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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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On 11/8/2023 at 7:19 PM, DangerousJ said:

It is over.. Finished!





To be honest, for me, that sort of field isn't for me anymore to try to establish. The overt effort in an audition was a harsh lesson. Skill alone just doesn't bypass my underlining personality. It's at odds with them. They pull out on me at the last minute due to this. I'm just too different.


On the bright side, it's fine. Fitting in with society wasn't the best thing for me. Rather just let things be from now on. Lol.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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12 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:


If I saw this sequence in a movie, I would have called bullshit. That cop is in the wrong line of work. Now that the strike is over, he could make a killing as a stunt driver. 


Side note:  Is this why we haven't seen @Voltlately? He's been too busy chasing down all the Blanka fans in the streets of Brazil? 

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If that dude had successfully evaded the cop... imagine just how much sex his girl would've given up right after that... that level of "bad boy thrills" action with her riding on the back holding on for dear life probably had her wetter than the entire Atlantic ocean.  This was a chase scene from a big budget summer action film.


Too bad for "Bad Guy" there, this cop on the motorcycle was just too damn good...he's on your trail like flies on shit; no escape.  There was no shaking him.


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16 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:


Shaming good acts

Kenyan government should be ashamed. I'm ashamed as an American we have to rely on dudes like Mr Beast to help Americans get health care and homes. It's fucking embarrassing to to live in the so called "Richest most powerful country in the world" but we can't get our own health care, or our own homes without the generosity of someone like Mr. Beast. That's fucking embarrassing, the US Government should be fucking ashamed, so should the Kenyan Goverment thats fucking pathetic. 


"We're embarrassed, he made us look bad!" Good, you should be embarrassed because you are bad. You are what you look like asswipe. Want to stop looking like a shit stain? Do your job better. 

Edited by RSG3
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18 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

"We're embarrassed, he made us look bad!" Good, you should be embarrassed because you are bad. You are what you look like asswipe. Want to stop looking like a shit stain? Do your job better. 


Speaking of



In Fiscal Year 2022 alone, the United States has provided nearly $324 million in humanitarian assistance to the people of Kenya – the greatest share of all donor funding to date. Jul 22, 2022


What are they doing with all that money? They deserved the shaming.

Edited by AriesWarlock
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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

If I saw this sequence in a movie, I would have called bullshit. That cop is in the wrong line of work. Now that the strike is over, he could make a killing as a stunt driver. 


Side note:  Is this why we haven't seen @Voltlately? He's been too busy chasing down all the Blanka fans in the streets of Brazil? 

I think that lady in the back was seriously reconsidering her life choices at several parts of that chase LOL

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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Honestly, until very recently, I had no idea who Mr. Beast is and still don't know much about him to be honest. That said, only reason I know about him at all is people keep bitching about the guy doing charitable things. Like WTF is wrong with people. That dude could cure cancer tomorrow and I'm sure people would bitch about it. 

Jealousy fills people full of salt and piss.

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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

Is Nightmare before Christmas a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie?

It's a deeply analytical movie about the implied horror of capitalism that is exemplified on Christmas Eve as parents fight to find gifts for their children who are socialised to consume products in the world of mass manufacturing. Halloween movie for sure.

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Well, this paints that Usher stuff with Keke in a worse light:



Keke Palmer accused her ex-boyfriend Darius Jackson of physical and emotional abuse, writing in court documents that he has repeatedly attacked her, trespassed at her home and "became very frustrated" with their 8-month-old son.

Palmer's request for a temporary restraining order against Jackson, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Thursday, was granted by Judge Wendy L. Wilcox, according to a notice obtained by NBC News. The actor was temporarily granted sole custody of their son, Leo, with no visitation for Jackson.


Palmer, whose real name is Lauren Keyana Palmer, said the abuse happened throughout her two-year relationship with Jackson and did not stop after their breakup in early October. She wrote that since the split, he is “even more unhinged, volatile and dangerous,” and she fears for her and their son's safety.

"It is because of our son, Leo, that I was finally able to end my relationship with Darius once and for all and escape the abuse," Palmer wrote in the court documents. "Leo is the most important thing in the entire world to me; he needs and deserves to be safe and grow up in an environment free from violence."

Of course on twitter, the types of nigcels who defended Darius when that dress shit was happening? Now that there's proof (I forgot to mention video stills) of him abusing her? They're either dead silent or finding some way to blame Keke for this. She should have picked better or whatever. Just another reason in a long line why I hate those fuckers. I hope she gets out of this, because some of the stuff dude is posting is a little alarming.

