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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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18 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Btw happy if necalli returns, deserve another chance (even if having no faith in coward devs may doom his 2nd chance too lol)

Me too. They absolutely nailed Seth's second chance, and every returning character in SF6 so far (except Chun). So I believe in them.

I think it could also help explain JP's win quote to Lily.

He told her that Bison was always interested in the land that her tribe occupies. What if the reason Bison went out of his way to steal that land was to set the stage for Necalli's return? I know this sounds farfetched, but we're talking about a guy who could literally see the future.


Why else would Bison want that land unless it had some mystical element for his ambition? He's not in it for money. 

Edited by Daemos
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More details!

It seems JP had a love/hate relationship with Shadaloo, and he sought PP just to know what it feels like to see the world through Bison's eyes. This explains his win quote to Chun-Li, he doesn't think PP is "evil" because he thinks he isn't evil. He's just a curious man and he just wants a taste.

Oh my dear JP... When you stare long into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you!

Edited by Daemos
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JP's backstory is so lame, it ruins a terrific design. Jobbing to the CaC isn't helping either. Too bad. But with Ed coming later, I'm sure there is more to him. The story seems far from over, too many lingering questios.


The WTM interactions with the characters are AMAZING! Its really incredible how much detail is put into it. 


I'm curious about the Lily stuff. If its really about Necalli, I'm all for it. He deserves a second chance.

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47 minutes ago, Dracu said:

The WTM interactions with the characters are AMAZING! Its really incredible how much detail is put into it. 

Yes! While I am not completely on board with your Cac taking the lead in the story department but as a whole WTM is everything I would want from a world building experience and more.

From a PURELY World Tour experience point of view, which characters and their locales would you like to be added to interact with them/study under?

Edited by Daemos
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18 hours ago, bakfromon said:


Bro you should have expected this. Remember Street Fighter EX3? Remember Ace from that game?... Of course not because it was forgettable. Anyway the custom character is exactly like Ace from that game where you could pick different moves for them but none of them could share the same input. 


Capcom literally played the waiting game and repackaged Ace from SFEX3 made him customizable and then built an adventure mode around him. 


The market changed but Capcom really didn't🤣


Too bad they did'nt included most important Ace feature too, option to be used in VS and Arcade 🥲



@Darc_Requiemfound this, are NOT all pieces, but still show we got lot to work with 😄


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1 hour ago, Dracu said:

JP's backstory is so lame, it ruins a terrific design. Jobbing to the CaC isn't helping either. Too bad.

Tbh is well within usual CaC stories format, if we take Soul Calibur as the standard... it's kinda like a JRPG, your char start weak but by the time of endgame you're supposed to have dat anime shonen hero power to beat final bosses



40 minutes ago, Daemos said:

From a PURELY World Tour experience point of view, which characters and their locales would you like to be added to interact with them/study under?

Very top priority not much different from what i want for main cast


Sagat/Adon - Muay thai moveset and gears

Dudley/Balrog - Boxing moveset

Elena - Capoeira moveset and tribal african gears

Laura- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu moveset 

Abel- Non bullshit Judo throws and martial arts themed gears

Makoto- Would love use her moveset for a CaC

Ibuki- Kimberly satisfy my thirst for epic ass, but not my Ninjutsu needs


Edited by CESTUS III
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36 minutes ago, Daemos said:

From a PURELY World Tour experience point of view, which characters and their locales would you like to be added to interact with them/study under?

Ho, man. This is a loaded question, but I'll give it a shot.


Ibuki would be cool, so we can visit her ninja village and maybe learn more about the G project and what that entailed. Alternatively, having Karin in and use the the Kanzuki ninjas as a way to learn more about all the ninja clans in the SF world, like Ibuki's and Geki's from various NPCs that would be around who could have history with them.


Gen, with a Lee NPC in his district could be cool, so we can learn of their exploits together in their youth and Gen's past as an assassin. Here you can include a lot on Yun and Yang as well, especially if you include Lee's restaurant as a location. And we can get some more info on Dorai and his entanglements with Shadaloo that Chun-Li wouldn't be privy too.


Oro, so he can teach the NPC all about the various forms of Ki and get some definitive explanation of all the different martial arts styles, like Mu no Ken, Satsui no Hado and Psycho Power. It would be fun to bribe him with naughty magazines, since he's also a little pervert, harking back to Muten Roshi.


Rose, because we could get a lot of info on her past with Bison and clear up a lot of misinformation from the past. And you can just expand Marisa's district to include more of Italy in it, so you wouldn't have to start from scratch.


