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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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8 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Bro, it's well known men are extremely bothered by their baldness and no one gives a shit. I really don't understand why a black woman's crown is so much more special then everyone else's. Most people are insecure about their hair loss and almost no one extends them any kind of respect for it, unless it's like...Chemo related. 


Beyond that tho my actual issue is people acting like she's disabled. She's not. She's bald. I see Chris being accused of Ableism. As someone with an actually disabled girl friend this is embarrassing. SHES FUCKING BALD. Thats it. She got Will to assault a man just by rolling her eyes because she's salty she went bald like MILLLIONS of other people do. 

Because we have literally been killed over our looks on various ways for hundreds of years. Equating it to male pattern baldness just isnt the same. 


Chris rock should have known better in general. Especially for a shit joke since he made that documentary. He understands better than most the history and culture and what black women went through over just their hair. 

Edited by Maxx
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Kanye uses this distraction to buy a Delorean and travel back in time.

His mission: To assassinate Harriet Tubman and restore America's blacks to their former glory.

He expectorates COVID droplets in close proximity to her and is successful in his mission.

He returns to 2022 , but is apprehended by Taylor Swift in 19th century garb.

He is stripped and tied between two oak trees.


TS: Y'al get this Koon ready for kotton pikkking?

Will Smith: What your name boi?  

Kanye: "Yo Taylor, I'm really happy for you, Imma let you finish but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time…one of the best videos of all time!"

TS: Impertinent cur! Whip him good then come to my log cabin to eat my ass and listen to my wonderful romantic ballads

Will: Yes Mistress.  (If things had turned out differently, Id hae liked to have been an actor.)

Kanye: At least you aren't tied to a tyrannical black woman in this reality1Welcome to my new URF!






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20 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Because we have literally been killed over our looks on various ways for hundreds of years. Equating it to male pattern baldness just isnt the same. 

Yea this also happened to the Jews and many others, we still make fun of them for going bald. You don't have a monopoly on being persecuted for the way you look. 


20 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Chris rock should have known better in general.

Yea probably, how many people really remember G.I. Jane to be using as a throwaway stage joke at the Oscars? He's a better writer then that. 



Edited by RSG3
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8 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Yea this also happened to the Jews and many others, we still make fun of them for going bald. You don't have a monopoly on being persecuted for the way you look. 


Yea probably, how many people really remember G.I. Jane to be using as a throwaway stage joke at the Oscars? He's a better writer then that. 



The jews were a scapegoat for the bigger issues at large in germany and europe. 


Black people being killed for literal fear of them. We have doctors who dont treat us correctly because rhey think biologically we are stronger and have bigger pain thresholds 


You have people who have these fucked up views that our kids are adults and that we basically have super powers so its ok to be scared by a 10 yr old black kid


We have a history where we werent even allowed to look at white women because the mere act was once considered rape in american society



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55 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

What's annoying me today about this is all the people acting like he made a joke about a disabled person. SHES GONE BALD!! That's it. Like holy shit we make fun of men for their male pattern baldness all the fucking time and no one pearl clutches about them being disabled and were being ableist for making fun of a bald man. She went fucking bald. That's it. I mean the pure horror of getting old and your fucking hair falling out LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!

The only logical statement about the ordeal. 

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

Bro, it's well known men are extremely bothered by their baldness and no one gives a shit.

Let's call a spade a spade, Western society gives zero fucks about men and their problems. Our suicide rate is the highest and just gets mentioned in passing. Hell not only is Western society apathetic when it comes problem for me, they get flat out hostile if you dare bring up at times. At best it will get laughed off or dismissed.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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2 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Let's call a spade a spade, Western society gives zero fucks about men and their problems. Our suicide rate is the highest and just gets mentioned in passing. Hell not only is Western society apathetic when it comes problem for me, they get flat out hostile if you dare bring up at times. At best it laughed off or dismissed.


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9 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Let's call a spade a spade, Western society gives zero fucks about men and their problems. Our suicide rate is the highest and just gets mentioned in passing. Hell not only is Western society apathetic when it comes problem for me, they get flat out hostile if you dare bring up at times. At best it laughed off or dismissed.


