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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Things are only going to continue and get worse as long as there is not proper consequences.  Whenever the punishment is light or nothing at all then people will continue doing whatever nonsense it is they want to do.... and yeah I'd say it's because most humans are opportunistic, untrustworthy scum....not an ounce of morals, honor, or even basic levels of decency, respect, etc. sentient trash that should be thrown away or burned to nothing, basically.


...and again I must admit that this view of the human species might be admittedly skewed because of the terrible, embarrassing "city" I happened to be raised in....but then again, I also wonder if I would have a view that is overly optimistic/naive if I grew up in a generally nicer/safer place. 

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12 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

idk. they speak english and live right next door. wait, why wouldnt they qualify tho? 

Same reason we don't just let Canadians and Mexicans move here. Canada has requirements you have to meet to immigrate there. You can't just up and move there from America and become a citizen. There's a whole immigration process you go through, you have to meet their standards to qualify. Just speaking English might not be enough considering how much of Canada is French. 

Edited by RSG3
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11 hours ago, HD-Man said:

I've been around some of the most cutthroat hood niggas ever and they never call me a white boy. 


Meanwhile, black women love saying that shit. I feel like they be hatin on me cuz their babydaddies can't read without putting their finger under the words 😂

I've been hit with that too. I've learned sistas are quick to throw the "White boy" label. At a brotha who they deem out of the norm. Like you got good credit. A job that isn't the norm, your personality isn't loud and in your face like other hood brothas etc.


Basically you display qualities that make them feel. You wouldn't give a hood sista a chance.


"Girl who's that brotha ova there?"

"Girl don't even bother. He a white boy. You can tell he's into Becky and Ling Ling. He don't want us"

Edited by BB_Hoody
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Just now, Hecatom said:


I am not.

LotR is meant to represent a mythological england.

Is as absurd as trying to insert "diversity" on mayan myths for example.


The diversity isn't hurting anything since like you's mythological.   It ain't real.  The only thing that could be considered real is just the fact that it's kinda based on England but that's it.  Having a black Dwarf, an asian elf, or a hispanic hobbit isn't going to really change anything.  You're just changing melanin on a character.  "Frodo in the hood" I'm not ok with because that implies unnecessarily changing the story of the personality of a character from the story which will likely not serve any purpose and could potentially make it worse.

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Just now, Sonichuman said:

The diversity isn't hurting anything since like you's mythological.   It ain't real.  The only thing that could be considered real is just the fact that it's kinda based on England but that's it.  Having a black Dwarf, an asian elf, or a hispanic hobbit isn't going to really change anything.  You're just changing melanin on a character.  "Frodo in the hood" I'm not ok with because that implies unnecessarily changing the story of the personality of a character from the story which will likely not serve any purpose and could potentially make it worse.


Is a massive disrespect towards the author and his work.

The characters and races of LotR are already well established, defined and described in the works.


Inserting diversity is absurd, since is disingenuous and tokenizing, not to mention that it implies that we should be happy to get sloppy seconds.

Instead of trying to "fix" old works, I rather have new works that represent the era they are made on (good works, that is.)



Plus, this "diversity" push is always done on works that are european/white centric.

Is racist as fuck, specially because you don't see the same push to make something similar on works from other areas/cultures.


It is what it leads to absurd shit like claiming that Cleopatra was black.




There is more value in having something like Encanto than a mexican hobbit.

Edited by Hecatom
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34 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

I've been hit with that too. I've learned sistas are quick to throw the "White boy" label. At a brotha who they deem out of the norm. Like you got good credit. A job that isn't the norm, your personality isn't loud and in your face like other hood brothas etc.


Basically you display qualities that make them feel. You wouldn't give a hood sista a chance.


"Girl who's that brotha ova there?"

"Girl don't even bother. He a white boy. You can tell he's into Becky and Ling Ling. He don't want us"

Lol yeah, i lowkey been thinking they feel intimidated. I can cookz do my own resumes and job applications so that scares them. 


Odd thing is a chick that I been chatting with consistently is the one that said that. She definitely wants the D but she is probably insecure cuz her babdydaddies took classes behind the school for 4 periods straight 🤣

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Tolkien had non-white people in Middle Earth.  Specific mentions of them are rare, but they're there and for the most part Tolkien wasn't usually harping on what anybody's skin color was if they weren't some sort of especially "fair" elf anyway.


So I don't think think having a mixed race cast portraying Middle Earth is exactly pissing on his grave or anything.

Edited by Reticently
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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Diversity in LotR or Harry Potter I'm fine with...."Frodo in the hood" I'm not.

I'm not. Just like I'm not okay with it in The Witcher on Netflix either. It messes with the established lore. If I write a story taking place in mythical land based on sub-Saharan Africa. It shouldn't have a diverse cast. It should be filled with almost exclusively brown people. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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1 hour ago, BB_Hoody said:

I've been hit with that too. I've learned sistas are quick to throw the "White boy" label. At a brotha who they deem out of the norm. Like you got good credit. A job that isn't the norm, your personality isn't loud and in your face like other hood brothas etc.


Basically you display qualities that make them feel. You wouldn't give a hood sista a chance.


"Girl who's that brotha ova there?"

"Girl don't even bother. He a white boy. You can tell he's into Becky and Ling Ling. He don't want us"

Sounds like yall have a bit of racism in your culture to deal with.  

Edited by RSG3
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8 hours ago, Hecatom said:


Is a massive disrespect towards the author and his work.

The characters and races of LotR are already well established, defined and described in the works.


Inserting diversity is absurd, since is disingenuous and tokenizing, not to mention that it implies that we should be happy to get sloppy seconds.

