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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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On 9/13/2023 at 9:30 AM, AriesWarlock said:

‘Do You Know Who I Am?’ Watch Lauren Boebert Get Thrown Out of a Bettlejuice Musical for Allegedly Causing a ‘Disturbance’


Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was kicked out of a performance of Beetlejuice the musical on Sunday after she allegedly vaped, caused a “disturbance,” and asked staff, “Do you know who I am?” Denver’s 9News obtained security footage and posted on YouTube, which you can see above.


According to the Denver Post, Boebert was escorted out of the performance in Denver, along with one other person, after three people made complaints about the congresswoman being loud and taking photos on her phone.

Boebert was also accused of vaping during the performance — an accusation the congresswoman has denied.


non-apology? Anyway, holy shit I didn't notice before how much he was fondling her breast.



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1 hour ago, Lantis said:

People here still do homework?? LOL

hes studying law so hes gonna be bogged down with homework for years.


btw. do u believe frank abignale jr studied for the bar exam a couple weeks and passed it legit? or do u believe he cheated like the tom hanks character believed? ive always wondered if he truly studied and passed it like he said. considering jfk jr took the bar exam 3x and failed the tests 3x.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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6 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Homework legit made me angry as a teen. Spend 7+ hours at school only for them to send you home with more work. 


I'd have been even more pissed off if I had realized it was all just to mentally soften you for your boss treating you like shit and also having 0 respect for your personal time. 

Man, I fucking HATE homework. So much. And I had A LOT of it, especially in grad school. Never again! Luckily I have a job where working after hours is strongly discouraged, but that wasn't always the case.

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This was a good thing about elementary school; early on when homework was some simple stuff that could be done in a matter of minutes.  


It's another way that adulthood beats childhood... typically, after you logout and go home, that's it....there is no extra work-related stuff to do at home.  Unfortunately I say this despite actually having some extra stuff I *should* login and get caught up on at some point over this weekend.

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Alright husbands and or domestic partners of Megashock, I need your help with anniversary ideas. 


Girlfriend and I have been together a year come halloween (Our first date was 10/30 but we're going to just go with Halloween). I know a year isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things but this has been a really important and special year for both of us for a lot of reasons. I want our anniversary to reflect that importance. I need date and/or activity and/or gift ideas. 



Edited by iStu X
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I did fuck-all in highschool unless I wanted to.  Wish I could say that was liberating, but mostly I was just seriously depressed.


Then I grew up, realized how bored I was working shit jobs, and got a STEM degree at a major research university.  Basically went the full 180 from none of my time on homework to ALL of my time on homework, lol.

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20 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Alright husbands of Megashock, I need your help with anniversary ideas. 

Okay, the most important thing I can tell you here is that the best gifts are bespoke as fuck.


The two best gifts I've given significant others:


My wife got her undergrad degree as an English major, and had one paper she wrote for it on an obscure play published in an academic journal.  The gift was that I discovered a scholarly book on that genre of plays that actually cited her paper.  I gave her the book and the explanation about it for her birthday one year.


The other best gift, for an ex I bought from NASA a piece of a meteorite that fell to earth on the day she was born.

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What the fuck, guys, I’m sorry for bringing up your homework traumas 😭


The homework isn’t hard at all. It’s just a lot of busywork. It’s largely unengaging. My favorite class is Japanese. I actually get to put my mind to work in that class instead of autopiloting through 5 hours of assignments regarding Average Business Firm #473.


As for gifts, obviously get something for her hobbies! But I’d also recommend getting a smaller supplementary gift. Make sure that that one is emotionally tied to how you feel about her. So if she were into cars, buy her a cool car thing, but get her a tee, or a bunch of cards, or a date to a place that you like purely because you want to include her in all of your happinesses. It’s a cute show of vulnerability. She’ll like it!

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6 hours ago, Chadouken said:

You know what I fucking love? NOT DOING HOMEWORK! 😂


6 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Homework legit made me angry as a teen. Spend 7+ hours at school only for them to send you home with more work. 


I'd have been even more pissed off if I had realized it was all just to mentally soften you for your boss treating you like shit and also having 0 respect for your personal time. 


5 hours ago, Lantis said:

Maaaan all these kids have it easy with wikis and shit. Back then all we had for the good ol' copy/paste was the Old Faithful Encarta


5 hours ago, Chadouken said:

Man, I fucking HATE homework. So much. And I had A LOT of it, especially in grad school. Never again! Luckily I have a job where working after hours is strongly discouraged, but that wasn't always the case.


5 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

By the time I got to high school I rarely had more than 20 minutes of homework. I usually would get it done in the band room after class so I didn't have to lug my books home.


