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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:


It's getting harder and harder to remember the time when SJWs were more annoying than the anti-woke people. I mean, there must have been a time. For a while, I was anti-woke myself. There must have been incidents that made me that way. But those memories are fading fast.

SJWs are the ones that decided that every dollar you spend is a political statement. All this is is conservatives paying the same game the SJWs have been playing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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It’s official: A massive 'Harry Potter' reboot is coming to MAX (the streaming service formerly known as HBO Max). Executives for Warner Bros. Discovery announced on April 12 that they have greenlit a TV series adaptation of J.K. Rowling’s 7-book series, with each season focusing on one of the books. The show will be filmed over a decade.
The 'Harry Potter' book franchise was previously adapted by Warner Bros. into an 8-film series starring Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson. Those films were also released over a 10-year span between 2001 and 2011.
'We are delighted to give audiences the opportunity to discover Hogwarts in a whole new way,' Casey Bloys, chairman and chief executive of HBO and Max content, said in a statement. 'Harry Potter is a cultural phenomenon, and it is clear there is such an enduring love and thirst for the Wizarding World.'
'Harry Potter' author J.K. Rowling will serve as an executive producer on the new series, despite drawing criticism in recent years for her documented history of transphobic remarks.
During a Q&A portion of the event announcing the new project, Bloys noticeably punted when asked directly about whether Rowling’s transphobic comments will overshadow the creative endeavor.
'No, I don’t think this is the forum,' Bloys said, per Variety. 'That’s a very online conversation, very nuanced and complicated and not something we’re going to get into. Our priority is what’s on the screen. Obviously, the 'Harry Potter' story is incredibly affirmative and positive and about love and self-acceptance. That’s our priority — what’s on screen.'
In addition to the 'Harry Potter' adaptation, execs at the company also announced that a second 'Game of Thrones' prequel, titled 'A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight,' is moving forward. The first prequel, 'House of the Dragon,' was released last year to critical and ratings success, and a second season is currently in production.
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38 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

SJWs are the ones that decided that every dollar you spend is a political statement. All this is is conservatives paying the same game the SJWs have been playing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Pretty sure both sides have been playing the money equals political power game for a few decades now at the very least. SJWs just got in on the game all the other politicians have been playing for decades. Lobbying is the same game. 

Edited by RSG3
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3 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

I didn't know Jonathan Brandis was dead or that he hung himself.




On November 11, 2003, Brandis was found hanged in the hallway of his Los Angeles apartment. He was transported to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center[10] and died the following day of injuries sustained from the hanging. He was 27 years old.[11]  Brandis did not leave a suicide note.[12] After his death, friends reported that he had been depressed about his waning career and was reportedly disappointed when his appearance in the 2002 war drama Hart's War, a role he hoped would revive his career, was significantly reduced in the film's final cut. Brandis began drinking heavily and said that he intended to kill himself.[13]

I remember when he died because it was just after shortly after SeaQuest ended which IMO was an underrated show.


Edited by J-ride
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2 hours ago, axeman61 said:


It's getting harder and harder to remember the time when SJWs were more annoying than the anti-woke people. I mean, there must have been a time. For a while, I was anti-woke myself. There must have been incidents that made me that way. But those memories are fading fast.

Not for me. SWJs telling races/cultures that aren't theirs what they should be offended by is some of the most condescendingly racist shit there is. Getting mad at fat people for losing weight to better themselves. Lauding things as "stunning and brave" when they were done decades earlier.  


All that aside....I just saw another example of Twitter stupidity. Some dude trying to say 90s Jennifer Connelly was a 7......🤨

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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The existence of that new Harry Potter show will be another juicy source of unintended entertainment....for at least 2 reasons, imo

  • A certain loud/annoying minority that will be in an uproar again after their hilarious failure to boycott Hogwart's Legacy, because I'm sure that support of this show will equate to "killing people!!!" in their minds.
  • ..but also the likely race-swaps that will happen.  Who gets to be a black person this time?  As usual, it should be interesting to see how that plays out as well.  I'm not even that familiar with this franchise but it should be funny to see what happens there.

Speaking of funny casting... looks like the ones that likely cheered for Ariel's recent change are upset about the girl they got for Lilo & Stitch being too light, btw....suddenly it's a problem and they care about accuracy, I guess...



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10 hours ago, IcyBlackDeep said:

I feel like a decent lawyer should be able to cut through this ploy.

It depends on the laws in the country of divorce.  It would be pretty difficult for the courts to do much if he isn't even a partial owner on paper.  I think he lives in Spain and I'm not really familiar with the court system there.

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51 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Apparantly the Nani they cast for live action Lilo and Stich isn't a dark enough Hawaiian for people lol. 

Been keeping an eye on this and it's hilarious. The same people who claim Black Ariel is ok, claim a lighter skinned Nani is bad. The argument is Ariel is fictional...but Nani is fictional too? BUUUUT Nani is based on a real culture...but said culture doesn't have lighter skinned Hawaiians? EVER? See the solution was easy, just keep everything as close to the source material as possible and no one will complain OR (as I keep saying) just make a new original character that has a clean slate, input whatever you want OG character to be and you're good to go. 

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29 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

just keep everything as close to the source material as possible and no one will complain

Oh they will absolutly complain if you do this lol. 


21 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

I don't understand the point behind these live action remakes.

I refuse to believe you don't understand profit motive. It's so much bigger then just the movie, people thinking too small time. They get to stock shelves with all that fuckin Lilo & Stich merchandise again. POPS, phone stands, shirts, backpacks, school binders it goes on and on. 