Urien, so we can visit all the labs where Twelves are being created and places like that and get a better look inside the Secret Society and more information about their history.


I think this is a good cast of popular characters with real chances to get in, who make sense timeline wise and fit the purpose of WTM of giving us more trivia answers and background info into the world of Street Fighter, rather than advancing the plot in any meaningful way. 


To advance the plot there are many characters that need to get in, like G, but having their mysteries solved in side quests in WTM doesn't seem to be the best way to realize those stories.

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41 minutes ago, Dracu said:

Ho, man. This is a loaded question, but I'll give it a shot.


Ibuki would be cool, so we can visit her ninja village and maybe learn more about the G project and what that entailed. Alternatively, having Karin in and use the the Kanzuki ninjas as a way to learn more about all the ninja clans in the SF world, like Ibuki's and Geki's from various NPCs that would be around who could have history with them.


Gen, with a Lee NPC in his district could be cool, so we can learn of their exploits together in their youth and Gen's past as an assassin. Here you can include a lot on Yun and Yang as well, especially if you include Lee's restaurant as a location. And we can get some more info on Dorai and his entanglements with Shadaloo that Chun-Li wouldn't be privy too.


Oro, so he can teach the NPC all about the various forms of Ki and get some definitive explanation of all the different martial arts styles, like Mu no Ken, Satsui no Hado and Psycho Power. It would be fun to bribe him with naughty magazines, since he's also a little pervert, harking back to Muten Roshi.


Rose, because we could get a lot of info on her past with Bison and clear up a lot of misinformation from the past. And you can just expand Marisa's district to include more of Italy in it, so you wouldn't have to start from scratch.


Urien, so we can visit all the labs where Twelves are being created and places like that and get a better look inside the Secret Society and more information about their history.


I think this is a good cast of popular characters with real chances to get in, who make sense timeline wise and fit the purpose of WTM of giving us more trivia answers and background info into the world of Street Fighter, rather than advancing the plot in any meaningful way. 


To advance the plot there are many characters that need to get in, like G, but having their mysteries solved in side quests in WTM doesn't seem to be the best way to realize those stories.

This is very agreeable.


  • Ninja village with Ibuki with a cameo by Geki or Geki 2 would be great.


  • Oro in one his caves would be a lot of fun and I think he would have a lot of quirky but wise gems to impart. But this aesthetic may be repetitive since I presume Akuma will be the meaner version of him in a cave somewhere.


  • Rose + Tarot card minigame in her Italian abode. We can see cameos by Menat/Maggio etc.


  • Urien or Gill so we can get the 411 on the SS perspective after 3S. Would also be great to take a peak into their inner workings.


  • Dudley in his English mansion would be a lot of fun. Alternative would be Karin in her mansion or Vega in his Spanish mansion from SF4. Maybe we're learn what the latter's beauty routine is.


  • Bison for actual WTM reasons (I swear!). Would be fun to learn more about him and about the inner workings of Shadaloo from his point of view. Also his perspective on his trials and tribulations. Bonus points if Capcom allows the player to help Bison reform his essence/body by doing missions for him and he trains you in return.


  • I would also like to meet Cody in his Mayoral office. We might see Jessica still pretending to be his secretary as a cameo. Probably has great views of the city.


  • If Capcom can pull off a tasteful Kenyan locale for Elena, I'd also be down for that. It'd be like learning stuff from a different culture and we get meet some of her tribesmen.


  • Gouken might be repetitive with Ryu/Ken/Akuma, but I feel a setting with his dojo and perhaps one that introduces his daughter would be opportune. Capcom will likely default to Dan's dojo.


  • Hakan with a backdrop of half naked oiled up men wouldn't be bad either. 😄
Edited by Daemos
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18 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:




I said non-bullshit (aka ballet), not believable... Abel's stuff is as non-bullshit Judo can be in SF world 😁





Also the Ultras are the craziest. There are many throws Abel uses that actually emulate judo pretty well. His regular throws, his air grab and the final hit of his rekkas come to mind. His command throw is kinda whack, but even that's still somewhat belivable.

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I don’t know about you guys, but I kinda like that JP is not the best at fighting. It parallels the other newcomers as they try to find their footing into the SF world and it’s nice seeing a villain have the same journey as well. From the prequel comics to World Tour, we saw how JP turned from a shadowy businessman to a man who finds amusement in fighting. He may not be the best, but is willing to learn like Luke, Jamie, and the rest.


