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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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6 hours ago, J-ride said:

Looks like the group handled that guy perfectly.  Political violence is best served as a reciprocal transaction.  The only downside is that they didn't beat him severely enough.  Gotta set a tone!

hip hop rap GIF by WE tv

Thank god that guy wasn't black either. If he was every single one of those anti-pedophile children authors would be met by leftist protestors blocking traffic, starting fights with cops, and maybe even sodomizing each other in front of children, because of racism. 

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I never understood the random "Ciara's a man" rumors from years ago... it seemed like some random BS people like to throw out for whatever reason, which is always odd to me... like how people will just randomly start rumors of celebs dying when it's not the case--- like back in the mid or late 90s I kept hearing on a few occasions about how 1 of the guys from Kriss Kross died.....years before it finally happened for real (*usually these "hey I heard he died" kinda rumors would be about someone we haven't seen in a while, of course; so basically any 1-hit wonder in the music industry, or a child actor that stopped being famous when they grew up, etc.).....but yeah, the case with Ciara was so out of left field because nothing about her looks "manly" to me, so I'm not sure what the deal is there. 


At least some others like Serena W. might make sense if you've only ever seen her buff "final form" she's been in the last few years....but even there it would seem like the rumor to start is that she was secretly on steroids and never got caught.....or even better----the average WNBA player; basketball women tend to look like dudes most of the time, so that kind of rumor would actually be believable there.

Edited by MillionX
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I want to go back to a topic i brought up some time ago about forcing religion back to students as a way to prevent school shootings or other bad shit that happens here in the USA. 

Why is it, that leftists are so emotionally against shoving religion or any form of spiritual/moral lessons, especially in the form of punishment because of how stupid and spoiled our country has become, but shit like this is all fine to put in grade schools? 

I'm not a religious guy, and I am also black, i don't care if there is a god or not but I just think there has to be something to straighten shit out and I ran out of ideas as to what would work best. 


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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Seems like he's treatment is going well. Did something change?

God damn headlines. All I saw was that he had a second cancer diagnosis and that he had '2 or three years to live'. It didn't mention that the quote was in the past tense 🤬. Thanks for the proper article.

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Just now, J-ride said:

Who keeps going to see these Fast movies?  I think I tapped out after Tokyo Drift.

Gonna be honest.

I do watch them, since for me, they are the close to shonen anime in live action.


But I swear that this movie was supposed to be the last one of the main series, and that after this one it would have been spinoffs.


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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

I never got around to watching it, but The Winchesters is already gone in 1 season


I don't know whether the show is/was any good or not. That said, I'm sure the cancellation is mostly due to the CW sale. The new owners need to actually make money. So they are basically cancelling everything. The only thing I watch on CW is Superman & Lois and based on the ratings it seems I'm not the only one. Yet people are still worried it will get cancelled despite getting double the ratings of Gotham Knights because S&L is more expensive to make. And based on what I've seen of both shows, it clear S&L has a higher per episode budget.

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26 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I don't know whether the show is/was any good or not. That said, I'm sure the cancellation is mostly due to the CW sale. The new owners need to actually make money. So they are basically cancelling everything. The only thing I watch on CW is Superman & Lois and based on the ratings it seems I'm not the only one. Yet people are still worried it will get cancelled despite getting double the ratings of Gotham Knights because S&L is more expensive to make. And based on what I've seen of both shows, it clear S&L has a higher per episode budget.

I'm hoping S&L just goes to Max and leaves the CW behind, TBH.

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3 hours ago, Red Rock Candy said:

Street Fighter 6 in three weeks and I'm looking for asses to kick. Took me half an hour of searching for the SRK forums to remember everyone came here. 

Do any of you old shits actually PLAY fighting games now or do you still sit around and circle jerk your hate boners for Trump? 

People play, but this is more the General section of the site. Go to Fighting Game Discussion and you'll find more FG related talk

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Finally said my goodbyes to my local Walmart. I was so tired of being watched for a year there and having nola police to be at the door most of the time when I checked out there. That motivated me to submit a review score and then went back there just now to respectively address my discomforts toward them. One of the nosey police officers were curious about my talk about them and the employees there. Looked at her repulsively and left for creeping behind pass me. 


At the very least, they can't say I've shoplifted there. Purchased every item I've wanted. I've worn the most appropriate to inappropriate apparel there, but was watched everytime. Rookies. Goodness! Good riddance.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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Yeah it's interesting how Superman & Lois stands out in a good way on that network; seems like it doesn't belong there, considering what CW has been known for in the past few years now.... low budgets, overall crappy quality/writing, and certain obvious agendas thrown in the audience's face every 2 or 3 minutes.


This network still had some of my favorite shows of the past few years though---Vampire, The Originals, and Supernatural, and now Superman & Lois.... and in Flash's case, at least the first 2 seasons were good....a real shame that show's quality dropped off considerably with each new season from that point. 


