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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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oh yeah I saw that clip of Jordan Cheyenne a while ago... I think that's what her name is...  funny thing is I used to watch her vids on occasion many years ago just because she looked good; since the damage of that controversy it's been extremely tough for her channel to recover.


On another note----the security camera footage came out of Ta'Kiya Young... one youtuber I watch was live with commentary but youtube just shut him down for some reason (he was getting copyright notice a few minutes ago.....on just store security footage?  I didn't know that could cause a copyright strike apparently..?)


...but yeah, of course the video footage revealed she was in fact stealing.....and she's obviously not good at this because she looked suspicious the whole time, even looking around to see if anyone was watching before pocketing the liquor or whatever drink that was.....also apparently not caring that there's CAMERAS everywhere these days, always looking at you every moment in most stores.

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5 hours ago, Chadouken said:

What bothers me about that is she is banning concealed carry, too. Which is bullshit. People go through rigorous training and qualifying courses to get their CCLs, not to mention the amount of money it costs and the extreme vetting through background checks. I don't think she can legally do that, and it's being challenged.

What does she think that's going to accomplish? It's not like criminals give a shit about edicts like this, if they did, we'd have solved the problem decades ago.  But they don't, so these types of measures do nothing.

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ah, found it----there we go:

It's amazing that people even bother when there's so many cameras these days; always watching ya....then again the other problem is that the pathetically weak justice system has allowed people to think it's no big deal so they only continue to get increasingly bold, especially in certain cities.


*A pregnant woman stealing alcohol, btw.....

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18 hours ago, Genghis_Dong said:

Nevada here and you have to do a class for your concealed permit. Brother in law (dumbfuck) took the class and then shot himself in the hand the day after he got his permit. 

I know a number of people who teach those classes, and yeah, that's exactly on brand. Most consider the classes a formality before you can carry as is your god given right.

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woooo they get SO obviously upset when one of their own dares to speak against the Sisterhood....and oh yes I love every juicy minute of it.


...such a shame they will never realize how goddamn goofy they look with that ridiculous nonsense on their heads.... fine, keep looking like "Little Goomba" from the Super Mario world as the rest of the world laughs at you.

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 So, I finally found Mtv's "Undressed"; someone posted what appears to be the whole thing...and I guess mtv doesn't give a damn anymore since this has been up for at least a year

this show was hot as HELL back then; and yeah I would record the episodes.

...and yeah, certain scenes were in my regular rotation of "special material".  A lot of the girls on this show were smokin HOT... one I remember looked like a gymnast Betty Okino... then there was one playing a character named "Trudy" (also later appeared as a random character on the S Club 7 series)... and another one with blonde curly hair in a pink outfit; those were my favorites that immediately stood out.....oh and Alison Kipperman; I think that was her name...she was also a stand-out hottie... she was also the yellow Ranger from the Power Rangers Wild Force season


(*dammit that other thread keeps throwing me off for some reason)

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I saw the black lady that this video is about show in my feed and I thought of course  "man that sucks..." but I didn't dig deep into it, call attention to it or there's a possible plot twist involved

If this is real then I hope she does go to jail for grifting people.  Shit like this is really needs to have major consequences when people are taking advantage of the good nature in most people.  It's the same moral problem with people asking for money on the street when there's nothing wrong with them and they aren't homeless when there's legit actual homeless on the street.

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18 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I saw the black lady that this video is about show in my feed and I thought of course  "man that sucks..." but I didn't dig deep into it, call attention to it or there's a possible plot twist involved

If this is real then I hope she does go to jail for grifting people.  Shit like this is really needs to have major consequences when people are taking advantage of the good nature in most people.  It's the same moral problem with people asking for money on the street when there's nothing wrong with them and they aren't homeless when there's legit actual homeless on the street.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is some sort of grift. People there didn't help her, and have said that everyone in town knows she's trouble maker and is always causing issues. Paraphrasing what a couple dudes there said. "Why am I going to risk my life for someone that's always instigating drama."  It's why no one stepped in to help her apparently. Who knows, maybe the dude that hit her is in on the scam. 

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The fucked part, to me, is that before this was in question, you saw a lot of those manosphere type dudes digging through her past and asking what she did, trying to justify the men not doing anything.


They weren't denying she was hit with a brick, mind you, but trying to justify it or downplay it. These are the same dudes talking about femininity, how women need to submit, and how men are the protectors. But one dude allegedly hits a woman with a brick in front of a whole squad of men and they're all excuses. I don't think I saw even one of them saying "why didn't they all jump him" or "why didn't they square up and at least pretend there was going to be trouble if dude did what he did". There are very good answers to that; the bricker could have had a gun/knife. The bystander effect. They don't know this woman. But still, I'd figure I'd see at least one of these clowns say something negative about how there was allegedly a gang of men around and no one helped her. Nothing. And it would have been the same nothing even if she wasn't a scammer (allegedly). That's part of why I hate these dudes.