Instead of trying to "fix" old works, I rather have new works that represent the era they are made on (good works, that is.)



Plus, this "diversity" push is always done on works that are european/white centric.

Is racist as fuck, specially because you don't see the same push to make something similar on works from other areas/cultures.


It is what it leads to absurd shit like claiming that Cleopatra was black.




There is more value in having something like Encanto than a mexican hobbit.

Cleopatra is an actual person in history any changing of historical figure in work of non fiction is definitely not something to be touched.


Take note, I also agree with you that I would much rather take an original character than have a race swap.   That goes for just about any character in fiction.  If the backstory of a character is tied to a specific region and it actually affects how that character is portrayed then it should be probably be left alone unless changing the character will actually have sort of benefit or its an alternate timeline deal (I.E. Ariel because Halle Bailey probably sang her ass off at the audition or Nick Fury).  I'm not advocating for race swaps, I'm just not personally going to throw a massive fit if there happens to be a few characters in the background of a fictional fantasy setting that have some melanin in their skin.  I know you have strong feelings on this and I get it cause I mostly agree with you.  Its just that small amount that I'm just kinda "eh" about depending on the situation.


8 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I'm not. Just like I'm not okay with it in The Witcher on Netflix either. It messes with the established lore. If write a story taking place in mythical land based on sub-Saharan Africa. It shouldn't have a diverse cast. It should be filled with almost exclusively brown people. 

If it legit takes place historically in the sub-saharan then yeah I agree.  Fantasy doesn't always have to follow the rules of reality though. 

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Regarding that clip above...


1) The South Indian actor who says "dark and stormy-chance of drive by" was apparently a real "nigga" bc he stabbed his gf  23 times and went to prison.

He was a fellow "Mallu"   like Shyamalan and Liza Koshy. Sigh.


2) The guy who plays Jay (Tupac looking guy) was one of the few main actors in that film who I havent really seen in other films.. He's mostly been in TV shows.

It's crazy that his career didnt' take off after this.

This was the first movie I saw with:


Seth Rogen

Paul Rudd

Jonah Hill

Jane Lynch

Kat Dennings  (TITTAYS)

Catherine Keener

Kevin Hart






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18 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Cleopatra is an actual person in history any changing of historical figure in work of non fiction is definitely not something to be touched.


Take note, I also agree with you that I would much rather take an original character than have a race swap.   That goes for just about any character in fiction.  If the backstory of a character is tied to a specific region and it actually affects how that character is portrayed then it should be probably be left alone unless changing the character will actually have sort of benefit or its an alternate timeline deal (I.E. Ariel because Halle Bailey probably sang her ass off at the audition or Nick Fury).  I'm not advocating for race swaps, I'm just not personally going to throw a massive fit if there happens to be a few characters in the background of a fictional fantasy setting that have some melanin in their skin.  I know you have strong feelings on this and I get it cause I mostly agree with you.  Its just that small amount that I'm just kinda "eh" about depending on the situation.


If it legit takes place historically in the sub-saharan then yeah I agree.  Fantasy doesn't always have to follow the rules of reality though. 

I said a fictional place based on sub-saharan Africa. It's not a real place but in my story having a bunch of non brown people around would make no sense based on the setting. Tolkien and Sapkowski's works take place in fictional lands based on real ones. In the case of The Witcher. There are black people but not in the region the story takes place. So they've broken the lore. More specifically there has to be rules. You can't just change things because it's fantasy. There needs to be set parameters, I can't just throw cyborgs in a medieval fantasy IP because it's not based on historical events.


If there is going to be some sort of race swapping at least put the effort into making fit the story intelligently. I watched a series on Netflix about Barbarians. It wasn't a documentary, it was fictional story taking place in a real setting. There was one black person in the entire cast and the way the show as written, her being there made sense. She was captured in Carthage and taken to Gaul by the Romans. Or a more known property, House of the Dragon. The made the entire Velarion family black. They took a foreign family not native to Westeros to make a family full black folks in area that should be filled with white people make sense. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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2 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I said a fictional place based on sub-saharan Africa. It's a real place but in my story have a bunch non brown people around would make no sense based on the setting. Tolkien and Sapkowski's works take place in fictional lands based on real ones. In the case of The Witcher. There are black people but not in the region the story takes place. So they've broken the lore. More specifically there has to be rules. You can't just change things because it's fantasy. There needs to be set parameters, I can't just throw cyborgs in a medieval fantasy IP because it's not based on historical events.


If there is going to be some sort of race swapping at least put the effort into making fit the story intelligently. I watched a series on Netflix about Barbarians. It wasn't a documentary, it was fictional story taking place in a real setting. There was one black person in the entire cast and the way the show as written, her being there made sense. She was captured in Carthage and taken to Gaul by the Romans. Or a more known property, House of the Dragon. The made the entire Velarion family black. They took a foreign family not native to Westeros to make a family full black folks in area that should be filled with white people make sense. 

This whole thing is why I said what I said.  Would cyborgs being in a medieval fantasy IP be weird and almost random AF?  Yeah most def but I'm sure someone can find way to write it in and make it work.  Couldn't be me though lol. 


I just think there's more gray area in this than you or Hecatom.  I mean Joel was a White Texan in TLoU  and Pedro played him extremely well in the TV show.  Would I have preferred they kept all the actors the same race from the game?  Yeah sure but I'm guessing Pedro acted his ass off at the audition (or he's just on fire at the moment..prob a bit of bit of A and B) and that's where we got one of if not the best live action VG adaptation out so far.    When they get to part 2 I hope that everyone stays the same but if they happen to find some other woman of a different ethnicity to play Abby and they're ready for the smoke that's going to come with it then fucking god speed to her.



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