Funny enough that's why I don't care if a male hobby stays male. For me in MTG and to a large extent in SRK, there were a lot of productive conversations about different facets of being a man. Depression, work, relationship stuff and life in general.


There's a weird assumption that men don't talk about their emotions in male spaces. Yeah we have some prolific troglodytes. But all things considered I bet there's a good chunk of mysandrist women who'd be in the same dumb shit as men.


This situation with Will Smith is kinda fucked up in this vein. The man is insanely successful. By all account he has had an amazing career. But here we are and for two years running the peculairities of his marriage are center stage in front of anything else. He didnt really agree to have it that way. His broad fucked up, then to help her out he had to hold an L to the planet and now seemingly another L. All in all it sounds like he is in a psychologically abusive relationship. Kids are grown, he has millions, fuck it and just cash in a divorce and get out. 


It isn't gonna stop me from cracking jokes because the situation and the circumstances are funny. But I 100 hope he gets out of that shit. The fact that Jada fucked a guy was in a terrible place psychologically and health wise was already bullshit. Don't know what kind of person August is but he got done dirty. Now will dealing with this too?


Some women are a menace and we gotta start really talking about it.

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

It's multiple posts in and you still haven't come up with how the Oscars are making money from this.

Guess I have to as Zata is too much a simp for the establishment to have functioning brain cells. If I have to guess it's the same lead poisoning the boomers are suffering from. 

The Spectacle brings in money, period.

It's the spectacle of it all that draws attention (and it always been that way), which in turn draws money. TV Spots selling advertisement spots for TV Ads, News papers, Magazines, Websites and Talk Shows, Day-time Gossip shows, News Stations having their material for fashion, celebrity and gossip articles fueled for weeks, maybe even longer if there controversy. There no such thing as Bad PR, just having not enough. There still prestige over award shows, Directors, actors, musicians, effects, and various other talents wanting that prestige so they can attract investors with their golden idols and feel self importance. Its why we have actresses with outlandish fashions that are nothing more than "Look at me" pieces of art, to get notice, fashion mags and fashion sites will be speaking on the dresses and suits alone for weeks, and they know they got their sales. Directors looking to win awards to get money to fund their passion projects, actors looking to have their ego stroked and ask for even bigger checks for even bigger staring roles. Hell just us talking and debating on the spectacle feeds into it all, which generates money as we go talk about it to others who will visit one of the above and probably want to watch next year.

This controversy didn't hurt the reputation, it just fueled the spectacle, people are already hungry for what could happen next year. 
Ever think why the Maury Show lasted 30 years, only ending when the Host want to retire? Because people are hungry for that spectacle. 
And the Internet memes are only fueling that thirst for more of the "show". The system don't even care if anyone here watches, as our talk feeds the spectacle, which in turn brings an audience which they make money from. 

And since it's Network TV, We know from Writer Guild rules, Chris Rock didn't even wrote the jokes, someone else did. A writer who never see a fraction of the money the performer makes, watch as someone less wit but more charisma deliver the lines. Will Smith let himself get played, as the audience who watch award shows ate it up. And even the people who hate the shows read website articles, giving ad revenue to the sites to run the stories and memes. The Joke probably deliberate to provoke a response, and Will Smith took the bait, he played himself and Hollywood isn't going to morn the lost of Smith's already damaged reputation, as they have a dozen more who are more than willing to to take Will Smith's place.  

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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

Bro, even with the censorship he can do better then a 30 year old movie reference of 0 relevance lol. 


And if the Academy wrote the joke that makes Will look even dumber because he would know that. 

The academy didn't wrote it, they paid someone else to write the joke who more than willing to trade morals for a paycheck. Perhaps a struggling writer who working 3 part time jobs to try to make ends meet. 
The Award shows are all spectacle, they all of the time write jokes in bad taste or set things up to get people to react badly, there no accident that there always been a lack of security inside the auditorium. 90% of the Security is on the outside, for show, as part of that bigger spectacle. 
Then that controversy fuels the spectacle, news, gossip and meme sites will be writing articles for weeks, its all that on my FB and Twitter feeds, which guarantees people will be hungry for the next years show.  

