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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Live Action Zelda is very


The amount of excitement I had at first was like "Nintendo announced a Zelda movie!?"  then it turned into "Oh no!  Nintendo announced a LIVE ACTION Zelda movie"    CG/Animated would have been so easy but now I gotta worry about who is actually going to be portraying these characters on the screen and I my I can't even think of anyone right now who could do Ganondorf justice live action right now.  And then they're definitely going to feel obliged to address the mute elephant in the room.  I think they probably would have gotten away with it if it was animated but live action?  That's rough.


Nintendo is bankrolling 50% of the movie and so I know they're fully in control of this on top of Miyamoto overseeing everything so I want to have faith and they'll pull out Super Mario Bros Movie for the 2nd time but man...this is is uphill.  This isn't Netflix One Piece up hill but it's gotta be a few notches under.  If it's been in pre production for several years now then that means that they've probably thrown out a ton of scripts and done ton of rewrites to even get to this point to even feel comfortable to just casually drop this out there.  I'm going to try to hold judgement until I can at least get a couple trailers.

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Nintendo also released some numbers in a Quarterly report

Full presentation here


Pikmin 4 also had the biggest release for the series yet.  TotK has sold through 19.50 Mill as of Sept 30th.  This Report was also where they casually dropped that the movie was happening.  So far MK8D has sold 57.01 mill, AC NH has sold 43.38 mill, Smash Ult has sold 32.44 mill, and SMO has sold 26.95 mill.


One of the end cards says that they're planning to continue to release games on the Switch which.. could mean 1 of 2 things.  Switch 2 is might get delayed pushed back into at the very least next year for release date or they're going to do cross gen similar to what the M$ and Sony have done and the Switch 2 will be BC (both speculation).  This doesn't mean that there isn't an imminent announcement or anything next year mind you.  I'm hoping it's the latter more than the former because that would give more credence to those back door rumors at TGS.  BC with a patch oer something to update the quality on certain games similar to what Sony and M$ are doing.




More stuff

Switch is now at the 132.46 mill mark putting it within 21.56 mill of the DS which still holds the top spot for the company.


I also had to correct a number above regarding TotK.


Current top sellers are MK8D 57.01 Mill, AC NH 43.38 Mill, Smah Ult 32.44 mill, BotW 31.15 Mill, SMO 26.95 Mill, Pokemon Sw/Sh 26.02 Mill, Pokemon Sc/Vi 23.23 Mill, Super Mario Party 19.66 Mill,  TotK 19.50 (this puts this game over half of BotW lifetime total at this moment), NSMBUD 16.70


SM3DW+BW is currently at 12.58 mill and Nintendo Switch Sports sits at 10.77 mill. 


Not seeing any other figures for any other titles at the moment

Edited by Sonichuman
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Was hoping for more metal Contral. Still looks good







Therion returns as the hunt for Lord Vroll continues. Pilot an advanced machine of death and destruction in this explosive 2.5D side-scrolling shoot ’em up, and sequel to the critically acclaimed Valfaris. Strap in and unleash mecha hell!

After escaping Valfaris, Therion’s hunt for the evil Lord Vroll has taken him across the galaxy. As the final, inevitable showdown looms, Therion harnesses the awesome combat ability of his secret weapon—Mecha Therion!

A formidable suit of weaponized metal, Mecha Therion can be equipped with an array of devastating firepower, including enemy eviscerating favorites such as Bringer of Mayhem, Skysplitter, and Therion’s trademark Hellwraith.

Key Features

  • Strap in and unleash mecha hell!
  • Fight through multiple levels of hostile alien territory.
  • Master a range of Melee, Ballistic, and Destroyer class weapons.
  • Configure your Mecha loadout with your favorite weapon combos.
  • Earn Blood Metal to upgrade weapons and add-ons.



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22 hours ago, Wellman said:

Elon is slowly killing it. Apparently the reason, Sony and MS have dropped it is because of change in rules where they would have to pay more for it to be available on consoles so they are just dropping it. I am surprised Nintendo hasn't done so yet but X/Twitter was baked in as the Miiverse substitute for Splatoon and it would probably cost more to replace it when they can just make a sequel on the Switch successor in two years and kill off support for 2&3 around then.

If this somehow leads to the return of Miiverse then I'm all for it.

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Lords of the Fallen reveals free content roadmap, and it’s hefty

New spells, armor sets, and questlines ahoy.




Free new content coming to Lords of the Fallen in 2023

As per the official announcement from Hexworks, the studio is hard at work to add a wealth of new content to Lords of the Fallen before 2023 fully wraps up. The official roadmap promises the following goodies:

  • Quote


    • Umbral armor set and questline
    • Rhogar armor set and questline
    • Radiant armor set and questline
    • 2 separate inventory expansion sets
    • 2 new spell packs
    • Bonus secret boss weapon abilities
    • New Grievous Strikes
    • New questline event
    • Separate PvP and PvE balancing
    • Gamepad rebinding
    • Modifiers for New Game+ mode



On top of all of these boons, players can also expect ongoing weekly enhancements, though there hasn’t been any further explanation as to the when and why of these improvements:

  • Quote


    • Stability and performance improvements
    • Save game fixes
    • Multiplayer improvements
    • Balancing with PvE prioritization
    • More difficult boss encounters
    • QoL tweaks



Hexworks also plans to release a number of free events similar to the Halloween ‘Season of the Bleak’ event, each of which is supposed to introduce even more content and gear into the mix. “This is our small way of saying thank you,” says the announcement. “This is by no means an exhaustive list, but rather a snapshot of our internal developments, in our continual strive for better transparency and communication with you, our faithful Lampbearers of Mournstead.”