I think what also helps is that he doesn’t lose his effectiveness as a villain when he does lose. The Street Fighters may know that Ken wasn’t behind the Nayshall incident, but the general public is unaware and his reputation hasn’t recovered since. He may lose to your CAC, but quickly turns it around just by pointing out Bosch is still dead. Robbing any victory the player character may have had. His previous experience may not translate into fighting, but it does make it easier to manipulate others to his benefit. If Ken ever does face JP, I wonder if he’ll goad into killing him. Resulting in him becoming a martyr as Ken falls into darkness.


If JP returns in future games, I do hope he is more of a threat combat wise. But for now, I think this is a good introduction to the character.

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2 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

So Blanka's green skin isn't actually green. It's body paint

This has been known since the days of SF2. His name is Blanka because the natives of Brazil named him that because they initially seen his white skin when he was abandoned as a child. He initially used the plants as pigment for his skin by rubbing himself continuously with green leafs and grass. I'm assuming now he just uses paint although I suspect this is a transiteration issue and the Japanese version just mentions he uses dyes or pigments as a way to color his skin green. Anyway this is nothing new and the Twitter response to this is hilarious. Clearly nobody knows SF backstory on there. 

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Maximizing Chun-Li's Bond and Mastery Level in WTM was priority number 1 with this game (along with unlocking all of her artwork and story in Arcade Mode).


After giving it some time to process, I've collected my thoughts on each new character info and artwork with each level.



A Bond with Chun-Li: 1



Thoughts: I honestly think the only character that can beat Chun-Li in a marksman contest within the SF universe is Falke.  Interestingly enough, Chun-Li said that she never really had to use her sidearm much in her career as a cop and Interpol agent. She found that kicking fools was much more effective way of neutralizing the opposition. And the times when she did have to fire her gun was only as warning shots.

Chun-Li does enjoy skeet shooting and also mentions how she relates to her kung fu. Mentally, both require intense focus and precision. Which is interesting because as fast as Chun-Li looks flailing around her Lightning Kicks, each kick is delivered with intent and precision.

I love seeing the characters in settings outside of combat, where we can just see them as real people.



A Bond with Chun-Li: 2



Thoughts: Gorgeous... just... absolutely... gorgeous! 


A candlelit performance just for me, under the gazebo of of Hong Hu Lu Chinatown, surrounded by lit paper lanterns, and the mesmerizing, spiritual, and emotional sounds of the strings that bring a piece of traditional Chinese history to the atmosphere. I could not imagine a more captivating date night. And just look at her! Look how beautiful she is! Just... look... I could watch this for hours.


Probably another way Chun-Li honors her roots with her Erhu. But this is def a new fact about Chun we've never learned before, even me. And that's the beauty about this mode and about the lore: discoveries. What makes falling in love with someone every day exciting? You discover something new about them every time. Maybe a new fact about them. Maybe the way their mannerism. Maybe the way they like or dislike things. And it's those discoveries that keep the relationship fresh, fun, and forever... Chun-Li_Forever. (Heh, se what I did there?)



A Bond with Chun-Li: 3



Thoughts: Okay this one means a little more to me. And I'll explain why in a bit.

But essentially it's the end of ASF and all of her SFV Character Story into one image, with the addition of their happy relationship now in the middle. Plus, the outfit Li-Fen wears in the SF6 Prequel comic!!!


I think my favorite part about this is seeing them grow into each other. Li-Fen was an orphan. Whatever family she had was gone. And she was alone. Not to mention her forcing to aid a criminal syndicate with the black moons, and nearly being murdered would traumatize anyone, let alone a young girl like Li-Fen. You can see in her face how scared and alone she looks in the first two. And it just warms my heart to finally seeing her smiling, slowly and surely. It started with something as simple as tying her hair back and giving her some steamed buns. And now she's aiding Chun-Li in her missions and learning kung fu from her Jiejie. It's too precious.


But For CHun-Li as well. You can see in her eyes that she's found something that holds just as dear in her heart just as she was motivated to avenge her father and stop M. Bison. You can see in Chun's eyes that she just wants to give Li-Fen a comfortable life. But opening up to her wasn't easy, given Li-Fen's trauma. Plus, I can imagine that Chun-Li must have some reservations about being a first-time mom/guardian. I can imagine that she wants Li-Fen to like her and welcome her as her new guardian in her own time. I wish they'd shown this in 5, that it took some time for Li-Fen to open up to Chun-Li. They only just mention it in exposition in her character story. But I love Chun's care, and concern in the pic on the right. And now, look how happy the two look! Just... it's too much! So wholesome!


