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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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2 hours ago, Reticently said:

I feel like Star Trek nerds are a lot more forgiving of bad Star Trek than Star Wars nerds are of bad Star Wars.


Like, for Trek they'll still bitch up a storm and maybe get into a slap fight over it.  But the Wars uber nerd will prison shank a director if given the chance.

Recent history aside, Star Trek had a more steady flow of content. Outside of the dozen years between TOS being cancelled and the release of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Star Trek had something going on for three decades plus. When TNG finally went off the air DS9 and Voyager the following year were to pick up the mantle. Heck even the gap between Enterprise and Discovery was about 12 years. And given the 600+ TV episodes between the series, there is just a lot more content.  I mean Star Trek has even had more movies than Star Wars.

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5 minutes ago, Reticently said:

Man, there's a lot of Elizabeth hate on Twitter.


I kind of get it, but isn't that like hating the hood ornament on the car that ran you down?

I really don't like this modern trend of taking a dump on people that just died. The woman was alive 96 years. They had nearly a century to say something. The woman's body isn't even cold and people are already acting out of pocket.

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8 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Star Trek had a more steady flow of content.

Sure, absolutely.  But I don't think it's dearth of content that makes the worst Star Wars nerds so very much angrier.  There are plenty of franchises with much smaller back-catalogs and worse track records than even Star Wars, and they don't seem to reach the same furious outrage. 


So I can't say it's just the catalog size that makes Trek fans at least a little chiller than Wars fans.  Idk.  Maybe Trek super fans want a story that gives them stuff to think about, and a Wars super fan wants a story they can fantasize about living out, so they take it more personally?

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Looks like Erin Moriarty who plays Starlight in The Boys is getting harrassed because...of course she is.


Pretty sure she probably doesn't deserve it since I haven't anything fucked up about her so looks like people are just being Homelanders unironically.

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26 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I really don't like this modern trend of taking a dump on people that just died. The woman was alive 96 years. They had nearly a century to say something. The woman's body isn't even cold and people are already acting out of pocket.

Yea it's really fucking tasteless. Reminds me of how suddenly everyone had some vocal opinion avout Sean Connery the hour after he died. Like where were you when dude was breathing 60 minutes ago? 

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49 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I really don't like this modern trend of taking a dump on people that just died. The woman was alive 96 years. They had nearly a century to say something. The woman's body isn't even cold and people are already acting out of pocket.

Yeah it's pretty tasteless, just like when Sean Connery died and the woketards had to remind us about his interview with Barbara Walters.  Yeah he was a Chad in the 70s and famous AF so he didn't take shit from women.  I'm literally shaking. REEEE!

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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:



The fact that racists cling to a franchise which has hundreds of different species working together yet if more  than 1 black person in the franchise exists, it is  mega harassment time.


I wonder if Star Trek  DS9 came out now instead of 1993 would Avery Bullock would be harassed as much as Boyega or  Moses Ingram?


Gonna be honest, I think that most of the racism towards Ingram was manufacturated.

Since you didn't see the same claims towards Esposito, Pedro Pascal, etc.

You only see those claims when the series//movie is being bad received by the public.


As for Boyega, most of the conversation around him has always been that he should have been the main character, since a Stormtrooper becoming Jedi was more compelling than whatever they did with Rey.


Also, any random on the internet making a fool of themselves saying dumb shit will always pale compared to the company you are working on minimizing your role/presence like what disney did to him for china.





Edited by Hecatom
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57 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:



The fact that racists cling to a franchise which has hundreds of different species working together yet if more  than 1 black person in the franchise exists, it is  mega harassment time.


I wonder if Star Trek  DS9 came out now instead of 1993 would Avery Bullock would be harassed as much as Boyega or  Moses Ingram?

DS9 as it is, or DS9 with modern sensibilities? Honestly I don't think DS9 would make it today and it's not because of Avery Brooks. DS9 took a few years to get it's feet under it and finds it way. Shows don't get that type of leeway these days. Boyega is interesting to me because initially he got flack for being a black stormtrooper but by the end it was the fans holding Disney's feet to the fire for how terribly they treated his character. The racist movie poster was just the tip of the iceberg. 


