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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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6 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

I've become somewhat numb to spoilers, but I despise when something I've been waiting on comes out and I have to avoid EVERYTHING. People just LOVE to ruin shit for everyone else, and I don't get it.

Oh I'm sure I'll browse some things on Youtube and there will be one purposefully right in the thumbnail like always.

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That's what I mean. I can stay off twitter, but youtube and everything else gets spoilers too. I gotta keep everything at arms length. And what's "better"? When the game is finally here, I'd better play that shit to the end quick just to avoid getting spoiled. Fuck doing things at my own pace. All because assholes out there can't wait to spoil everything.



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I was thinking and I seem to avoid spoilers pretty good.  I mean, the only time I've had something spoiled for me is when I was reading in this fuckin' place. 


Still going in Immortals of Aveum.  I think its a pretty fun game and its pretty to look at.  I decided to put Starfield up for now cause I'd rather play other stuff.  I'll get to it another day.  I'm still playing BG3 and Sea of Stars as well.  Sea of Stars is a pretty damn good old style rpg.  Going to play some of the 40+ demos I have this weekend cause I need to get rid of them.

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so, apparently there isn't a physical version of Baldur's Gate 3 *yet* for ps5... 


Anyway, I started a 2nd character; the adventures of "Alastor" the half-elf warlock have begun....Dark Urge of course.  This is going faster as I had some time to focus today at least; I already got Shadowheart out of the pod and passed the nautiloid ship part.


*looking up something on warlocks earlier, and when making this one I noticed that "Command" is a spell... that could possibly get that tiefling character to just drop his fiery sword... I don't plan on using much melee at all with this character though...and I also didn't really want to risk anything and just get off the ship asap.  It is cool to watch the mindflayer fighting with him though.


*I like that you can use the dark "Drow" eyes (the ones where the white part of the eye is black) on everyone apparently... if you pick the option that says to show all eye color options, then the "demonic" colors are there.


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So, he checked out how shitty Redfall still is:


I'm also betting the addition of an offline mode is never happening (previously they said something to the effect of it being considered and looked into; y'know the standard PR/damage control speak)... since most people (probably including the devs) stopped caring about this game a long time ago at this point.

Edited by MillionX
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21 hours ago, Chadouken said:

Man this fucking game Baldur's Gate lol. I rescued this woman named Shadowheart, but she died as we were making our escape from the mind flayer ship. When it crashed, her dead body was on the beach, so I looted it and stole everything, even her clothes. Then I revived her with her revivify potion and she got pissed off because I wouldn't give her back her talisman. So she wanted to fight me with only one hit point.


I set my shit to non lethal blows and knocked her out again. Then I felt bad because she was in her underwear, so I threw her clothes at her. Unfortunately it counted as a crit and it fucking killed her again 😂. Now I can't use the revivify shit on her anymore. Oh well, at least I have this cool talisman. 

Don't worry man, I think you have a few potential waifu's left. At least you wont have to try figure out what the hell she likes. What she approves of and disapproves of is all over the map. I generally can tell what the rest of the cast will like ahead of time. Not her though.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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16 hours ago, Camacho said:

The triple berserker fight in ragnarok is grade a bullshit, even on normal difficulty at level 7.


It commits all the sins that as a dev you shouldn't commit when designing an encounter on an action game.

Is the one fight that shows the latent problems and shortcomings on modern GOW design and puts it in the forefront.


Like I mentioned months ago, the only fight I have felt is as badly designed as this is Solaris Ascendant on GodFall.

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Started 30xx on Switch today. Played it for about an hour or so. If you are familiar with the Mega Man X and Zero games you will feel right at home. The rogue like elements keep it pretty interesting. 


Managed to get to like the 4th biome before dying on a boss ive never encountered before. Dude was all over the place. Game was relatively easy up until that but im blame that death more on not knowing his pattern rather than him being hard


Also if you arent into Rogue like stuff, there's another mode that allows you to play it like a traditional MM game. Select which level you want and proceed. If you die, you simply restart the level over, u dont go all the way to the beginning of the game

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How do you get people to join your party in Baldur's Gate? Right now I just have the green bitch, but I had to let her out of the cage. After I accidentally killed Shadowheart I ran into this vampire looking fuck who tried to cut my throat. So I killed him. Then there was this idiot stuck in a rock, but I left his worthless ass there. I thought you could get more party members, but I just keep running into enemies.

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I’m about to start Horizon Zero Dawn at the request of the girlfriend. I was trying to figure out a new game to play and as I was going through my library on the PS5 she saw the Horizon thumb nails and was like “those look pretty. What’re those abojt? You should Play those”. I told her you’re a buff lesbian who lasso’s robot dinosaurs and she was like “oh yeah, you’re definitely playing those” 


so I guess that’s what I’m doing now .

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