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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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3 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Yea because not actually in control of either of the personalities. He's not even in control of Proff Hulk. 


It's suppressing the Gamma Radiation because he's not in control. Come on bro. Banner says as much himself. 

Want to define control, in your opinion, on this for me? I'd really like to understand what you feel would fall in that definition

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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

What's funny is Jen is better at controlling her emotions, always has been, even in the comics her struggle wasn't with anger which Bruce's big issue and something he's not very good at doing, by his own damn admission. 


So ya'll mad at shit Bruce and Jen have known for 40 years. She has work to do with her emotions, the show shows us this blatantly, but it's true she's better at controlling her ANGER then Bruce is. Always has been. Kinda the whole deal with Bruce is that he's not very good at anger regulation. Not so with She-Hulk she has her own issues to deal with completely separate from Bruce. 


This thinking that Bruce grew up abused so he would be better at controlling himself doesn't even play out in real life, like at all. It's why I clapped back yesterday at the notion that hard times make hard men. They don't. They never have. They make broken men who are unable to properly regulate themselves and their emotions. It's why men who go to war suffer for the rest of their lives with it. The men who came home from WWII, Vietnam, they didn't come home hard, they came home broken and destroyed, mentally, emotionally and physically. 


So the idea that Bruce would be able to regulate his emotions because he was abused as a child doesn't come close to adding up. It's the kind of conclusion you can only come to only watching American Propoganda war films and crazy action movies put of Hollywood (or Videogames) while being unable to divorce fiction from reality. 


Hard times make broken people. Period. Bruce is garbage at regulating his anger and always has been. Man had to run away to the Rain Forest where he wouldn't hurt anyone cuz he couldn't keep the lid on. Absolutely Jen is better then him at it, she lived a less abusive life while also dealing with the attitude problems that come with being a female professional. Shit Bruce still doesn't have his Hulk persona under control he had to invent a device to make him go back to Banner Form. He doesn't even have control of it now. 

Ya missing the context. Yes due to her more stable upbringing. She has better emotional control. But the main thing that pissed fans off including me. Is how she listed her issues and staying cool in the face of them. As examples  Of how she manages her emotions infinitely better. 


As if cat calling, and proving yourself in a male dominated space. Is more emotionally taxing. Than a fraction of what Banner has been through.



Edited by BB_Hoody
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1 minute ago, Reiraku said:

Want to define control, in your opinion, on this for me? I'd really like to understand what you feel would fall in that definition

The ability to control which form he inhabits when he wants to inhabit said form. 


Basically what Jen does 95% of the time. 

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4 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Ya missing the context. Yes due to her more stable upbringing. She has better emotional control. But the main thing that pissed fans off including me. Is how she listed her issues as examples. Of how she manages her emotions infinitely better

Well your issues are dumb because she's right. She does control it better then he does. You're really just salty that she's right. 


4 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:


As if cat calling, and proving yourself in a male dominated space. Is more emotionally taxing. Than a fraction of what Banner has been through.

Who are you to dictate the impact people's lives have upon themselves and how it effects their lives long term? People have killed themselves over the shit you just listed as "no big deal."


I'm missing 0 context. You are trying to dictate the impact of the context. 

Edited by RSG3
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Just now, RSG3 said:

The ability to control which form he inhabits when he wants to inhabit said form. 


Basically what Jen does 95% of the time. 

So, in short, she's more successful than him, and while he is not as successful, he still does so to the general safety of others around him due to various efforts, including machines and other training (yoga, etc).


Am I incorrect in any of this?

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7 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Well your issues are dumb because she's right. She does control it better then he does. You're really just salty that she's right. 


Who are you to dictate the impact people's lives have upon themselves and how it effects their lives long term? People have killed themselves over the shit you just listed as "no big deal."


I'm missing 0 context. You are trying to dictate the impact of the context. 

And that would be valid. Had she not opened her mouth. To list her experiences as proof she controls her emotions better to someone that has been through objectively WAY worse.


Yeah cat calling and a male dominated work space may be extremely taxing for her. But for others? There's way worse to deal with. Like having a monster take over you and cause you to hospitalize the woman you love. Risk causing insane damage and loss of life etc.









Edited by BB_Hoody
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12 minutes ago, Reiraku said:

So, in short, she's more successful than him

No she's not. She's better at emotional regulation. That's it. He's got way bigger accomplishments then she does. 


12 minutes ago, Reiraku said:

while he is not as successful

He is more successful, just making sure we are clear on this. 


