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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Spider-man's Greatest Moments:


"Even if I live, I die!"  (ASM # 149)   (1975)


The Jackal REVEALED and the first CLONE SAGA comes to an end!




Starting in ASM 144, a young lady was seen by Aunt May and then Pete. It was Gwen Stacy. Despite what you might think, she was not resurrected. Pete is going through hell. The Jackal debuted in ASM 129 working with Punisher and manipulating other villains like Hammerhead, Tarantula, Grizzly to help him kill Spidey.

It is revealed that this Gwen was in fact a CLONE!. Eventually, Pete tracks down Jackal and he reveals himself to be ...



Warren lost it when Gwen died and later when the tissue samples he gave to his lab asst. were discovered to be human, he killed him.




Jackal kidnaps Ned Leeds. straps him to a bomb in Shea Stadium and sets the detonator to only respond to the real Pete/spidey.

Both "Peters" fight to get to the bomb.

However, the Gwen clone who who under hypnosis during the battle gets through to Jackal and he frees Ned though dies in the blast radius.



The one main loose end is swept away irritatingly as the Gwen clone decides to leave NYC.  AArgh.


After all that turmoil, Pete returns to his apt to find MJ waiting.




This was writer Gerry Conway's last issue on Amazing. He wrote from 110 - 149 -which had quite a bit of events - Norman/GG and Gwen death, Harry assuming the GG role, the introduction of Jackal and the mystery of his identity, and MJ and Pete growing closer romantically. 


While Miles Warren seems to perish in this story, he returns in the 1994 Clone Saga apparently as a humanoid Jackal creature with fur and enhanced strength/agility and plays games with everyone in that story. Though surprisingly he was NOT the mastermind of that story (That was another long dead foe with a Green Costume) 

The 90's Jackal made so many dumb jokes that made him seem like a Great Value Joker with no sympathy at all.





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10 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Bleach Anime English Voice Actor Explains Decision to Leave His Role



He leaves the role so an authentic Mexican can do Chad? I don't care who voices Chad so long as it's done well. Having said that, Hispanic characters are few and far between (even less than blacks in anime) and it would be  (to me) a bit annoying if say I were to VA, I were to only do Hispanic characters just to match an ethnic character. 


(but then again I lack a cool voice...and I have no accent to be a Mexican character...and I come off sounding goofy if you ever watch my YouTube vids)

Edited by TheInfernoman
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10 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talk about things, that if you just take five minutes, you can verify are complete bullshit. It's sad that ancient cultures with far more limited technology was able to figure out things that people today doubt. This is in spite of the far easier means to figure it out. We still got people arguing over whether the Earth is flat or not.  Or the Moon landing morons. You can see the moon landing sites from a telescope. You can literally verify it yourself. People are fucking idiots. The older I get the more I realize it.

If those cultures had had the internet, they'd have had the same problems we have now.

Too much choice and ease of finding info on the internet is why someone can find something to corroborate whatever whack ass opinion they have. The internet was better when fewer people had access to it. 

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I've been seeing several people on Twitter saying that they've said something about Musk or criticized something he said and they've ended up getting their accounts suspended.  Which is pretty hilarious.  I mean it's his platform an all technically he can do what he wants but the funny thing is that he was all about 'Free Speech" but the moment someone says something to him that he doesn't like your account gets suspended lol.



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musk is another crazy nigga to invite all that drama and stress into his life buy buyin his fav entertainment app. 

1 rich dude babblin about jews. another rich ahole gettin shot in the streets for playin dice with ghetto dudes. and another rich dude inviting unwanted attention, haters, and strife cuz he wants to play on his fav phone app more. like wtf man. are they putting flouride in everyone's water? cant motherfuckers just stay home in their mansions, count their money, and just relax and enjoy being lucky in life and stfu and not invite trouble into their lives? why not fly under the radar as much as possible and stay private. idk i dont get it. 

Edited by VirginDefiler
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The craziest thing about all this is Elon's net worth is still at or over 200 billion. We're all laughing (I am too), but at the end of the day the whole twitter deal didn't hurt him that much. Unless twitter is just going to bleed money and he has to indirectly siphon from other businesses to keep it afloat, he's still one of richest men on earth.


And I never got THAT. Elon Musk has a car company and a space exploration company. I don't get how he's at or above Jeff Bezos in terms of wealth, when everyone and their mother uses Amazon.

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10 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

The internet was better when fewer people had access

Sometime back around 1990 I was hanging out with friends at the home of the worst kid in our social group, who introduced us to the internet by spending 5 hours having a 14.4 modem dialed in to a BBS to download a single photo.


The photo, once it finally finished downloading, was of two women sucking off a donkey.


Pretty sure that the internet has always been shit.  Conspiracy theories that Democrats are actually lizard people date back to Usenet, and I'm pretty sure that the only thing AOL Instant Messenger was ever used for was soliciting child abuse.

