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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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On 7/15/2023 at 1:27 PM, Emptyeyes_ said:

Physical therapy would need to be repeated for me again. Shoulder dislocation 8 times in the past 25 years wasn't a good outcome. I'll get another approval for it by the physician. Kinda terrible when it tries to pop out, but lifetime workouts for it were recommended so my arm wouldn't worsen down the line. Anyway, must do that again.


After my brain surgery I did 5 months of rehab and now I go to a massage therapist that specializes in neuropathy pain every other month. 

Thank god for insurance. 

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I don't have to know anyone here, but I wish to talk about the homeless crisis. If you live in Louisiana or anywhere else that is struggling financially? Be careful from now on.


One of the housing people here in Nola is encouraging people to not stay on the streets for long, especially downtown, which I know the basic reason to this. She couldn't clarify to that due to her own employment. The homeless will get hospitalized and be forced a choice to either work despite underlining conditions they may have,  permanently get put up in a mental institution, or the latter of what could possibly be adopted from Canada.


How do I know this? Having formally been on the streets myself, housing assistance doesn't care about the homeless. I was also confronted with an opinion to go to a group home or permanent facility. The very same people who ask this will assume you don't know how to take care of yourself. The shelters also don't, as they sweep alot of things under the rug. In fact, you would have to know someone to quickly be helped with housing assistance. The mistake I've made back then was to be optimistic in contrary to what I've already expected from the start. At the sametime, my former health counselor did tell me that the government wasn't going to help me long term either.


This may sound extreme of what im going to say, but I do expect some degree of forced labor or encouraged suicide by those who aren't in the position to contribute.


Most people I've had to deal with homeless in Nola were sex offenders. That offender radar site to look up so many of them by face alone? Wow. The state know that these people don't have a future with nowhere to go. This is going to get uglier down the line.


Long post, but I just care. Call me paranoid. Lol.

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A lame thing about "Max" (besides the shocking stupidity of them dropping the HBO of the most recognizable brands in the past several decades of entertainment) is that they don't actually have everything that I thought they owned (perhaps these things have trademark partially or just owned by other companies?)... some things many people probably forgot like Hardcore TV, the old Real Sex series or the later Sex Bytes.... or Dream On; I haven't checked in a while but I don't recall seeing Dream On on the service.  I may still have some episodes of HCTV on old vhs tapes, so I should probably just convert those because I doubt you can get that show anywhere else now....that shit was legendary hilarious stuff imo...definitely should not just be forgotten in obscurity like that.


Dream On was a great concept for a show, imo (follows the life of main character everyman "Martin"; the audience sees his thoughts and reactions to certain things in the form of quick funny clips from old black & white tv shows)... also a nice intro theme:


Edited by MillionX
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SAVANAH HERNANDEZ: Viral video reveals male, trans activist claiming to want a uterine transplant so he can 'be the first trans woman to have an abortion'
“I’ll be the first trans woman to have a successful uterus transplant, ovaries and eggs included, and I want to be the first trans woman to have an abortion."


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2 hours ago, Hecatom said:


SAVANAH HERNANDEZ: Viral video reveals male, trans activist claiming to want a uterine transplant so he can 'be the first trans woman to have an abortion'
“I’ll be the first trans woman to have a successful uterus transplant, ovaries and eggs included, and I want to be the first trans woman to have an abortion."


The Onion needs to pack it up...

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8 hours ago, Hecatom said:


SAVANAH HERNANDEZ: Viral video reveals male, trans activist claiming to want a uterine transplant so he can 'be the first trans woman to have an abortion'
“I’ll be the first trans woman to have a successful uterus transplant, ovaries and eggs included, and I want to be the first trans woman to have an abortion."


one thing i learned about transgenders. well. male to female ones is.

they have to keep inserting cylindrical objects into their "vaginal canal" at least once week for life. because if they dont, the wound will close.

cuz its not a vagina. its a open wound.

an open wound that wants to heal up and close. like an ear piercing.

so if they dont keep inserting cylinders up that open wound it'll close.

so a "sex change" operation..isnt really a sex change. theyre just giving them, an open wound. 

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Ohhh I look forward to this story making the rounds of various youtube channels^ for sure... it will be good.  She's finding out the hard way that certain hoodrat behavior/tendencies will not be tolerated in other parts of the world, unlike the ongoing clown-show that is the U.S.  Yes yes....I do indeed take a certain bit of satisfaction in this.


PinkBook is already on the case, and Angryman will have a vid on it later tonight I just noticed


edit---haha I wonder if she was there to get literally shitted on for money?  That's a recurring meme/joke about DooDubai these days 🤣

Edited by MillionX
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14 hours ago, Hecatom said:


SAVANAH HERNANDEZ: Viral video reveals male, trans activist claiming to want a uterine transplant so he can 'be the first trans woman to have an abortion'
“I’ll be the first trans woman to have a successful uterus transplant, ovaries and eggs included, and I want to be the first trans woman to have an abortion."


We really need a 🤮 emoji in here. I almost can't blame this person though because society has incentivized behavior like this.

Edited by DoctaMario
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2 hours ago, MillionX said:

Ohhh I look forward to this story making the rounds of various youtube channels^ for sure... it will be good.  She's finding out the hard way that certain hoodrat behavior/tendencies will not be tolerated in other parts of the world, unlike the ongoing clown-show that is the U.S.  Yes yes....I do indeed take a certain bit of satisfaction in this......

