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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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42 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Does it talk about cues like enemy placement in a room above you crawling on blocks that you obviously need to shoot to open the way forward?

Gamers, let's laugh at Jaffe
Just laugh at Jaffe
Point and laugh at Jaffe
Yes let's laugh at Jaffe
Don't get lost just laugh at Jaffe
Laugh at Jaffe
Laugh at Jaffe(scrub ass dev!)
Laugh at Jaffe


Okay, I'm actually going to do some work now.....  🙃

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On 10/4/2023 at 10:06 AM, Hecatom said:



I sometimes feel like I am in the minority who likes the snes games.


We used to ask our dad to rent it every weekend for us alongside top gear 2.

Fun story of mine - I won a Genesis from West Coast video playing Bubsy.


The first round was playing the first level of Sonic 2 and I had a top score so I placed for the "finals" which I think was like top 10 scores or something.  I think I played on like the last day for the first round so I knew my standing that I had the best score.


So my mom's boyfriend at the time had a Genesis and he worked at another video store (95 Cents Video) and he let me borrow the Sonic 2 copy from the store so I could practice for the finals in a few days.  I ended up figuring out a way to beat the first level in 29 seconds and you got as HUGE bonus for time being under 30 seconds in that game.


Time comes for the finals and I get to the store to play, and to my shock, we're not playing Sonic 2 - we are playing Bubsy.  The rules were the same if I remember correctly - whoever gets the high score in one level wins the Genesis.  All that training for nothing.


I had never played Bubsy at this point either, at least not on Genesis as I didn't own one.  I can't remember if I had played it on SNES or not.


Since I had the highest Sonic 2 score, I got to go last in the finals, which meant I got to watch everyone.  


Everyone was doing decent, but then the kid right before me went, and he totally crushed the shit out of everyone.  I'm talking like he blew everyone out of the water.  It was pretty obvious that he was friends with people who worked there so I'm pretty confident he knew Bubsy was the game of choice.


As mentioned, I watched everyone though, so I saw exactly what he did.  And I whooped his ass lol.


I still remember after I won and I got the prize, he came up to me and gave me a hand shake saying nice playing, totally good sport about it.  


This was also like a month before Mortal Kombat was coming out on consoles and I was SSSSSSSOOOOOOO fucking hype that I could get the version with the blood and fatalities.  ABACABB!

Edited by purbeast
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  CoD MW3 - Zombies Reveal Trailer^

Alucard in CoD feels so random but also I'm dig the fuck out of it.  They even got his guns in there.

Edit:  I highly doubt they did this but it would have been even better if hey had a special kill streak that makes him unlock all his restraints and it just ends the game right as you see the flood of souls pouring out of him.

Edited by Sonichuman
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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

So yeah at the absolute worst it was ignorance...and even with more understanding for why some people were upset, this still wasn't it.  I completely get why some people are upset but calling dude "racist" over this?  Those people were doing way too much.

The crazy part were the death threats. Like are you seriously THAT hung up over a video game character's name that will entice you to end another man's life?


Twitter was indeed, a mistake

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46 minutes ago, Lantis said:

The crazy part were the death threats. Like are you seriously THAT hung up over a video game character's name that will entice you to end another man's life?


Twitter was indeed, a mistake

As insane as it is, yes, MFs are, sadly, so hung on on this stuff. People like that are the reasons security is at cons and what not.

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Took me a while, but I finally made it to S- rank in F-ZERO 99. The ranking system in this game is super good. If you can get a good finishing place but if you don't beat any of your rivals, you get docked mass points, so you're highly encouraged to beat at least one of your rivals. But unlike the Splatoon series, you rank doesn't drop if you lose. Once you rank up, you stay there but if you aren't beating your rivals, don't expect to make any kind of progress.


I still see the occasional butthurt F-ZERO video from fans on YouTube, but by and large, the reception for F-ZERO 99 has been pretty dang positive. I really hope it gets a physical release as Tetris 99 did. As for new modes, I would LOVE to see Death Race in this game. The goal to kill 98 other plays or be the last player alive would be mad fun.


Also, I love it when players realize what kinda track Death Wind I and II are.


Streamer: Why is it called Death Wind?