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8 minutes ago, Lantis said:

So I have a friend on FB who keeps saying this whole Will/Jada/Chris fiasco is exclusive to black people and that non blacks should not comment or have an opinion on the matter. 🤨


Yup. we hate being discriminated. We just want equality no matter what the color of our skin is.. we've rallied, bitched, and moaned about it... oh wait.

Edited by zatalcon3
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7 minutes ago, Lantis said:

So I have a friend on FB who keeps saying this whole Will/Jada/Chris fiasco is exclusive to black people and that non blacks should not comment or have an opinion on the matter. 🤨

Will/Jada thing is already a powder keg, it was going to explode regardless. The writers just provided the spark. Will was baited, Chris was just the chosen stooge to bait Will, and Will played himself. 

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32 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

Guess I have to as Zata is too much a simp for the establishment to have functioning brain cells. If I have to guess it's the same lead poisoning the boomers are suffering from. 

The Spectacle brings in money, period.


LOL. I've already gave him the answer which is the same context you just gave. He is just in denial and doesn't like to accept he is wrong.


Going viral means just as much (maybe even more) than live viewership. They knew before hand that no one gives a fuck about the oscars and they new this was going to go viral, which it did because there are many suckers in this world and this thread shows it. It's hilarious and sad at the same time how people are disregarding the fact that they are professional actors, one of them won a fuckin oscar already.  There is just so much logic and even visual proof when you slow it down a few frames that this shit was fake.


Edited by zatalcon3
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3 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:





This picture reminds me of an older co-worker's story:


He had his two young sons with him at the grocery store. They were in line waiting to check out, when the younger son (I think he was 3 or 4) started bawling uncontrollably, seemingly for no reason. When he asked the boy what was wrong, he pointed to a woman behind them in line and said "THAT LADY IS UGLY!" very loudly, apparently to the point that it traumatized the kid, surely the woman, and the boy's dad who was embarrassed to near death.  TLDR; Kathy Griffin should skip public photos at this point.

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40 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

Guess I have to as Zata is too much a simp for the establishment to have functioning brain cells. If I have to guess it's the same lead poisoning the boomers are suffering from. 

The Spectacle brings in money, period.

It's the spectacle of it all that draws attention (and it always been that way), which in turn draws money. TV Spots selling advertisement spots for TV Ads, News papers, Magazines, Websites and Talk Shows, Day-time Gossip shows, News Stations having their material for fashion, celebrity and gossip articles fueled for weeks, maybe even longer if there controversy. There no such thing as Bad PR, just having not enough. There still prestige over award shows, Directors, actors, musicians, effects, and various other talents wanting that prestige so they can attract investors with their golden idols and feel self importance. Its why we have actresses with outlandish fashions that are nothing more than "Look at me" pieces of art, to get notice, fashion mags and fashion sites will be speaking on the dresses and suits alone for weeks, and they know they got their sales. Directors looking to win awards to get money to fund their passion projects, actors looking to have their ego stroked and ask for even bigger checks for even bigger staring roles. Hell just us talking and debating on the spectacle feeds into it all, which generates money as we go talk about it to others who will visit one of the above and probably want to watch next year.

This controversy didn't hurt the reputation, it just fueled the spectacle, people are already hungry for what could happen next year. 
Ever think why the Maury Show lasted 30 years, only ending when the Host want to retire? Because people are hungry for that spectacle. 
And the Internet memes are only fueling that thirst for more of the "show". The system don't even care if anyone here watches, as our talk feeds the spectacle, which in turn brings an audience which they make money from. 

And since it's Network TV, We know from Writer Guild rules, Chris Rock didn't even wrote the jokes, someone else did. A writer who never see a fraction of the money the performer makes, watch as someone less wit but more charisma deliver the lines. Will Smith let himself get played, as the audience who watch award shows ate it up. And even the people who hate the shows read website articles, giving ad revenue to the sites to run the stories and memes. The Joke probably deliberate to provoke a response, and Will Smith took the bait, he played himself and Hollywood isn't going to morn the lost of Smith's already damaged reputation, as they have a dozen more who are more than willing to to take Will Smith's place.  

