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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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You know what's worse than fighting this fucking frog fuck lizard bitch?  Fighting TWO OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME.


Oh,  and I heard you have to fight TWO RANCORS later on.  Holy fuck this game is awesome. 


For real tho,  glad I waited until they patched some improvements. The game is still a glitchy mess,  but it's fun as hell.  You really feel like a jedi! 

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11 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Have you seen Wonder Woman's bio that is supposedly be written by Lex Luthor? It's beyond cringe inducing. There is no way a character that is supposed to be Lex Luthor would write that. He wouldn't speak about Amazon society as perfection.  Nor would he use term "toxic masculinity" or even be concerned with it. Did anyone tell the writers they are supposed be writing the bio from Lex Luthor's perspective? Did Anita Sarkeesian write that pompous nonsense?


It seems that all of that comes from the mind of some feminist consultant, Sweet Baby or something 🤣

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Super Late VGM Fridays Part 1 and 2 


Notable Anniversaries: Smash 64 (25), REmake 2 (5), KH 3 (5), Golden Axe 1 Arcade (35), Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green (20), Strider Arcade (35), Wario Land: SML3 (30th), Skate 2 ( 15), Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (20).  Good chunk of these I'm not fully familiar with on a musical level unfortunately.


I don't remember too much about REmake's 2's music but the one thing that will be ingrained in your brain is this track.  This track is fucking perfect in encapsulating the fear and terror of being hounded by this mother fucker when he spots you.  It sounds big, imposing, and it literally sounds like it's constantly walking towards you.  Hell part of the track even sounds like Mr.X is banging on the door trying to get in.  Much like the Guardian music from BotW, I imagine anyone who has played this game would get a sudden spike in adrenaline when this starts to kick on.




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DF's review pretty much confirms what I've been seeing.  The game is actually solid from a graphical standpoint...on consoles.  Rocksteady is a really good job optimizing this game and getting it to run 60 on UE4 and have it be open world (This is game is 45 gigs on PS5).  PC is a dif story apparently with this game running..sus on Steam Deck.  Some mild hiccup here and there but they did a solid job.  Motion capture and acting are both top notch.  Only issues are the repetitive nature of the gameplay mechanics despite some still having fun with it and people's issues with aspects of the story.


All that being said, watching IGN send scornful targeted hit pieces on this game has been interesting.




case in point

I don't know who it is but someone over at IGN has a real bug up their ass about this game lol.  It is living rent free over there.

Edited by Sonichuman
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It is The Avengers all over again. But I am guessing given WBD's comments and ways they have handled micro transactions in MK1 a lot of folk will be taking shots at Suicide Squad because they want it to fail to avoid this becoming a trend. 

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I am wondering just how in the hell we deal with microtransactions in general. Even the non-lootbox ones pollute any game they're in, because the devs have to make the game more grindy to put more space between you and what you want (unless you pay). With MK, you used to have a clear path to things you want, but now most things are randomized.


As much as I'm liking MK1's core gameplay, it's like either micros or laziness have sucked everything out of it outside that. I can't stand that awful Invasions mode, and the online is barebones.

Edited by axeman61
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I went back to my PS5 Baldur's Gate adventures just now.... last I played that version was this past November... my main character there is "Alastor" the warlock; level 4.  This character was right at that good part where you can raid the Grove area.... such delicious betrayal of the people living there....the look on Zevlor's face when he realizes the situation; I love it.


This time, Astarion got the killing shot on I took the opportunity to then use "Speak with the Dead" on him, which was pretty interesting.  Oh yeah he was in such a bad way at the end... Astarion got a vamp bite attack on him at one point so he had that "bloodless" condition....we still had the "Blessed" buff going on from Shadowheart as well, and easily dispatched the few archers around in no time.  

Oh yeah, before getting into this battle I sold some stuff to the vendor "Dammron" I think was the name... after the battle I noticed his dead body there and I got the stuff back that I sold to him just moments earlier.

Edited by MillionX
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6 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

All that being said, watching IGN send scornful targeted hit pieces on this game has been interesting.




case in point

I don't know who it is but someone over at IGN has a real bug up their ass about this game lol.  It is living rent free over there.

There aren't any good guys in this IGN and WB situation. IGN didn't kiss WB's ass when they previewed the game and WB didn't send them a review code out of spite. In fact WB seeming did this across the board because the criticism the game was getting. IGN gave the game a mediocre review but by all accounts the game is mediocre. If it were getting rave reviews and IGN hit with 5/10 review I'd be more miffed by it. But it's just assholes being shitty to each other so the whole thing is whatever to me.


