why did people not like the choice of "Literal" for a translation?  It seems pretty self explanatory and not offensive.  Am I missing something?

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17 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

....Why did people not like the choice of "Literal" for a translation?  It seems pretty self explanatory and not offensive.  Am I missing something?


There is currently a heavy discourse about the utter garbage situation of bad translations and localizations in anime and video games, where people are sick and tired of censorship, injected politics, dumb memes, jokes, etc that change completely the intent of the authors in service of self indulgence from part of the localization teams.


In this case, they were saying the usual stupid shit, that by doing this, they were caving to nazis, etc, etc, since anyone who is calling this bs is immediately labeled every ist and phobe under the sun 🤣


Just today Rice Digital released a hit piece attacking fans for demanding actual quality in translations/localizations.

Nevermind that we have cases where light novels get pages worth of content removed due the person doing the localization deems it "problematic", censoring the work that is intended for +18 public for dumb reasons.


By how things are going, i bet the woketards will call this gamergate 2.0 lol















In short, they are a cancer that needs to be removed.


Edited by Hecatom
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23 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

....Why did people not like the choice of "Literal" for a translation?  It seems pretty self explanatory and not offensive.  Am I missing something?

The issue with saying a translation is "literal" is it could imply they didn't actually translate fully. An actually literal translation would be incredibly awkward or even indecipherable if the two languages are as different as JP and ENG are. Grammar and word usage can be extremely different. This is why, for those of you that read fan scanlations of manga, you sometime see dialog that is INCREDIBLY awkwardly written. The "translators" are not really translating the intent of the words and being too literal.


"Original" is definitely a far better name for what it's trying to be, which is simply more faithful to the original writing. That isn't the same as being "literal" really

Edited by Gasarocky
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3 minutes ago, Gasarocky said:


Not the issue at hand in this current situation.

They are seething because the use of literal in this case can be seen not puting faith in the translation work of the localization team, something that is very much warranted by now, seeing how proudly the idiots in the industry post on twitter about how incompetent are at they work by saying shit like how they love to insert gamergate references on their translations, remove "problematic" stuff from the work, etc, etc.

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its weird how it is these days because i don't even know what an accurate translation of lunar would look like and at this point im not sure i would want to know. so i think some changes can make translations more memorable i get a chuckle out of that old fan made tales of phantasia ill admit.


as far as politics it really depends on the game if im playing a game about a man who fights even the smallest of injustices sure go ahead and get your shit in i guess.


however if im playing senran kagura vs ikkitousen battle of big tiddy destiny you need to get that shit outta my face!  who do you niggas think playing this shit!?

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14 hours ago, Hecatom said:

The funny part is that they already made Aloy less attractive than her face model in the 1st game.

But then come and say they made her even less attractive than the 1st one because the director felt that the feminine look of the professional model used as the base didn't portray the "strength" they wanted to demonstrate for the heroine because according to him the original model portraying Aloy looked like she would "cry if she broke a nail."


That is some backwards bullshit if you ask me 🤣

This is the kinda comments people get cancelled over nowadays, surprised Guerilla got away with it given how progressively r-worded twitter gets with each passing hour 

Edited by PVL_93_RU
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