The issue is the event in questions less than a minute. Youtubers for example can uses 10 minutes of an hour weekly show in their review videos under fair use. 30 seconds of Will slapping Chris out of a show that's hours long is free real estate. Youtubers will make a killing off of this. The Oscars...not so much. They aren't going to get a cut of anything content creators make on social media. Any ad revenue gained from typical media coverage is going to network running the show covering it, not to the Academy. They are worse off than people that get famous of of 15 minutes of meme fame. At least they, as a solitary entity, can capitalize on themselves. The best the Oscars can hope for this interest holds until next years show. That said, the way things are now, people will be onto something else next week.

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6 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

The Oscars...not so much. They aren't going to get a cut of anything content creators make on social media.

To them it's free advertising, they want the media circus. It means people will watch next year.

7 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

The best the Oscars can hope for this interest holds until next years show. That said, the way things are now, people will be onto something else next week.

We here all like to think so, but for every one of us that see though the BS, a hundred more just got the thirst for next years show. 
So many people rooting for Smith or Rock got scammed like everyone else, and and for every 10 people talking at least 2 are going to watch next year. 
How many people in the US is on FB? approx. 324.76 million. 2% of that is 6,495,200, over 15.36 million actually watched the Oscars based on rating reports (for reference 122 Mill watched the Super bowl) . 
The price of a 30 second TV ad spot is 2.5 Mill. And that don't include bigger sponsors. The Academy has it's audience, they aren't getting turned away. Everyone rooting for a side and taking the "moral" argument and blind to the fact that Will Smith is baited to react.

The Oscars made the academy and it's affiliates $1 Billion, plus the Academy reinvest their earnings to make even more money, the Academy made $789.2 million in 2020 in just investments. They also keep 450 people employed fulltime year round with 50 mill going to their pay, The staff has an average 6 figure salaries.

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4 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Unless they promise an annual celebrity dramafest, why would they tune in next year?

Why you think they provide excessive amounts of alcohol publicly (and perhaps privately drugs) to mentally unstable celebrities.
Why you think so many of the Jokes are cracks against celebrities, they want to elicit a response they can ether put on TV or have the media talk about it afterwards. 

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3 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

Why you think they provide excessive amounts of alcohol publicly (and perhaps privately drugs) to mentally unstable celebrities.
Why you think so many of the Jokes are cracks against celebrities, they want to elicit a response they can ether put on TV or have the media talk about it afterwards. 

If they were doing that with express intent on riling celebs up all these years, they could have been had a gang of "Will Smith" moments year after year. This would not be the first one in a while. People really try and spin conspiracy out of nothing.

Edited by axeman61
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i wonder if the FCC is gonna go after him for cursing. dropping the F bomb multiple times on live network tv. not to mention forcing chris to also drop a unintentional curse. in the course of 30 seconds 3 curse words were dropped on disney's network.

FCC technically is supposed to fine him. and abc/disney.

did anyone watch it live? was it bleeped by the censors?

Edited by VirginDefiler
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1 hour ago, DarkSakul said:

And since it's Network TV, We know from Writer Guild rules, Chris Rock didn't even wrote the jokes, someone else did. A writer who never see a fraction of the money the performer makes, watch as someone less wit but more charisma deliver the lines.

Honestly it's probably something in-between:  Oscars approach Chris Rock to host, he gets to pick a writing staff that the Oscars get veto power on, Rock and the Academy both get veto power on what jokes make the cut.  Then once he's got a script I'm sure they workshop the shit out of it in rehearsal.  I have no way of knowing who wrote that joke, but for good or ill Chris Rock at least cosigned it and brought it to live TV.

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5 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

If they were doing that with express intent on riling celebs up all these years, they could have been had a gang of "Will Smith" moments year after year. This would not be the first one in a while. People really try and spin conspiracy out of nothing.