12 minutes ago, Reiraku said:

he still does so to the general safety of others around him due to various efforts, including machines and other training (yoga, etc).

Yes. Correct. Doesn't mean he is over his anger issues or has them fully under control, he himself admits he does not. You're not arguing with me at this point, you're arguing with Bruce himself now. 


12 minutes ago, Reiraku said:

Am I incorrect in any of this?

Just the success shit. He has bigger feats and accomplishments then she does. He's also still worse at emotional regulation then she is. He can succeed while still having problems controlling his anger. 


6 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

And that would be valid. Had she not opened her mouth. To list her experiences as proof she controls her emotions better to someone that has been through objectively WAY worse.

Her position is valid even with her examples.




You are literally doing the the thing the scene was written to criticize. 

Edited by RSG3
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7 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv


just. Wow. 


Wait till he realizes he's the tweet mob from the episode opening making fun of people who do exactly this. 


Imagine the balls you have to have to not watch something, and then tell the people who did they missed the context. 


Galaxy Brain. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

No she's not. She's better at emotional regulation. That's it. He's got way bigger accomplishments then she does. 


He is more successful, just making sure we are clear on this. 


Yes. Correct. Doesn't mean he is over his anger issues or has them fully understand control, he himself admits he does not. 


Just the success shit. He has bigger feats and accomplishments then she does. He's also still worse at emotional regulation then she is. He can succeed while still having problems controlling his anger. 


Her position is valid even with her examples.




You are literally doing the the thing the scene was written to criticize. 

I think we're both ultimately saying the same thing, but defining the terms differently, ie my using "success" with regularity while you use it more towards scope or scale. I think that she does what she does as well as she does (to be put in as broad a terms as possible to avoid confusion) is due to the hurdles she has to climb not being as grand as his, but she has had to do so near consistantly. Alternatively, what he has to deal with his so mammoth in scale, that he feels it discredits her experiences. He is not right, but neither was she. 


Also, I will try to avoid mentioning real life parallels as much as possible. I'd rather not offend someone over a real life experience because we're talking about fake green people.

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6 minutes ago, Reiraku said:

I think we're both ultimately saying the same thing, but defining the terms differently, ie my using "success" with regularity while you use it more towards scope or scale. I think that she does what she does as well as she does (to be put in as broad a terms as possible to avoid confusion) is due to the hurdles she has to climb not being as grand as his, but she has had to do so near consistantly. Alternatively, what he has to deal with his so mammoth in scale, that he feels it discredits her experiences. He is not right, but neither was she. 


Also, I will try to avoid mentioning real life parallels as much as possible. I'd rather not offend someone over a real life experience because we're talking about fake green people.

Honestly they are both right and wrong and it's why watching is so important to actual critical discussion. She does control her emotions better then he does but he's also right that she has shit to work on still. This was the overall conclusion of the episode but here we are arguing about 1 scene, 1 line because you haven't watched the show. You have these opinions about something you have barely passing knowledge of (the show.) 


There just isn't anything more to talk about until you watch and have a full cope of the episode and show as a whole. Until then you have gaps in your knowledge for this show and it makes it jear impossible to talk about beyond a extreme surface level. 

Edited by RSG3
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The goofiest thing about all the people bringing up Jen losing her cool when talking about her shitty life experiences is that its also part of the most fucking heavy handed foreshadowing in a TV show.


Bruce doesn't just tell her that she needs to learn to control her Hulk. He warns her that she won't get to pick her name. He warns her that at some point she'll have to hulk out to save people. Then also mentions that she needs to really control her anger or shit could go sideways. Which means that at some point they'll go back to some situaion where she'll lose her cool. That way they can have a call back to that conversation about how serious having the Hulk juice is.


But instead of discussing any of that, the interent is legit mad at a convo with foreshadowing but can't sort out that they are being foreshadowed.






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1 minute ago, Sonero said:

The goofiest thing about all the people bringing up Jen losing her cool when talking about her shitty life experiences is that its also part of the most fucking heavy handed foreshadowing in a TV show.


Bruce doesn't just tell her that she needs to learn to control her Hulk. He warns her that she won't get to pick her name. He warns her that at some point she'll have to hulk out to save people. Then also mentions that she needs to really control her anger or shit could go sideways. Which means that at some point they'll go back to some situaion where she'll lose her cool. That way they can have a call back to that conversation about how serious having the Hulk juice is.


But instead of discussing any of that, the interent is legit mad at a convo with foreshadowing but can't sort out that they are being foreshadowed.






