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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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52 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


In my case is because Windows 11 is a major security risk, not to mention, you as a system administrator don't have a real ownership of it, this was already a problem on windows 10, where some times windows ignored your settings, even if you had an active directory setting to block windows doing whatever it wanted, and windows 11 doubles down on all the bad features of Windows 10, making it impossible for system administrators to block those stuff from, happening.


At least on the tech savy side of users, no one moved because of those reasons.

There is plenty of documentation online and videos on youtube explaining the problems with windows 11 and why was a terrible idea to upgrade to it, at lkeast for a couple of years.


Most companies around the world that use windows stayed on windows 10 because those reasons.


In fact, I even use a personal firewall software just to block all the processes from M$ so they don't force the upgrade on me plus block all the telemetry software so they don't get data from me, you will be surprised at the amount of bandwidth that windows uses on hidden services and programs that are constantly uploading your info.


Windows 11 makes windows 8 look like windows 7


There are definitely legit reasons to not like windows. That wasn't what I was saying. I was saying if yoy didn't get it because of feature you can easily turn off in a couple minutes, then you're goofy. 


Security issues and shit a whole different bag. 

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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

There are definitely legit reasons to not like windows. That wasn't what I was saying. I was saying if yoy didn't get it because of feature you can easily turn off in a couple minutes, then you're goofy. 


Security issues and shit a whole different bag. 


No, I got what you were saying.

I just wanted to add to the conversation that as you said, there are valid reasons to not migrate to Windows 11, and give my reasoning as an example.


BTW, Something that I hate about M$ is that at times they force the migration to the new OS even if the pc/laptop in question can't handle it.


Something like that happened to a mini laptop/notebook that my father had, where it had windows 7 and suddenly after an update, it had windows 10 and rendered it useless until i reverted it back with a factory reset with an image I had as a backup, cuz the fuckers also changed the factory reset partition to be windows 10.


The few moments that my pcs and laptos have their firewall off, windows starts prompting the option to migrate to windows 11.

Is madness, lol

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windows 7 was best.

then win 10

then everything else is a distant 3rd

win11 has no future bros. they goofed that up by going in a direction no one wanted. and they better stop their "hey lets mirror phone os by wrestling ownership n control away from the user so we can make money off the user post sale with bloatware n data info collecting bs" business model. or im switching to linux. or some other os.



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Well that dream was something... I had a dream that a certain' hot actress I like was at a small gathering at the house I grew up in... but then she committed suicide in the backyard.  At the time I was concerned with how this whole situation looks for me, of course... like I would be a prime suspect and thus there would be legal consequences about that.  Man, I'd rather go back to dreams about having superhuman abilities, like the flying and Flash-level speed.

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1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

windows 7 was best.

then win 10

then everything else is a distant 3rd

win11 has no future bros. they goofed that up by going in a direction no one wanted. and they better stop their "hey lets mirror phone os by wrestling ownership n control away from the user so we can make money off the user post sale with bloatware n data info collecting bs" business model. or im switching to linux. or some other os.



They saw how successful Apple has been doing something similar and went for it.

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23 hours ago, hanzohattori12 said:

On another note, is anyone here from Florida? Some family members are thinking about moving to Fort Lauderdale and I’d like some insight.


My work took me many times to Ft. Lauderdale. Don't know if that would be enough for your questions, but shoot. I can tell you Marilyn Manson grew up in Ft. Lauderdale!





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22 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Chappelle's Hosting SNL this coming Saturday. The woke-scolds are out in full force, inducing many eye rolls from me. I didn't like The Closer either, but I'm at the point where I'm sick of people acting like Dave personally slapped a bunch of Trans people himself.


But secretly, I am hoping that his monologue is good and has no trans or cancel culture material. I've never been nervous about a Chappelle monologue doing well. That kinda bothers me.