So this bond level artwork means a little more to me because I've been working on a Chun-Li fan comic for years now. And there is a moment/flashback of the very same thing that I wrote up and commissioned an artist to do. So it just feels extra special to hear Chun-Li explain her adopting Li-Fen in WTM.





A Bond with Chun-Li: 4





FIrst, I love seeing characters in other outfits in a casual setting. I LOVE Chun-Li's outfit. I always loved blue on her, and her gold qipao design on the sleeves of her shirt is simple but lovely. And Chun can rock both a dress and pants. I love her! And Li-Fen's outfit in this one is adorbs too. And she has the same bag that can be seen in her SFV CRI Artwork too.


- Li-Fen and Chun-Li eating crepes, Chun's preferred sweet: MY HEART!!!

- Li-Fen and Chun-Li grocery shopping: Precious! Granted, Li-Fen is most likely doing the shopping and CHun-Li is just pushing thte cart around, since Li-Fen can cook.

- Li-Fen and Chun-Li shopping for clothes: Oooooh, I was curious when Li-Fen started to transition from pink to yellow. I always knew Li-Fen looked up to Chun-Li and wanted her new outfit to reflect her primary colors. But I like seeing the moment when Li-Fen thinks to herself "Hmmmm, you know, yellow does look good on me".


I love this one so much. I love seeing Chun-Li and Li-Fen just act like a family. It's too precious (i know i've said this word way too much). I love seeing how happy they look. I can only imagine the kind of special day they had with something as simple as a day in the mall. What did they shop for? What did they have for lunch? What does the Metro City mall food court look like. And good god, how much money did Chun-Li spend on this girl?

Li-Fen did say that she is there to soak up Chun-Li's coolness... and her cash. I know Chun-Li wants to spoil the little girl to no end. But goodness, just wait until she gets older and she starts asking for more expensive things. It's a panda bag, a juicy steak, and a gaming mouse for now... when she's older... dear god.


I love getting to know more about Chun and Li-Fen in these interactions. I know Li-Fen loves pandas, gaming, Shaobings. And I've learned that Chun-Li dabbles in skeetshooting, and plays the erhu.


I want more. I do think that these are probably the most we're gonna get, since it would be an undertaking to get new bonding artwork for each character every year. But I love these moments, and I wish there was more to unlock. Capcom did WTM right with their characters in WTM. I'm not as invested in the CAC story, since I'll always care more about my favorite characters' story than a CAC story. But for us fans of lore and character development, these bonding levels have been the best part of World Tour.

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2 hours ago, BornWinner said:

I don’t know about you guys, but I kinda like that JP is not the best at fighting. It parallels the other newcomers as they try to find their footing into the SF world and it’s nice seeing a villain have the same journey as well. From the prequel comics to World Tour, we saw how JP turned from a shadowy businessman to a man who finds amusement in fighting. He may not be the best, but is willing to learn like Luke, Jamie, and the rest

Yeah, and the best thing is he isn't a wanna be Bison or Gill. His not a replacement or substitution,


His is his own form of villain and he doesn't also feel like a filler antagonist. Plus he is nicely written.


I have my biases towards previous settings that I preferred, but undeniably Capcom did a good job with Luke and JP.  and yes Luke presentation in SF5 was so meh, Luke character has improve in Sf6 by fleshing his interaction.

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I've been able to put a shit ton of time into World Tour in the last day and half. I hadn't seen this mentioned but I way behind on the forum post.



You can fight Fair Libra, Roxy, and Sheng Long. Juli(a) is T.Hawk's wife but unless Lily doesn't seem to be their child. The voice and her more importantly the name on her camera implies that she is but the text that goes along with the image of the three of them, says they aren't her parents. She specifically says "T.Hawk's wife Julia is like a big sister to me."

There are a lot of "background" characters you fight. I've just mentioned three I didn't see anyone else mention.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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With JP's history of entering different countries and organizations and then dipping, is there a possibility that JP originally gained Psycho Power as one of the red wizard-esque elite Shadaloo officers? They did always wear masks...


EDIT: All caught up with the thread, I don't think him being the "financial officer" would exclude him of getting a rank like everyone else, and IIRC only the red officers were allowed to practice and wield Psycho Power. 