Cracking Up Lol GIF

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25 minutes ago, RegH81 said:

Took me a while, but I finally made it to S- rank in F-ZERO 99. The ranking system in this game is super good. If you can get a good finishing place but if you don't beat any of your rivals, you get docked mass points, so you're highly encouraged to beat at least one of your rivals. But unlike the Splatoon series, you rank doesn't drop if you lose. Once you rank up, you stay there but if you aren't beating your rivals, don't expect to make any kind of progress.


I still see the occasional butthurt F-ZERO video from fans on YouTube, but by and large, the reception for F-ZERO 99 has been pretty dang positive. I really hope it gets a physical release as Tetris 99 did. As for new modes, I would LOVE to see Death Race in this game. The goal to kill 98 other plays or be the last player alive would be mad fun.


Also, I love it when players realize what kinda track Death Wind I and II are.


Streamer: Why is it called Death Wind?



Cracking Up Lol GIF

I fucking hate both Death Winds....BUT I will fucking choose that track EVERYTIME cause I know the people who refuse to learn how to meter manage will some of the first people to get blown up and free up space on the track.



That moment when you spot someone smoking near the finish line on the last lap knowing full well they risked it all to get there.


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Beat Jedi: Survivor . . . this should have been the TV series project. 


Now regarding the game itself. there were still a fair number of bugs (NPCs T-posing when the ship was flying, poor clipping, etc). This game still needs to bake a little bit longer. 


Overall, still solid and worth playing. 

Edited by OPTIMUS124
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VGM Fridays Part 1 Sept Anniversaries

Some notables that had anniversaries last month that I'm familiar with musically would be GTA V (10), LoZ WWHD (10), Kirby Super Star Ultra (15), Megaman 9 (15), and Sonic CD (30).  Other notables include De Blob (15) , Simpson Hit & Run (20), Spyro the Dragon (25th), and Spiderman (5th)....also I have the unfortunate displeasure of being familiar with Sonic Chronicles Dark Brotherhood's (15) music.


And because I hate myself



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5 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

VGM Fridays Part 1 Sept Anniversaries

Some notables that had anniversaries last month that I'm familiar with musically would be GTA V (10), LoZ WWHD (10), Kirby Super Star Ultra (15), Megaman 9 (15), and Sonic CD (30).  Other notables include De Blob (15) , Simpson Hit & Run (20), Spyro the Dragon (25th), and Spiderman (5th)....also I have the unfortunate displeasure of being familiar with Sonic Chronicles Dark Brotherhood's (15) music.

  Reveal hidden contents

And because I hate myself



Man, doesn't feel like it's been that long since MM9. MM9 is peak classic MM, only thing that sucked about it was the yellow devil and not being able to go back out for e tanks afterwards. 

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On 10/6/2023 at 12:16 AM, OPTIMUS124 said:

Beat Jedi: Survivor . . . this should have been the TV series project. 


Now regarding the game itself. there were still a fair number of bugs (NPCs T-posing when the ship was flying, poor clipping, etc). This game still needs to bake a little bit longer. 


Overall, still solid and worth playing. 

That's been my status thoughts on since I beat back in May.
If they would've delayed it and worked on the bugs and performance issues, it would've been a GOTY contender!


Though it's still a good game and some "GODD AZZ"  STAR WARS CONTENT!! 

Anyways I got back on RE4Remake, another game that came out during this stacked ass Spring, for Ada campaign and its been amazing!!

Boss fight from my current playthrough:


Ada vs. EL Gigante 


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Kind of related and at the same time not much.

I was thinking how I was never really able to get into playing N64 games, even back when the PS1 and the N64 were the current gen.

Something about the aesthetics of the games due the limitations of the hardware made them unappealing for me.


Is kind of funny cuz I don't have the same issue with other old games, be PS1, or old PC games.

Is weird.

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Oh yeah; even at the time when N64 was the new, latest system... the visuals in those games; it just wasn't a good situation; all of them looked terrible to me. (edited to change the wording; no real need to be "nice" to n64; haha garbage ass system)  Meanwhile, the PlayStation at the time was still going strong with that legendary lineup of greatness, year after year.  

Edited by MillionX
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