Handshake Bros GIF

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3 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Honestly they are both right and wrong and it's why watching is so important to actual critical discussion. She does control her emotions better then he does but he's also right that she has shit to work on still. This was the overall conclusion of the episode but here we are arguing about 1 scene, 1 line because you haven't watched the show. You have these opinions about something you have barely passing knowledge of (the show.) 


There just isn't anything more to talk about until you watch and have a full zcope of the episode and show as a whole. Until then you have gaps in your knowledge for this show and it makes it jear impossible to talk about beyond a extreme surface level. 

This is correct. I haven't, which is why I said I don't know if the show is good or not. Only that the 1 scene took me out because of how bad it looks by itself, as it was presented. 

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14 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv


just. Wow. 


Just take that remark out of context and run with it huh? I'm not saying she can't speak her peace. But to talk as if what she's been through was worse than what Banner has been through is the issue. 


Had she just simply listed her issues and dealing with them well. As why she has good emotional control? That would've went over fine. But to straight shit on Hulk saying she does it infinitely better than him for those reasons??? GTFO with dat bullshit

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8 minutes ago, Sonero said:

The goofiest thing about all the people bringing up Jen losing her cool when talking about her shitty life experiences is that its also part of the most fucking heavy handed foreshadowing in a TV show.


Bruce doesn't just tell her that she needs to learn to control her Hulk. He warns her that she won't get to pick her name. He warns her that at some point she'll have to hulk out to save people. Then also mentions that she needs to really control her anger or shit could go sideways. Which means that at some point they'll go back to some situaion where she'll lose her cool. That way they can have a call back to that conversation about how serious having the Hulk juice is.


But instead of discussing any of that, the interent is legit mad at a convo with foreshadowing but can't sort out that they are being foreshadowed.






Yea man, like I don't mean this directed at anyone here, but these complaints are just more evidence that Americans are media illiterate. They don't know how to consume and process media properly everything has to be extremely surface level. No room for nuance, or call backs, or character growth or anything. Just the moment right here right now. 


Do brick jokes even work in 2022?

Edited by RSG3
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Just now, BB_Hoody said:

Had she just simply listed her issues and dealing with them well. As why she has good emotional control? That would've went over fine. But to straight shit on Hulk saying she does it infinitely better than him for those reasons??? GTFO with dat bullshit


Do you not have any female friends? Ever had female friends talk about having bad boyfriends, dealt with assholes or anything else?


The shit people claim is woke nonsense are sometimes some regular ass shit. Nothing in She-Hulk has been woke nonsense. If you think a male character is a stand in for shitty men, then you're pretending guys like that one don't exist. Like the one asshole guy, the guy who is Son Them All levels of dilusional, is somehow too fake to be real because its a show about a broad.




Nobody who ever posted in SRK is ever allowed to pretend women don't gotta deal with assholes. Wanna know why? Because we had them wack ass squiggas talk to us.



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7 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

But to talk as if what she's been through was worse than what Banner has been through is the issue. 

She didn’t. But okay. 

and you are literally saying she can’t say what she’s feeling. 

fuck these shitty ass takes are making my heart condition worse. Swear to a god 

Edited by iStu X
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5 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

I'm not saying she can't speak her peace.

Except you are because your criticizing her for speaker her peace in a way YOU don't approve of. Like you understand you're trying to set the boundaries for how she feels about her life and it's events. 


It's no wonder so many men can't seem to handle this show. They don't even pay attention to what they do or listen to the things they say. "She was good till she opened her mouth." How do contextually that in a way that isn't insulting as fuck?


No one took you out of context. You said she was fine until she talked. You literally boiled the problem down to her having a voice. May not have been your intent but it's what you did regardless. 


You did a bad job setting your context. That's your fault not ours. 

Edited by RSG3
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The funny thing is, if the show were closer to the books they were sourcing, it'd be called even more woke than before. Jen's struggles all but ended when she turned green and she was piling on W after W while being funny and witty at the same time. She was a character who wanted to help, but felt weak and timid before the world got unlocked for her and she got the power and confidence to do anything. I'd love to see it.

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6 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Except you are because your criticizing her for speaker her peace in a way YOU don't approve of. 


It's no wonder so many men can't seem to handle this show. They don't even pay attention to what they do or listen to the things they say. "She was good till she opened her mouth." How do contextually that in a way that isn't insulting as fuck?


No one took you out of context. You said she was fine until she talked. You literally boiled the problem down to her having a voice. May not have been your intent but it's what you did regardless. 


You did a bad job setting your context. That's your fault not ours. 