I'm tired of the people claiming Dave is hurting the trans community leaving out the fact that they drove a trans comedian to suicide for sticking up for Dave. Nor do I recall any of them setting up a trust for the daughter she left behind. Fucking hypocrites need to shut the fuck up. Where was their concern for the trans community when they were bullying Daphne until she self deleted herself?


Side note: This Twitter situation is getting more ridiculous. It continues to prove why I have NO faith in humanity. Ethan Klein got banned. People are rushing to defend him. I read the rules for a parody account. He didn't follow them. If he followed the rules and got banned, I'd stick up for him even though he's a piece of shit.  

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I remember reading somewhere that Daphne's death didn't have much to do with the Twitter mob. It was her life being bad in other ways. I don't remember off the top where I read that though. Either way, I doubt the Twitter mob is 100% innocent. Dave still set up that Trust fund though, and that's way more than the haters can say.

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2 hours ago, Jion_Wansu said:

If you look at the track record...


Vista - Bad

7 - Good

8- Bad

10 - Good

11 - Bad

12 - ?

Win 2000 was released right after ME IIRC and it was a really solid alternative.  Win 10 Enterprise was way better than the other versions of 10 because you could turn features and it allowed for way more customization.  I remote into work sometimes so I'm usually hesitant to adopt early versions of windows unless my work does because I don't want to deal with unforeseen IT issues.

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Spider-man's Greatest Moments:


Spidey's 3rd most famous love interest  and most famous female villain debuts!


"Never let the Black Cat cross your path"  (ASM #194)   (1979)




Spidey encounters a masked woman seemingly selling guns to an arms dealer and engages her in battle, but is startled when...




Cat's plan: Break into prison to free Walter Hardy - a great cat burglar who is on death's door.

After reaching his house, BC reveals herself as Felicia Hardy - his daughter



Unfortunately, Spidey tries to bring Felicia in despite a dislocated shoulder, and accidentally drops her into the water.

While her dad dies in his wife's arms. 




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1 minute ago, DangerousJ said:

Spider-man's Greatest Moments:


Spidey's 3rd most famous love interest  and most famous female villain debuts!


"Never let the Black Cat cross your path"  (ASM #194)   (1979)

felicia is weird as fuck. She gets such a lady boner for Peter as Spider-Man but thinks Peter himself is a total fucking dork and an unattractive loser. 

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2 hours ago, axeman61 said:

I remember reading somewhere that Daphne's death didn't have much to do with the Twitter mob. It was her life being bad in other ways. I don't remember off the top where I read that though. Either way, I doubt the Twitter mob is 100% innocent. Dave still set up that Trust fund though, and that's way more than the haters can say.

When someone commits suicide, they are in bad place. Having a social media hate mob come after you, when you are already suicidal is... Well, I can only imagine bad it would make someone teetering on the brink feel.

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5 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:


Side note: This Twitter situation is getting more ridiculous. It continues to prove why I have NO faith in humanity. Ethan Klein got banned. People are rushing to defend him. I read the rules for a parody account. He didn't follow them. If he followed the rules and got banned, I'd stick up for him even though he's a piece of shit.  




The mental gymnastics that the fat fuck of Ethan and his stupid followers are making to defend him is hilarious.

Like saying that the rules used to ban him are new or created 5 mins before banning Ethan, when that rules have been on twatter forever.

There has not been a single change in rules or how moderation is applied based on said rules.



He, Kathy Griffin and the other imbeciles that did it before them think they are very smart and original for changing their name and profile pic to Elon Musk to post dumb while being verified, but found out rather quickly that play stupid games, gain stupid prices.



Edited by Hecatom
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2 minutes ago, Hecatom said:



The mental gymnastics that the fat fuck of Ethan and his stupid followers are making to defend him is hilarious.

Like saying that the rules used to ban him are new or created 5 mins before banning Ethan, when that rules have been on twatter forever.

There has not been a single change in rules or how moderation is applied based on said rules.