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5 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

ya'll are saying this like Elon himself is moderating content himself. the team hasn't been FULLY changed over:



Having said that, I never trusted any social media platform to be unbaised/fair and you ever did well...*shrug* 

Really hate people like this...why the fuck is she coming in hot at the moderation dude over what happened in HR at the conpany?  Dude is just trying to get a message out about the state of his sector and she's just coming in yelling about something he doesn't have any control over

Edited by Sonichuman
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18 hours ago, Dayaan said:

Up and down or forward and back?


Which one is the virgin??

Those are good questions.                 

If I am enlightened, I would not be here anymore.


An enlightened being would not exist anymore on the Earth Plane since their soul would have been released from their body.

The soul is who I really am. I am not my body and I am not my mind. 


Edited by Meier Link
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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Really hate people like this...why the fuck is she coming in hot at the moderation dude over what happened in HR at the conpany?  Dude is just trying to get a message out about the state of his sector and she's just coming in yelling about something he doesn't have any control over



There's a lot of this "Twitter is going to die" on Twitter. But Tesla, SpaceX, Paypal/Venmo are doing fine. Musk has had the company for two days. I'll wait and see what happens.

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4 hours ago, Reticently said:

Sometime back around 1990 I was hanging out with friends at the home of the worst kid in our social group, who introduced us to the internet by spending 5 hours having a 14.4 modem dialed in to a BBS to download a single photo.


The photo, once it finally finished downloading, was of two women sucking off a donkey.


Pretty sure that the internet has always been shit.  Conspiracy theories that Democrats are actually lizard people date back to Usenet, and I'm pretty sure that the only thing AOL Instant Messenger was ever used for was soliciting child abuse.

I don't know how old you are but AIM was the shit back in the day. Maybe after it aged a bit it was bad but it was basically text messages before text messages.


I won't dispute that there have probably always been clowns on the internet, but now there are far more of them due to smartphones getting so popular. You used to have to go through some legwork to get it, now you just buy a device everyone has anyway and it comes with it.

2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Really hate people like this...why the fuck is she coming in hot at the moderation dude over what happened in HR at the conpany?  Dude is just trying to get a message out about the state of his sector and she's just coming in yelling about something he doesn't have any control over

"human rights team?"


Bachman Wtf GIF

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2 hours ago, Sonero said:

You can violate human rights on twitter?


7 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

"human rights team?"


It's not as loopy as it sounds- you can contribute to a lot of human rights abuses with a service like Twitter. Narcing on protestors in Iran or China, coordinating human trafficking, spreading child pornography, etc.


Twitter isn't going to be part of the physical act of most any human rights violation, but facilitating or monetizing them is another thing entirely.

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Actually Tesla might be in a bit of trouble soon (more then they already are from a consumer satisfaction standpoint) as they are losing their source of cheap alluminum in Russia. It's part of why Elons suddenly got an opinion about the war. 


Elons not with PayPal anymore. He was fired years ago and rolled his earnings from that into "founding" SpaceX and buying a founders title in Tesla. 


Edit: Sounds like Tesla stock is down now to since he leveraged Tesla to gain the capitol for Twitter. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

Wow (link being weird but Aaron Carter passed away)

Honestly can't say I'm surprised. Once I heard about the pills and his onlyfans, I knew there was something wrong. May he finally find peace.

edit- Also unless you are soaking in milk or the blood of your enemies, bathes should be a no-go every time. 

Edited by Daemos
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27 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

That does not make me feel better. I'm more scared now. A meere sneeze could evacuate my bowels without warning at older age. Damn....

 i think we've all been feeling our ages lately.

i think its cuz we are living in dark ages. first quarantine, then the economy/market, war in europe, political upheaval everywhere. in the past 2 years i think we all aged alot from the stress of so much happening lately.

edit: the globe is experiencing gloomy days 

makes us all fell more down than we should. then we feel older than we should.

its the effect of stress is what im sayin.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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15 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

 i think we've all been feeling our ages lately.

i think its cuz we are living in dark ages. first quarantine, then the economy/market, war in europe, political upheaval everywhere. in the past 2 years i think we all aged alot from the stress of so much happening lately.

edit: the globe is experiencing gloomy days 

makes us all fell more down than we should. then we feel older than we should.

its the effect of stress is what im sayin.

Yeah 2020s started off terrible and hasn't gotten better.

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It must've been pretty damn cool to be a kid in 2020... I was just thinking about this again earlier today at random... remember, they were out for Spring Break when things were normal in the U.S. at least... but then it's like that vacation just never ended.  I remember schools and everything else got shut down from that point on, and I don't think schools even re-opened at all until the fall of 2020.  


Imagine, you're off for spring break like normal... but your 1-week vacation from school gets extended suddenly from that until about August.  Sheeeeeeiittttttttt.... I would've been in paradise enjoying that shit.  It would've been gaming/tv/internet all day every day for months on end.  I always found those kids that got bored of summer vacation time as being the true weirdos.  School gets in the way of fun and good times.  To be off from Spring to Fall?!  BRUH.  ...ha, imagine how many games got 100% completion by the younger gamers out there in 2020, since for a long time that year.... school was no longer in the way of their fun.

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