But outside of that tangent, if this chick did pull a Carlee Russel, I'm pissed. You just gave those nigcels a lot more fuel.

Edited by axeman61
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Just recently we had that story about some dude who foolishly tried to be the superhero when another guy was fighting with his woman in a Walmart....and he found out the hard way why it's generally a bad idea to be the Good Samaritan.  His child now grows up without a Dad...he probably regretted his actions as he lay there bleeding to death on the floor of a goddamn Walmart of all places (would be quite a depressing place to die in, imo)  ..."Deebo" emptied the clip into this guy.


Pitiful thing is that if "Deebo" over there wasn't now caught up with some serious charges over the beatdown and now killing a man.... we all know that woman would most likely still have gone home with him anyway....she'd keep going back to him no matter how badly he continues to beat her ass on a regular basis.... so intervening ultimately would have accomplished nothing.


Yes I'm already wondering what is the next major "L" the sisterhood will have to publicly take.  It's always fun to watch.

Edited by MillionX
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3 hours ago, axeman61 said:

The fucked part, to me, is that before this was in question, you saw a lot of those manosphere type dudes digging through her past and asking what she did, trying to justify the men not doing anything.


They weren't denying she was hit with a brick, mind you, but trying to justify it or downplay it. These are the same dudes talking about femininity, how women need to submit, and how men are the protectors. But one dude allegedly hits a woman with a brick in front of a whole squad of men and they're all excuses. I don't think I saw even one of them saying "why didn't they all jump him" or "why didn't they square up and at least pretend there was going to be trouble if dude did what he did". There are very good answers to that; the bricker could have had a gun/knife. The bystander effect. They don't know this woman. But still, I'd figure I'd see at least one of these clowns say something negative about how there was allegedly a gang of men around and no one helped her. Nothing. And it would have been the same nothing even if she wasn't a scammer (allegedly). That's part of why I hate these dudes.


But outside of that tangent, if this chick did pull a Carlee Russel, I'm pissed. You just gave those nigcels a lot more fuel.

No one should be getting hit with a brick. I think the issue with the woman in question is she's known for going around and slapping random dudes without provocation. It's usually white guys, so she's a racist and misandrist. It was matter a time. She was basically playing Russian Roulette. She finally fucked around and found out that it was bad idea.  Does it justify her getting hit with a brick? Absolutely not. Do I feel sorry for her? Absolutely not. This grift information is new. Her slapping dudes without provocation came out pretty much right away. 

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The videos of her slapping white dudes were said to be skits multiple times, but I don't doubt that maybe she is a scammer and does fuck shit like that off the "clock" though.


But when that story hit, the first thing these clowns I'm talking about did was rush to justify and minimize before a single thing was known. For all they knew at that early point in the game it was all true. They didn't know she had a past or any of that shit. That's what I'm talking about. But I'm talking about these dudes enough. Don't know why I even snapped out about that to begin with.

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I'm curious about the legalities of the GoFundme situation.... I've never really trusted that concept of "crowd-funding" things; when I first heard of them years ago I was already thinking --"what's to stop someone from just posting one with false/fraudulent promises?"  What even happens if it all turns out to be a lie....can the person still collect all that money that got raised?  If there's no protections against that it's stupid and obviously exploitable.


I look forward to seeing what happens next in that story; I'm sure there's no serious consequences for her though since that's just how things roll in the clown-show of modern-day U.S.  

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On 9/8/2023 at 6:51 PM, DoctaMario said:

Wait what??? Who told you to leave the state?? 😂

My original backup who wanted to work this case and my health providers and other outside of that. Worse I've done was potentially ruin two people's reputation in front of the judge, which one of them whom I've gotten to summon who happen to have many connections when it comes to "petty plotting" with law enforcement. That someone is a family member whom I was strong advised to drop the charges before court date and to leave state, before I get screwed back. That's why my backup didn't want to work this case, even if I could've gotten a conviction against one of them.

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17 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

...go on.... 👀

My ex almost made me miss a flight from Korea to China. Reason? A Korean celebrity whom she didn’t know who he was was walking through the departures terminal and she had to join the gaggle of women following him to get a blurry as fuck photo of said celebrity she didn’t know.


i fucked off to my gate, she barely made it, I prayed on the plane that she’d miss it. And that’s why I don’t believe in God.

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13 hours ago, MillionX said:

So, I finally found Mtv's "Undressed"; someone posted what appears to be the whole thing...and I guess mtv doesn't give a damn anymore since this has been up for at least a year


I remember this show. Watched it by chance because we spent some days at a family's friends' house.


I have been looking for the name of two twin black-haired sisters that were hot, but never managed to find them. I'll have to check this channel.


Second, I didn't know the green power ranger was in this



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4 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:


I remember this show. Watched it by chance because we spent some days at a family's friends' house.