I don't think Moses Ingram would have gotten the same level of vitriol in the 90s or early 00s. On the flip side, I don't think people would have gotten the same vitriol for criticizing her character either.  It's not an all or nothing situation for me. Some of it's the times we are in but also the caliber of writing has gotten much worse in my view. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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she was 96. she caught covid and said that it really taxed her. i guess she couldve lasted longer if it wasnt for covid.

that said ive been thinking about old age. and how people of our gen seem to be younger looking in every way compared to older gens. 

apparently education regarding exercise and nutrition plays a big part on mantaining a youthful strong appearance. watching tom cruise in maverick. he is 60 years old but he has damn good muscle tone for a 60 year old.

dontcha think? how old is sandra bullock? shes pretty old too. but doesnt look it. i wonder if our gen can make it to 120 years old on average if we keep exercise and nutrition up. especially atp. cuz i read the biggest diff between old and young regarding celluar metabolism was atp. but i need to study up on old age. especially nowadays since im older. 

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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Looks like Erin Moriarty who plays Starlight in The Boys is getting harrassed because...of course she is.


Pretty sure she probably doesn't deserve it since I haven't anything fucked up about her so looks like people are just being Homelanders unironically.

I don't care about her or her positions on much of anything but that she definitely needs to lay off the plastic surgery/botox/fillers because she was looking BUSTED last season.

Edited by J-ride
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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Looks like Erin Moriarty who plays Starlight in The Boys is getting harrassed because...of course she is.


Pretty sure she probably doesn't deserve it since I haven't anything fucked up about her so looks like people are just being Homelanders unironically.


Ehh, the more I read about it, it seems that it was not really harassment, but people not liking her character and posting it on social media and she conflating it to people harassing/hating/being sexist to her

If any "harassment" happened, was after the original article came out where she said all that stuff because of course people will take the opportunity to take the piss for such a dumb take.

Edited by Hecatom
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Another Silicon Valley ‘Slip Up:’ Snap ‘Accidentally’ Gave Democratic Campaigns Access to Republican Voter Data



Social media giant Snap reportedly made an “error” that gave leading Democratic campaigns and party committees access to a huge repository of Republican voter data, allowing them to tailor their midterm ads.

Axios reports the social media giant Snap claims to have made a mistake that allowed top Democratic campaigns and party committees to tap into a huge repository of Republican voter data, allowing them to hone and tailor their midterm ads.

Snap says that it is working hard to fix the issue and ensure it doesn’t happen again. But the situation brings to light the vulnerabilities of Snap’s internal systems and the sensitivities of having access to huge amounts of voter data.


On Snap and other social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, political advertisers can target their ads to specific user segments, often relying on data brokers that collect information on voters’ interests, activities, spending habits, and various other metrics.

Snap’s political ad archive shows that multiple Democratic and progressive groups were able to target their ads using data maintained by the Republican-aligned firm i360. The firm is connected with the political network founded by billionaire Charles Koch.

The data was used to target Snapchat ads by groups including the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, and Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams’ gubernatorial campaign.


360 and its Democratic counterpart, TargetSmart, make data available to all advertisers on the platform but limit availability to a preapproved list of organizations. “Unfortunately, due to an internal mistake, we didn’t follow this usual process — which resulted in these two companies’ services being used by advertisers outside of the process, impacting a small number of ads,” a Snap spokesperson told Axios.


The spokesperson added: “We take full responsibility for this mistake, and as soon as we became aware of it, we took action to correct the issue, notified the two vendors, and are working to rectify payments to each of them. We are also taking steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again.”



Great Reset: Switzerland Threatens to Jail People Who Heat Their Homes Too Much in the Winter



People who heat their homes above a certain temperature in Switzerland during the Winter face fines and potentially up to three years in prison if energy rationing measures are put in place.

Under proposed legislation in the home of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Swiss lawmakers are preparing to set legal limits on the use of heating during the winter should the country face energy shortages. Under the plans, gas-heated buildings would be capped at 19C (66.2F) and water heating up to 60C (140F). Saunas and swimming pools would also be forced by government diktat to remain cold.


So-called “heating sinners” in Switzerland who heat buildings above the legal limit will face daily fines of 30 francs ($30/£27) to a maximum of 3,000 francs. Fines for companies that deliberately breach the regulations will likely be much higher.

