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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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8 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Damn. Landlords try to rob in any way they can. Though, I must say when I lived in an apartment (just last year) my "convenience fee" for online payments was just under 3 bucks.

They absolutely are pulling some slick shit, probably skimming that fee off the top to put in their pockets. Lowest fee I've had was $25. You'd think there would be no fee at all since paying online is far more convenient than cash, money order or a check

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1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

Convenience fees for paying rent online should be illegal. $35 extra is quite egregious 

That's robbery.

1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

Damn. Landlords try to rob in any way they can. Though, I must say when I lived in an apartment (just last year) my "convenience fee" for online payments was just under 3 bucks.

Usually this is what I see. 

1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

They absolutely are pulling some slick shit, probably skimming that fee off the top to put in their pockets. Lowest fee I've had was $25. You'd think there would be no fee at all since paying online is far more convenient than cash, money order or a check

Gotta be, or the payment processing company is screwing them royally. 


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yeahhh you couldn't pay me enough to be that close in the same room with an actual tiger....unless he's chained up and can't really move around much, nah that's just one of many animals that it's best to keep your distance so you don't learn a lesson the hard way.  We've all seen those "When Animals Attack!" specials on Fox back in the day to know what happens.


...reminds me; I would record those Animals Attack specials whenever they were on, because it was always hilarious gold to watch actual footage of people finding out "the hard way".


...y'know a random thing that grinds my gears; just out of left field here ---- those short-length socks.  I got some of those as a Christmas gift last year or year before from a family friend... those are always annoying to me; longer socks are clearly the superior choice every time.  


...I watched "30 Days of Night" just the other day since I noticed it being on Netflix---that one is definitely a big-time classic for my fellow vampire fans out there.  

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:


"I don't want to be perceived as being mean to criminals so I'm going to kick the can to auto manufacturers because I can't be bothered to do the job I was elected for." Christ. Stuff like this is how we wind up with militarized police forces because idiots like these people let things go too far.

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I didn't know until recently there was a recent Puppet Master film... made in 2018; Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich.  I found it on 4k at my usual tv/movies/games/etc. place here.  I finally watched it today.  This is THE best one, easily, imo.  It delivers on the usual that one expects from a horror slasher--- great kill scenes and the occasional nudity (*which was a surprise considering this is so recent)  Also, it doesn't hold back at all...there's some kills that are pretty shocking in today's sanitized world of generally "wuss" level entertainment.... 2 in particular are hilariously sick and demented.  I love it.


Ohhhh and it just went into the classic theme during the credit roll just now.... that brings back the memories...

...but yeah this is quality stuff, folks.  It's not just the quality of kills but also the amount... the puppets are on a rampage here that puts the past movies to shame by a longshot.  Shit hits the fan pretty fast and it's a non-stop bloodbath in there. Some of the classic puppets return of course--- some with cool new design variations.... there's Tunneler, Torch (called "Kaiser" now apparently?), Pinhead and my favorite one Blade... I actually had a "Blade puppet" figure I got from a comics/collectibles shop years ago....I also got Torch but none of the others.  I should've bought Jester when I had the chance back then; the only ones I've seen in stores recently have been Pinhead Tunneler and Blade, probably since they went on to become the more iconic faces of the series.  




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So, there's this ex-MMA food blogger named Keith Lee who's blown up over the past year. He goes to unknown places recommended by fans that aren't doing well and rates the food. If he says the food is good, the places blow up and have lines around the block. Aside from just rating, he'll sometimes tip the staff a crazy amount. Well after reviewing Sweetly Seasoned, he gave 4K to the staff as well, to be split. 2K to the owner and the rest split up I don't know how off the top. The owner took it all for herself though, and got found out. As a result, there's no pickup in business like there would be if Keith Lee gave you a good review. In fact, things are going the other way. The above is the owner trying to save face.


I came across this whole drama and, just...

Martin Lawrence Lol GIF by Martin


She might have tanked her business over 2,000 funky ass dollars when she could have been making that shit daily with the increased business. She might literally be the first person to fumble the "Keith Lee effect". How stupid people can be still surprises me to this day.

Edited by axeman61
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9 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

She might have tanked her business over 2,000 funky ass dollars when she could have been making that shit daily with the increased business.

