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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Yeah, she's a decent-looking woman...most would hit given the chance, but not hot enough to put up with all that baggage for any kind of long-term situation.  I'm not cool with getting a chunk of my finger sliced off, or worrying if she's going to surprise-attack knife me in the shower like Jodi Arias.  More and more in recent decades, they are proving to be the most dangerous creatures on this planet...something that should never be fully trusted in any circumstance.  The vast majority of them should be treated the same as if you ran into a venomous snake... it's probably best to slowly back up and eventually run off to get out of harm's way asap.


I'm always curious about what the more traditional types that say you shouldn't hit women have to say about the Jodi Arias situation, actually....because I'd laugh in their face if they try to lie and say "not even then" or try to explain some non-violent way of stopping her... sheeeittt, she comes at me with a knife, all bets are off for sure at that point.  I'd gladly do a real-life MK Fatality on the bitch.  Of course, in this pussy-ass joke of a society then I'd be seen as the villain of the story just for defending my life.  Then I'd have to lash out and try to attack everyone in court over that bullshit....I have very little patience when society and the court system enables a certain category of people to do whatever they want with zero consequence....and they rarely have to live up to any expectations, they are usually above criticism, and they're never obligated to do anything or even be a decent person, etc. etc. etc.

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IM TELLING YOU GUYS. damn caps. that us sharing linking yt vids here. the algorythms for us is too similar cuz the random recommended feed vids for me is most of the vids you are about to post or have already posted. ive noticed. but i hate it even transfers over to my alt google accounts. which i hate. but since its all flowing through the same modem/router. only way it doesnt is if i search using bing.

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ha, I thought Stallone was going to bring up different reasons... like Hollywood being so anti-machismo in the past few years.  A movie with a traditionally masculine dude as the lead would be looked at as "problematic" by those weird ass chumps that are running things and dominating twitter now.  ...while some other chumps whine about more diversity being needed for the film.  They'd rather the movie be all about Talia Shire's character since to them, women and lgbts are clearly the superior, oh-so-perfect variant of the human species....and maybe they would write Rocky's son to be non-binary and asexual in the sequels....they'd also want to make Apollo have a closeted homosexual love for Rocky or some other dude.  Straight, manly men are "old hat" and not allowed in entertainment anymore (especially Black men, btw....can't have too many of those being famous at any 1 time, y'know.  It's the rules.)


These are the people that would've written the first Predator movie to be a story where all the guys get critically wounded or killed in the first 5 minutes, so that 1 girl has to pick up the slack and save the day.  She effortlessly kicks Predator's ass (without needing any weapons or special training) and defuses his self-destruct mechanism before it goes off, then picks up Arnold's half-dead character (literally carrying him with ease, of course) into the choppah and flies away to safety.

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10 hours ago, MillionX said:

damn I've been missing it... Depp is on live right now

Surely this must be a record for views on Nick's channel here... it's at 17k people watching right now.

i saw some of the trial. its interesting everyone seems riveted by johnny on the stand. i mean idk wtf asking him when he got the script for pirates has anything to do with a slander trial..but no one bothered to object about him talking about making movies lol

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13 minutes ago, MillionX said:

Yea man Doctor Phil launched her career bro. 

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It's so good... I've been watching daily... Johnny's on the stand again today, testifying... and today they had some pictures for the jury (*NOT the dookie pic just yet 🤣)

damn they JUST showed the severed finger pic!!!!

of course, keep in mind her career WILL be just fine though, simply because she's a fairly attractive woman.  That shield is almost as good as the lgbt shield in Hollywood.... it's like +90% Damage Resist.

Edited by MillionX
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23 minutes ago, elliephil said:

Got a scam call from the "Mastercard Visa Security Force" today. Very cool.

I got a call from "the IRS" and they let me know that a warrant was out for my arrest.  I kept the guy on the phone for a really long time by just continually asking him questions and pretending to be stupid.  I kept telling him taxation is theft and I was never going to pay taxes.  It was really fun listening to the frustration in his voice.

Edited by J-ride
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ha, I didn't know that the Flash movie was announced that long ago... so in all this time, the Flash series debuted, was successful to the tune of ending at season 9....meanwhile the Flash movie STILL isn't out until next year


damn... Candace Patton's side profile shot in that pic with all of them lined up... 👀 yeah I'd eat.  Hopefully she continues to be famous...we need to keep tabs on that one... Jessica P. Kennedy too.

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4 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


If it was me I would be standing proudly about my cultured wallpaper :coffee:

Lets not forget that I had this being proudly displayed in my office


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 Having figurines like that isn't good for you, because it internally makes you set unrealistic standards for yourself that you must have a woman that is close to that image. You can't get women like that. Y You should get figurines of characters like the Witch of waste, Tomako from silver spoon, or a fan made leftist gender-bend of fat majinbu. Leave your fantasies to align with your actual range of capabilities so you don't internally set impossible aspirations for yourself. There is no need to jack off and play with nude toys when there are so many fat ugly girls in the world just waiting for you.

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1 minute ago, zatalcon3 said:

 Having figurines like that isn't good for you, because it internally makes you set unrealistic standards for yourself that you must have a woman that is close to that image. You can't get women like that. Y You should get figurines of characters like the Witch of waste, Tomako from silver spoon, or a fan made leftist gender-bend of fat majinbu. Leave your fantasies to align with your actual range of capabilities so you don't internally set impossible aspirations for yourself. There is no need to jack off and play with nude toys when there are so many fat ugly girls in the world just waiting for you.

How juicy are your DSLs?

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3 hours ago, zatalcon3 said:

 Having figurines like that isn't good for you, because it internally makes you set unrealistic standards for yourself that you must have a woman that is close to that image. You can't get women like that. Y You should get figurines of characters like the Witch of waste, Tomako from silver spoon, or a fan made leftist gender-bend of fat majinbu. Leave your fantasies to align with your actual range of capabilities so you don't internally set impossible aspirations for yourself. There is no need to jack off and play with nude toys when there are so many fat ugly girls in the world just waiting for you.


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