Players can, therefore, expect plenty of improvements to Lords of the Fallen in the coming weeks and months, which is great news for those who intend to stick with the game for a while longer.

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13 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

....why does it need MW2 to be installed?

It is because MW3 started off as DLC for MW2. They realized they could make more money by calling it "MW3" and people would buy it anyway. They probably were too lazy to include whatever files were needed from the base game for the DLC that were passing off as a sequel.

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

It is because MW3 started off as DLC for MW2. They realized they could make more money by calling it "MW3" and people would buy it anyway. They probably were too lazy to include whatever files were needed from the base game for the DLC that were passing off as a sequel.

Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable

When people were calling MW3 "$70 DLC" I thought people were just being hyperbolic.  That is some crazy garbage Activision.

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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

It is because MW3 started off as DLC for MW2. They realized they could make more money by calling it "MW3" and people would buy it anyway. They probably were too lazy to include whatever files were needed from the base game for the DLC that were passing off as a sequel.

So what if you don't own MW2, but want to buy MW3? Can you still play it or are you fucked in the ass?

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The sad thing is that the assumption that companies like that have is correct---- most of the gaming audience is indeed dumb enough to just buy it anyway, no matter what kind of awful shitty business practice it is.  


221 GB on the install... they're just getting even worse at a faster rate than I in about 2 or 3 years it's going to be what, 2 TB installs with 950 GB "updates", I guess?

I think it all may be over the hill at this point... like the true Golden Age of gaming came and went; things will get gradually worse in every way with the next era and beyond.  No, there is no hope.  There's the little "black pilled" Debbie Downer commentary for the day, I suppose.  It's best to enjoy the current probably last truly great era while we still's probably all downhill from here.

Edited by MillionX
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12 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

With friends like Mike Z's who needs enemies. He got the Julius Caesar'd....will from a reputation standpoint.


Not only him, but also Alex Ahad, the people that are left on the studio outed both creatives behind the games that put them in the map, took over their characters and engine and pulled a character assassination towards them.


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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

The sad thing is that the assumption that companies like that have is correct---- most of the gaming audience is indeed dumb enough to just buy it anyway, no matter what kind of awful shitty business practice it is.  


221 GB on the install... they're just getting even worse at a faster rate than I in about 2 or 3 years it's going to be what, 2 TB installs with 950 GB "updates", I guess?

I think it all may be over the hill at this point... like the true Golden Age of gaming came and went; things will get gradually worse in every way with the next era and beyond.  No, there is no hope.  There's the little "black pilled" Debbie Downer commentary for the day, I suppose.  It's best to enjoy the current probably last truly great era while we still's probably all downhill from here.

Play modern retro indie stuff, problem solved. 

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I beat Super Mario Bros. Wonder. It is a very strong contender for my GOTY. The animations, the level design, the music and sound design; SMBW fires on all cylinders. Even the final boss was creative. Now I'm going back to 100% the game and do the Special World. You know how Champion's Road in 3D World was pain and suffering the video game? I hear Wonder has some final level that is MUCH worse. My body is not ready.


Scared Kermit The Frog GIF 

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NEW YORK, NY  Rockstar Games has announced new details about its upcoming Grand Theft Auto installment, confirming that the new game will have an unlockable "Soros DA Mode" where all crime is legal.

"Players demand more realism in games these days," Sam Houser, President of Rockstar Games, told reporters after making the announcement. "The days of simply being arrested for committing a crime are no more. It was time to bring the GTA franchise into the new world."

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4 hours ago, RegH81 said:

I beat Super Mario Bros. Wonder. It is a very strong contender for my GOTY. The animations, the level design, the music and sound design; SMBW fires on all cylinders. Even the final boss was creative. Now I'm going back to 100% the game and do the Special World. You know how Champion's Road in 3D World was pain and suffering the video game? I hear Wonder has some final level that is MUCH worse. My body is not ready.


Scared Kermit The Frog GIF 

My son and I just got to world 6 last night but I agree the game is fantastic.  I am REALLY loving all the charm with the animations and the sound especially.  Last night I changed to a new character and picked Toad, and they even have their own jumps sounds.


My only gripe with the game (and it can be really bad) is the camera in 2 player mode.  One player has the crown and whoever has the crown basically guides where the camera goes.  It is just really poorly implemented and it's so easy to cut the other player off the screen.  I honestly can't believe it shipped like this because it sticks out so much in what otherwise is just a super polished game. It just feels so half assed.

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