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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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X-men's Greatest Moments:


X-factor #6  (1986)

"Apocalypse Now!"




Louise Simonson becomes writer and introduces the team's new major villain-one who arguably is in a top tier with Magneto and yet to debut Sinister.

While his scheme is nothing special , his survival of the fittest mentality is introduced.


He is said to "manipulate any molecule in his body". basically using his powers like Reed Richards to the next level




Unlike his trademark Horseman or Dark Riders, he uses some jabronis known as the Alliance of Evil  (Did I use the term correctly wrestling fans)  as his muscle.



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48 minutes ago, Reticently said:



Some of the stuff I've been reading in terms of what was said in this trial has been pretty nuts.  This was just one of them.  This was on top of him just absolutely refusing to answer the question on the stage to the point that the judge told him "You can attack me and do whatever you want but just answer the question" and he did everything but.  If I was the judge I'd absolutely throw the book at him cause he's just been a complete degenerate this entire during the case. 

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amazon now have summaries of all of a product's reviews, generated by AI. i was scrolling thru reviews of a pair of pants i bought, and right above the reviews i noticed a small paragraph giving me a summary of what everyone said. but AI generated. 

AI is gonna be everywhere.

doing everything.

i mean once you see the summary of reviews, how convenient it is. why read the human reviews? 

we, have already lost.

we just dont realize it yet. 

first it generated spellcheck. then art. then solving science problems. 

we made machines disposable.

soon they will dispose of us.

this is what we get, for beating up the AI all those damn times during arcade mode.

we deserve this.

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2 hours ago, MP_ said:

I now have an unhealthy addiction to buying vinyl.


Googling how to stop just ends with me buying more vinyl.


So that's where I am emotionally in my life now.

Yeah, I collect them, too.  I even built a wooden stand to display them lol. It's a fun hobby though, and there's something special about throwing a record on and admiring all the art that goes into the album covers.

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Scrolling thru reddit just a moment ago... I saw one of the most disgusting ads I've ever seen... "Ever dipped a sandwich full of velvety mayo into.." 

HUGE "Nope, naw." as I quickly scrolled past that abhorrent nonsense.  In fact, I'm not sure I have ever seen an ad or commercial that off-putting before, besides this one on tv a few weeks ago where they showed a pizza with a swirl of ranch dressing on it for some insane reason...whoever did that should be arrested, btw.


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20 hours ago, Chadouken said:

Yeah, I collect them, too.  I even built a wooden stand to display them lol. It's a fun hobby though, and there's something special about throwing a record on and admiring all the art that goes into the album covers.

Honestly yeah. I've been so complacent with music lately. I used to listen to full albums back in the 00s. Then I feel like with streaming services, it got way too easy to cherrypick songs and put them on playlists.


Vinyl has just made me fall back in love with music and listening to full albums and enjoying the process. The player is in my office so I'll just drop the needle while I'm at work and just vibe out.

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2 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

black titties or white titties?



I have two answers. The first...



The second. In order to make such a determination me and my fellow experts here at Megashock will need to perform detailed personal examinations of multiple subjects before we even begin to develop a thesis. The work will be hard but I'm sure we'll all be up the task 😏

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On 11/7/2023 at 8:56 AM, VirginDefiler said:



The pitch for this movie always hits me in the feels:


Brad Bird was in part inspired to make this film as a memorial to his sister Susan, who died at the hands of her estranged husband by gun violence. His pitch was this: "What if a gun had a soul and didn't want to be a gun?"
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I always love it when that raw truth comes straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak... there is such a great sense of satisfaction in watching them "out" themselves like that. (knowing full well that on another day, she'd probably swear up and down that she's "not like that" and actually always wanted Mr. Good Guy....they can't help but lie about that shit nonstop.)


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