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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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V-Rising--- things are coming along nicely; I unlocked more stuff, including a mirror which lets you customize your character again whenever you want, and now the ability to track the "v-blood" characters; I already hunted down the next one (some ore mine boss of the workers there in a cave) which rewarded me with 1 point in the Chaos magic skill-tree.  I've built more stuff back at the raggedy little "castle" area I started making.


The wolf form is such a great early unlock, since the speed boost from being in wolf form is quite can get around the map a lot easier that way.

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On 6/20/2024 at 6:59 PM, AriesWarlock said:


The score for the first battle in the game is what got me hooked. Now the real question is will the sequel ever happen.

6 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:


I only kept my PS3 for three games:


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (although I have it on Steam)

Transformers: War for Cybertron

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron.


This would be stellar news. 

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despite the problems I hate (online-only shyte)----what a great time to be a gamer overall.... all the conveniences, the fact that there's so much more available to pick from... so many simple luxuries and all that----like last night I was sitting in bed with Steam Deck, using this Switch carrying case component as a makeshift "stand" for it while using an Xbox controller to play V-Rising for a while with the tv on in the background (AMC's Interview with the Vampire on at the time; Orphan Black Echoes premiered last night after it)... so I had that and the Switch as usual.  


...more specifically; great time to be a gamer that's already in the adult/working phase of life so I can afford all this cool stuff I want....all the systems I want; more games than I even have time to play, including one of those Arcade 1up machines....and I still have the now classic old stuff like Gamecube, SNES, Dreamcast, etc.  I never get tired of how great this shit is...being a big kid that has the money for everything he wants, and there's more cool stuff out there now than ever before to get into...and an ongoing true golden age of *portable* gaming in particular (Switch + Steam Deck and other pc variations like Legion Go, etc)....... it's like I'm getting away with something.

Edited by MillionX
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Shadow of the Erdtree is leading to more discussion of FromSoftware's penchant for producing really hard

This has led to the DLC’s review status on Steam dipping to “Mixed” after people began review-bombing the game over its difficulty.

Just a few days before Shadow of the Erdtree’s release, director Hidetaka Miyazaki discussed the challenge the expansion would pose for players. “We’ve kind of really pushed the envelope in terms of what we think can be withstood by the player,” Miyazaki told CNET in an interview. While the Soulslike genre has typically been synonymous with tough difficulty, some players think Shadow of the Erdtree may have gone too far.

I’m here to play the game, not to be tormented by it,” wrote one Steam review. It’s a sentiment shared by many. Another reviewer said that FromSoftware has “lost the essence of what made their games fun—fairness.” They are referring to the idea that most Soulslikes give players the skills to overcome challenges, but claim Shadow of the Erdtree lacks that balance in combat encounters. The review-bombing and overall discussion of Shadow of the Erdtree’s difficulty has revived a conversation around Soulslikes as old as the games themselves: Are these games too difficult, or are people just too used to handholding in modern games to appreciate a real challenge?



Review bombing: a term for losers to use when people genuinely don't like what they have made.


And that would have been avoided by a simple option in the game menu called difficulty mode, they should try that. Review bombing are lame, but not adding game difficulty is lazy.


Some of these little shits seem to have never played ds2 or ds3 and fought ivory king or midir. Dlc bosses so far seem managable and fair. And no one forces them to play without summons and so on lol


I'm so tired of seeing people complaining about Elden Ring's difficulty. It's not like they expected a cakewalk or something. If you can't handle the challenge, then maybe gaming isn't for you. I mean, come on, it's not like Dark Souls never did this too and everyone loved that g


So how hard is Shadow of the Erdtree?

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5 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

So how hard is Shadow of the Erdtree?

Bout as hard as the base game was. I've only fought 1 boss I didn't like. The real difference is this DLC demands you explore because you can't lvl grind your way past a problem, the new scaling system for the DLC means if you never find the upgrade materials for interacting with the scaling system you will struggle to do damage and you'll take a fuck ton. You NEED to explore and find the Scadutree fragments that will tip the new scaling system in your favor. 


I see a lot of people who aren't exploring much and just bashing their heads against the bosses. Thats not gonna work. You gotta learn the move sets and find the upgrades to make your Atk and Def matter. 


And if you're still stuck them summon ashes or better yet, summon another player. It's not cheating, it's not depriving yourself of anything, those systems are there for you to use. 


Use them. 


Edit: 20240624_203525.jpg?ex=667b8ca6&is=667a3


The yellow is the Scadutree enhancement benefits. I have 164 in base physical defense but when I'm in the Land of Shadows I get a Scadutree Blessing bonus based on how many fragments I've turned in. The yellows are a percentage, so when I'm in the land of shadows I have 174 defence + 66.648% defencee on top of that. So I'm flat out obsorbing 66% of incoming physical damage in the Land of Shadows, and that's just physical. 


It's really important people find the Scadutree Fragments and use them. 

Edited by RSG3
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13 hours ago, axeman61 said:

What's a good beginners guide for Elden Ring on YT that doesn't spoil much of the story? I keep meaning to get into it, but end up doing something else. I still haven't played much of the base game.

Um like what do you mean? Like where to find stuff or how mechanics work? 


Honestly just ask man, I have 900 hours. What do you wanna know? 




That was right before I started the DLC to lmao I'm at like 935h now lol. What platform you on? I co-op a lot. 

