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The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2

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42 minutes ago, Sonero said:

That's what you're mad at?


Great, I can continue ignoring w/e bullshit you're on and stick to the thing I'm here for: Fighting games.


Fun Facts about what this dumbfuck is mad at: Adding random minority children to things has been going on for a while. Well before this current crop made it a big deal to do so. Remember the movie Hook? Robin Williams is Peter Pan and well the fucking movie is godlike and still holds up but, lets take a look at the lost boys:




I mean, 10/10 boss shit. This came out in 91 and nobody batted an eye. Lost Boys in the Disney animated cartoon? White as hell. Not a big deal either way.


But hey, lets take a look at Annie from 1999:




Obviously here is little Orphan Annie with her generic black person. No wait, that's Audra Mcdonald and she was fucking great at her role. Absolutely brought a lot to the character of which none of it had to do with her skin color.



Wait this is terrible. All these fucking minorities getting jobs. Wait, what did they do to Cinderella?





Brandy as Cinderella when she was a very successful pop star? No just black. Whitney Houston as the faery god mother? No talent hack, only there because she is black. Bernadette Peters is obviously talented because she is white.


Jason Alexander is jewish and played the king, he married Whoopie Goldberg who is black (also not an EGOT level talent, just black) and somehow ended up with an Asian son.


But yeah sure, its now. All these minorities only got roles because they were black.



Thats great Pertho.
And nothing of that matters for the topic at hand.

20 years ago isn't today, where the first thing you get told about characters is their skin color.

Talent or being fit for a role doesn't matter, Gender and Skin Color gets brought up first.


Last Star Wars Triology, new LOTR Series, they didn't tell you how they picked the actors because they are perfect for their roles.
They told you that they will make Black Hobbits, Black Dwarfs and Black Elfs.


12 minutes ago, Volt said:

Meanwhile, GOAT System Works made Nagoriyuki.


Y'know, an actual character with a personality who just so happens to be a 2m tall black vampire samurai and fan-favorite (despite the fact that he's unga af.)


That's what representation is like.


Not just that, they made it even so that he isn't as old or experienced as Slayer, thats why he still has trouble to control his Power at times.
What is represented by his Blood Gauge.

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10 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:

Thats great Pertho.
And nothing of that matters for the topic at hand.

20 years ago isn't today, where the first thing you get told about characters is their skin color.

Talent or being fit for a role doesn't matter, Gender and Skin Color gets brought up first.


Last Star Wars Triology, new LOTR Series, they didn't tell you how they picked the actors because they are perfect for their roles.
They told you that they will make Black Hobbits, Black Dwarfs and Black Elfs.

He told you which fighting game characters always remind you how black they are and you are giving him lord of the rings. The dodge spam is insane here. 

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2 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:

Thats great Pertho.
And nothing of that matters for the topic at hand.

20 years ago isn't today, where the first thing you get told about characters is their skin color.

Talent or being fit for a role doesn't matter, Gender and Skin Color gets brought up first.


Last Star Wars Triology, new LOTR Series, they didn't tell you how they picked the actors because they are perfect for their roles.
They told you that they will make Black Hobbits, Black Dwarfs and Black Elfs.


I get you're fucking stupid so I'm gonna help you with it:



We were more than fine with giving minorities jobs in place where they wouldn't have normally until people decided to be assholes about it on both sides. Instead of paying attention to idiots screaming about nothing, you just continue being okay with it and treat them like the numbnuts they are.


As annoying as SJWish people are, most of the people complaining about any random minority being given a job are usually assholes. What's funny is that you brought up good evidence for it.


Who was mad at John Boyega being cast in the new Star Wars? The moment his black ass touched a light saber, people decided that he only got the role because he was black. Doesn't matter that Finn was easily the best of the new characters. John Boyega was only there to be a black jedi. Racist memes were all over the fucking place. Brand new character altogether, still got shat on for being black.


You get all uppity about how these people are saying that, but you don't get the part where you are automatically reacting this way and having an opinion when in all reality you shouldn't. Because as I literally tossed evidence of it in the previous page (which you handwaved) this isn't a new thing.  Hell in Rogue One Felicity Jones got shat on just for being in the starring role well before the movie came out. Rogue One was great.


So lets look at the stats of the situation. Hollywood has been casting minorities for their talent in a chunk of places. A lot of those media are really fucking good (If you haven't seen Audra McDonald's as Ms Ferrel, you are really missing out). Some year laters comes twitter and some idiots. They say a bunch of dumb shit. Suddenly something that's been going on for decades is an issue because some idiots have an opinion.


Guess how dumb you are for thinking that those idiots saying anything matters?