Nah that's BS man. Critiquing and having a rebuttal to what some has to say is not the same as denying someone room to speak or their experience.


And yes. Stop taking my words out of context. I could've worded that better. But my point isn't she's wrong for speaking period. She's wrong for speaking as if her issues are so far greater than what Hulk has been through. Let's see her go through a fraction of what he has and keep her cool.

Edited by BB_Hoody
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3 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Nah that's BS man. Critiquing and having a rebuttal to what some has to say is not the same as denying someone room to speak. 

Again it was delivery. You delivered your message in a terrible way, a way that was denying Jen her emotions and her voice. You're literally trying to dictate how she talks about her problems.


3 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Stop taking my words out of context.

No one took your words out of context. You said something in a really shitty way. Just do better next time. 


Your lack of self awareness is on display right now. You need to spend more time listening to yourself. 

Edited by RSG3
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9 minutes ago, Sonero said:


Do you not have any female friends? Ever had female friends talk about having bad boyfriends, dealt with assholes or anything else?



I'll be damned. If a woman that isnt my kin. Felt comfortable with me enough to talk about issues with their boyfriend. I'm clearly doing something wrong. If she wants to talk about him. Instead of ditching him and hooking up with me.

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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

While true, you also probably shouldn't comment much on the media you don't consume, even if your a fan of the greater media at large. I haven't seen Obi-Wan Wan or Book of Bobba Fett so I don't comment on them. It goes both ways. 

Yeah buuuuuuut we'd have less hot takes if these entertainment companies were a wee bit more honest about the show. Not all shows are like this. I quickly asked my "why am I watching she hulk? I never cared for her and the preview didn't change that..." gave it one episode but lost interest. I knew it's not for me and that's OK. 🙂

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9 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

Yeah buuuuuuut we'd have less hot takes if these entertainment companies were a wee bit more honest about the show. Not all shows are like this. I quickly asked my "why am I watching she hulk? I never cared for her and the preview didn't change that..." gave it one episode but lost interest. I knew it's not for me and that's OK. 🙂

It's our fault. We don't watch shows or movies with honest trailers. If we did Hollywood would do it. They have decades of data showing we don't go see it if looks like what it is. 


Like we have to change. They do this shit because we fall for it. We stopped going to shit with honest trailers, they have to be fucking hype fests promising Nirvana and Valhalla combined or we wont engage with it. Videogames are sliding into the same problem where we rate a 45 minute presentation on how fucking hype it made us feel. I saw 2 games in the last Nintendo Direct I cared about (Zelda & Bayonetta) and I considered it a win, but jump online and everyone calls it a fail because not every single title catered to them. 


We did this. It's our fault. 

Edited by RSG3
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10 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

You only interact with women if you can fuck them?



Bruh who said that??? I said I'm not trying to hear about boyfriend issues. Like my only advice is ditch that dude and lets get it on. But I'm not about to be one of her guy girlfriends she complains about men to.


But I can chill with a woman and be cool with her without sex being on the table. I'm not a savage that's ruled by his dick.

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11 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

So you're chill with this woman for a few years and she's having some problems with her relationship, you won't hear her out, offer real advice, try and empathize? Be a true friend? Just "Ditch him, let's fuck"?


Cuz that what it sounds like. 

She'd have to be like a friend of the family, or a woman I treat as a sista because we go back to childhood or something. Outside of that? I don't have close female friends. Like I don't make it a point to do that. 


Women outside of that,that I know? Things are casual. They ain't calling me with boyfriend issues. That's why I said I'm doing something wrong if they feel that comfortable with me. 


They're looking at me as. "This is a guy I can vent about my boyfriend to" Instead of "This is a guy I can replace my boyfriend with"



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I've rarely had female friends and the few times I have they only wanted to see what they could get from me for free.  I see absolutely no value to female friends and I don't have any woman I'm associated with that isn't one of my wives' friends.  I would not become friends with a woman if she asked me I would tell her my wife is too jealous to ever allow any other woman in my life. 


I don't believe that male/female friendship is actually real and I think it's a creation of mass media.  My father's generation didn't become friends with women, so I don't see why I should either. 

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4 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

To be fair you asked him that lol. 


I asked him if he just had female friends. Not if he could get through a Wendy's order without spitting the worst game alive at a broad taming the order.


All I'm learning from this is that dudes are projecting a million and a half things at this show. 


4 minutes ago, J-ride said:

My father's generation didn't become friends with women, so I don't see why I should either. 


Yeah, let's follow lock step with the actual boomers responsible for most of the shit wrong with modern society.


Winning Strats.

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