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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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3 hours ago, HD-Man said:

I've only had about maybe 3 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours and I still gotta stay up til 5pm for a class. The things I do to better myself, I have no clue how I will survive these next 9+ hours 😂😑😑

The worsing of hypertension is really going to catch up with you. I've had essential hypertension since growing up. I already know that I'll have cardiovascular issues down the line from over vigilance, emotional pain, and other situational emotional triggers that weakened the heart.


You will need to do alot better than this, tovarisch. Don't go down this path.

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6 hours ago, HD-Man said:

I've only had about maybe 3 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours and I still gotta stay up til 5pm for a class. The things I do to better myself, I have no clue how I will survive these next 9+ hours 😂😑😑

Be careful with this of course because at some point if you don't get the sleep your body needs, it will shut down whether you want it to or not without warning.  Its a crazy thing when it happens to you to cause you'll be awake and then you're suddenly waking up again. 

Edited by Sonichuman
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7 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

Say it ain't so Pras ...





Darc Requiem: "I think Wyclef is the worst member of the Fugees. Sean Penn was in Haiti for years, Wyclef left when the cameras did. Yeah, he's definitely the worst."

Pras: "Hold my beer."


Edit: @DangerousJWhenever someone says "BEHOLD!" or I read it. I hear "OPTIC BLAST!" in my head. I guess I played more X-Men Vs. SF/Mahvel than I thought.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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We had a medical company somehow manage to generate a receipt for an $800 test without even billing our card. They've been sendind bills and we assumed they were just being devious and trying to bill us twice for the same thing, but come to find out the card never actually got charged. So now they're hounding us to let them charge our card because they were too stupid to do it the first time... 

The Grinch Smiling GIF by The Good Films

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5 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

We had a medical company somehow manage to generate a receipt for an $800 test without even billing our card. They've been sendind bills and we assumed they were just being devious and trying to bill us twice for the same thing, but come to find out the card never actually got charged. So now they're hounding us to let them charge our card because they were too stupid to do it the first time... 

The Grinch Smiling GIF by The Good Films

The medical field is a lost cause. They don't want you to question them, invoking because "I know more than you" to us speech. We just know their motives and they can't hide it. Lol.

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5 hours ago, HD-Man said:

I've only had about maybe 3 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours and I still gotta stay up til 5pm for a class. The things I do to better myself, I have no clue how I will survive these next 9+ hours 😂😑😑

I haven't followed this advice myself, but sleep is important. I wish I could snap my fingers and get to bed at the right time, but even with that, I know it's important from experience.


I lost a job after close to a year searching because my sleep cycle was trash and I was groggy/nodding off during company-wide meetings. During an introductory probationary period. This happened over 5 years ago, and I MUCH prefer the company I'm working for now. But that shit stays fresh in my mind. Probably the dumbest way to get fired ever. I can still ruin my day, even now, if I really fester in it.

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7 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

I haven't followed this advice myself, but sleep is important. I wish I could snap my fingers and get to bed at the right time, but even with that, I know it's important from experience.


I lost a job after close to a year searching because my sleep cycle was trash and I was groggy/nodding off during company-wide meetings. During an introductory probationary period. This happened over 5 years ago, and I MUCH prefer the company I'm working for now. But that shit stays fresh in my mind. Probably the dumbest way to get fired ever. I can still ruin my day, even now, if I really fester in it.

I've always had trouble sleeping myself. Since giving up caffeine it's been far less of an issue. Now I have the opposite problem of conking out as soon as I'm tired. Although I still have that one or two days a week where I can't sleep. Before I used to hate them, now I look forward to them. I didn't realize how much I based my life around the extra hours I got from not sleeping as much as everyone else until now. I haven't been home to VA since my incident in January. It'll be interested making that drive without caffeine.

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I wanted to ask,  what is the longest that you guys have gone without sleep in one sitting?  I think my personal record was when I a teen in High School over a friends house and we were just gaming all day and night.  Roughly around the time Final Fantasy X came out.  Everyone else was sleeping here and there but I stayed awake for either was 3-4 days straight.  I def can't do that shit now even if I was to attempt it but that was the first time I had my body force shut down on me.