Greed is a sickness man. It's a mental disability and should be on the list of other behaviors to be seriously concerned about when people exhibit its traits. Torturing animals, Pyromania, Greed. 


9 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

She might literally be the first person to fumble the "Keith Lee effect". How stupid people can be still surprises me to this day.

Naw, look up The Real Milk & Honey Drama, they fucked up bad when Keith visited. He sent his Mom in and they said 2 hour wait, then he went in right after and they had a table for him immedietly. He knew what was going on and left and whooo boy lol 

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Yeah, I know about him hitting Atlanta. But the thing is, the real milk and honey are still still around and didn't get reviewed favorably in the first place. But since they're established and it's Atlanta (apparently the whole food scene is kinda trash), they survive.


This woman might literally go out of business after winning the game. Like, there was nothing to do but sit back and enjoy the uptick in business. She threw it away for 2K.

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His approval is the effect. It's one thing if you have dogshit service like Atlanta and never even had him review you. But I've never heard of someone getting his approval and then fucking it up. Especially over something so trivial.


But aside from that:


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20 hours ago, axeman61 said:

 it's Atlanta (apparently the whole food scene is kinda trash), they survive.


I don't know if it's changed, but when I lived there Atlanta was supposed to be one of the best food scenes in the country. Even mid places couldn't survive long because there were so many great spots to go eat and high level restaurants weren't bank-breakingly expensive. And because there was a fairly international population there, you got legit versions of lots of ethnic food too. But even the bar food was really excellent there (I legit miss Vortex's fried zucchini, it was so good it was like God himself was back there working the fryer)

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57 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

but when I lived there Atlanta was supposed to be one of the best food scenes in the country

I think I fucked up.  I have to go to Athens GA for work next week, and knowing nothing little about GA I booked my hotel for Athens instead of Atlanta.  Sounds like next time I should maybe stay in Atlanta and just drive to/from the site in Athens?

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^oh yeah I'll have to check that out in a minute... for anyone that may have forgotten by now, the story of Travis Walton was the basis for that movie Fire In the Sky.  (...that movie had aliens that looked like Joe Biden, btw; there's no way I'm the only one that notices the odd resemblance.)'s been a while now; that movie is now 31 years old.


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Today is a very special version of...


Transformer's Greatest Moments:


A lifelong dream for me on the 40th anniversary of the franchise!


Freedom is the right of all sentient beings, as well as a picture with the man, the legend-Peter Cullen.

I got a picture with him this afternoon in Orlando. It was very brief. I told him I've been watching him since I Was 2 years old.






There was a panel with him and Frank Welker after the photo session. They answered a few questions and ended with a brief skit with all the classic lines (Peace through Tyranny. etc).

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15 hours ago, Reticently said:

I think I fucked up.  I have to go to Athens GA for work next week, and knowing nothing little about GA I booked my hotel for Athens instead of Atlanta.  Sounds like next time I should maybe stay in Atlanta and just drive to/from the site in Athens?

Athens is about 2 hours away from Atlanta if I remember right. Not a drive id want to make twice a day but your mileage may literally vary lol


Might be a nice place to go on a trip with just your wife. As I said, I haven't been there in a long time but I'm sure there are still some real nice things about it.

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2 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Athens is about 2 hours away from Atlanta if I remember right. Not a drive id want to make twice a day but your mileage may literally vary lol


Might be a nice place to go on a trip with just your wife. As I said, I haven't been there in a long time but I'm sure there are still some real nice things about it.

Yeah, unfortunately I have to fly into and back out of ATL, so I'm stuck making that drive either way.  I had no idea when I agreed to take the site that Athens would be so hard to get to 🤷‍♂️

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11 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

Today is a very special version of...


Transformer's Greatest Moments:


A lifelong dream for me on the 40th anniversary of the franchise!


Freedom is the right of all sentient beings, as well as a picture with the man, the legend-Peter Cullen.

I got a picture with him this afternoon in Orlando. It was very brief. I told him I've been watching him since I Was 2 years old.






There was a panel with him and Frank Welker after the photo session. They answered a few questions and ended with a brief skit with all the classic lines (Peace through Tyranny. etc).

Peter Cullen is the definition of what it should feel like to meet your heroes. Happy for you sir!

Edited by OPTIMUS124
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