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1 minute ago, Hawkingbird said:

He told you which fighting game characters always remind you how black they are and you are giving him lord of the rings. The dodge spam is insane here. 


Hell I did more than that. He brought up LoTR and so I dug up other well known stories that are full of White characters which had multi-ethnic casts well before the current issue on twitter.


But actual facts don't matter here.

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10 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

He told you which fighting game characters always remind you how black they are and you are giving him lord of the rings. The dodge spam is insane here. 


Yeah, thats great.


Now tell me why Noodle Sauce is better than Tomato Juice.

Doesn't matter that this isn't the topic at hand and I switch randomly topic and points at will.


9 minutes ago, Sonero said:


Hell I did more than that. He brought up LoTR and so I dug up other well known stories that are full of White characters which had multi-ethnic casts well before the current issue on twitter.


But actual facts don't matter here.


I do not think that you understand this, then again living under a rock and shouting "lalalalalalalala" is what you're best at.


I've read your edit and as I said, it doesn't matter for modern times, neither modern media.

As I said talents don't matter, only whats inside the pants and if you have the desired skin color.

It is important to push a political narrative, not have good content or even quality (or be true to the lore in other cases).


Why else would you get shoved that shit in your face all the time? Because thats not the criteria of choice?


Now continue being ignorant.

You can pretend to be high and mighty, but you are not even close to correct in this area.

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4 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:

I do not think that you understand this, then again living under a rock and shouting "lalalalalalalala" is what you're best at.


I've read your edit and as I said, it doesn't matter for modern times, neither modern media.

As I said talents don't matter, only whats inside the pants and if you have the desired skin color.

It is important to push a political narrative, not have good content or even quality (or be true to the lore in other cases).


Why else would you get shoved that shit in your face all the time? Because thats not the criteria of choice?



Any of the minorities in the examples I gave out could've just as easily been said to have been minority hires. All of them did a great job in their respective roles. It doesn't matter who got the job so long as they do a good job. You can cry about how this person was selected for race, but you aren't the casting director. There were likely hundreds of actors of color who auditioned for that role and the person they picked they did so because they did a good job with it.


If they throw a bone to a minority, it just means they threw a bone to a minority, not that said minority is going to do a bad job in that role. You're crying about how they're choosing to promote the show rather than taking a step back and understanding that they would've already seeing multiple actors and gotten the ones they thought fit best.


Hell even casting specifically minority actors isn't a big deal. Patrick Stewart did a production of Othello that had ethnicties switched. He played Othello (which is a black character) and the rest of the cast was black actors. You know what the whole point of that? He wanted to use his name to give a multitude of black actors a chance to be on stage.


Lets take another trip back to 1996 to..



Can wholesale say I didn't like it. You know who was amazing in it? Harold Perrineau as Mercutio. I'm sure his black ass shouldn't have been there. John Leguizamo as Tybalt was pretty good too.


The only thing that has changed now a days, is that people get to flip out at something that's been happening for a while. Putting in minority actors in roles that were "white" isn't new. What's new is arguing in the internet about it.


Doesn't matter what claims people are making about doing this that and the third because they aren't doing anything to LoTR or the MCU that didn't already happen in other places. The only thing that change is the conversation about it and/or really the propaganda done by idiots on both ends.



The only thing that should be happening is laughing at people who think they reinvented the wheel.

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I know you purposly dwell in the past, because you cannot comprehend the difference between past and present and that things change.


I can repeat that talente and acting skills don't matter, but you will continue to ignore that because you think the 90s equal modern times.

So, have fun I guess, you're still not in the right no matter how hard you try.

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23 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:

Now tell me why Noodle Sauce is better than Tomato Juice.

Doesn't matter that this isn't the topic at hand and I switch randomly topic and points at will.

You don't know how the argue then. Sounds like you giving yourself an excuse whenever things don't pan out your way. 

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14 minutes ago, Sonero said:

How is hiring a good minority actor for a white part in the past somehow different than doing it now a days?


Because they do the exact opposit of that.

They hire because of their skin color, not their talent, so the companys can pretend that do the productions care about minorities and diversity.


If they would hire because of Talent or them being the best fit for the role, then people would still complain, but it wouldn't be as blatant as "Amazon is proud to introduce the first black dwarfen princess into the Tolkin Universe!"

Worst part is actually that she has no beard.


Nowadays there is no word on why actors get taken for their Jobs from companys outside of their skin color.


Which is why I keep saying that your points don't matter in this. Because while you are right and this is how it should be, this is not how they do it now.

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So you aren't mad that they hired a black person, you're mad at the marketing.