Given that he's dropped the hard R and had no issue with other people getting de-platformed, I really don't have issue with him being clapped. He broke the rules. Hard to have sympathy for him. Dude is one of those "Do as I say, not as I do" type of people. More over, he's an idiot. He's always making stupid hot takes and crying like a bitch when called out about it. 

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4 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Isn't Ethan Klein the guy who thinks he can make Holocaust jokes just because he's Jewish and thus excluded from cancellation?



And TBH, I am not against edgy jokes, but the way he laid the "joke" it was clear it wasn't meant as a one.


He has been on a downward spiral, talking shit about other people who he doesn't like, clearly lying about them and sadly a good portion of his followers eat it up and believe him without questioning the validity of what a simple research will show he is talking shit out of his ass.


The motherfucker is so accustomed to never facing consequences for the shit he pulls, that now is malding that he is taking 2 big L's in a row for behaving like a stupid clown on social media and actually having to adhere to the rules as anyone else.


Edited by Hecatom
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9 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Given that he's dropped the hard R and had no issue with other people getting de-platformed, I really don't have issue with him being clapped. He broke the rules. Hard to have sympathy for him. Dude is one of those "Do as I say, not as I do" type of people. More over, he's an idiot. He's always making stupid hot takes and crying like a bitch when called out about it. 


Tell me about it.

The motherfucker is clearly a massive piece of shit.

Is not only the hard R, but comments and histories he himself has said about interacting with blacks, latinos, more traditional jews, etc that have shown that he is at worst a closeted racist fucktard and at best someone who is very socially inept and confuses saying stupid shit with joking.



You don't need to like TheQuartening, but the way that Ethan is always talking about him, saying clear lies about him, stating them as facts, is hilarious and sad.

He lives rent free in his mind.


He was also doing something similar to SomeOrdinaryGamer at some point.

Even as far as making "jokes" about him being Indian.

I think he stopped simply because people were calling him out on ho w racist those jokes were.


And you know what is amusing of all of this, that years ago, TheQuartening was one of the youtube creators that came to his aid when Ethan and co where caught on a lawsuit from a company abusing the copyright system on youtube.


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Triple post

On the subject of twitter.

I am finding funny how many idiots are jumping from twitter to mastodon because the Elon buyout, and are starting to freakout because on mastodon no one are taking their shit, since mastodon is decentralized and is more like old school internet, where they don't take shit from anyone, even less people like them, lol


A friend of mine who owns a mastodon server is laughing at so many people that migrated from twitter are reporting users to deplatform them for their posts they don't like, thinking it will be like on twitter.


As rule of thumb on mastodon, if is not illegal, then is gucci.

Edited by Hecatom
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23 minutes ago, Hecatom said:



And TBH, I am not against edgy jokes, but the way he laid the "joke" it was clear it wasn't meant as a one.


He has been on a downward spiral, talking shit about other people who he doesn't like, clearly lying about them and sadly a good portion of his followers eat it up and believe him without questioning the validity of what a simple research will show he is talking shit out of his ass.


The motherfucker is so accustomed to never facing consequences for the shit he pulls, that now is malding that he is taking 2 big L's in a row for behaving like a stupid clown on social media and actually having to adhere to the rules as anyone else.


I hope his wife leaves him. She's such a nice person, but she's gonna get dragged down with him. I saw a few clips of her telling him off live on the show so she isn't dumb.

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Just now, Daemos said:

I hope his wife leaves him. She's such a nice person, but she's gonna get dragged down with him. I saw a few clips of her telling him off live on the show so she isn't dumb.


They are apparently already in the process of divorcing.

Also, I don't really know much about her, but at times, she seemed to share some of his dumb opinions, dunno if it was just her going along or not, like in some of the vids where he is making fun of the trad jews, she also says some shit that goes in line with what he said 🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:


Tell me about it.

The motherfucker is clearly a massive piece of shit.

Is not only the hard R, but comments and histories he himself has said about interacting with blacks, latinos, more traditional jews, etc that have shown that he is at worst a closeted racist fucktard and at best someone who is very socially inept and confuses saying stupid shit with joking.



