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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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^I remember that art for Double Dragon II was slightly censored.  Notice how a slight bit of Marian's sweet cheeks are on display... they made her torn skirt a little bit longer to cover that exposed cheek in the art for the NES game manual.  I still have that game manual around here somewhere.


haha yep they mentioned this on the double dragon wiki page...I knew I wasn't the only perverted kid that noticed that shit right away at the time:

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I been playing Dragons Crown on RPCS3.  The game is still awesome.  Wonder if I can play it online on Vita still?  Probably not. 

@MillionXYou be playing Baldur's Gate 3?  How do you feel about the turn based combat?  I figured that would make you auto pass on this game.


About BG3 -


One of them dudes you find not long after you crash that ship reveals that he's a vampire.  Didnt even think he was a vampire cause he was out in the daylight.  The ilithid tadpole is keeping him from burning up in the sun.  I let the dude feed on my character but it didnt turn him or anything.  Gave me a weakness called "Bloodless".  I'm wondering if that dude will be able/willing to turn me full vampire later on. 


Edited by Faltimar the Dark
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1 hour ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

I been playing Dragons Crown on RPCS3.  The game is still awesome.  Wonder if I can play it online on Vita still?  Probably not. 

@MillionXYou be playing Baldur's Gate 3?  How do you feel about the turn based combat?  I figured that would make you auto pass on this game.


About BG3 -

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One of them dudes you find not long after you crash that ship reveals that he's a vampire.  Didnt even think he was a vampire cause he was out in the daylight.  The ilithid tadpole is keeping him from burning up in the sun.  I let the dude feed on my character but it didnt turn him or anything.  Gave me a weakness called "Bloodless".  I'm wondering if that dude will be able/willing to turn me full vampire later on. 


Yeah, at first it was automatically disqualified when I found out it would be turn-based.... but the amazing thing here is that literally everything else about BG3 is standing out as something special that shouldn't be missed.  So far, all I've done is make my first character and walk around on the ship for a minute or 2, as it was already late and I was minutes away from dreamland that first night I got it.  It seems pretty insane that there's people that have already completed the story at this point...I guess those are the hardcore folks that did marathon sessions from day 1 on it.  Anyway, I'll soon see; I may be playing it tonight.


*charging up my Vita again brought back such great memories; the portable gaming experience I've had over the years has been amazing... 2 Vitas (lcd and oled), 2 PSPs (1 modded), I got the Switch on launch day, the Steam Deck, many years before all this I had the GBASP, and of course before that in the ancient times---the regular Gameboy and Gameboy Color....and naturally in that pre-pandemic era of working I always had some portable system with me (sometimes 2; there were days I had both the Vita and the Switch with me at work).  


**ohhh yeah I just checked and the save files are still there and ready for me on Dragon's Crown... I was up to 399 hours and 48 minutes, and I was last playing as the Wizard.

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Dragon's Crown!


Ohhh it's just so much fun playing this again; I played a bit of it this morning before work... that stage where the large red dragon is at the end.  I really love everything about this game.  On a "top 100" game list this will likely always be somewhere within the top 10 tier for me.  My old save and characters were still there and ready to go of course, so I was at it again with my old Wizard character "Chojin"....level 122.


Meanwhile in Balder's Gate 3 last night---my Sorcerer "Stefano" finally got a proper start in his adventures... I made sure to rescue Shadowheart from the pod so she and the little brain creature, and the Githyanki girl are my crew for now.

...aha, right on time this guy *just* posted more sorcerer info I'll be taking notes on...


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Watched all of the Twisted Metal series. I thought it was pretty good. It starts a little slow and some of the jokes don’t hit, but it absolutely gets better later on. I like how most of the characters were adapted, Sweet Tooth being the best of the cast, and I love the way the world works. A Mad Max like setting and dark comedy tone works for this series. I heard it was doing well, so I hope it gets a second season with a bigger budget. The finale was setting up some things I would like to see.

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5 hours ago, BornWinner said:

Watched all of the Twisted Metal series. I thought it was pretty good. It starts a little slow and some of the jokes don’t hit, but it absolutely gets better later on. I like how most of the characters were adapted, Sweet Tooth being the best of the cast, and I love the way the world works. A Mad Max like setting and dark comedy tone works for this series. I heard it was doing well, so I hope it gets a second season with a bigger budget. The finale was setting up some things I would like to see.

I haven't gotten that far into it yet but I did get to Sweet Tooth's introduction and I did find him entertaining.    My familiarity with Twisted Metal isn't high but I did play a lot of 1 and 2 over at a friends house back in the day and a gist of what goes on.  One thing I do find interesting is that this show both feels like Twisted Metal and doesn't since as far as I know at the moment there isn't any overarching CARnage tournament going on and Calpyso doesn't seem to be anywhere.  Don't know if that changes later or not (don't tell me if he does or not) but I suppose the direction they took with this adaptation isn't a bad one to go with to translate it to live action so far.

