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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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You are on a date with a pretty lady (it can be your S/O, sure, but you don't really know them at this point). She reaches to pay for the bill. It turns you on, as it should. You thank her. She says, "Don't worry. I believe in equality! You can get the next one." You fall in love on the spot.



Does your mom know you're a sissy?

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sheeeittt, Mission is my favorite brand of tortilla chips at the moment.  Previously it was Santitas which are always cheap but most of the time I'm going for the Mission ones lately.  That + some meat and the Paul Newman brand salsa is an amazing combo....don't even need fancy cooking skill for that--- I cook the meat up in a pan (ground beef or turkey), put the salsa on there and mix it around, then scoop with the Mission chips.  


Edited by MillionX
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Does the IRS cut people off without warning when on hold? My phone has issues with long holds, so it could be me. But I've been disconnected after a long hold going to the department I need. I'm on my second try. It's not THAT big a deal; I'm working while waiting. Still though, it's annoying and I want to know if others are experiencing or have experienced the same thing. I might have to either buy a new phone or get a new cellphone service provider.


Got disconnected on second try too.

Edited by axeman61
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51 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Does the IRS cut people off without warning when on hold? My phone has issues with long holds, so it could be me. But I've been disconnected after a long hold going to the department I need. I'm on my second try. It's not THAT big a deal; I'm working while waiting. Still though, it's annoying and I want to know if others are experiencing or have experienced the same thing. I might have to either buy a new phone or get a new cellphone service provider.


Got disconnected on second try too.

This happens at this time every year.  The IRS is probably getting more calls now through Tuesday, than they do the rest of the year combined, if I had to guess.

Edited by Reticently
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Oh. Right. I filed my taxes a while back and am calling about something beside myself, but I can see how their "Balance Due" department would be congested.


Still hate this though.


EDIT: Just got disconnected AGAIN. It feels like the universe goes out of its way to make my way ahead suck whenever I try to do something. How do I have 0 hold problems when pushing through the automated system to get to a human so they can FORWARD me to Balance Due, but have all this problem with balance due?



Edited by axeman61
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12 hours ago, iStu X said:

Maybe the white genocide the republicans fear is happening actually does need to happen cause wtf is this shit 



we whites need to be stopped. No matter the cost. 

I have never had a street taco with flour tortillas, and I've eaten a fuck ton of street tacos given the region I live in. @Sonero have you ever had flour tortillas with street tacos? I've never even seen that. It's always corn.


I get my tortillas locally. Some of the best I've had are Andele's. They make them fresh and they're so fucking good. No preservatives so you gotta eat them quick, which isn't a problem, lol.

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31 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

I have never had a street taco with flour tortillas, and I've eaten a fuck ton of street tacos given the region I live in. @Sonero have you ever had flour tortillas with street tacos? I've never even seen that. It's always corn.


I get my tortillas locally. Some of the best I've had are Andele's. They make them fresh and they're so fucking good. No preservatives so you gotta eat them quick, which isn't a problem, lol.


Some places you can order it but its rare. Think the time I had it was in...



East Texas


They do sell them at Supermarkets though. I use them when I make tacos at home because my wife is allergic to corn.

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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

I have never had a street taco with flour tortillas, and I've eaten a fuck ton of street tacos given the region I live in. @Sonero have you ever had flour tortillas with street tacos? I've never even seen that. It's always corn.


I get my tortillas locally. Some of the best I've had are Andele's. They make them fresh and they're so fucking good. No preservatives so you gotta eat them quick, which isn't a problem, lol.

Yea lot of the taco trucks and joints here in Tucson ask if you want Flower or Corn Tortillas. 

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14 hours ago, Dayaan said:

You are on a date with a pretty lady (it can be your S/O, sure, but you don't really know them at this point). She reaches to pay for the bill. It turns you on, as it should. You thank her. She says, "Don't worry. I believe in equality! You can get the next one." You fall in love on the spot.



Does your mom know you're a sissy?

Will Ferrell Anchorman GIF

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remember when i said that in the past 20 years theyre was a sharp rise of transgenderism happening especially  in southeast asia due to transgenderism being considered to be "cool"..and i commented on it being a fad. a fad involving irreversable sterilization..

well apparently it wasnt just my perception. cuz theres some statistical evidence regarding gen z adopting transgenderism due to it being fashionable.

which doesnt surprise. me

we all know that gay behavior is nothing unnatural. that 20% of higher life mammal organisms are homosexual. not just human.

but gay behavior can also be learned and adopted. just look at ancient greece for example where 80% of greeks were gay.

but as u can see theres a sharp rise in transgender self identification among only ONE age group. which is young people born after 2000.

its essentially ancient greece all over again at least among gen z alone. 

in other word.

monkey see monkey do.


btw interestingly enough 58% of bud light drinkers in the gay communities dropped bud light. 

which is the most fascinating statistic. apparently the gay commuity didnt approve of the bud light tranny marketing scheme.

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11 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Oh. Right. I filed my taxes a while back and am calling about something beside myself, but I can see how their "Balance Due" department would be congested.


Still hate this though.


EDIT: Just got disconnected AGAIN. It feels like the universe goes out of its way to make my way ahead suck whenever I try to do something. How do I have 0 hold problems when pushing through the automated system to get to a human so they can FORWARD me to Balance Due, but have all this problem with balance due?



Call first thing in the morning. Like first 30mins of opening early. You should have no problems. Calling in the afternoon during peak tax season is a waste of time

Edited by BB_Hoody
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I didn't know Jonathan Brandis was dead or that he hung himself.




On November 11, 2003, Brandis was found hanged in the hallway of his Los Angeles apartment. He was transported to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center[10] and died the following day of injuries sustained from the hanging. He was 27 years old.[11]  Brandis did not leave a suicide note.[12] After his death, friends reported that he had been depressed about his waning career and was reportedly disappointed when his appearance in the 2002 war drama Hart's War, a role he hoped would revive his career, was significantly reduced in the film's final cut. Brandis began drinking heavily and said that he intended to kill himself.[13]

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Well, that story got some juicy details, I see:


Supposedly the guy that stabbed him was angry because Cash App founder guy was banging his sister, who is married.... such a stupid "heat of the moment" thing here; now he'll face a possible "life sentence" in prison.


whoah... out of curiosity I had to look it up since it's a mostly forgotten story now... but apparently there won't be charges in the Shanquella Robinson case: at least now those so-called "friends" of hers are just safe?  Mexico is apparently still looking into it.  No justice at all on that one, apparently.  Wouldn't surprise me if those worthless pieces of shit are laughing it off now like "haha we killed that bitch and got away with it, lol"

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