I have been looking for the name of two twin black-haired sisters that were hot, but never managed to find them. I'll have to check this channel.


Second, I didn't know the green power ranger was in this



yep; I'm thinking surely that casting had to be on purpose; some kind of weird inside joke from a PR fan.... because the girl in there was also one of the Rangers---so there was the show giving us a Yellow Ranger (Alison Kiperman) and the original Green Ranger actors getting it on.


A shame the quality went down though, as it does with a lot of shows... the last season was awful with not as many hot girls anymore.


It's interesting how many old shows I'm finding completely uploaded for free on youtube like this----currently I've had 3 tabs up for Taken, Port Charles and Passions for a few weeks now Undressed is another tab I just keep open.  


Passions---I'm still seeing stuff that's new to me; I'm up to episode 21 now....Kay went to this restaurant/date spot to surprise her crush Miguel, but of course Miguel is hoping his mystery date is Charity...meanwhile the nerdy guy is there to meet his crush Kay so that's about to be a big hilarious mess there... and Theresa got the job at the Crane mansion, though Ethan hasn't realized it yet so that's about to blow up too.  Elsewhere, Charity narrowly escaped a murder attempt by the witch Tabitha!  She was watching her through this bowl of water and reached thru it to magically grab Charity to try and drown her! 😆 I love it.


I also like to notice what day the episode # was... since on soap operas, the Friday cliffhanger and Monday episodes are where things typically get extra juicy.  Passions debuted on a Monday of course (July 5, 1999) so episode 20 was indeed a Friday.  

Edited by MillionX
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21 hours ago, MillionX said:

 So, I finally found Mtv's "Undressed"; someone posted what appears to be the whole thing...and I guess mtv doesn't give a damn anymore since this has been up for at least a year

this show was hot as HELL back then; and yeah I would record the episodes.

...and yeah, certain scenes were in my regular rotation of "special material".  A lot of the girls on this show were smokin HOT... one I remember looked like a gymnast Betty Okino... then there was one playing a character named "Trudy" (also later appeared as a random character on the S Club 7 series)... and another one with blonde curly hair in a pink outfit; those were my favorites that immediately stood out.....oh and Alison Kipperman; I think that was her name...she was also a stand-out hottie... she was also the yellow Ranger from the Power Rangers Wild Force season


(*dammit that other thread keeps throwing me off for some reason)


Never knew this existed back in the day or at all. Saw the 1st episode just now. Man they don't make music... Let's just leave it at they don't make music...


One of the tracks from the 1st episode:




20 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I saw the black lady that this video is about show in my feed and I thought of course  "man that sucks..." but I didn't dig deep into it, call attention to it or there's a possible plot twist involved

If this is real then I hope she does go to jail for grifting people.  Shit like this is really needs to have major consequences when people are taking advantage of the good nature in most people.  It's the same moral problem with people asking for money on the street when there's nothing wrong with them and they aren't homeless when there's legit actual homeless on the street.

yeah, I was in a Walmart parking lot once waiting in the car for someone, then saw the panhandler who got people to give him alotta money go around to the side/back of the building get into his friend's car and bounce!!!


15 hours ago, MillionX said:

I'm curious about the legalities of the GoFundme situation.... I've never really trusted that concept of "crowd-funding" things; when I first heard of them years ago I was already thinking --"what's to stop someone from just posting one with false/fraudulent promises?"  What even happens if it all turns out to be a lie....can the person still collect all that money that got raised?  If there's no protections against that it's stupid and obviously exploitable.


I look forward to seeing what happens next in that story; I'm sure there's no serious consequences for her though since that's just how things roll in the clown-show of modern-day U.S.  


Wonder if anyone can do GoFundMe and peeps be giving you money lol.



went down wikipedia rabbit hole after clicking the cast from undressed. Camen Sandiego came up. Guess there was a show from 2019 - 2021. Gina Rodriguez plays her. If they ever make a live-action series then Gina Rodriguez should reprise the role. The CW or HBO Max could make a live action Carmen Sandiego show.

Edited by Jion_Wansu
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heh, a Carmen Sandiego series on CW would be funny considering what has been going on with that network in recent years... in fairness I have only watched Superman & Lois most recently was so good it actually seems out of place on shit-ass CW.  They lost all the other shows I would care about.... I think even Riverdale is over and I *only* checked that out on occasion because of the hot girls (Camila Mendes, Lili Reinhart, and Madelaine Petsch)


...this reminded me again what a shame Legacies turned out to be.  The latest spinoff to my favorite vampire shows of all time...but it was a complete disaster....the only saving grace being the hot girls...mainly the one that played Hope Mikaelson (Danielle Rose Russell)...I think "Caroline" (Candice King) also appeared on occasion....I think they got Claire Holt as "Rebecca" to appear one last time as well.....but yeah, a real shame, that.... they didn't even have Hope access her vampire side until what ended up being the final season/storyline, if I recall.

Edited by MillionX
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