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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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23 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

Sunday Bunday: Audio Edition.


Best music to fuck a big booty ho to...



Bonus points of you know animated show used this as it's opening song.

Beast Machines: Transformers.



13 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Father's Day for me just depressing because my father is no longer here. He's not around because he died. When he was here, he actually did his job. I actually had both my parents growing up and it's ashame that more can't say the same.

I can certainly empathize. My Dad passed in 2022. It feels both like yesterday and forever ago. Dad was practically a real-life Carl Winslow (but taller). Without a doubt, his family was his priority. My biggest regret is that I didn't take more pictures with him. He'd always want to take photos so he'd get a good one occasionally. With my son I keep the camera ready.

12 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I really wish I could give my son a sibling and I'm pretty saddened that it isn't financially feasible right now.

Bruh . . . daycare here in the Triangle is between $1,500 and $2,000. While my wife's at the end of the road for her treatment, it's one of those factors that we call into question regarding the return to work. 

8 hours ago, Red Rock Candy said:

My dad died back in January so yesterday was hard for mom and I. Depression set in for both of us and I got a bit squishy. So now I'm trying to drop weight all over again and soldier on.

I put on the 30lbs I lost after my dad passed away. Your health is a priority and don't forget it. 

7 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Just make sure you talk to each other and don't bottle things up. I was so worried about my mom and brother that I didn't think about grieving myself. I got out pocket for a while.

This man speaks the truth. Talking to your family about it certainly grows the bond. That said, counseling may also be a good avenue. With all that's happened in the last couple of years, I was having unhealthy self-talk. I've been seeing someone for cognitive behavioral therapy for a few months now. It's honestly one of the best things that I've done for my personal well-being.

Edited by OPTIMUS124
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About fucking time Adobe got called on their predatory practice. DOJ should also look into HP and their retarded fucking toner-as-a-service subscription bullshit.  Not everything in the world has to turn into subscription-based. Whatever happened to actually owning shit?


On a wholesome note, I read this letter in Hopkin's iconic character:



anthony hopkins hannibal GIF


 Which reminds me, I need to find which streaming service plays 'Hannibal'.








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David Adair’s father was a successful car mechanic associated with the establishment of NASCAR racing in the early 1950s, which later exposed the young Adair to the world of high-powered engines and car racing. Adair had a knack for developing innovative designs and solutions for the engines his father worked on. Due to his status as a minor, Adair was not allowed to be financially compensated for his innovative car engine work, but instead asked for and was given access to the well-equipped NASCAR workshops where high-powered engines were built. Thus, Adair began building engines for model rockets he was designing. Adair went on to win multiple science awards for his rockets, which were published in local and regional newspapers in Ohio. This led to him meeting with the physicist Stephen Hawking and, more importantly, a four-star general, Curtis LeMay, who had recently retired as Air Force Chief of Staff (1961-1965). LeMay first met Adair’s mother, who worked as a nurse at Mount Vernon’s Memorial Hospital in Ohio, where LeMay’s father was being treated and eventually died in September 1966. General LeMay was so impressed with Adair’s electromagnetic fusion containment rocket engines that he arranged for Air Force technicians to assist Adair in building a 10-foot model he called Pitholem that would be flight tested. The rocket would win an Air Force award in 1971 and was successfully tested with a flight to Area 51, which opened up a dangerous new chapter in Adair’s life as he realized his rocket was to be used to develop a first-strike nuclear weapon. In this first episode in a four-part series, Adair discusses the amazing sequence of events that led to him meeting with General LeMay, who sponsored his innovative Pitholem rocket engine, and he presents documents substantiating key elements of his incredible story.



so according to david adair.

the military, figured out.

ftl travel.

time travel

zero point free energy

particle beam weapons and other DEWs

decades ago.

and other things. but the military contractors plus top 5% richest shut free energy down. says the us gets 10% money for every barrel of oil sold. so they kept free energy from the public.

anything that threatens the industrial complex money gets nuked.

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1 hour ago, Haldol616 said:

I need to hang out with my twin brother first then masterbate to myself in front the mirror then make out with my brother my sister and brother look like me 


While I don't think this motherfucker has a twin brother (seriously, he has never mentioned having any siblings), I don't know wtf is going on that he is on this shit right now. Would've been funny in SRK like 10 years ago but FFS.


I'll talk to MisterBee about what he wants to do with him. Mans is suspended in the mean time. Don't read this thread enough to be able to gauge whether this is normal behavior for it or just BTier shitting it up because he is bored. I assume its the latter more than the former though.



At some point the actual mod will come double check the situations.



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1 minute ago, Sonero said:


While I don't think this motherfucker has a twin brother (seriously, he has never mentioned having any siblings), I don't know wtf is going on that he is on this shit right now. Would've been funny in SRK like 10 years ago but FFS.


I'll talk to MisterBee about what he wants to do with him. Mans is suspended in the mean time. Don't read this thread enough to be able to gauge whether this is normal behavior for it or just BTier shitting it up because he is bored. I assume its the latter more than the former though.



At some point the actual mod will come double check the situations.




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4 hours ago, misterBee said:

Bruh what is happening...? Shit is so random. 


Does anybody want to vouch for him?  If so I'll make another ban poll. 


If nobody wants him around then the ban hammer will be coming down again.


karl urban art GIF by Tech Noir

i dont mind if he trolls or not at all. i just wish he hadnt trolled without like a platform.

he just came in with no plan. just the will. its why it hasnt been amusing at all. its like hes a general that has no strategic plan. 

why bother.


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11 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

its why it hasnt been amusing at all. its like hes a general that has no strategic plan. 


It was never the same after the Tila Tequila wars. When BTier went into a wild manic episode and started ranting about how Tila Tequila was the whore of Babylon and he was sent to defeat her for the future of earth. This was before Tila Tequila was doing all her Richard Spencer, Heil Sieg stuff; in that regard he was way ahead of the curve.


Unfortunately Preppy banned him in the middle of some of the wackiest posting to ever had hit the lounge so we didn't really get a full scope of the details.




P.S. I actually get a long with BTier just fine. Don't really like people coming in just to purposefully shit up a thread though. Its one thing if the trolling/nonsense happens organically but just showing up to derail it is bad for everybody.

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18 hours ago, Sonero said:

I don't know wtf is going on that he is on this shit right now.

The spoiler is in the current username:  Haldol  



This medication is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorders). Haloperidol is also used to treat uncontrolled movements and outbursts of words/sounds related to Tourette's syndrome. It is also used by hyperactive children for severe behavior problems when other treatments or medication have not worked. Haloperidol belongs to a class of drugs known as antipsychotics. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain.


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