Even more so, you're mad at modern productions of things changing to reflect society. Here's let's get some more examples of black actors in white roles:



This video is 12 years old. Now you have recent comments saying racist shit.


It's almost as if your ass got propagandized to find this to be a bigger issue than it is. That or you took comments from some idiots to mean more than they should have given that what they are doing now isn't new.



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Marketing perhaps.

Problem is a lot of these productions turn out to be garbage and a lot of it is just political propaganda in the end.
Worse of all, it is very often american propraganda that they try to push all over the world for some god forsaken reason.


If modern productions are to reflect society, we sure have steped back a lot since the past.  I thought racism was illegal in most countrys, but apparently being racist is what modern media wants.


Anyway as I said, if they have the talent to play the role they should go for it. If they just get picked because they have the right amount of pigmentations in their skin, well thats actually against the law but apparently thats fine.


12 years ago feminism was the hot shit.


Yeah, I wish I could just go somewhere these days without gender discussion or people talking about skin colors. Sadly this gets pushed almost everywhere because modern media has Göbelz as idol.

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4 hours ago, Sonero said:


Did it ever occur to you that se of us tiny minorities would like to see people from our countries in those games?


Fuck it, White Makes Right.

Fun fact, most latin americans dont care about that crap. 

You only see that on those who live in usa. 

Those living on latin america have better things to worry about than if there was a latino on a game, movie, comic, series, etc. 

Specially because most of the time they confuse being latino with race, when is actually a thing of culture. 

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51 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:

Testament is a Gear, so he isn't human anyway.

Unlike the Valentines (and Dizzy) who all had a human.... well as human as Sol and Aria were at that time, parent, he has none of that.

There is nothing inside of these .... lets call them pants for now.

Testament, like Sol and Aria is a gear made trough of experimentation. 


He was a human boy adopted by Kliff that accepted to be made into a gear in order to be helpful during the war, but once he was turned into one he became trapped on the mind control of Justice, only being freed once Sol killed her. 


Unlike other gears he was turned by the bureau, and it included a different method, hence why he retained his human form but his powers were that he has familiars. 

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10 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Fun fact, most latin americans dont care about that crap. 

You only see that on those who live in usa. 


Right, because middle eastern people weren't hype for Rashid, or a chunk of Canadians over Abigail (less than that). Throw in more flags into SF and you're gonna see people pop off. Its silly to pretend they won't.


Either way, the issue of minorities casted into traditionally white roles didn't really become an issue until internet arguing.  Hell the reception to Disney's Encanto and the success of Coco also show that people definitely care about being represented.



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15 hours ago, BornWinner said:

Will agree that Test’s redesign is pretty neat. I can’t wait for what colors he’ll have.

Doesn't the whole cast have the same set of palettes?   


14 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I think they're catering to an NA audience with it though, especially to people who will want to project their own ideas onto the character. Testa's always been somewhat androgynous, but it seems like they're going for more of a trap thing now as this design looks a lot more feminine.

Pretty much all of Strive from Sol Wideguy on down is aiming at NA.  


Being a resident of NA I am quite fine with this. 😁


5 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

WTF is that steampunk femboy Testament? Terrible that Arc Sys games don't have different costumes.


Now imagine what they will do with Bridget.

So... I did the long hair and man-skirt thing in my goth days, and there it's normal in the same way as a woman with short hair and long pants. I.e., it doesn't call into questions anything about one's anatomy or orientation. This was 90s normal.


But I don't see hippie representation nowadays cause that subculture is so last century, and 90s goth is too. So what do you do with your extremely 90s andro goth?


You find the closest modern subculture and retrofit the character. If there's a slight retcon to go with that, then sure. 


It's good business to appeal to the various interest groups within your target age demographic, so Test's new design is on point. 


And if some of us old goth and metal grognards lost our representative so a younger group can have theirs, well, ok. Ain't many of us left playing FGs in our 40s anyway. 


New Test is a different person entirely from old Test, but I am perfectly fine passing the torch to a younger generation's subculture.


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32 minutes ago, Sonero said:


Which productions?

Talking strictly Hollywood here this tends to happen a lot with female lead productions. The 2019 remake of Black Christmas is a twitter thread about "rape culture" being turned into a movie. The director of the film said she put the message of the movie ahead of anything else. 


Recent flop The 355 had an American and Chinese agents on the same team but somehow there was no conflict because sisterhood. Every character has the same skillset as I guess there can't be no differences with the women unless someone wants their feelings hurt or something. 

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1 hour ago, Sonero said:


Right, because middle eastern people weren't hype for Rashid, or a chunk of Canadians over Abigail (less than that). Throw in more flags into SF and you're gonna see people pop off. Its silly to pretend they won't.