You don't need to like TheQuartening, but the way that Ethan is always talking about him, saying clear lies about him, stating them as facts, is hilarious and sad.

He lives rent free in his mind.


He was also doing something similar to SomeOrdinaryGamer at some point.

Even as far as making "jokes" about him being Indian.

I think he stopped simply because people were calling him out on ho w racist those jokes were.


And you know what is amusing of all of this, that years ago, TheQuartening was one of the youtube creators that came to his aid when Ethan and co where caught on a lawsuit from a company abusing the copyright system on youtube.


Yeah I remember when Aba & Preach called him out for the bullshit he pulled against Frest & Fit. Anyone that watches' Aba & Preach know they don't get along with Fresh & Fit. So they aren't exactly rushing to defend them. Good Ole' Ethan lied about them after already lying about F&F in his response too. Guy is a clown. 🤡

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in the hip hop thread i posted one of the best youtube streams ive ever heard.

its about the takeoff murder. so conspiracy theories start flyin, talk of the freemasons, funny jokes get said. by callers calling in. it was the best. million would love the gossip and conspiracy theories. 


but the reason im mentioning it here is cuz i was thinkin a funny joke the host said. he said, and i quote:

"jamaicans be suckin their teeth from out the womb. right from the start. they all b suckin their teeth at you. they b suckin their gums at you when theyre babies. then they suck their teeth when grown."

thats some shit ive never heard before lol

i recommend u watch it but i warn u its 4 hours long. but its triple A entertainment.

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Well, Jimmy Kimmel will host the Oscars... now I'm wondering if someone will try to sabotage that shit by bringing up the fact that he did a few scenes of blackface back when he was co-host of The Man Show 🤣 (the "Hello, I'm Karl Malone..." skits)  I'm always surprised he just kinda skated on by on that like it never happened.  I love that old show though; it was a time when people weren't generally afraid to produce a show like's just intriguing to see who gets a pass and who does not when it comes to that being in a performer's past.  I often wonder if that shit stresses him out, y'know----like a constant Sword of Damocles hanging over his head....constantly hoping no one ever brings it up.


Those were good times; I recorded that show on a regular basis.... I doubt anyone could "get away with" producing a show like that in 2022, which is a shame, imo.

Edited by MillionX
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54 minutes ago, MillionX said:

Well, Jimmy Kimmel will host the Oscars... now I'm wondering if someone will try to sabotage that shit by bringing up the fact that he did a few scenes of blackface back when he was co-host of The Man Show 🤣 (the "Hello, I'm Karl Malone..." skits)  I'm always surprised he just kinda skated on by on that like it never happened.  I love that old show though; it was a time when people weren't generally afraid to produce a show like's just intriguing to see who gets a pass and who does not when it comes to that being in a performer's past.  I often wonder if that shit stresses him out, y'know----like a constant Sword of Damocles hanging over his head....constantly hoping no one ever brings it up.


Those were good times; I recorded that show on a regular basis.... I doubt anyone could "get away with" producing a show like that in 2022, which is a shame, imo.



If evaporating more than 50% of his audience, tanking the ratings of his late show has not slowed his career, then by this point nothing will, lol

I think his ratings are lower than what Tevor Noah did to his show, yet here we are, with him still managing to fail "upwards"


As far as I know, most people who still watch the oscars find him unfunny, so dunno why they keep him, perhaps because he is "safe"?

Although seeing how he was getting vitrol due his stunt on whatever music award it was where some people werew saying that he was trying to upstage some black singer on her speech or something like that.

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43 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

I just found out I get 4 hours off tomorrow to play video- er, I mean vote!


42 minutes ago, Lantis said:

My job told me that we only get time off for presidential elections, not midterms. 🙄


In my country the elections are always done on a sunday, so everyone has free time to go to vote, but not give a free day to do it, lol

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