Not to mention there have been hosts that have been far more acid than Chris Rock and nothing has happened

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3 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

If they were doing that with express intent on riling celebs up all these years, they could have been had a gang of "Will Smith" moments year after year. This would not be the first one in a while. People really try and spin conspiracy out of nothing.

First thing you learn if you are a social media manager is that any buzz sells, and controversy sells just as much if not more than the good, and upbeat.
This is old money/big money with their hands in the award shows, they know what they are doing. And to think anything else is just turning a blind eye to the whole thing.

No joke makes it on state without someone approving it, even if they denied it later to save face. The Oscars been going on for decades, making $1 bill a year with hands of Hollywood pulling the strings. And its already been proven time and time again the big/old money of Hollywood dont care if they have to ruin lives for their bottom dollar. 
It's not a conspiracy theory, its a fact of life. And many actors already came forwards how abusive and dangerous Hollywood really is. 

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

The issue is the event in questions less than a minute. Youtubers for example can uses 10 minutes of an hour weekly show in their review videos under fair use. 30 seconds of Will slapping Chris out of a show that's hours long is free real estate. Youtubers will make a killing off of this. The Oscars...not so much. They aren't going to get a cut of anything content creators make on social media. Any ad revenue gained from typical media coverage is going to network running the show covering it, not to the Academy. They are worse off than people that get famous of of 15 minutes of meme fame. At least they, as a solitary entity, can capitalize on themselves. The best the Oscars can hope for this interest holds until next years show. That said, the way things are now, people will be onto something else next week.

Viewership of the event rose the moment the slap was announced on social media. At the same time, as said before revenue can be gained by distributing footage and images use to other media outlets.  It also helps ABC in general with boosting the viewership of their entertainment news shows that are going to talk about this, hence ABC gets good money from that and in return it becomes an added benefit to the oscars financially.  Lets not forget that ABC and Oscar youtube channels and social media pages have gotten mad activity. 

just accept the fact that you and many here were dumb enough to believe a show done by a bunch of professional actors and are also that sour against me to admit that I am right. You need to drop the hand asap.




Edited by zatalcon3
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just by reading the replies here, how the fuck are so many people gullible? Have you not questioned yourselves why there wasn't even security that came in or tried to step in before or after the slap, have you not questioned yourselves as to why Will wasn't escorted out?

I also read in some sites that Chris Rock has declined to press charges. Question is, why does he have to press charges when everybody in that damn room saw an assault take place and no one pressed charges, not to mention that it is already recorded for the whole world to see? 

Lol, at people believing this and defending it as if its absurd to be skeptical. You guys just confirmed my post about the need to retire the hand, it has dropped an amount of IQ and it is the reason why the media gets its undeserved billions. 

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9 minutes ago, zatalcon3 said:

just by reading the replies here, how the fuck are so many people gullible? Have you not questioned yourselves why there wasn't even security that came in or tried to step in before or after the slap, have you not questioned yourselves as to why Will wasn't escorted out?

Because the Academy decided not to


9 minutes ago, zatalcon3 said:

I also read in some sites that Chris Rock has declined to press charges. Question is, why does he have to press charges when everybody in that damn room saw an assault take place and no one pressed charges, not to mention that it is already recorded for the whole world to see? 

Because Chris decided not to.

10 minutes ago, zatalcon3 said:

Lol, at people believing this and defending it as if its absurd to be skeptical. You guys just confirmed my post about the need to retire the hand, it has dropped an amount of IQ and it is the reason why the media gets its undeserved billions


If you ever get a Stand






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9 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

Because the Academy decided not to


Because Chris decided not to.


If you ever get a Stand






lol at decided not to. Even if the AA decided to give Smith a chance by letting him stay, there still should have been security that would have instantly done their job in reaction and try to go on stage just in case anything else escalates.  I remember when the law was all up on CBS because of Janet Jackson accidentally having her tit shown on tv and yet a dude gets assaulted on live tv in front of numbers of people and no one reports it.  Just accept that you just gave the media your ass.

Edited by zatalcon3
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