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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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ha, every time I see a pic of Will Smith as Richard Williams it's just funny to me, because he looks nothing like that dude. the casting director just said "eh...who's a black guy that's popular and a big name at the moment...ah yes, get Mr. Smith if you can." 


The recent Mummy film with Tom Cruise was a frustrating mixed bag.  It would've been so much more cool if they picked a general tone and stuck with it... preferably "action/horror"....there were some odd moments of comedic nonsense stuffed in there that really brought the whole thing down, imo.

Sofia Boutella was the sexiest "Mummy" ever, btw.  ...imagine fucking a fine "mummy" like that though... I guess that halfway counts as necrophilia?  It's an extreme case of it too since was dead and buried at least several centuries ago....still, she's a magically reanimated corpse though; I guarantee most dudes would go for it.

edit---one would have to consider the smell though.... 🤔)

Edited by MillionX
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2 hours ago, Lantis said:

War of the Worlds and Vanilla Sky come to mind

Vanilla Sky isn't trash at all, it's just a movie you probably need to watch more than once to really "get." The Spanish version "Abre Los Ojos" is easier to understand but doesn't have the "mindfuck" thing Vanilla Sky does which I really like.



2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Yea still famous and infamous, tho less infamous then he was like 10 years ago or so. He stays popular by doing stuff like the Mission Impossible series where he's a producer and does all his own stunts so you get to put the Camera right next to him during dangerous stunts. Tom has a crazy dedication to the craft of making movies and it shows. 


I like his movies but dude still crazy lol. 

He's crazy in the way that people who are REALLY REALLY into something are crazy, he's kind of a dork really. I heard him on an episode of Nerdist years ago and he's so into movies, acting, working on them, etc that, like you said, there's a degree of dedication to that that I don't think most people can relate to. But he's over the top and frankly a bit crazy in the normal way too, but because he lives in a world where that over the top-ness makes him his money and gets him praised, it follows that it would carry over into his normal life. He really does seem like kind of a dork lol


That said, I can't think of anyone who does that "young hotshot" role he plays in pretty much every movie better than he does.

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17 minutes ago, MillionX said:

ha, every time I see a pic of Will Smith as Richard Williams it's just funny to me, because he looks nothing like that dude. the casting director just said "eh...who's a black guy that's popular and a big name at the moment...ah yes, get Mr. Smith if you can."

Sounds like Will Smith is gunning hard for that Oscar so he has to self-insert himself in roles that he deems will get him there

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The Academy will probably give it to him just to avoid any theatrics from Will/Jada and bad press from the media or social media hounds. 

Denzel already has 2, so I doubt he will feel bad if he loses. 



Will has only been nominated for playing real life people in films (Ali and Chris Garner)

I'm sure he took the role with the understanding that he could get an Oscar nomination at the very least.

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3 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Will has only been nominated for playing real life people in films (Ali and Chris Garner)

I'm sure he took the role with the understanding that he could get an Oscar nomination at the very least.

I honestly thought his take on Ali was really really solid.  It was probably his best performance as an actor besides Pursuit of Happyness.

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1 hour ago, J-ride said:

JADA IS FOR THE STREETS!!  Their relationship is a case study in why you can't wife a hoe.


Its a good thing Tupac is dead or he'd beat your ass for talking about Jada like that. They had something special and you wouldn't understand it.


Who is Will Smith anyways?  Man only has a grammy, multiple #1 radio hits, multiple hit movies, a GOAT TV show in Fresh Prince of Bel Air etc.


Frankly he ain't shit. 😭


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23 minutes ago, Sonero said:


Its a good thing Tupac is dead or he'd beat your ass for talking about Jada like that. They had something special and you wouldn't understand it.


Who is Will Smith anyways?  Man only has a grammy, multiple #1 radio hits, multiple hit movies, a GOAT TV show in Fresh Prince of Bel Air etc.


Frankly he ain't shit. 😭


Jada? No, now if you said something about Kidada, there would be a problem. All that lusting over Tupac and she wasn't even the love of dude's life. You'd think Tupac was engaged to Jada when he died that way she fawns over him. Tupac was about to marry Kidada Jones.



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1 hour ago, Sonero said:


Its a good thing Tupac is dead or he'd beat your ass for talking about Jada like that. They had something special and you wouldn't understand it.


Who is Will Smith anyways?  Man only has a grammy, multiple #1 radio hits, multiple hit movies, a GOAT TV show in Fresh Prince of Bel Air etc.


Frankly he ain't shit. 😭


What i never understood about Tupac is that he complained a lot about the police not leaving him and other people of our color alone, but never thought that maybe it's all because he always broke the fucking law. 


Mother fucker, you are engaging in shoot outs when you are already rich and you make a bunch of songs complaining about the police fucking around with you only because you are black? Fuck outa here!


Edited by zatalcon3
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yeah, I had extremely low expectations of Will as Ali...(I figured he would be his usual self) but that turned out to be a surprisingly good performance and movie.  