Most worryingly, individuals who are found to have intentionally violated the energy rationing limit could be jailed for up to three years, the Swiss German-language daily newspaper Blick reported.

Minister of Economic Affairs Guy Parmelin attempted to downplay the draconian measures, saying last week: “We are not a police state”.



“The police will not check everyone – but there can be selective checks,” he said, adding: “The draft regulations are primarily based on the fact that the vast majority of the population adheres to laws.”

However, spokesman for the Federal Department of Finance, Markus Spörndli said that the government will be open to tips from neighbours snitching on their fellow citizens “if the offence were reported and controlled and could subsequently be proven.”

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5 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

Great Reset: Switzerland Threatens to Jail People Who Heat Their Homes Too Much in the Winter



.....So-called “heating sinners” in Switzerland who heat buildings above the legal limit will face daily fines of 30 francs ($30/£27) to a maximum of 3,000 francs. Fines for companies that deliberately breach the regulations will likely be much higher.

Most worryingly, individuals who are found to have intentionally violated the energy rationing limit could be jailed for up to three years, the Swiss German-language daily newspaper Blick reported.

Minister of Economic Affairs Guy Parmelin attempted to downplay the draconian measures, saying last week: “We are not a police state”.


However, spokesman for the Federal Department of Finance, Markus Spörndli said that the government will be open to tips from neighbours snitching on their fellow citizens “if the offence were reported and controlled and could subsequently be proven.”

Yeah but even from their own statements, you know rich fucks are going to skate and they are going to drop the hammer on regular joes.  That's the way these kinds of bullshit laws always work.  "Selectively Checked" my fucking ass.

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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I really don't like this modern trend of taking a dump on people that just died. The woman was alive 96 years. They had nearly a century to say something. The woman's body isn't even cold and people are already acting out of pocket.


For better or worse, the woman represents the institution that more or less fucked up the whole planet. On top of her also being part of some shady shit.


Some of the people dunking on her have good reasons to hate the crown and everything associated with it. Others are bandwagoners.

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13 minutes ago, Sonero said:


For better or worse, the woman represents the institution that more or less fucked up the whole planet. On top of her also being part of some shady shit.


Some of the people dunking on her have good reasons to hate the crown and everything associated with it. Others are bandwagoners.

Nah miss me with that. If someone has been around for a near century, you have more than enough time to say something while they are still here. If not, since you waited this long, you can least wait until the period of morning is over to open your mouth. Woman has been Queen for seven decades. She represented that institution publicly since 1953.  It's just plain cowardly. Easy to say something about someone when they can't respond to you. 

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6 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Nah miss me with that. If someone has been around for a near century, you have more than enough time to say something while they are still here.


They have been. For a long time. The people that mean, like the Irish, islanders that had that had to deal with British racism etc all have legitimate reasons to be saying it chest first. Just like when Obama dies, a bunch of people in the Middle East are gonna be tap dancing on his grave because of how many of their friends and family members got droned during his presidency.




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People have been bitching about the crown and especially Elizabeth for decades and decades and decades. 

Hell, you only have to go back some 30-40 years when almost all of British punk was about how much the royal family sucks, how corrupt the crown is and how much they’ve fucked up society and so much more all over the planet. 

Also there’s entire countries that have been very vocal about how much they dislike the queen and the royal family. Often times its her own country


this isn’t some weird or strange phenomena. Most people don’t like the queen, the royal family or what the crown represents for a lot of the stuff pertho has said and so much more. 

Edited by iStu X
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7 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

Just ignore homeless people sleeping right in front of businesses and what not? 

I often ignore/avoid people asking handouts for 4 reasons

1. Its not always safe, you can get mugged or attacked
2. Often if I offer food instead of cash they will curse me out 
3. It's actually illegal to give a pan handler money in the streets in my state, $1000 fine. 
The guy who asking money, gets nothing, no fine or prison time.  
4. Many are scam artist, aren't really homeless and will come up with a pitty story to get you to give cash. 