Edited by Psychoblue
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12 hours ago, Miðgarðsorm said:

And I believe I know WHY Adon (well, CAPCOM) named his moves with Jaguar. Which is odd, because jaguars only exist in South America, not in Asia where he's from...

I mean, you don't have to be from the same place as an animal to adopt it's motif.  You can just think the animal is cool.


Look how much medieval European shit has lions on it.



Besides, pretty sure he just picked jaguar to rip off Sagat's tiger.


Edited by DarthEnderX
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1 hour ago, Psychoblue said:

With JP's history of entering different countries and organizations and then dipping, is there a possibility that JP originally gained Psycho Power as one of the red wizard-esque elite Shadaloo officers? They did always wear masks...


EDIT: All caught up with the thread, I don't think him being the "financial officer" would exclude him of getting a rank like everyone else, and IIRC only the red officers were allowed to practice and wield Psycho Power. 


Honestly it sounds like JP experimented with upgrading himself with Psycho Power. It doesn't sound like he was a normal officer or in high command and it doesn't sound like he was an experiment like Decapre and Ed. JP makes it sounds like he augmented himself like how Seth did when he installed the Tandem engine into himself like his original biography stated back in 4. 


 Johan is the SF version of JP Morgan. 

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1 hour ago, DarthEnderX said:

I mean, you don't have to be from the same place as an animal to adopt it's motif.  You can just think the animal is cool.


Look how much medieval European shit has lions on it.



Besides, pretty sure he just picked jaguar to rip off Sagat's tiger.


These characters are walking stereotypes who heavily borrow from their own culture. It wouldn't make sense for them to just up and borrow the name of an animal from another continent because it sounds cool. 


We all know Capcom just got their spotted cats mixed-up. They clearly meant Leopard instead of Jaguar because Leopards habit the same jungles as Tigers. 

Edited by bakfromon
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Well she is staying true to her Roman/Greek heritage who had more relaxed views on bisexuality than the Judeo-Christians that came after.


We truly are in the Capgod era again. 

@Darc_RequiemI told you guys it’s impossible for Julia to be the mother! Lily is either a kid from a previous marriage or she has the same last name because naming conventions in the tribe are like that. Maybe she was named after him in honor of his achievements.

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9 minutes ago, Daemos said:

Well she is staying true to her Roman/Greek heritage who had more relaxed views on bisexuality than the Judeo-Christians that came after.


We truly are in the Capgod era again. 

@Darc_RequiemI told you guys it’s impossible for Julia to be the mother! Lily is either a kid from a previous marriage or she has the same last name because naming conventions in the tribe are like that. Maybe she was named after him in honor of his achievements.

You are right her parentage but impossible? She's like 3 years old in the image of a married Thunder and Julia Hawk. That means she was married when Bison took her and they already covered their ass by saying she was an authority figure because she was one of the oldest dolls. Lily is 19. Only way for that amount of time to pass between that photo and now is for Julia to already have been married to T.Hawk.

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The entire timeline of the series from SF1 to SF6 is 16-18 years. For Julia to be the mother she would have to get pregnant a year before SF1 in the best case scenario.


In all cases it would likely be a teenage pregnancy. Juli was the second oldest doll. She wasn’t in her 20s when we first met her in Alpha.


Again, these are best case numbers if we go with mid or low range estimates, the pregnancy and relationship start to look really bad.


Maybe impossible isn’t the right word, but highly unlikely given how badly it could reflect on Capcom. They would have to heavily retcon Juli’s age and make her Hawk’s young bride like you said at the time of the kidnapping.

Edited by Daemos
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For everyone who finished WTM, which NPC characters do you think should/could reasonably receive the Ed/Kolin treatment in SF6 - noting that these characters will not only be playable, but they will become “masters” in WTM.


Right now, Damnd seems like the only character that could fulfill this slot IMO. He could become the Hugo/Birdie/Abigail of the game potentially.


Bosch is you know - and even if they Charlie Nash him into Shadow/Zombie Bosch I can’t see him as a master in WTM.


Carlos would be the other one but I am worried about him taking a slot from other bigger FF characters.

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5 hours ago, bakfromon said:

These characters are walking stereotypes who heavily borrow from their own culture. It wouldn't make sense for them to just up and borrow the name of an animal from another continent because it sounds cool. 

Again though, sometimes an animal from another continent IS the culture.

England had a freakin' KING called "the Lionheart".  Ain't no lions in England.