Course, I was a B student so maybe don't follow my advice any of your kids out there


5 hours ago, MillionX said:

This was a good thing about elementary school; early on when homework was some simple stuff that could be done in a matter of minutes.  


It's another way that adulthood beats childhood... typically, after you logout and go home, that's it....there is no extra work-related stuff to do at home.  Unfortunately I say this despite actually having some extra stuff I *should* login and get caught up on at some point over this weekend.



Awww homework. Most of the homework from let's say last years of high school until doctor's degree is pretty much writing long papers and busywork. Don't really teach you anything. For doctor's you may have to actually care about homework, not much so for master's. I'm speculating because I never took any doctor's level classes. But, I'm assuming it's true.


On another note. Don't won't to post the same thing twice, I'll post it here. TKO huh? Wonder if they'll add a boxing promotion to it too:



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14 minutes ago, Jion_Wansu said:








Awww homework. Most of the homework from let's say last years of high school until doctor's degree is pretty much writing long papers and busywork. Don't really teach you anything. For doctor's you may have to actually care about homework, not much so for master's. I'm speculating because I never took any doctor's level classes. But, I'm assuming it's true.


On another note. Don't won't to post the same thing twice, I'll post it here. TKO huh? Wonder if they'll add a boxing promotion to it too:



Highly doubt they’ll add an established promotion. They’ll have to make their own one, and I doubt they’ll do that in the next three years. Afterwards? I can see it. There’s been a lot of dissatisfaction with the boxing world that’s only now lightening up in the last two years. People have been wise to how shady and exploitative it is in a way that not even MMA has matched in the West yet.


It’s been quite a bit since this news was unveiled to us and it is still a little surreal seeing The Game standing behind daddy Dana.


I’ve seen a lot of my kind (zoomers on TikTok) acting like this is the end of the world, clearly having not read any of the press releases or having a basic understanding of business. Literally nothing has changed creatively for these companies. Can someone please check on their sons and see if they’re uploading slowed and bass boosted edits of 2008 Royal Rumble moments with a sad caption as if they were alive to see it? If you catch them pretending like combat sports and professional wrestling are over, give them an ear twist for me and tell them to get off my feed.

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haha, this was great when Tabitha and Timmy thought they saw Charity, and she commanded him to attack... (the timestamp is not working for some dumb reason so it's 21:28)... crazy thing is that is how that woman responded when assuming it was a *child* rushing her?!? 😆


ohoooo and I just remembered this show also had incest as part of 1 storyline too.... this show will forever be legendary to me for how insane it is.

Edited by MillionX
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16 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I really don't get the 3rd one cause I get asked for my ID here in VA when I go vote.  What state doesn't ask for ID for that?


I was once listening to a local radio news show, and they had a guest from New York who said when you go to the voting sites, they ask for your name and address, look you up in the computer, and that's it. I looked it up, and you have to register before hand to be able to vote. But her point was that when you are at the voting site you could say "I am Sonichuman, I live in XXXXX." And you would be allowed in. You can read about it here:


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28 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:


I was once listening to a local radio news show, and they had a guest from New York who said when you go to the voting sites, they ask for your name and address, look you up in the computer, and that's it. I looked it up, and you have to register before hand to be able to vote. But her point was that when you are at the voting site you could say "I am Sonichuman, I live in XXXXX." And you would be allowed in. You can read about it here:


That's weird.  I'm not for people in power making it hard for people to vote but I also thing that you need to have some sort of proof of who you are if you're voting.

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Put these motherfuckers UNDER THE JAIL.  Also

This shit man....I have no fucking words for this trash ass waste of space people.  I don't give a shit if he is a teenager.  UNDER THE GOD DAMN JAIL!

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So, I wonder what charges the driver's friend gets?  It's good to see they put a murder charge on him, despite that piece of shit being under 18.  I hope that conviction is fast and he has the worst possible prison experience for however long he lives in there, until one of the other inmates ultimately takes care of the execution for us.  Make an extremely harsh example out of that piece of trash.


Unfortunately the worst, most low-class garbage of American society seems to "out-breed" everyone else, so I'm sure he has 15 to 20+ siblings and cousins that are just as bad or worse than he is.

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🤘Metal Monday 🤘Stranger Things edition



“When I was prepping for Vecna, to get into Vecna, I would use a lot of bands like Sun 0))), Carpathian Forest, Darkthrone, Mayhem. A lot of black metal kind of stuff that I just really latched onto and thought, ‘Wow, this is great.’ There’s also something about the sensitivity in the way black metal is made and their belief system which I really fucking vibe with.”




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