Edited by axeman61
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On 11/10/2023 at 4:22 PM, AriesWarlock said:


Speaking of



What are they doing with all that money? They deserved the shaming.

Pocketing it. Africa has been awash in aid since at least the 50s but things haven't really changed there because they routinely get some of the worst people imaginable in positions of power who end up either stealing it or squandering it in a big way. The continent is basically a giant money pit.

Edited by DoctaMario
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I don't know if you guys have a similar situation, but....


I have the worst luck when it comes to going into a bathroom after someone has taken a massive stinky shit. It generally happens at least once or twice a month, but sometimes more. Sometimes even at home 😑


Conversely, I've found that I take great pleasure in crop-dusting the hell out of my son's room when he's going to bed if he's been difficult.

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Oh yeahhh that Keke Palmer story is juicy, folks... I get the feeling there's even more on the horizon there.  I look forward to whatever new info pops up on that one.


Yeah it's lookin' bad for Darius now that video stills are out (why just stills and not the actual video though?  Seems odd to *just* show pictures).

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I found this guy's channel thanks to another youtuber "cogan" collaborating with him on the latest vid... I enjoyed this one where he goes over some of the best vamp origin stories:

The Strain was indeed one of the more interesting ones out there... a shame my Strain book disappeared...I had one of the "volumes" of the graphic novel; I forgot how many parts there was to that... I eventually gave up looking for it.

Edited by MillionX
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yunno how im always investigating ufos and shit.

sometimes i wonder if the govt decided i knew 'too much" and decided to patriot missile me.

instead of looking outside my window with a shocked look on my face

arnold schwarzenegger surprise GIF


as that patriot missile barrels down on me with its camera...



my def plan..

im gonna moon the camera with my ass.

thus. reversing its course.

full U turn retreat.

back to base.

 landing back to where it came from.


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Some random stuff--- I love that in Bleach's latest/final storyarc, they managed to take the Quincy faction and turn that into one of the coolest villain factions in anime/manga, least of the stuff I've seen they became one of my favorite "bad guys" group, with completely busted, ridiculous game-breaking powers and a leader that theoretically should be completely unstoppable (*and even still, he would have a rough fight against that one dude in the Zero squad, because this is just how insanely OP the Bleach characters tend to be)....quite the step up from what they were previously....barely relevant and only represented via Uryuu and his dad.


Besides them, other greats--- the Espada (though they mostly got destroyed in disappointing, anticlimactic ways), the demons from Demon Slayer, the Titans of Attack (*Armored Titan = coolest design, btw; I'd take on that as my titan form without question)  on Titan, and of course taking it back a bit we had the Ginyu Force... sheeeit that brings back favorites there were Jeice and Ginyu himself.... a "body-steal" power is incredibly useful in the Dragonball universe.

Edited by MillionX
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Toys that Built America continues to be one of the best things on History channel; there was an episode on last night about the rise of Mattel and Hasbro, and the main things that catapulted them to success in the toy industry--- Barbie and G.I. Joe....that shit was fascinating, man... my only gripe with the series is that each episode is *only* an hour... it seems like stories like that could be a whole movie-length documentary.  Interesting thing that they both had some big challenges to overcome... with the unpopular issue of Vietnam war negatively impacting GI Joe at the time, and Barbie getting started because most adults at the time when they were trying to get it out there were thinking "nah, moms are NOT going to buy their daughters a doll that's a realistic grown woman." that seemed like a gag gift for a dude at the time.  


When I was growing up, by that time GI Joe had bounced back with the smaller action figures and were selling strong.... oddly enough, even though I loved the old cartoon, I didn't have a lot of those toys.  I had one of the Cobra B.A.T.s only because I found it at school one time, and another one my Dad bought me prior to that.  One of my friends at the time was spoiled and had an insane collection though; he even had that giant aircraft carrier.  A few years ago I bought a Cobra Commander since figures of the old designs have been in stores in recent years.


There was also an episode last night about Nintendo and Sega's entry into the videogame industry in the 80s....there's so much to that story that could probably be a whole miniseries documentary there.

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21 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Bill Burr's wife flipped Trump off at a UFC event and now MAGA is losing it

Now I'm seeing so many posts about Bill Burr's career being dead and I'm kinda wondering if they ever actually listened to Burr.

These people likely get all their opinions about something from like-mindeds on twitter.


I have a theory most anti-woke people are doing this unless they get challenged. They just listen to a channel (twitter or YT) tell them why something sucks and regurgitate.

Edited by axeman61
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