Edited by RSG3
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Steam Deck is on sale for 15% off at the moment... until July 11.


V-Rising adventures---I was on the way back from killing the 2nd v-blood boss...just happened to run into some vampire hunter "Lydia" but she was gear-level 30...AND it was daytime so naturally it would've been a bad idea to try fighting her... she killed something and so I almost got burned up in the sun trying to steal all that precious loot before running off back to my castle.  Yes...we'll definitely meet again, foolish mortal girl....

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Ugh. SRK constantly crashing on my iphone. Anyway, I ended up picking up Stellar Blade after learning about it from the stupid controversy. I'm actually glad there was all that controversy since I probably wouldn't have known about the game otherwise. Now I know this is sacrilege and I'm a huge DMC fan with probably close to 1000 hours across all of the games, but I enjoyed it more than DMC. It's a very different battle system of course, so it's not a great direct comparison. It focuses on promoting a pretty aggressive play style where you must dodge and parry attacks to survive and to build up meters for both. The meters are then spent on special attacks or powering up the last hit of your combo. There is also a DT mode where you are literally invincible for a few seconds. Once you parry enough and to finish the boss fights, there are some great finishing attack animations. For me, the battle system and boss fights are what make the game. If you played the demo and didn't like the battle system, I probably wouldn't bother with the game. You get more options throughout the game, but I doubt they would change your mind.


For the rest of the game, I thought it was alright. I enjoyed exploring and doing the side quests and I think I almost completed all of the side quests except for the fishing mini game. The voice acting for the main character is good and the rest are mainly not great. I kind of excused it based on story reasons hahahaha. The story overall is decent and was engaging enough for me. It presents the story with a mix of reading logs for back story and cutscenes. I found the lore and worldbuilding to be interesting. Currently, I'm doing a new game+ playthrough, which I rarely do, because I enjoy the battle system so much. You also unlock new moves in NG+. There's also a boss rush available and I'm missing one boss to fill it out.

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@JGreenStellar Blade is my game of the year so far. I Platinumed the game, something I almost never do. The boss your missing comes from your ending choice. Depending on whether or not you take (spoiler)'s hand, you get a different final boss. A friendly tip, pay attention to your gear. It actually matters. I didn't pay it too much mind until I had to beat one of the bosses, I'll just say Fallen Angel, on Hard Boss Rush mode for one of the new nanosuits. Even though my Eve was completely maxed out. She could nearly 1 shot me. I mentioned in a Youtube comment of all place and guy responded that he went with an all out defense/parry build. I went with his setup and I beat her on the first try. The only thing I haven't done in Stellar Blade is finish it on hard. With that gear setup, I may just do that. It makes perfect parries absurdly easy and if that boss' damage is that cut down, then anyone else shouldn't be an issue.


Side note: There are 3 endings to game. 

  • Take the hand, 100% Lily Meter - True Ending
  • Take the hand, Lily Meter less than 100% - Bitter Sweet Ending
  • Don't take the hand - Bad Ending
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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Honestly haven't paid attention to this. What's everyone on about?

From what I've been gathering Dr. Disrespect got banned from Twitch like 4 years ago but the details of why weren't widely known.  So flash forward to now and some former twitch employees said the reason he got banned is because he was whispering inappropriate shit to a minor (far as I know it was 1) and the defense force for him came out in full force.  Then as time goes on and more info comes out turns out it is the case and he did send some inappropriate stuff to a minor (which we are still unsure of what exactly that was) but Dr. D comes out after telling people he didn't do anything wrong and lying to everyone that he did in fact send some stuff to a minor.  His game company parts ways and some of his defense force was still trying to defend him for a moment before finally saying they can't support him (specifically one guy who apparently was "very concerned about the kids" in previous posts of theirs but was a ok with trying to stand in front the bullets coming in Dr. D's direction on this even after it was revealed to be a fact).  To add to this Dr. D apparently has a wife and kids and stated in his confession that he was just humoring the minor and admits it shouldnt have gone that far which is...still sus no matter how you look at it.  He says he's taking a break to spend time with his family.


1 hour ago, iStu X said:

Have you seen the size of the character select screen for Sparking Zero? It may be less right now but it won’t be by the end. 😂

I'm not denying that there will be a lot of Goku's and Vegeta's but thats why I said purely from a % standpoint it will be less than DBFZ.  Funnily enough I did some quick math to look at the potential % Goku and Vegeta woukd take up of the roster and looks like you're probably gonna be in the right.  The % lines up with DBFZ's roster % (29%...this includes all forms, fusions and body takeovers)  with potential roster for Sparking Zero being around 34 % ( this is with trying to account for possible dlc forms with Daima and assuming they are going to have 4 each).  Yeah I'll take the L on that...thought maybe with having all the characters that this game is gonna have with Z through Super it'd offset but i doesn't.

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4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Honestly haven't paid attention to this. What's everyone on about?

Hes a pedophile who got caught sexting a minor using Twitches in house messaging system. So Twitch was able to read it. Sounds like he didn't do enough to actually commit a crime but enough that Twitch bought out his contract and doesn't want to work with him anymore. The game studio he founded has dumped him, the owner saying "If you talk to kids inappropriately i cant work with you" and I'm sure mores to come soon. 


Anyway he's a pedophile. Thats what happened. 


Ephebophile for those out there that think it fucking matters to anyone. 

Edited by RSG3
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