2 hours ago, Daemos said:

Well she is staying true to her Roman/Greek heritage who had more relaxed views on bisexuality than the Judeo-Christians that came after.


We truly are in the Capgod era again. 

I wonder if that means Poison will finally be openly trans when she shows up again.

54 minutes ago, Daemos said:

Carlos would be the other one but I am worried about him taking a slot from other bigger FF characters.

Bite your tongue!  This new Carlos would be a fantastic pick!

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4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

 Lily is 19.

Tbh i would not bet my life on that being her canon age in devs mind, if i will have to bet would place her in 15/16/17 range


Canon wise her age i think will stay vague (like for rest of the cast), while her being 19 feels diplomatic lie to keep the west quiet while they fanservice the fuck out of her with summer costumes and shit lol


Like, i doubt "19" would have been the reply if the answer was for japanese audience


Kinda like Ono reply on Poison's gender... there's the devs truth and the version of the truth they throw at this or that audience/market to dodge shitstorm lol

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16 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

So Blanka's green skin isn't actually green. It's body paint

Well that's a cool but unnecessary retcon. Nobody even blinked when CAPCOM just explained it away over 20 years ago with him just eating too much plants. 

1 hour ago, DarthEnderX said:

Bite your tongue!  This new Carlos would be a fantastic pick!

LOL!! I gotta agree with this. Almost everyone from the FF hero roster has been playable at some point in time in SF. 


Cody,Guy,Maki and Lucia have all been given the SF treatment so that leaves out Haggar,Dean and Carlos. Anyone of these characters would be a welcome addition to the cast ,each boasting modified designs and  movelists.  Win win in my book!!


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1 hour ago, Counterstrike said:


Cody,Guy,Maki and Lucia have all been given the SF treatment so that leaves out Haggar,Dean and Carlos. Anyone of these characters would be a welcome addition to the cast ,each boasting modified designs and  movelists.  Win win in my book!!

as for Carlos, they likely planned him for NPC in WTM, So he'll stay like that.


Dean is the only likely be coming among the three, because it looks like Haggar is MIA and is in retirement. Regardless what they would say i believe they finalize Haggar's exclusivity for Capcom crossover games.

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4 hours ago, Shakunetsu said:

Dean is the only likely be coming among the three, because it looks like Haggar is MIA and is in retirement. Regardless what they would say i believe they finalize Haggar's exclusivity for Capcom crossover games.

Honestly, I feel like anyone FF character that doesn't physically appear in WTM, is because they are expressly saving them for something bigger later.  It doesn't make sense for them NOT to appear otherwise, what with it being their city and so many obscure characters being in it.


Like, Sodom's truck is a shop in this game.  Why would you have that in the game, and not have Sodom himself AT the shop, unless you were planning something for him later.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if Sodom was planned for a later season, and then his master area is just the lot behind his truck.

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@DarthEnderXI agree with you 100%. You fight the whole Andore family but Hugo. You fight Roxy but not Poison. You fight Sheng Long but not Gouken. Despite all the cool Easter eggs. They left themselves a lot of outs. I mean the number of characters show in bond art for you Masters is astounding. I'm not saying all those characters will show up, that's basically an impossibility but they are clearly not boxing themselves in. 


Side Note:


I'd be surprised if there is someone using Bosch's moveset or pulling from it. Then again it could be an SFV Decapre situation.

Did anyone make a list of all the characters shown in the Master Bond artwork thus far?

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2 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Side Note:

  Hide contents

I'd be surprised if there is someone using Bosch's moveset or pulling from it. Then again it could be an SFV Decapre situation.

Did anyone make a list of all the characters shown in the Master Bond artwork thus far?

It could be a Decapre situation but I think it's prototype Ed. Most NPCs in WTM pull their moves from existing fighters so he'd be pretty unique if he wasn't.

I have a mental list but I am saving all the artworks I can find. 

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@DaemosI didn't think of the prototype ED angle. Good catch man. They do seem like they could fit him. I know there are like a half dozen or so specials that aren't from the current cast out side of character I mentioned in the spoilers. Off the top of my head it's these moves


Knife Toss

Air Knife Toss

Molotov Cocktail Toss

Airplane Spin Body Slam 

Shoulder Charge

Missile Dropkick 

Aerial Leg Drop

Rising Flying Kick

"Cross Counter" Uppercut

Counter Front Kick (Animation is different than Marisa's Qadriga)


Edit: More than half dozen, looks to be about 10. Did I miss any....besides the moves for the character I won't mention for spoiler reasons.

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