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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

You can't just change things because it's fantasy. There needs to be set parameters, I can't just throw cyborgs in a medieval fantasy IP because it's not based on historical events.

THIS. I don't have a full story written but a good story has a set of parameters that if not followed, make the whole story being told meaningless. I had this argument with a co-worker years ago about Transformers. His argument about Megatron not transforming into a gun in the Bayformers was not accurate. My argument was it didn't make sense in the story being told in the movie. All his argument boiled down to was "you (infernoman) are taking this too seriously because it's a giant robot. Those don't exist so it doesn't have to make sense, it's a movie" I then pointed out by saying that the whole argument he made fell apart. IF the story was framed to allow that mass of matter to form into a gun like the show then ok but using real humans and a live action setting means it HAS to make sense. 



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Actually fiction doesn't have to make sense, there are entire genres devoted to making little sense. Maybe YOUR fiction has to make sense but there is no actual hardline rule that fiction as a whole does.  Depend on genre making sense isn't a requirement. 


Since he's still relevant, Elric of Melnibone is full of a bunch if shit that makes no sense at all, Moorcock delved into multiverse shit before anyone really and has characters who've met eachother but also are meeting eachother for the first time cuz the timeliness doesn't make sense either, or have died but now aren't dead, on and on. Moorcock just does whatever he wants. 



@HD-ManYou'd probably really like both Vampire Hunter D movies. The first was done in 85 and looks it, but is still really good.  Bloodlust was done by MadHouse in the late 90s and it's still one of the prettiest Anime movies ever made, very fucking cool.  Cool characters, cool fight scenes. Good time.


I like the books but they are very flowery and purple prose and it can get tiring. 

Edited by RSG3
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5 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Since he's still relevant, Elric of Melnibone is full of a bunch if shit that makes no sense at all, Moorcock delved into multiverse shit before anyone really and has characters who've met eachother but also are meeting eachother for the first time cuz the timeliness doesn't make sense either, or have died but now aren't dead, on and on. Moorcock just does whatever he wants. 

Didn't expect to be waking up to Eternal Champion discourse.


Corum was the "cyborg", good books too.

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oh and that reminds me...that old fighting game Eternal Champions... it's a shame that I guess Sega probably still owns the IP.  A new Eternal Champions with the higher resolution graphics/animation of today would be so cool...I'd be into it, at least.  My favorite characters were Trident, Midknight and Larcen.  It is yet another property (like Phantasy Star) I wish could be taken over and rescued by a more competent company.  (which would be anyone except other obvious jokes of the industry like Bethesda)

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8 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Actually fiction doesn't have to make sense


Every work of fiction has its own rules, even those who are made to "not make sense"

Is what allows them to work as they do, and it is why the whole suspension of disbelief thing exists.


The moment you have a movie like Sicario make a move where he pulls a Bug Bunny shit to deal with the cartel members, like he was the mask, acting like a cartoon, then the whole movie falls apart.


A work of fiction works because it clues you in about the rules the world has, the tone, etc so you can set you expectations and immerse yourself on the setting.

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21 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Every work of fiction has its own rules, even those who are made to "not make sense"

No they don't. You're absolutely wrong. There are no hard rules that say fiction has to make sense and plenty of fiction bends, warps, twists nd disregards any rules set as they see fit. It's fiction nothing can stop you from doing anything and none of it actually has to make sense if you don't want it to. 

Edited by RSG3
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^that's the "pass" I noticed people trying to give Jada when things were exposed with her situation and Will and the other dude..."well they were separated at the time" or "they have an open marriage" etc.... of course to downplay any of her behavior being seen as "morally questionable"....since that is always what happens; there's always some goddamn excuse as to why a woman did whatever screwed up nonsense she's done this time.


This latest is from that thing with Keke Palmer and her husband, I guess, right?  I'm sure these same women would probably think differently of it if you swap the genders around and it's a dude getting a lapdance on stage or slow-dance at a live performance from Camila Cabello's little fine ass or someone like that.  Same shit different day; women can do what they want and it's always considered "fine" and ok, no matter what.