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This is the day for Transformers cinematic news apparently.


The animated TF film releasing in July 2024 will be called "Transformers One"


The voice cast is...



It's a mee Optimus!


Except for Scar Jo, not too bad. I was hoping for another Cullen/Welker mashup, but being a prequel film I guess they wanted younger actors and of course all celebrities lol.

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that mention of Wyclef reminded me---I hated that song "Gone til November".  If there's an award that is the opposite of a Grammy, that song should win it.  It was one of the worst, most annoying bit of trash to get so much play on the radio and mtv2 (since mtv2 actually played music; I wonder if it went the same route as the original mtv..?) at the time.  A friend from college loved that horrible would be one of many times where I'm left wondering if it was because he tends to be a contrarian or because he just has what I consider to be bad taste sometimes.


This reminded me of some newer song I hate... I'll have to look it up to give it a mention later but it occasionally gets played on any radio station that plays current RnB stuff....the woman singing sounds like a wounded animal, and I just keep thinking about how harsh Randy and Simon would roast that nonsense if it was an audition for American Idol in those early seasons.  Every time it's been on I change that station super fast asap.


Longest time with no sleep---only occasions here and there where I went 24 hours, nothing extreme.  One gaming all-nighter; probably the first wasn't really until later in 98 with Metal Gear Solid.  I didn't stop playing until the end on that first playthru... then I noticed the sun was already up...haha I began playing late Friday afternoon and it was suddenly Saturday morning. 

There was also school "all nighters"--- mostly due to my own laziness and procrastination, like not starting on a paper until the night before it was due.  Our computer lab was open 24/7 so I just stayed there to get everything done. 


...oh yeah there was a night or 2 where I just kept on going with the greatness that is Elden least one occasion I had work the next day....heh, some epic good times there.  My battles with the "Godskin Apostle" shall never be forgotten.

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

This is the day for Transformers cinematic news apparently.


The animated TF film releasing in July 2024 will be called "Transformers One"


The voice cast is...



It's a mee Optimus!


Except for Scar Jo, not too bad. I was hoping for another Cullen/Welker mashup, but being a prequel film I guess they wanted younger actors and of course all celebrities lol.

You mean 



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I remember being up for two days straight in college. I was starting to wonder if I needed sleep anymore. I wasn't even tired an then around 7pm, according to my friend, I just conked out. I think I missed 60 hours by an hour. Being up for 30+ hours was semi regular occurrence for me. I've done that twice since I've been off the caffeine. Typically it's Sunday/Monday morning when I don't go to sleep at all. Which makes for interesting days at work on Monday. Getting regular sleep has stifled my creativity. It did my best work off of two or three hours of sleep.

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2 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

This is the day for Transformers cinematic news apparently.


The animated TF film releasing in July 2024 will be called "Transformers One"


The voice cast is...



It's a mee Optimus!


Except for Scar Jo, not too bad. I was hoping for another Cullen/Welker mashup, but being a prequel film I guess they wanted younger actors and of course all celebrities lol.

Confused Kid Cudi GIF by Apple Music

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4 hours ago, Emptyeyes_ said:

The medical field is a lost cause. They don't want you to question them, invoking because "I know more than you" to us speech. We just know their motives and they can't hide it. Lol.

The thing that fucks me is that the billing part, just the BILLING, is its own field. It's a racket. We get repeat bills for stuff we paid for months ago on the regular, or bills for things the insurance is supposed to cover.


When I had Obamacare, nobody bothered probably because they knew they were going to be lucky to get whatever they got out of me, but this shit with my wife's company's insurance got these people acting like bloodhounds.

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19 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Looking at it again, I'm actually anticipating Hamm and Fishburne the most of those. 


Hamm as a dickish Animated style Sentinel Prime and Fishburne as a Morpheus style mentor would be cool if they approached it that way.


Those are the only two I can see embodying the character. Fishburne has actual voice acting credits. Hemsworth as Prime just seems like a name for the draw more than anything else. 


I will say, I'm at least intrigued to see Brian Tyree Henry's portrayal of Megatron. 

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