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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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9 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

That reads like it was written by a woman who fucked Trump, that regrets that she fucked Trump, but is mad because she knows all of what's in that description  but still fucked Trump 😂

She mad because everything she claims she don't like about him. Probably turns her on. Dudes like Trump are her type probably.

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

This better be fake cause if this is real there's no way this kid wouldn't be grounded for months


No snacks, no fun, no joy. You want to waste food? You can enjoy bread, peanuts and water 3 times a day for the next week. Even at school. That'll be his bag lunch.


Then it's school work and chores after school. Then he can write till his hand falls off how he'll never do that again. Then push ups, squats and running till he sore. Then bed. Do it again tomorrow.

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This is a long watch, and you don't need to watch it. But I did. I know nothing of queer community (much less its writers), but I am IN AWE of just how much this James Somerton dude stole from them. I was watching this while doing other things, but at certain points, I could only just LAUGH. You would swear Somerton never had an original thought in his life. If you put a plagiarist like this in the first draft of a fictional story, people would tell you to tone it down.


This is kinda scary. This dude was able to plagiarize brazenly for years and years with ALL the evidence out in the open, and he's just now facing any real backlash. I wonder how many other YouTube plagiarists are just out there skating by because people don't check stuff that deep.

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After years of dodging US financial regulations, Binance has agreed to comply with regulators' inquiries regarding records and criminal investigations.



Binance has also agreed to scour all of its transactions from 2018 to 2022 and file suspicious activity reports (SARs) for anything it deems a potential violation of US law from that five-year period. That “SAR lookback” means the company will now be actively scrutinizing its customers in retrospect, not just passively assenting to regulators poring over its databases. Those SARs are collected by FinCEN, the Treasury Department's financial crimes division, but then made available to law enforcement agencies from the FBI to IRS Criminal Investigations to local police. And all of this new scrutiny will be overseen by a "monitor" firm chosen by the US government but paid by Binance—an in-house watchdog assigned to make sure Binance is complying in good faith.

"I don't think Binance's customers have the slightest clue of the ramifications of this plea and consent decree. It's unprecedented," says John Reed Stark, who spent 20 years as an attorney at the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including as the founder of its Office of Internet Enforcement. “If they're a drug dealer or a terrorist or a child pornography peddler, they're going to get caught." He describes Binance's agreement as a "24/7, 365-days-a-year financial colonoscopy."

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3 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

Congrats to @DoctaMarioyou shpudl have had us here create a poll as to naming the kid 😎

Thanks bruv! I wish I'd thought of that actually, but I have a feeling @RSG3's suggestion of "Birdo" probably would have been the winner 😂


We actually did just pick a name as the hospital told us they wouldn't let us leave until we did lol

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I still have this clip of Shaq performing before a crowd and yelling out this line during a rap - "Kobe!  Tell me how my ass taste!  Alright everybody, Kobe, tell me how my ass taste!" 😆 Tom Leykis played that soundbyte quite often on his show; it was a classic; I have it saved on my phone......would make for an interesting ringtone or alert noise if I wasn't already set on my current favorite.


After all these years---my current ringtone is still that clip of Hulk Hogan in No Holds Barred, when he roughed up the limo driver--

^this will never stop being one of the funniest audio clipsI've ever heard in life, man.

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55 minutes ago, MillionX said:

this will never stop being one of the funniest audio clipsI've ever heard in life, man.

This clip will always be wild to me cause the dude Hogan is talking to is Stan Hansen. He was a wrestler in the 70’s and 80’s that mainly made his name in Japan and he’s considered one of the most bad ass, hardest hitting, rough neck brawlers ever in the history of wrestling. He was legitimately feared by a lot of people in wrestling. 

He once gave someone a lariat so hard it popped their eye ball out of their socket and the only reason it didn’t completely fly out of their socket was due to his opponent wearing a mask. 

Edited by iStu X
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