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30 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Oh, so now the discourse in the black community is that if you aren't married to the person you're in a relationship with, you can't tell each other what to do.


Thats gonna backfire MASSIVELY at some point, you're still supposed to respect and honor your partner......

I mean, you can tell anybody to do anything.  How that's going to go, even in a marriage it's more up to them than it is to you.

Edited by Reticently
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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

This latest is from that thing with Keke Palmer and her husband, I guess, right?  I'm sure these same women would probably think differently of it if you swap the genders around and it's a dude getting a lapdance on stage or slow-dance at a live performance from Camila Cabello's little fine ass or someone like that.  Same shit different day; women can do what they want and it's always considered "fine" and ok, no matter what.

That's a weird case to me. I totally get that dude being mad. But he should have kept it between them. Also should have NOT thrown a bit of shade at her as a mother. And not been like "I'm a traditional man of the family and I have morals" when he himself recorded and uploaded a video of Keke trying to twerk, and she's likely supporting him. I get him being mad, but he brought this shit on himself.


And also, it wasn't like a lapdance. Her dancing with Usher, no lie, would fire up some jealousy in me if I had a baddie like Keke. But it literally lasted less than a minute and it wasn't like she was grinding on him.

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Where im at with it is: if you can't even listen to and respect your partner in the dating stages, there's no way in hell you're making it to marriage.


You've already shown them that you don't value them and they can't tell you shit, thus you are NOT suited for that promotion 


Marriage is hard, love isnt enough by itself, it also takes work. You expect someone to spend the rest of their life with you but you treat them like nothing? Good luck wit that 

Edited by HD-Man
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3 hours ago, RSG3 said:

No they don't. You're absolutely wrong. There are no hard rules that say fiction has to make sense and plenty of fiction bends, warps, twists nd disregards any rules set as they see fit. It's fiction nothing can stop you from doing anything and none of it actually has to make sense if you don't want it to. 

If one wants their work taken seriously enough. To make a living off of it? Yeah even fiction has to be grounded enough to make sense of it. No one's gonna become a die hard fan of and pay for Uncle Grandpa level of story telling and world building.

Edited by BB_Hoody
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31 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Where im at with it is: if you can't even listen to and respect your partner in the dating stages, there's no way in hell you're making it to marriage.


You've already shown them that you don't value them and they can't tell you shit, thus you are NOT suited for that promotion 


Marriage is hard, love isnt enough by itself, it also takes work. You expect someone to spend the rest of their life with you but you treat them like nothing? Good luck wit that 

Agreed. Except in this case due to the individual. Dude is made his wife was out there with her cheeks hanging out. But he uploaded vids of his woman showing her azz. 


So he look like a clown talking about "This is my family and representation" I'm a traditional man" and blah blah. Like he encouraged this. It's only a problem. Because she's all giddy and glowing because of another man. He probably never seen that side of her.

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23 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

If one wants their work taken seriously enough. To make a living off of it? Yeah even fiction has to be grounded enough to make sense of it. No one's gonna become a die hard fan of and pay for Uncle Grandpa level of story telling and world building.

Except they do...


Edit: I think, I don't know what Uncle Grandpa is, so I can't make a connection to your comparison. Sorry. 

Edited by RSG3
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11 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:


I already gave one that's over 50 years old and has a ton of books under him, The Eternal Champion, Elric of Melnibone. A bunch of it makes little sense when you try to put it in some kind of order, or make out who met when and where and how Elric can be talking to someone who already died, including Elric because there's mulverses and the timelines makes as much sense as Zeldas except we're dealing with 1 dude except not because Multiverse. 


That doesn't even bring up obsurdist writers like Frank L. Baum and his Wizard of Oz series which runs on "because" logic that got 13 sequels because his child fans wrote him asking for more. Oz barely makes sense and it gets nuttier and more nonsensical as you go on. 


Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland and that falls into the Literary Nonsense genre, and Alice also has a sequel in Through the Looking Glass. 