Also---good thing I gave up on Flash a while ago; I just remembered someone posted on twitter a shot of Iris being shown in a goddamn BONNET.  If I had still been watching that would definitely have killed it for me right there.  That raggedy-looking trash-bag shit is a scourge that should be erased from the universe forever.  Yeah, just thinking about it disgusts me.

Edited by MillionX
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They still do 8 hours and such:





5 hours ago, MillionX said:

Yeah it's interesting how Superman & Lois stands out in a good way on that network; seems like it doesn't belong there, considering what CW has been known for in the past few years now.... low budgets, overall crappy quality/writing, and certain obvious agendas thrown in the audience's face every 2 or 3 minutes.


This network still had some of my favorite shows of the past few years though---Vampire, The Originals, and Supernatural, and now Superman & Lois.... and in Flash's case, at least the first 2 seasons were good....a real shame that show's quality dropped off considerably with each new season from that point. 


Also---good thing I gave up on Flash a while ago; I just remembered someone posted on twitter a shot of Iris being shown in a goddamn BONNET.  If I had still been watching that would definitely have killed it for me right there.  That raggedy-looking trash-bag shit is a scourge that should be erased from the universe forever.  Yeah, just thinking about it disgusts me.


The last 4 episodes of The Flash series is good. The Cobalt Blue arc. Has all of the past speedsters too like Zoom.

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7 hours ago, Emptyeyes_ said:

Finally said my goodbyes to my local Walmart. I was so tired of being watched for a year there and having nola police to be at the door most of the time when I checked out there. That motivated me to submit a review score and then went back there just now to respectively address my discomforts toward them. One of the nosey police officers were curious about my talk about them and the employees there. Looked at her repulsively and left for creeping behind pass me. 


At the very least, they can't say I've shoplifted there. Purchased every item I've wanted. I've worn the most appropriate to inappropriate apparel there, but was watched everytime. Rookies. Goodness! Good riddance.

There is a reason why I've recommended Whole foods more than Walmart, and it's mainly because of the hazards that many of you may encounter over there.

Just remember, your experience in Walmart isn't because of you, it's because you made the mistake of walking out with one of the hoodrats you hooked up with over there, which is why you thought you were being watched. You should always leave separately because there is a high chance that hood rat stole something or will threaten to beat "da fuck outa yo' ass" if you don't steal something for her. Whats worse is if you get caught she will lie and yell verbatim "dis bitch azz nigga made me do it!" , and if you aint black like me, you can't do shit because you can be accused of racism.

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12 hours ago, Red Rock Candy said:

Street Fighter 6 in three weeks and I'm looking for asses to kick. Took me half an hour of searching for the SRK forums to remember everyone came here. 

Do any of you old shits actually PLAY fighting games now or do you still sit around and circle jerk your hate boners for Trump? 

i havent played sfv in a loooong time. i lost interest mainly cuz of how huge the game file was for my old pc. i just stuck with dbfz.

that said. tbh im not really interested in sf6. 

but we will see.

i doubt m buying it full price.

prob get it when it gets a 1/2 off sale on steam.

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12 hours ago, Red Rock Candy said:

Street Fighter 6 in three weeks and I'm looking for asses to kick. Took me half an hour of searching for the SRK forums to remember everyone came here. 

Do any of you old shits actually PLAY fighting games now or do you still sit around and circle jerk your hate boners for Trump? 






I do, but not seriously/semi seriously animore




I don't plan to buy SF6 until way later since I am more interested on playing FF16 1st.

And the main fg priority for me this year is GranBlue Fantasy Rising.



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18 hours ago, Hecatom said:

they are the close to shonen anime in live action.


"Takumi, bro, it's all about family! Your father was the fastest on Mount Rushmore, bro. You gotta blast past him!"

"B-But what car is capable of beating my dad?"

"This one, bro... Check out my brand new Ferrari FXX-K. Or as I like to call it, the Widowmaker. It's got 14,000 horsepower and enough ammunition in it to take on Russia and China at once."
"No way, Toretto-san. I knew American family engineering was the key to beating the CIA."


Dirt Rally's American AE86? (nvm it's British) - YouTube

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Nothing like being an innocent bystander of a shooting on Mothers Day and helping the victim while getting blood over you. My first instinct was to grab my sister and get tf outta dodge but she knew the guy as a friend so we helped get him off the floor atleast


At the time he was still breathing but seems as if he didnt make it according to the word out but im hoping for more positive news later. It's  crazy, im not shaken up mentally or physically  but I totally feel bad for a guy I don't even know. His girlfriend is angry and heartbroken, my sister is shook up a bit too. But we're WAY too desensitized to this type of crap in general cuz gun violence happens so often......

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7 hours ago, zatalcon3 said:

If we ever made a Mt Rushmore for SRK, who would it be?

My immediate thought would be:
Ronin, Randomnigga/Jive Turkey, Serpent,

4th is a toss up between Colguile, Million, Fishjie, Cisco,  Sept, Orangecat, and Preppy

Koop, Quiche, Muff and Azrael should be in the conversation as well. 

Edited by iStu X
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