Edited by RSG3
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Unfortunately animation still has a dumb stigma associated with it that a good chunk of people still think as "for kids" regardless of any content or subject matter.  Those people will refuse to go see anything animated whatsoever regardless of how good people will say it is.  So churning the same thing out but replacing it with live action is a chance to get money from that audience.

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17 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I edited the post to add more so it didn't seem like it was just sniping you lol. From an art standpoint yea a decent reason to question its existence, but from a profit perspective the IP prints money. 

Yeah I get it. I just miss quality animated movies and shows. Like look at Pinky and the brain here with Julia. Only animation can give a character this much personality and delivery when they speak. It's just fun watching her do her thing 



This one is gold. Her face when talking about stealing the matchbook while riding the owl lol











Edited by BB_Hoody
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3 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Yeah I get it. I just miss quality animated movies and shows. Like look at Pinky and the brain here with Julia. Only animation can give a character this much personality and delivery when they speak. It's just fun watching her do her thing 









Yea I love more traditional styles of animation as well but funny enough New Pinkey and the Brain is drawn on computers so it's technically CGI to. 


But thats being pedantic lol, I to miss big budget 2D animated movies. Kind of only get them out of Japan anymore and that can be pretty hit or miss. 


Edit: This hit the Internet a week or so ago. It's a crowed funded pilot episode of a webcomic of the same name. You can tell its not entirely finished, but 95% of the way there and is a pilot so keep that in mind, but there's still people trying to keep it alive. 




Edited by RSG3
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Just now, TheInfernoman said:

ok I'll rephrase, The complains won't be as bad as the current ones where Disney is in a need to modernize/revision and thus divides their own audience. 

Hmm maybe. People whined a lot about Aladdin...I thought it was fine. Who really knows tho, I don't have a crystal ball lol. 

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51 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Yea I love more traditional styles of animation as well but funny enough New Pinkey and the Brain is drawn on computers so it's technically CGI to. 


But thats being pedantic lol, I to miss big budget 2D animated movies. Kind of only get them out of Japan anymore and that can be pretty hit or miss. 


Edit: This hit the Internet a week or so ago. It's a crowed funded pilot episode of a webcomic of the same name. You can tell its not entirely finished, but 95% of the way there and is a pilot so keep that in mind, but there's still people trying to keep it alive. 




Oh yeah I saw this! I sat through the whole pilot not realizing it was half an our. I wanted more! I gotta sign up for their Patreon or whatever means to fund this

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6 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Pretty sure both sides have been playing the money equals political power game for a few decades now at the very least. SJWs just got in on the game all the other politicians have been playing for decades. Lobbying is the same game. 


6 hours ago, Reticently said:

Political boycotts in the US started before the Revolutionary War.


The fact that people are pretending they're a recent phenomenon is a direct product of social media histrionics.

You both are missing the point. SJWs are saying things like "if you give money to Chick Fil A, you're automatically homophobic."  So these folks are saying "if you give money to Bud Light, you're co-signing choo choo stuff" which is the exact same type of thing the SJWs were saying. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think anybody lost their job during the revolution for what they spent their money on. 

Edited by DoctaMario
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15 hours ago, IcyBlackDeep said:

I feel like a decent lawyer should be able to cut through this ploy.

Depends on the laws and country, but frankly I doubt it. In my industry female and minority owned businesses have certain advantages. So small contractors commonly put the business in their wives names to take advantage of it. It would be one thing if he just transferred ownership and assets to his mother shorty before divorce proceedings. He didn't his mother has always had gotten 80% of his salary and purchased everything he owned. This was the circumstance for the entirety of their marriage. I doubt a lawyer will be able to do anything. At the end of the day, it's a huge risk on his part. He's essentially given his mother the ability to instantly blow up his life at any time.


I don't know of the validity of the accusations against the dude in question. If he really is a rapist and game the system that's fucked up. That said, I find it interesting how people are so up in arms about this. Women royally screw over men in divorce all the damn time. No one cares. The question being asked shouldn't be, can a lawyer find a way around this. It should be why does man have to do this to keep his spouse for taking half his assets. Most states have no fault divorce i.e. your wife can cheat on you, file for divorce, and still take half your shit. Don't get me started on the paternity fraud situation that, in many states, leaves the husband paying child support for kids that he can prove aren't his. 

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9 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think anybody lost their job during the revolution for what they spent their money on. 

Employment structure and records were pretty different back then, farmers and indentured servants, etc.  So I'm not sure it's going to be easily comparable.


But the people buying British tea instead of smuggled Dutch tea were loyalists, and there was the whole thing about dumping ~$2 million modern dollars of their tea in Boston harbor, which probably impacted someone's livelihood.


And like, they'd burn loyalists' houses down.  Falsely imprison them. They even tarred and feathered some people.  All this BEFORE there was even a revolution, when the whole situation was still basically a disagreement over tax policy.


Those motherfuckers make getting cancelled on social media seem pretty tepid.


How many people got fired for going to Chick-fil-A anyway?  I'm guessing it happened to a few people, just by weight of numbers.  But my local Chick-fil-A has the longest queue for drive through of any fast food place in the area, so I don't think real world fallout from going there is actually all that common?

Edited by Reticently
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1 hour ago, Reticently said:

How many people got fired for going to Chick-fil-A anyway?  I'm guessing it happened to a few people, just by weight of numbers.  But my local Chick-fil-A has the longest queue for drive through of any fast food place in the area, so I don't think real world fallout from going there is actually all that common?

The Chick-fil-A near my job has always had a drive thru line wrapped around the building consistently for 8 or 9 years. The first year I was at this branch of company, it was busy but it's gotten busier over time. During COVID there was like three lines and there is still two wrapped around the building daily now that things are normal. I only get Chick-fil-A when a vendor brings it into to the office, not out of protest, I just refuse to wait that long for it.

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