Edited by RSG3
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In MOST fiction, there's still a world established with "rules" that are consistent. You break that, and you have bad fiction.


For instance, if you have a grounded story with no supernatural elements and you introduce werewolves at like 10 minutes to go, that's bad regardless of fiction being "whatever the author wants". If you establish the world as crazy enough to begin with though, then that werewolf doesn't matter as much. It's not so much the rules themselves as it is the consistency.

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i said the same thing about scooby doo. about how the crew always unhoods some crimeys and its never ghosts, ghouls goblins vampires etc. supernatural. never. not once. yet this dismissal of all supernatural and paranormal is explained by velma as non existent and "illogical" a talking dog. show makes no sense.

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5 hours ago, Jion_Wansu said:

Ninja Scroll has characters from Samurai Spirits in it. Yagyu Jubei and such.

A lot of SamSho characters are actually based on real life historical people. Jubei is one. Haohmaru is based on Myamoto Musashi the legendary swordsman, writer, and artist. Ukyo is based on Sasaki Kojiro who was famous for using a very long sword they called "washpole" and is legendary for his duel with Musashi (even though he lost.) Amakusa was actually a Christian leader who led, and was killed in, the Shimabara rebellion when he was 16 (hence was his character in the SamSho games has a high voice lol) which was the reason why Christianity was outlawed in Japan for a long time.


Also, Andrew Jackson is in SamSho6 lol

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DeSantis getting heat from the "First Wives Advocacy Group" (LOL) over signing a bill that does away with permanent alimony as well as retooling the alimony laws a bit:



Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday signed a measure that will overhaul the state’s alimony laws, after three vetoes of similar bills and a decade of emotional clashes over the issue.

The measure (SB 1416) includes doing away with what is known as permanent alimony. DeSantis’ approval came a year after he nixed a similar bill that sought to eliminate permanent alimony and set up a formula for alimony amounts based on the length of marriage.

The approval drew an outcry from members of the “First Wives Advocacy Group,” a coalition of mostly older women who receive permanent alimony and who assert that their lives will be upended without the payments.

“On behalf of the thousands of women who our group represents, we are very disappointed in the governor’s decision to sign the alimony-reform bill. We believe by signing it, he has put older women in a situation which will cause financial devastation. The so-called party of ‘family values’ has just contributed to erosion of the institution of marriage in Florida,” Jan Killilea, a 63-year-old Boca Raton woman who founded the group a decade ago, told The News Service of Florida in a text message Friday.

The years-long effort to do away with permanent alimony has been a highly contentious issue. It elicited tearful testimony from members of the First Wives group. But it also spurred impassioned pleas from ex-spouses who said they had been forced to work long past the age they wanted to retire because they were on the hook for alimony payments.

Michael Buhler, chairman of Florida Family Fairness, a group that has pushed for doing away with permanent alimony, praised the approval of the bill.

“Florida Family Fairness is pleased that the Florida Legislature and Gov. DeSantis have passed a bill that ends permanent alimony and codifies in statute the right to retire for existing alimony payers,” Buhler said in a statement “Anything that adds clarity and ends permanent alimony is a win for Florida families.”

Along with DeSantis’ veto of the 2022 version, former Gov. Rick Scott twice vetoed similar bills. The issue spurred a near-fracas outside Scott’s office in 2016.

This year, however, the proposal received relatively little public pushback and got the blessing of Florida Family Fairness and The Florida Bar’s Family Law Section, which fiercely clashed over the issue in the past.

Along with eliminating permanent alimony, the measure will set up a process for ex-spouses who make alimony payments to seek modifications to alimony agreements when they want to retire.

It will allow judges to reduce or terminate alimony, support or maintenance payments after considering a number of factors, such as “the age and health” of the person who makes payments; the customary retirement age of that person’s occupation; “the economic impact” a reduction in alimony would have on the recipient of the payments; and the “motivation for retirement and likelihood of returning to work” for the person making the payments.

Supporters said it will codify into law a court decision in a 1992 divorce case that judges use as a guidepost when making decisions about retirement.

