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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Robocop got pushed back

Ediit: Apparently they put SMB back in some of the theaters for National Cinema day and it earned another 309K, Movie also got released in Japan finally and did really well over there too IIRC

Hoping that one day they'll take all of this and put it on a console without any of the free to play monetization stuff that I'm sure will be in it.




Edited by Sonichuman
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Tonight's episode of Baldur's Gate 3...


The Dark Urge "Stefano" and his crew convinced 2 random folks to provoke a fight with an Owlbear and her cub... that fight was rough...everyone was close to death at the end of it.  Later on was a big moment when the murderous impulse of this "dark urge" took hold....leaving an innocent dead at the campsite.  The following morning... Stefano lied and said she must have fell victim to an animal attack.  They bought it... our "hero" laughed to himself that it was a close call but he got away with cold-blooded murder.

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DF said that Starfield is the most polished game Bethesda has put out.  So clearly they're capable of not putting out a bug filled mess at release and actually pushing the game back to actually do QA works.  WHO WOULDA THUNK!?  Game apparently runs at a fairly consistent 30fps with it only hitting some rough patches sparingly.  So good on them!  I'm assuming this is one of the good things to come out of being under M$ is now they have to deal with their standards for releasing titles moving forward.


Edit:  Also reviews seem to have started releasing for the game.

Edited by Sonichuman
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11 hours ago, MillionX said:

Tonight's episode of Baldur's Gate 3...


The Dark Urge "Stefano" and his crew convinced 2 random folks to provoke a fight with an Owlbear and her cub... that fight was rough...everyone was close to death at the end of it.  Later on was a big moment when the murderous impulse of this "dark urge" took hold....leaving an innocent dead at the campsite.  The following morning... Stefano lied and said she must have fell victim to an animal attack.  They bought it... our "hero" laughed to himself that it was a close call but he got away with cold-blooded murder.

I tried my best to get those two to go start fighting the owlbear on their own.  They wouldnt.  I would have just let them get killed by the beast and left with whatever treasure I found in the cave.  But nah, I had to fight the beast as well. 

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heh, I accidentally hit one of them with a magical attack so they turned against me and the I was fighting the owlbear+cub and those 2 people.  The woman was the last enemy I had to deal with, actually....besides this being more enemies it also was a pain because if they're friendly, occasionally she will cast healing magic.


Reviews are coming in now for Starfield; ACG was the first one I noticed just now...


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^eh, I wish the pace of that was a bit faster; general slowness is the last thing I want in any beatemup (or most games, actually)... from the glimpses it looks like the amount of animation is a bit lacking as well....but I'm still interested since it's classic GI Joe stuff there....hopefully the character roster is decent.  The dream of course would be to just have all the popular named characters as playable choices.  If I were making it, I'd let villains be playable as well but we know that's unlikely to happen....a lot of devs still seem to have the old mindset of only letting the player pick the good guy side. (oh yeah, back then as a kid... of course my favorite characters were on the Cobra side; Stormshadow, Dr. Mindbender, Zartan, Destro, etc.)


Starfield---here's another review... 

I'm leaning towards buying it at this point.

Edited by MillionX
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Personally, I started ignoring their free games a while ago. There was a time when stuff was good, but it's been a trash selection mostly every month for years at this point.


Though I will admit, just from previews, Saint's Row Neo seems like one of those "worse than nothing" gifts.

Edited by axeman61
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Oh yeah---newSaint's Row--- that's in the category of "not even for FREE" for me.  I wouldn't even want to waste hdd space (or the time I could've spent on something good) on it.


At least the old SR games still exist; there was such good times to be had there.  It was one of the most crazy, hilarious game franchises of all time, imo.  I won't ever forget that there was a side-mission involving a septic tank truck... or the "Snatch" minigame/quest with pimps and hos.  

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14 minutes ago, RegH81 said:

I was hoping Super Mario Bros. Wonder would have online multiplayer but the ways you can interact with other plays despite not playing with them directly is really neat.

It's probably how they can implement online multiplayer without it getting chaotic. A Mario game is the last place I expected to lift ideas from souls

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That GI Joe game honestly looks like ass. Music will be bumping but the game is ugly as hell to me and the gameplay just looks lifeless. 

1 hour ago, RegH81 said:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles beat 'em up, G.I. Joe beat 'em up. Where is our Transformers beat 'em up? Preferably by DotEmu.

Naw. Gimme Thundercats. 

Edited by iStu X
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17 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Super Mario Bros Wonder team had no deadline


I read in another article that the team was also given full creative control of the title as long as it “fit the spirit of a 2D Mario”. The article also mentioned the only thing Miyamoto personally stepped in on was he didn’t like the initial design for the elephant power up so he asked the team to change it. 

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59 minutes ago, iStu X said:

That GI Joe game honestly looks like ass. Music will be bumping but the game is ugly as hell to me and the gameplay just looks lifeless. 

Naw. Gimme Thundercats. 

Oh, I don't deny that the game honestly looks on the dull side. I just want a Transformers beat 'em up with some serious TLC put into it.

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