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15 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

I often ignore/avoid people asking handouts for 4 reasons

1. Its not always safe, you can get mugged or attacked
2. Often if I offer food instead of cash they will curse me out 
3. It's actually illegal to give a pan handler money in the streets in my state, $1000 fine. 
The guy who asking money, gets nothing, no fine or prison time.  
4. Many are scam artist, aren't really homeless and will come up with a pitty story to get you to give cash. 


I've had #2 somewhat happen to me when I tried to offer someone to pay for food and/or drink cause I didn't have any cash on me and they declined.   This was after dude came up saying he wanted money for food.  It's just an unfortunate thing that you can't really tell who is actually down on their luck or not.

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Virginia Restaurant Apologizes for 9/11-Themed Food Menu That Included ‘Flight 93 Redirect’ and ‘Pentagon Pie’


A country club in Virginia has issued an apology for planning a 9/11-themed menu for this year’s commemoration of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, a decision that garnered heavy criticism online.

The special seafood menu, promoted by The Clubhouse at Aquia Harbour, included dishes such as “Flight 93 Redirect,” “First Responder Flatbread,” and “Pentagon Pie,” among others. The menu was taken down, according to WJLA, but the image has been shared across social media.



George White, the restaurant’s manager, shared an apology to the community’s Facebook page Tuesday night, saying his “intention was to bring attention to that horrific day 21 years ago” and that he meant to “honor those who lost so much as well as those who gave everything that day.”

White had no comment when he was contacted by WJLA.

The restaurant has also altered its menu to reflect the first Sunday of the 2022 NFL season, according to its Facebook page.


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9 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

country club in Virginia has issued an apology for planning a 9/11-themed menu for this year’s commemoration of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, a decision that garnered heavy criticism online.

The special seafood menu, promoted by The Clubhouse at Aquia Harbour, included dishes such as “Flight 93 Redirect,” “First Responder Flatbread,” and “Pentagon Pie,” among others. The menu was taken down, according to WJLA, but the image has been shared across social media.

they shoulda’ done a Pearl Harbor. 

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3 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Great Reset: Switzerland Threatens to Jail People Who Heat Their Homes Too Much in the Winter

Has someone told the guy who wrote that that there's a war in Ukraine, Russia is pissed that we're helping them and is shutting down gas and oil that we're dependent from*, and now there's likely going to be energy and heat rationing all over Europe this winter because of it?


It's not the Illuminati, it's just Russia being an asshole.




* Because our collective political leadership has been totally retarded for at least 7 straight years, arguably more, by remaining dependent on Russian energy even after they started grossly violating international law in Ukraine since 2014, "Yeah, sure, let's keep being totally dependent on the guy who sometimes invades neighbouring countries in Europe for no fucking reason, what could possibly go wrong?"

2 hours ago, Sonero said:

For better or worse, the woman represents the institution that more or less fucked up the whole planet.

Oh come on, British food is bad, but it's not that bad.


Edited by Phantom_Miria
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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:

Virginia Restaurant Apologizes for 9/11-Themed Food Menu That Included ‘Flight 93 Redirect’ and ‘Pentagon Pie’


A country club in Virginia has issued an apology for planning a 9/11-themed menu for this year’s commemoration of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, a decision that garnered heavy criticism online.

The special seafood menu, promoted by The Clubhouse at Aquia Harbour, included dishes such as “Flight 93 Redirect,” “First Responder Flatbread,” and “Pentagon Pie,” among others. The menu was taken down, according to WJLA, but the image has been shared across social media.



George White, the restaurant’s manager, shared an apology to the community’s Facebook page Tuesday night, saying his “intention was to bring attention to that horrific day 21 years ago” and that he meant to “honor those who lost so much as well as those who gave everything that day.”

White had no comment when he was contacted by WJLA.

The restaurant has also altered its menu to reflect the first Sunday of the 2022 NFL season, according to its Facebook page.


Need a disappointed reaction for this one.

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4 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

europeans are so worried over home heating gas shortages this upcoming winter due to them getting their gas from russia. and i say to myself, dont europeans know about electric heaters? i mean, from what i read the japanese never had gas heating  installed in most homes in that country. they use electric heaters. 

Electric heaters can't really heat houses in extremely cold climates.  Electric heaters are fine if you live in an area with mild winters.  A gas furnace can keep an entire house toasty for a relatively cheap price even in extreme cold.

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