Point me where i am talking about middle eastern or canadians?

I am talking specifically about latinos in latin america.


And i am sure that not all middle eastern were hype for Rashid, since to lump them all under one banner is silly.

Is like saying that an hodurean will be hype because they added a mexican on a game, like El Fuerte for example, is dumb.

We may share some cultural background, but we are not the same.

The same for middle eastern people, to assume that everyone will be hype because they decided to represent one nationality is dumb.


Then add that most regions have their own media.

Hence why, having "representation" is a non issue for most people living outside USA, since if we want to feel "represented" we go to the mirror, lol.


Outside a novelty, it is not important, specially with real issues that many places do have.

Do you really think that someone in Monterey cares that there was a mexican on a movie when they have to deal with drug cartels running rampant on their city?


Or me as an hondurean care if they add a hondurean character in a series when we were trapped on a dictatorship patroniced by usa?


Nah son.


1 hour ago, Sonero said:

Either way, the issue of minorities casted into traditionally white roles didn't really become an issue until internet arguing.  Hell the reception to Disney's Encanto and the success of Coco also show that people definitely care about being represented.



The discourse around those movies in latin america is very different than in usa.

With Coco the reception around here is way more tame, since many people was

A) Amused/Angered that Disney tried to trademark "Dia de los Muertos"


B) Amused that Disney pretended that everything down USA was Mexico when tried to pander on the latin american day or whatever, with Coco imagery as if we share that festivity, Dia de los Muertos (we don't)

And BTW, that day (The latin american pride day or whatever is called), is not celebrated at all in latin america.

Is like 5 de Mayo, yo see it being a thing on USA, but is not celebrated in Mexico at all.


C) Most people found it ok, but considered it inferior to The Book of Life.

And of all the Pixar movies, minus the good dinosaur, it is considered one of the weakest.


With Encanto, most of the discourse is around how good the story is, and not that the chars are latinos/colombians.

How the family aspect was well done, etc.


Representation is not an issue for people living here because we have our own media.

Representation at best is a novelty, since it is a way to see how we are seen outside here, but nothing more since you don't need to feel represented because you are surrounded by people like you every day.


Encanto and Coco weren't in any particular way differently received than Moana, The Incredibles, Frozen, Inside Out, Toy Story, Cars, etc.


Edited by Hecatom
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2 hours ago, Mattatsu said:

Idk what you guys are talking about, basically skipped the whole last page, but it looks like Testament being agender is from Japan



Dude is a Barbie doll. A'ight. Localization team is off the hook.


33 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Representation at best is a novelty, since it is a way to see how we are seen outside here,

And that's why Blanka makes me sick to my stomach.


We know SF is going to be heavy on the stereotypes, just look at Guile. Then when I got the cursor over the green beast, I was greeted with my flag.

So a lot of what people knew about Brazil was Blanka. Lots of morons thinking we speak Spanish down here too. It's just bad for business.


Capcom are some bitches for that and Ono can eat a bag of dicks for liking that trash so much.

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Just now, Volt said:

Dude is a Barbie doll. A'ight. Localization team is off the hook.


And that's why Blanka makes me sick to my stomach.


We know SF is going to be heavy on the stereotypes, just look at Guile. Then when I got the cursor over the green beast, I was greeted with my flag.

So a lot of what people knew about Brazil was Blanka. Lots of morons thinking we speak Spanish down here too. It's just bad for business.


Capcom are some bitches for that and Ono can eat a bag of dicks for liking that trash so much.



At least he got retconned to be a japanese kid who was lost on Brazil that for some reason became green and learned to use electricity from eels.


Plus now you have Bonita...

... and his brother I guess.



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2 hours ago, Pair of Rooks said:

Doesn't the whole cast have the same set of palettes?   


Pretty much all of Strive from Sol Wideguy on down is aiming at NA.  


Being a resident of NA I am quite fine with this. 😁


So... I did the long hair and man-skirt thing in my goth days, and there it's normal in the same way as a woman with short hair and long pants. I.e., it doesn't call into questions anything about one's anatomy or orientation. This was 90s normal.


But I don't see hippie representation nowadays cause that subculture is so last century, and 90s goth is too. So what do you do with your extremely 90s andro goth?


You find the closest modern subculture and retrofit the character. If there's a slight retcon to go with that, then sure. 


It's good business to appeal to the various interest groups within your target age demographic, so Test's new design is on point. 


And if some of us old goth and metal grognards lost our representative so a younger group can have theirs, well, ok. Ain't many of us left playing FGs in our 40s anyway. 