....PinkBook is already on the case, and Angryman will have a vid on it later tonight I just noticed

edit---haha I wonder if she was there to get literally shitted on for money?  That's a recurring meme/joke about DooDubai these days 🤣

The UAE is still an Islamic country.  Dumbass Westerners forget that, when I was in Dubai some American couple was having sex on the beach and they got thrown in jail.  My wife and I noticed them and got FAR away from them because we knew what was about to happen to them.

Edited by J-ride
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7 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

A USA woman going alone to a Muslim centric area is a foolish errand.

Even Dubai with its "Wealthy/party" vibe isnt exempt.


People don't know how good they have it here in MURRICA especially women.


Out here in Qatar. I've seen American women here on base go out into Doha. And met some U.K women. They've been just fine and enjoyed their time here. 


The thing that is make or break for most western women in general in the middle east. Is conflict resolution and compliance. Especially when dealing with a man. 


If a woman's first instinct is to rebel when instructed to do something like cover up at a government building or historical sight by a local. Or during a dispute get aggressive, get in a man's face. And try to shout, curse and assert dominance? That's sh1t is gonna go left for her. 


I can only speak on Qatar. Qatar is a very nice country. Where you are safe to walk the streets anytime of day or night. And it is more lenient than some other Islamic countries. But it is a patriarchal society. In which the man has the final say and is to not be disrespected without consequences.

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32 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

A USA woman going alone to a Muslim centric area is a foolish errand.

Even Dubai with its "Wealthy/party" vibe isnt exempt.


People don't know how good they have it here in MURRICA especially women.


Most of the world is pretty dangerous for women to travel solo in general.  For some reason, Western travel agencies for the last few years have pretended countries like Pakistan are super safe for women to travel solo in which is absolutely not the case.  I guess they don't care about repeat business lol.

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I've been waiting for this for many years



100x Faster Than Wi-Fi: Li-Fi, Light-Based Networking, Standard Released

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers has added 802.11bb as a standard for light-based wireless communications. The formalization of 802.11bb will help speed up the rollout and adoption of the light-based transmission technology standard. Li-Fi delivers faster, more reliable, and more secure wireless communications compared to conventional technologies. Now that the standard has been released, it is hoped that the issue of interoperability between Li-Fi and Wi-Fi can be fully addressed.
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11 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

Houston sista known as the Sassy Trucker on social media. Got into it with an employee at a car rental company in Dubai. And was jailed for shouting/disorderly conduct. I believe she been locked up for 2 months now.





American goes to non American country and finds out that non American country is in fact....not American.    I mean this story keeps getting told over and over in various forms and people just don't learn.

Edited by Sonichuman
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1 hour ago, BB_Hoody said:

Out here in Qatar. I've seen American women here on base go out into Doha. And met some U.K women. They've been just fine and enjoyed their time here. 


The thing that is make or break for most western women in general in the middle east. Is conflict resolution and compliance. Especially when dealing with a man. 


If a woman's first instinct is to rebel when instructed to do something like cover up at a government building or historical sight by a local. Or during a dispute get aggressive, get in a man's face. And try to shout, curse and assert dominance? That's sh1t is gonna go left for her. 


I can only speak on Qatar. Qatar is a very nice country. Where you are safe to walk the streets anytime of day or night. And it is more lenient than some other Islamic countries. But it is a patriarchal society. In which the man has the final say and is to not be disrespected without consequences.

Didn't Qatar ban alcoholic beverages 2 days before the opening of last year's FIFA World Cup? That was as cold as the non-alcoholic beer they ended up selling LOL

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5 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

Out here in Qatar. I've seen American women here on base go out into Doha. And met some U.K women. They've been just fine and enjoyed their time here. 


The thing that is make or break for most western women in general in the middle east. Is conflict resolution and compliance. Especially when dealing with a man. 


If a woman's first instinct is to rebel when instructed to do something like cover up at a government building or historical sight by a local. Or during a dispute get aggressive, get in a man's face. And try to shout, curse and assert dominance? That's sh1t is gonna go left for her. 


I can only speak on Qatar. Qatar is a very nice country. Where you are safe to walk the streets anytime of day or night. And it is more lenient than some other Islamic countries. But it is a patriarchal society. In which the man has the final say and is to not be disrespected without consequences.

So what you are saying is that if your woman is giving problems and you think she might take half your shit in the divorce, along with kids. Take her on a trip to the Middle East. Let her get out of pocket and come back home without her? 🤔

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was thinkin, whats the coolest thing a video game protagonist youve played as, has ever said or done from your experiences while playing?

i have three.

1) fury from darksiders 3 would say this while killing a demon "life isnt for you." but she says it in a sassy head mistress of a school british accent sorta way.

2)metal unit-playable character says "pew pew" when she unloads her machine gun on enemies

3)cal from jedi fallen order once spun his lightsaber after battling and when he put the saber away he spun it like clint eastwood spins his handgun before holstering it.

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48 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

was thinkin, whats the coolest thing a video game protagonist youve played as, has ever said or done from your experiences while playing?

i have three.

1) fury from darksiders 3 would say this while killing a demon "life isnt for you." but she says it in a sassy head mistress of a school british accent sorta way.

2)metal unit-playable character says "pew pew" when she unloads her machine gun on enemies

3)cal from jedi fallen order once spun his lightsaber after battling and when he put the saber away he spun it like clint eastwood spins his handgun before holstering it.

Zero from Borderlands 2. Just about anything he says after a kill. He trash talks in Haiku. Most stand out is one of his quotes after killing a badass enemy 


"You were imposing/ So powerful, what happened?/ That's right, I killed you"


Link in Twilight Princess. Sheathing his sword after killing an enemy on the draw with his sword.


There's more. They'll come to mind

































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