At the end of the day, all the smoke coming Suicides Squad's way can be laid at the feet of WB. They put out an always on line, MTX filled, looter shooter, that features D tier characters killing popular characters. Even if the game was amazing they were going to get cooked for this. But the game isn't amazing. The founders of Rocksteady left and took a bunch of talent with them to a new studio. After watching a few reviews, it seems like Avengers, the game seems to have been turned into a GaaS experience midway through development as I've heard that literally the first half of the game is solid and whatever positives the game has fall by the wayside in the second half.


These studios need to cut out this heavy Games as a Service focus. The money losing decisions entertainment companies, not just gaming companies, continue to make is mind boggling. I work in sales. The fastest way to lose business is to stop giving your customer what they want. All those companies are chasing a quick buck and doing long term damage to their reputations which would take years to overcome if overcoming the damage is possible at all. You'd think they'd look at the history of MMOs and see the folly of chasing games as of service but they don't. Like with MMOs, you can drop a 10 of 10 exceptional game, that will bomb because people aren't going to want to give the years of time they've put into an existing MMO. Even if you manage to make a hit, nearly all of your audience won't have the time to buy anything else from you. GaaS games like MMOe are huge time sinks. The customer base can only support so many of them. Casual players will play one GaaS game and that's it. That's all their they have the time for gaming. Even a hardcore gamer would have trouble playing more than few at time. There is only 24 hours in day. People have to work and sleep. :tldr:

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Despite the rest of the problems and general unappealing nature of that Suicide Squad game.... that scene where the guy takes a piss on Flash...sheeeitttt that was goddamn hilarious to me....such an impressive level of degenerate disrespect right there.   haha imagine if he then shit on him too.  I'd be equal opportunity with it as well, unlike those behind this game from what I hear---- in my version, Wonder Woman's corpse would get pissed on too...maybe add a big wet fart on her face for good measure. 🤣


...and that just reminded me of the piss fatality in Primal Rage again; this is the first time I've seen such a thing since that game.  No shame here; it's down to my admittedly disgusting sense of humor.  



Edited by MillionX
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17 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

The rumors swirling around right now about M$'s plans to put some of their other franchises on the other platforms are making Xbots HEATED.

Funny you mention that, Indiana Jones is rumored to be internally developed as a timed sequel where ps5 owners will be able to get it six months or a year after initial street date




edit: apparently Starfield is also being considered for PS5 by the end of the year due to the poor sales and reviews. Theyre hoping to have better results on PS5. 😂😂😂

Edited by iStu X
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Here is an overview of the game, via Forever Entertainment:




Night Slashers is a pulse-pounding, horror-themed beat ’em up game, in a nightmarish world filled with bloodthirsty creatures and unspeakable horrors. Prepare to step into the shoes of the unlikely heroes, as they battle hordes of supernatural foes and terrifying monsters.

In Night Slashers, you’re not just fighting for survival: you’re battling to save the world from a supernatural apocalypse. Join the fight, experience the adrenaline, and embrace the horror. Your darkest nightmares await…


Night Slashers, a classic arcade game originally developed by Data East in 1994, still stands as one of the best titles in the beat ’em up genre to this day! The gameplay consists of seven distinct stages, each subdivided into multiple sections. You can advance by navigating from left to right within each stage, combating waves of enemies to progress.

Attempting to proceed further without eliminating foes halts the screen’s scroll until all the threats are dealt with. Upon reaching the end of each level, a climactic showdown with a formidable boss awaits. Achieve victory over the boss to advance.

Key Features

  • Expanded Hero Roster – Choose from a unique roster of heroes to assemble your team and battle hordes of zombies as a team of up to four players.
  • Enhanced Controls and Combat Mechanics – Take full control of your character with improved combat mechanics. Execute combos, aerial attacks, and special moves, making the gameplay engaging and satisfying.
  • Upgraded Visual Effects – From blood splatters to dynamic lighting, witness the horror unfold with updated visual effects that heighten the intensity of the gameplay.
  • Sound and Music Perfection – Enjoy a high-quality haunting soundtrack. Choose between the classic OST to feed your nostalgia or the newly-arranged music for a modern-day experience.
  • Character Selection Screen Overhaul – Try the revamped character selection screen showcasing the heroes in a more engaging and visually striking way.


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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Happy to see VGM getting recognized at the Grammy's but they are either gonna have to start expanding their horizons or have more categories for them in the future cause almost every nomination consists of background cinema music.

Bet it only won cuz it has John Williams music in it. I'm sure the music in Jedi Survivor is great but it's also probably the safest, moat easily digestible for the old fucks at The Grammys then actual video game music. 