New Test is a different person entirely from old Test, but I am perfectly fine passing the torch to a younger generation's subculture.


I'm not playing Strive so it's not really any skin off my nose, but I would probably like the design more if it were a new character rather than a reboot of an existing one, and I can't tell if it's a pander or it's an honest design decision. This game seems made to bring in people who weren't already fans of the series at any cost, and if this were one of the XX games, you couldn't really question it because those games were pretty un-self conscious.


To me the appeal of GG has always been how offbeat and Japanese the characters are, and all the cool musical influences, so more westernized versions of them seems boring to me, but I can always play +R I guess, so there is that.

Edited by DoctaMario
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2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I'm not playing Strive so it's not really any skin off my nose, but I would probably like the design more if it were a new character rather than a reboot of an existing one, and I can't tell if it's a pander or it's an honest design decision. This game seems made to bring in people who weren't already fans of the series at any cost, and if this were one of the XX games, you couldn't really question it because those games were pretty un-self conscious.


To me the appeal of GG has always been how offbeat and Japanese the characters are, and all the cool musical influences, so more westernized versions of them seems boring to me, but I can always play +R I guess, so there is that.

Oh I'm sure it's "pandering", to use a pessimistic word, but the only games that don't make serious attempts to appeal to somebody, well, appeal to nobody, as designed. Those games are lucky to get a tourney held in a bathroom if any at all. 


If I were a long time Testament fan I'd probably be more upset at the total gameplay overhaul than nudging the gender control slider a bit and topping it off with a hat. 


But I still see comments saying "my main is back!!!" even though the only thing that returned was the name.


They're not acting like SFV Juri mains at all. "Sure I got the name and the hairdo but where's my function?"


Edited by Pair of Rooks
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15 minutes ago, Pair of Rooks said:

But I still see comments saying "my main is back!!!" even though the only thing that returned was the name.


They're not acting like SFV Juri mains at all. "Sure I got the name and the hairdo but where's my function?"


I think anyone who's on board with strive is long over this 


This is the baby game new era gg, theyre leaving a lot of shit behind and I think it's generally been received positively by people who gave it a chance.  Only character i think arcsys has really done wrong is anji lol


The difference is sfv took things just to feel worse, strive took things and in a lot of ways feels better

Edited by Shahenzan
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1 minute ago, Shahenzan said:

That's incredible lol

I like how they went out of their way to make a mode where he's his old button input reading self, let no one say SNK doesn't respect history

Yeah so far if they had any missed that would be only Kim and likely his into for DLC

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3 hours ago, delete_me said:




He basically had nothing to do in the last movie and his character arc was already by the time the second one started.


The only remotely interesting character in that new trilogy was Kylo Ren, everyone else was super one dimensional.

His arc wasn't done. The first film implied that he was force sensitive. Something the second film did nothing with because it sidelined him to highlight Rose. In the third film he got regulated to shouting Rey's name. There was a powerful story to tell of a former stormtrooper becoming a Jedi and it got absolutely squandered. He should have been the co-lead of the trilogy but got done dirty instead

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1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:

His arc wasn't done. The first film implied that he was force sensitive. Something the second film did nothing with because it sidelined him to highlight Rose. In the third film he got regulated to shouting Rey's name. There was a powerful story to tell of a former stormtrooper becoming a Jedi and it got absolutely squandered. He should have been the co-lead of the trilogy but got done dirty instead


I agree that it was handled poorly but we're not speculating here or writing fan fiction, we're looking at the real thing. So in other words his arc was done because the movies did nothing with him after FA. It wasn't done well or had a satisfying conclusion (or one at all) but that's just a drop in the bucket of problems this entire trilogy has anyway.


I'm not sure I would have liked to see him become a Jedi though, or maybe with a completely different setup (Rey turning to the dark side etc.). I dunno, the entire thing had lots of potential but, well, whatever.

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On 3/20/2022 at 1:39 PM, Sonero said:

Doesn't matter that Finn was easily the best of the new characters.

I want to see the trilogy you saw. Finn is the most regressive black character in all three trilogies. Lando and Mace aren't jokes. Finn is. He had the potential to be great. Boyega is an excellent actor and the foundation was there, but he was quickly relegated to a joke. Finn is the prime example of a "check box" minority character. "See guys, we have a black guy." Representation for representation's sake is a fucking terrible trend in entertainment and I'm sick of it. If character is poorly represented or treated as a joke what's the point. Some where along the line people seemed to forget that the first thing you need to do write a good character. Everything else, race, gender, sexual preference should be secondary. Also you can identify with a character that doesn't look like you. Which seems to be forgotten as well.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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