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Some from my generation might say they miss the days of being a kid and having so much more time for gaming...but I was just thinking that the average kid doesn't even have enough time for all the good/interesting games out there; that's just how much the gaming industry has exploded since the old days.  Back in the 80s there was *just* whatever was hot at the moment on NES, the Master System and Atari which was already dying in popularity at that point....there's so much more going on now it's insane.... like tonight I was thinking of playing some more Baldur's Gate 3, but I'm also wanting to continue with Dragon's Crown, Diablo 3 & 4, and V-Rising....and those are just the most recent things I've been enjoying...all of those being games I could and have enjoyed for hundreds and even thousands of hours.  Beyond that there's a long list of others in my collection.... and a few months ago I found that my Gamecube still works perfectly fine as well so I had a new character in Phantasy Star there.  Also--- that recent TMNT game; it surpasses all the old TMNT games....I should try the other characters on there; I've only been using either Donatello, Leonardo or Casey Jones.

Even if I was a kid on a summer break... even then there's not enough time, really.  Maybe if it were possible to eliminate the unfortunate need to sleep, perhaps...


I also still haven't bought Warhammer Boltgun just yet; that's probably next...oh and I never finished Monster Hunter World or Rise...

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14 hours ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

I liked Golden Sun 1 and 2.  I played them during my breaks and lunch time at work.  I dont care for them now though.


This fuckin' bitch here...needs a backhand.  Had my guy ready to disarm this trap and dumb lizardfrogbroad trips the wire and gets everyone smooshed.  🤣


Wasn't her fault. The Dream Visitor wasn't paying attention to her tadpole at the time 😉

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Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:


The planet is in debt.

In a final, desperate attempt to repay the debt on Farset 13’s Solar Shield, you are invited to lead Tax-Force—an elite department of heavily armed treasurers, granted emergency powers to hunt mutant billionaire tax evaders.

Fight your way through their defenses to negotiate repayments. Spend those resources to clear the debt directly, or reinvest in your city to grow the economy and organically pay the debt, before the planet burns to a crisp.

You have seven days.

Tax-Force is a narrative action roguelite that forces you to weigh up morality-based policies and economic strategy. Its themes deal with the economic and personal effects of government policy and corporate responsibility.



Key Features

  • Melee Combat – A focus on tough, close-range combat, with hand-drawn, rogue-lite biomes that remix with every run.
  • Mutant Powers – SPECIALS inspired by superhero mutant powers. Astral Projection! Metal Man! Optical Blasts!
  • Strategy and Morality – Negotiate with targets to affect the economy, narrative and gameplay on each run. Every decision challenges players to choose between sci-fi metaphors for socialist vs capitalist economic policies.
  • Rebuild – As you reinvest in society, the gameplay reacts. Price and potency of healing responds to public or private investment in healthcare. Weapons and criminal activity adjust as you increase defence spend, while new bridges and paths appear as you invest in infrastructure.
  • Branching Narrative – Every decision leads to narrative consequences for the Farset13 citizens, as their stories are guided by your choices, and the city organically grows and changes around them.
  • Timeloop – Death activates your time-travelling mutant power, sending you back to Day 1, armed with knowledge of your enemies and the consequences of your actions.
  • Stunning Visuals – Gorgeous, hand-drawn comic book art style inspired by Jim Lee and 90’s X-men comics.





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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

I mean...I guess that's good?  I'm not sure if this is a financial success or not since 3 million players just seems to imply everyone played it on Gamepass.

They got some sales, as I believe the PC version was also said to have sold pretty solidly when it dropped. 


Edit: Actually, I just realized something. I can not remember the last time MS ever announced one of their exclusive game's sales/download performances. So this is probably the best performer they have had since Forza.

Edited by Wellman
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11 hours ago, HD-Man said:

I need the next 2D turtles game to be based on the 2003 era and include Agent Bishop as a boss and playable character. Im jealous of all the love the 80s show gets 😂

In this vein I would like Kino to make a return. He was a cool character in TMNT2 with a ton of potential for growth and no ones done anything with him since. 


I want to see Kino again. 

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36 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

In this vein I would like Kino to make a return. He was a cool character in TMNT2 with a ton of potential for growth and no ones done anything with him since. 


I want to see Kino again. 

Had to Google who you were talking about and most definitely. Is it a rights issue or they just arent interested in using him again? 

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Wonder if the camera and stuff changes if I use my controller right now, without the mod stuff?  Gonna be nice to move around with wasd and have the camera low and behind the character when just exploring. 


Edit - This just made me realize that I dont use mods much and if I do they're always for the camera. 


@VirginDefilerThere is also Butterflies Episode 2 on  I have ep. 2 but not 1...

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Not exactly a hidden gem, but Burnout 3 Takedown - an original Xbox game - is backwards compatible on the 360 but not on the modern systems. It is on the Marketplace at $10; you could find it cheaper physically but I found copies on Amazon priced near $20. The only hidden gem I could think of is The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai from Ska Studios. Never left the 360 even though its sequel, Vampire Smile, did.



There’s 2 exclusive South Park games (ones a platformer and the other is tower defense), there’s a remaster of Guardian Heroes and to this day it’s the only official way to play the game outside of the Saturn, Bubble Bobble Neo which is a remake of the original arcade game, and Bomberman Live which is an XBLA exclusive Bomberman game

As for non-exclusives there’s Black Knight Sword and Street Fighter 3: Online Edition (considered by many as the best version of the game)


Speaking of Guardian Heroes, I wonder why Sega hasn't brought it to the PSN store.

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