But, as with previous versions, opponents remained concerned that the bill would apply to existing permanent alimony agreements, which many ex-spouses accept in exchange for giving up other assets as part of divorce settlements.

“He (DeSantis) has just impoverished all the older women of Florida, and I know at least 3,000 women across the state of Florida are switching to Democrat and we will campaign against him, all the way, forever,” Camille Fiveash, a Milton Republican who receives permanent alimony, said in a phone interview Friday.

In vetoing the 2022 version, DeSantis pointed to concerns about the bill allowing ex-spouses to have existing alimony agreements amended. In a June 24, 2022, veto letter, he wrote that if the bill “were to become law and be given retroactive effect as the Legislature intends, it would unconstitutionally impair vested rights under certain pre-existing marital settlement agreements.”

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But Senate bill sponsor Joe Gruters, R-Sarasota, tried to assure lawmakers that the 2023 version would not unconstitutionally affect existing alimony settlements. This year’s proposal “went to what is currently case law,” Gruters told a Senate committee in April, pointing to the court ruling.

“So what you can do right now, under case law, we now codify all those laws and make that the rule of law. So we basically just solidify that. So from a retroactivity standpoint, no, because if anything could be modifiable before, it’s still modifiable. If it’s a non-modifiable agreement, you still can’t modify that agreement,” he said.

The bill, which will take effect Saturday, also will set a five-year limit on what is known as rehabilitative alimony. Under the plan, people married for less than three years will not be eligible for alimony payments, and those who have been married 20 years or longer will be eligible to receive payments for up to 75 percent of the term of the marriage.

The new law will also allow alimony payers to seek modifications if “a supportive relationship exists or has existed” involving their ex-spouses in the previous year. Critics argued the provision is vague and could apply to temporary roommates who help alimony recipients cover living expenses for short periods of time.

Fiveash, a 63-year-old with serious medical conditions, said she can’t afford another legal fight over alimony.

“My fears are that they can take you back to court, and I don’t have the money for an attorney. I literally live off a little bit I get for alimony. I work part-time, because I have all kinds of ailments. And now I’m going to be left without anything, absolutely anything,” she said.

Health insurance, Fiveash added, will “probably be the first thing to go” if her payments are reduced or eliminated.

“This is a death sentence for me,” she said.


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I was at work and I'm typing slower than usual right now, so I really couldn't chime on this Keke Palmer situation. Firstly dude shouldn't commented on it publicly. People inviting other's into their relationships via social media is one the big reasons people can't stay together. That said, that dress was out of pocket for a woman that's is a mother an in a relationship. It didn't see what the big deal was at first, but then I saw the entire dress. Her whole ass is out. Like what happened to decorum. Shaking your damn near bare cheeks in front of some dude that's not your significant other is suppose to be okay now? Not only that, once you become a parent it stops being about you. You have to consider the effect things you do have on your children. 

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6 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I was at work and I'm typing slower than usual right now, so I really couldn't chime on this Keke Palmer situation. Firstly dude shouldn't commented on it publicly. People inviting other's into their relationships via social media is one the big reasons people can't stay together. That said, that dress was out of pocket for a woman that's is a mother an in a relationship. It didn't see what the big deal was at first, but then I saw the entire dress. Her whole ass is out. Like what happened to decorum. Shaking your damn near bare cheeks in front of some dude that's not your significant other is suppose to be okay now? Not only that, once you become a parent it stops being about you. You have to consider the effect things you do have on your children. 

🤷‍♂️ Some men are ok with that sort of attire. If it's fine for both parties, then there's no harm and no foul. Personally, there is no way that flies in my relationship, but people differ. The issue is the... clapping planets... in front of another man...

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35 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I was at work and I'm typing slower than usual right now, so I really couldn't chime on this Keke Palmer situation. Firstly dude shouldn't commented on it publicly. People inviting other's into their relationships via social media is one the big reasons people can't stay together. That said, that dress was out of pocket for a woman that's is a mother an in a relationship. It didn't see what the big deal was at first, but then I saw the entire dress. Her whole ass is out. Like what happened to decorum. Shaking your damn near bare cheeks in front of some dude that's not your significant other is suppose to be okay now? Not only that, once you become a parent it stops being about you. You have to consider the effect things you do have on your children. 