*Y'know, one snack that is tough for me to resist... a simple sliced turkey meat sandwich.  I don't need anything else on there; just the meat and 1 slice of bread folded over... but if I had no restraint I could easily just keep on making more until I've demolished a whole box of the turkey slices with several slices of bread.  It's fortunate that I never actually became a morbidly obese person, because I definitely have the endless appetite of one... it was even worse when I was a kid, but I guess the super high metabolism (+ just being a kid I guess?) balanced it out.  

....that's one of the things I miss the most about childhood.  I could pig out big time like Goku without a care in the world....all while not ever getting fat.  That shit was awesome.  One whole large pizza?  Sheeeeittttt, sometimes I could've gone for 2.



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47 minutes ago, zatalcon3 said:

What i never understood about Tupac is that he complained a lot about the police not leaving him and other people of our color alone, but never thought that maybe it's all because he always broke the fucking law. 


Mother fucker, you are engaging in shoot outs when you are already rich and you make a bunch of songs complaining about the police fucking around with you only because you are black? Fuck outa here!


Damn, you solved it. All u gotta do is not break the law and cops will leave you alone, I never knew it was that easy. I hope you plan on solving world hunger next, you're a natural 😂😂

Edited by HD-Man
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48 minutes ago, zatalcon3 said:

Mother fucker, you are engaging in shoot outs when you are already rich and you make a bunch of songs complaining about the police fucking around with you only because you are black? Fuck outa here!


As far as I know, the only person Tupac actually shot was an off duty cop who was drunk and assaulting somebody.


He shot that cop in the ass.


Also found not guilty because he did it in defense of somebody.

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57 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Nah, Jada is definitely not overrated. But being somebody who finds people attractive based on personality and other traits...A lot of the stuff from the Will situation on forward has made her very unattractive.

That has nothing to do with it for me. Jada has always been one of those women that people talk about, like Robin Givens, and I'm "that's the chick you talking about? Really? You pranking me right?" Like when I first heard about Halle Berry and I saw Boomerang I was like 😮 I heard about it and my jaw still hit the floor.  I didn't even notice Jada on A Different World. It's like there is Jasmine Guy, Lisa Bonet, and Marisa Tomei. Jada who?


Edit: Damn, I left out Cree Summer. Jada was like the 6th best looking girl on that show.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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I first saw Jada on Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and yeah...she was cute, imo... I definitely would've gone for that.  Fresh Prince would also be the first time many of us saw Tyra's another show with a memorable roster of eye candy.


On "A Different World" though, yeah she was way overshadowed by the other women on there.  The lineup of FINE ass on there was insane.  It would be the first time I saw Marisa Tomei, but on top of that we got Lisa Bonet for a while at least, along with Jasmine Guy and Cree Summer, and that older girl wasn't half bad either (*but still kinda looked like someone's mom in comparison).  


Personality and all that can still be separate from a woman's physical rating on hotness, at least for even though Jada is apparently a terrible person, yeah she's still alright to me, at least physically speaking.  haha she's  not wife or even just long-term gf material, obviously....can't be trusted worth a damn.


...reminds me---it's like ideology and all that---I would more than likely disagree with AOC on pretty much everything, and laugh at her opinions... but just the other day in some clips on the news, she was looking quite nice... especially with those glasses on....not a 10 or even a 9 (off the top of my head I'd say she might be a 6.5, possible 7; moderately cute) but I obviously wouldn't turn that down.

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oh yeah... Lisa was nice, but I'd take Stacy Dash any day over her....she's legend status with me.  I may as well get into some rankings here, since that's always fun, imo...

A Different World, just what comes to mind here...hmmm...actually this is a bit tougher than I thought; they're all very close, imo... Note---I always evaluate with it in mind that "5" is the middle-ground, so anything above 5 is naturally a good rating:

  • Jasmine Guy = 8 to 8.5...gorgeous.
  • Cree Summer = 7.5 (variable; occasional 8.)
  • Lisa Bonet = 8, usually.
  • Jada Pinkett = 6 to 7 variable. (*I was also annoyed with the baggy clothes "TLC" style back then.)
  • Marisa Tomei = 9 to 9.5. ...consistent smokeshow status and the clear top rank for me....sooo ridiculously fine... and I'd still pounce today without question.  


Bonus ranks since she was brought up---Stacey Dash = easily a 9.5 for me.  At her absolute peak, one could make an argument for "10" status, actually.


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Yeah that's the problem with women who are TOO HOT, they basically live life on easy mode and are not suitable for any long term relationship.  After I reached a certain age I really started to think about how much of a pain in the ass a woman would be before I considered dating them.  I know several really good looking women who I never bothered getting involved with because I knew the absolute disasters they were under the mask they put on for everyone else. 


I'm not jumping on that grenade, no thanks.  

Edited by J-ride
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