Shit Alan Wake 2 was last year and they give it to the game that holds hands with classic cinema. 

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I think it's been pretty apparent MS has been looking to get out of the console game after the series X.


1. No more physical games in 2024

2. Losing money on every console sold.

3. XCloud streaming service (or whatever)

4. Gamepass 


I think their goal is to just be a gaming service long run that can be played on a PC, console, or even just your smart TV with an app.

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It would be a shame for the "nemesis" gimmick to just be left behind and forgotten... I kept hoping that would become a new trend or standard expectation in most games, especially rpgs.  It was one of the best and most interesting new things in gaming from recent years.  Diablo's version of it was a normal enemy gets "upgraded" to a nemesis monster by killing a player character.... then it can show up again later, either in your game or in the world of a random friend that also plays the game, and it appears with a title under it's name indicating "Killer of _____" (your gamertag...or if it's your game it re-appeared in, it will just have the name of your character it killed previously) also got stronger with each player kill.  Killing the nemesis gives you a guaranteed legendary item.


It was slightly different in Shadow of War (I think this was in Shadow of Mordor as well?)---there, the enemy that comes back as a "nemesis" also remembers certain things about your previous battle, and it was upgraded to be even stronger, with new abilities and less weaknesses... they move up the ranks as well.  This character could also appear in your friend's game.

ah, I figured videos had been made on the subject.... it's a simple concept that is naturally adds plenty of replay value:

Edit----ah, he mentions it right in this video, actually.... so there's a legal element at play since WB apparently had a patent on the nemesis system, so that would be the barrier to other companies using it.

Yep, YongYea had a vid on this in 2021:


...and someone just mentioned in the comment section----imagine if this feature could've been used on great ones of today like Elden Ring! 


Edited by MillionX
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Regarding NieR: Automata Influences


Kim: “Yes. NieR: Automata was a huge driving force behind me working on this project. It made me realize once again that I wanted to make a game like Stellar Blade.

“Also, as a fan, God of War is really just my favorite game. It taught me that you can experience a vast world without being completely open-world.

“I’ve also gotten inspiration from a lot of other titles like Bayonetta, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.”


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2 hours ago, purbeast said:

I think it's been pretty apparent MS has been looking to get out of the console game after the series X.


1. No more physical games in 2024

2. Losing money on every console sold.

3. XCloud streaming service (or whatever)

4. Gamepass 


I think their goal is to just be a gaming service long run that can be played on a PC, console, or even just your smart TV with an app.

An addendum to your first point. Their physical games aren't even really physical games anyway. It's just a software key on a disc that tell their server which version of the game to down load to your Xbox. Xbox is in it's death throws a console manufacturer. Don Mattrick's fuck up was a mortal wound that Xbox couldn't recover from.

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3 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

An addendum to your first point. Their physical games aren't even really physical games anyway. It's just a software key on a disc that tell their server which version of the game to down load to your Xbox. Xbox is in it's death throws a console manufacturer. Don Mattrick's fuck up was a mortal wound that Xbox couldn't recover from.

Wait when you buy an Xbox game it doesn't install from the disk it has to download it?


I find that hard to believe because then you couldn't even play a game if you aren't connected to the internet.

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4 minutes ago, purbeast said:

Wait when you buy an Xbox game it doesn't install from the disk it has to download it?


I find that hard to believe because then you couldn't even play a game if you aren't connected to the internet.

Edit: I'm partially mistaken. It only applies to some games. The biggest example of this being Halo Infinite.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Hmm. I might finally fuck with Microsoft's game offerings if they put more and more stuff out multi-console. I know it's petty, but I'm still holding that always-on nonsense around E3 2013 against them. I could EASILY buy an xbox and play those games alongside my PS4/5 games, but they missed that boat and now I don't see anything over there worth playing. Exclusives are dry all around now, but it's almost like XBox has none.

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Just now, RSG3 said:

I think the Backwards Compatablitlity is a compelling reason for the right gamer, but only the right gamer, someone with an Xbox/360 collection of decent size. 


That's about it tho...

Yeah I never understood the whole BC thing.


If I wanted to play my Xbox 360 games, I could play them on my Xbox 360.

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It doesn't help that they continue to let my precious Gears of War franchise just collect dust these days.... this fall it will have been 5 years since the last one was released, and that next one was supposed to be the conclusion of a trilogy, btw.


...and I wonder how many more years until that Fable game is finally out?  


...even though Kingdoms of Amalur already surpassed the Fable franchise in just about every way possible 12 years ago... then got the re-make treatment *with* new DLC about 3 years ago. 😆  

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