I think the dress and her doing the twirl is a little extra too, but to pull the "think of your kids" card is a little premature here. It's a dress she wore to a show one night. It's nothing to invoke motherhood about unless she goes more and more out of pocket.


Also, this is Usher we're talking about. He probably serenades someone like that at every show. I could see if Keke was like that around Earl from accounting, but it's Usher. As weird as this sounds, I totally get a woman Keke's age fangirling around Usher like that.

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You've come a long way, Bombshell....


Legacy 2023 vs G1 1985




You've come a long way /The  BOYS ARE BACK part 1...

Legacy 2023 vs  G1 1985

From left: Kickback, Bombshell, Shrapnel




part 2...


Legacy 2023 vs Thrilling 30/Combiner Wars/Titans Return (2013 - 2017)

From left: Shrapnel, Bombshell, and Kickback



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4 hours ago, axeman61 said:

I think the dress and her doing the twirl is a little extra too, but to pull the "think of your kids" card is a little premature here. It's a dress she wore to a show one night. It's nothing to invoke motherhood about unless she goes more and more out of pocket.


Also, this is Usher we're talking about. He probably serenades someone like that at every show. I could see if Keke was like that around Earl from accounting, but it's Usher. As weird as this sounds, I totally get a woman Keke's age fangirling around Usher like that.

It doesn't matter who it is. Having your ass hanging out, turning around, and shaking for some dude is disrespectful. It being Usher makes it worse, because it just means more people are witness to it. If it was "Earl from accounting" less people would be aware of the situation. If he was publicly flirting with another woman, she'd find it disrespectful and she'd have every right to. As for the "think of your kids" angle, kids are ruthless, and being a public figure shines more light on your activity. You don't need to give them easy ammunition to bully your child. 

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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

It doesn't matter who it is. Having your ass hanging out, turning around, and shaking for some dude is disrespectful. It being Usher makes it worse, because it just means more people are witness to it. If it was "Earl from accounting" less people would be aware of the situation. If he was publicly flirting with another woman, she'd find it disrespectful and she'd have every right to. As for the "think of your kids" angle, kids are ruthless, and being a public figure shines more light on your activity. You don't need to give them easy ammunition to bully your child. 

He posts photos of himself in his underwear on social media, and he posts photos of HER dressed in more revealing outfits.


The real issue here is he’s jealous of Usher who was doing a bit in his concert. The other thing is why try to chastise your girl in front of the world? He isn’t even her husband.


She ought to throw his ass out tbf.



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Devilman was the first violent anime I saw way back in those days of the "Japanimation" section at Blockbuster... it would be the first time I saw an animated show with that level of violence and death; it was glorious.  

That was just a small section in the store though; I think it was only 1 segment of an aisle... a couple of Devilman shows, and they had another thing called Bubblegum Crisis (a bit forgettable, imo...definitely not as cool as Devilman.....and Bangai-O or Dangaioh...and some others I forgot.  


There was a newer Devilman on Netflix in recent years....I never finished watching it; it just wasn't that interesting to keep me hooked... especially not in today's climate where there's SO much other cool entertainment to watch/play. (*which reminds me yet again how it seems like such a bullshit excuse that certain kids/teens these days are "bored"....ha, nig please; it's not possible to be bored for any significant amount of time in today's world.)

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3 hours ago, Daemos said:

He posts photos of himself in his underwear on social media, and he posts photos of HER dressed in more revealing outfits.


The real issue here is he’s jealous of Usher who was doing a bit in his concert. The other thing is why try to chastise your girl in front of the world? He isn’t even her husband.


She ought to throw his ass out tbf.



I don't follow either of them, so this news to me.  If he's doing all that he's a hypocrite that needs to sit down STFU.

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